A Little Bit Of Normal - Jack...

By Parkpuppy_7

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'Can you accept me as I am? And the burden that comes along with loving a person like me?' ••••••... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 17

561 48 78
By Parkpuppy_7

Riannon's POV

My mind was a mess and so was my heart. I knew that I promised myself a long time ago, that I would never ever cry for any guy anymore but I thought that 'this', whatever we had was different. Was I too foolish to believe that it was real? I thought that maybe the media was just randomly throwing accusations as usual to catch the eye of the public. But I don't know anymore, I had been trying to call him but it goes straight to voice mail.

It was like I was trying my best to hold the pieces of my heart together intact, with the palm of my hands before I find out the truth from his own lips but it was impossible as the daggers seemed to pierce right through my fingers everytime I looked at their picture together. So many thoughts were running through my mind,so many possibilities and explanations but every one of them making less sense than the previous. The one question that really stood out above all others was.. why?

If it was true then why?

Why would you do this to me? Was I not worth an explanation? I think a warning would have been really helpful. At least I could have braced myself but nothing prepared me for this heartache. It was worse because he was completely ignoring me.

I sat on my bed, my knees curled up against my chest, the tears on my cheeks have already dried. I couldn't stomach anything either. The rational part of me was urging me to get up and stop moping around but the other broken half just wanted to stay in bed and sleep all day.

I was broken out of my thoughts as I heard my ringtone blaring loudly. I picked it up immediately, hoping it was Jackson but my disappointment only grew even more as I looked at the unknown number on my screen. I pressed the receive button anyways, just in case.

'Hello. Is this Riannon?' An overly sweet woman's voice spoke on the other end of the line.

'Ummm..yeah? Who's this?'

'Oh this is Jackson's friend speaking.' My heartbeat started picking up at the mention of his name. Nobody knew about us except Yugyeom so who was this woman? 'He wanted me to let you know that his company is organising a party in Four Season's hotel in light of the charity events they held last week. And he would like you to be there. He couldn't let you know personally because of his busy schedule so I'm calling on behalf of him. You are coming, right ?'

Huh? I was so confused.

'Errm. Okay.' I replied hesitantly not really taking in whatever she said.

'Great. The event starts at 7pm. See you there!' She chirped happily and hung up.

Charity event? Party? What? I wasn't even aware of anything. Am I that insignificant to him all of a sudden that he couldn't let me know himself? Did he really want me to be there? My head was going burst from all the unanswered questions. So maybe this event would also be a good chance for me to talk to him and get some clarifications.

I sighed and headed over to the bathroom. I needed a long hot shower to clear my head and prepare myself emotionally for the evening. As the water hit my body, I coudn't help the few tears that had threatened to escape since I picked up that call, I just felt so lost. But hopefully I'd get some answers tonight. I let my mind wander as the hot water helped my body to relax, a part of me dreading what he had to say but then it would be better to hear the truth now than later.

I was standing in front of the Hotel entrance and contemplating whether I should enter or not. I looked around and many guests had already arrived, nobody I knew obviously. Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe I shouldn't have come. I didn't even belong here.

What the hell was I thinking?

But before I could back out and turn back home, I heard my name being called out.

'Riannon!' Yugyeom voice drifted through the crowd and I turned my head to see him jogging my way. He stopped in front me, catching his breath and looked at me. 'What are you doing here?'

'I don't know either. I got a call from some woman saying that Jackson wanted me to be here for this event.'

'Jackson what?' He looked a bit confused for a moment but suddenly his facial expression changed like something inside his head clicked and he knew something that I don't. 'That bitch!!! Why I oughta...wait till I ..' He was rambling on his own, leaving me clueless.

'Yugyeom! What do you mean? Tell me what's going on? Because I can't take this,' I begged as my eyes started to mist up again involuntarily.

No! You are not gonna cry right now!

I held back my tears and waited for him to answer. He had a sympathetic look on his face and was biting his lips out of anxiety. 'I'm not sure Riannon, but since you're here just stay by my side okay? We'll find out.'

'Thank you Yugyeom. You're the best.' He flashed me a sad smile and ushered me inside.

The event hall was already so packed by the time we entered. It was massive, the whole place illuminated by large intricately designed chandeliers hanging from the ceiling,expensive furnishing drapped the hall, rows of buffet lined the back section. Guests,both men and women,were dressed in their finest as more kept pouring in. There were so many important people here that I felt so little and I was starting to regret my decision now.

Yugyeom was standing beside me, seemingly anxious as I was. A waiter passed by offering wine and he took a minute to decide before grabbing two glasses off the tray. 'Oh what the heck! I probably really need it and so do you,' He mumbled, handing one over to me. And I was grateful because he was right, I needed something to calm my nerves down.

As I took a sip, my eyes scanned the sea of people in front of me,searching for the one person I was here for and dying to talk to. But I couldn't see him anywhere.

'You wanna have something? I mean, I just had dinner a while ago but I'm already hungry again,' Yugyeom smiled at me sheepishly.

'Okay. I'm hungry too,' I replied. Honestly, I haven't had anything since the previous day so I guess I should try to eat. I couldn't starve myself just because of a guy. Just thinking about him, made me wanna cry all over again but I had to hold it in.

We loaded our plates and chose a table in the corner of the hall, away from every wandering eye as they kept shooting glances at me and Yugyeom. He noticed it too and decided to pull me to where we were currently sitting so that I didn't have to feel uncomfortable. I smiled internally, glad that I had a friend like him. For a moment, I forgot about everything as we talked and laughed, while we ate. It felt like any other day when we hung out together.

'Excuse me Yugyeom sir? You're wanted on stage along with the others,' A man, in a black suit, interrupted our talk.

'Umm..okay. I'll be there in a minute.'

'Of course sir.' He bowed slightly and walked away.

'I'll be back in a while okay? I don't think it'll take long. You'll be alright won't you?' He asked with a concerned look.

'I'll be fine Yugyeom. Go ahead. I'll be here.'

'Alright. See you in a bit Riannon.' He ruffled my hair and ran off before I could hit him. I let out a soft chuckle. That kid.

The lights were suddenly dimmed and focused on the centre of the hall where a small stage was placed. One after the other, the members who were part of the company lined up. My throat tightened and I stopped midway while eating as a new wave of nausea suddenly washed over me while I waited for him to make his appearance. I stood up and squirmed my way through the crowd of people, wanting a better look as everyone gathered around the stage.

My heart gave a painful squeeze as my eyes finally found him. But what I didn't expect to see when he arrived was, his arms linked with another woman, the very same one that was plastered on every latest article. He had a smile on his handsome face, as he led her onto the platform. I felt another piece of me break inside,the water works were threatening to leak again. The shock of seeing them together with my own eyes kept me rooted to my spot.

A man, who looked like he was in his fourties approached the podium,bowing before he started his speech. 'Good evening everyone. I'm Park jinyoung, CEO of JYP Entertainment. I'm so glad all of you could make it to this special event.' Everybody around me cheered as he spoke while I was still numb.

'As you know, last week our team organised a few events around the city and abroad and I am very happy to announce that we were able to gather more than three hundred million won from the programmes,' Another round of applause filled the air before he continued, 'This money will be going to a social welfare project which is going to be started this month for constructing a new orphanage and I would like to thank each and everyone of you as well for contributing. Now, I'd like to call upon Miss Park Jiyeon, who is the ambassador in the US to kindly give a few words.' People cheered loudly as she made her way to the podium with a graceful pace, a wide smile complimenting her beautiful features.

'Hello everyone, my heart is filled with gratitude at all of your hard work. This money will be going to a good cause and I hope that many will be benefitted from it. I also have another surprise in store regarding this project.' Everybody were waiting in silence for her to complete her sentence. She looked behind her and extended her hand out to Jackson, which he took with a smile and walked over to stand by her side. My heart was palpating hard against my chest, breaking down slowly inside at the gesture. 'Well my boyfriend, Jackson and I decided to donate another 200 million won to this scheme as a celebration of our anniversary!' She exclaimed as every person in the hall gave a huge thunderous applause to the couple's statement with loud cheers from every corner.

Wha-what?! Anniversary?! What does she mean??! My mind was literally spinning and I couldn't take in her words. I felt like my world was shattering into pieces, I had a bit of hope before I came here but now I had absolutely nothing to hold on to.

At that moment, Jackson's eyes met mine, I know mine mirrored all the hurt I felt inside but as I searched his' for answers, there were none. Nothing was reflected on those empty orbs, his face was blank, not even guilt or remorse. If my heart hadn't broken more than it already had, it had just reached a point where it could not be salvaged anymore.

At that instant, I was shaken roughly out of my state of shock and I turned away from him,refusing to let him see me cry. I was trying my best to keep myself in check but everything was just spinning out of control, I felt my lungs constricting and my airways blocked, my body was heating up and I couldn't breathe. The space around me was closing in on me and I needed to get out of here. I pushed my way through the crowd and took the first exit which was near me. I kept walking, not really focusing on where my feet were taking me till I reached a secluded part of the hotel's garden.

I found a bench near a huge oak tree and sat down, finally able to breathe again. A cool breeze was blowing, signalling the arrival of the rainy season. I wanted to break down, my eyes filled to the brim with unshed tears but at the same time, I was so confused about everything that I didn't know how to react to it all anymore. I looked up at the sky, blinking away the tears, a blanket of dark clouds shielded half of the moon casting an eerie glow on the little garden that I took refuged in.

'It's a bit too suffocating in there isn't it?' I jumped in my seat as I heard the deep smooth voice.

I looked around, trying to find the source of it and I noticed, for the first time, that someone was sitting under the shade of the oak tree, leaning against the thick trunk. I was so deep in my own thoughts that I didn't notice him.

He turned towards me,as the clouds shifted and the moonlight highlighted his features so I was able to get a better look at him. My eyes widened in surprise as I took in the strange person sitting comfortably on the grass, a gasp caught in my throat.

'Oh hello there, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm Jinyoung by the way.'

Author's note: Pardon me if the currencies or the places are a bit incorrect. I'm not from Korea so please ignore the mistakes ^_^" Thank you so much ❤ Please leave your comments and let me know what you think.

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