They Called Her El Diablo

By coraswan

197K 6.8K 924

Academy fic. According to Sang Sorensen she can't handle her boys and their newfound 'needs'; abandoning them... More

Before we start
Chapter 1: The Downfall
Chapter 2: Enter our lovable Diablo
Chapter 3: Take Action or To Not Take Action
Chapter 4: Who the hell are you
Chapter 5: Whoo-sah
Chapter 6: There are intruders in the office!
Chapter 8: Numbers Don't Lie
Chapter 9: Smee
Chapter 11: Unpleasant Surprise(s)
Chapter 12: Kill the Occupants
Chapter 13: Just Let Me Go
Chapter 14: Woke,Ran,Found
Chapter 15: H3LL-O
Chapter 16: You're WHAT?!?
Chapter 18: Unwanted Past
Chapter 19: You Win Again
Chapter 20: So far, yet not far enough
Chapter 21: Closer till it burns
Chapter 22: Revival
Chapter 23: Relentless
Chapter 24: Get Outta Here!
Chapter 25: Decisions & Questions & vice-versa
Chapter 26: Mistake?
Chapter 27: Presents, Smiles and Truth
Chapter 28: The Past, Unmasked.
Chapter 29: Series of WTF events Part 1
Chapter 30: Series of WTF events part 2
Part 31: United We Stand
Chapter 32: Going Places
Chapter 33: Frankbridge
Chapter 34: Houston; Days 2 and 3
Chapter 35: Houston Days 2 and 3 Part 2
Chapter 36: Yeah...It Ain't Over Yet
Part 37: The Storm Approaches
Part 38: Hero or Zero
Part 39: Schmecovery
NotUpdate: A03 anyone?

Chapter 7: Strangest Lunch

5.8K 214 12
By coraswan

She'll meet Luke,Gabe,Marc, North and Brandon here ^_^

Hayden's POV

Couldn't she choose another place that's oh I don't know, easier to find!?

This junior reporter either isn't very good at her job or she's trying to work me up so that I'd spill the truth accidentally to her, which made her very good. Egh we'll see. I think to myself as I read the annotated report for Axe-Blackbourne. The same Blackbourne who I just met? Couldn't be right? Knowing my luck, he probably is. 

Oh gosh I was rude wasn't I. Well in my defence he  called me Diablo. Should focus on getting this interview done before I think about searching for another job. 

Now that he's back I probably lost my job; On second thought he deserved the name calling hmph.

As I walked around multitasking between memorising some statistics from the latest report and using my phone's gps to find the meeting place/eatery I bumped into a human. Of course he's human Hayden Diana Waters I scolded myself.

'Hey watch it-...........oh''

OH MY double hottie alert. Mr Accident had messy chocolate hair with blonde streaks through them while the buddy had really luscious looking blonde locks. Did I mention they were both yummy? What is with today!

I crashed back to reality when I felt something that made me freeze up. The guy I'd bumped into was moving his lips but all I was hearing was white noise. He's grabbing my arms really tightly. Run, before they can hurt you Hay. I heeded my own advice and mumbled an apology before hightailing it. I walked into a random store to lose them incase they were following me and asked the assistant if she knew the location of the place I was to go to.

No more accidents and/or incidents for me today please.

Yeah, knowing my luck, probably more would occur.

Finally, I reached the place, MadCups Cafe.

It was beautifully decorated. It looked quaint and exotic at the same time. It gave off a home-y vibe that would definitely be ideal if you wanted someone to lower their guard and spill the damn beans on every secret you wanted to know. Cunning journalist then, got it.

Jane was unable to get a picture of the person I was meeting, so I was left with a name.

The hostess, Dolly, greeted me. ''Hi, I'm here for a meeting with Rita Sanders?''

''She's expecting you Ms Waters, right this way please.''

I saw the lady, Rita, I was to meet  she smiled at me when she saw me. I had to fight a cringe at the ungodly shade of pink that her lipstick was. Wait, I recognized her as my high school classmate, Rita Skitter. She got married huh? Shit, we hated each other. Wonderful.

I noticed her hand clinging onto the sleeve of yet, another godly looking male specimen. This one had mismatched eyes that I was sure anyone would be able to stare into for days and not get bored. Screw days, years is more likely.

''I'll catch you laater Marc darrlingg'' Rita was purring, her lip curling as she rolled the 'r' sound. She's married!

Adonis/Marc shuddered and tried to subtly pull his arm out of her grasp, looking around frantically for an escape. Clearly he was too sweet to tell her he really wasn't interested in her at all.

My inner self cackled wickedly at this woman who would dare think she's worthy of- whoa where were these possessive thoughts coming from? I didn't even know the guy.

I sauntered over to Rita. ''Well Rita, same as always. Though might we proceed with business before you indulge in pleasure  ? I have places to be. ''

Play it cool Hay, play it cool. 

''Hm, give me a minute to freshen up and we can start the interview Hayden'' she backed down, heading to the restrooms.

I turned back to her escaped prey.

Adonis stuck out his hand, the first one to properly introduce himself of everyone I met today.

''Marc Weiland, I own the place. You're here for a job interview?'' he introduced.

''Not yet. I'm a public relations manager. Means I manage relations between the company I work for and the people. Rita's the messenger. Name's Hayden Waters'' I quipped.

''Waters?'' He grinned

''Oy Marc, see you've run into Mischief here.'' someone said from behind

I whirled (again) and was met with the 2 guys I'd run away from on the street.

Wait, they knew Marc? Was it a requirement that good looking fellas stick together?  ''Hey Gabe, Luke. You guys know Hayden? ''

'' 'Course we fuckin' do. Hey Mischief, you ran off before we could introduce ourselves. I'm Gabriel Coleman, that's Luke Taylor.''

''Guys, Miss Waters is here for an important interview we musn't keep her'' Marc protested, with a strange emphasis on my name. They stared at each other silently for a while, it seemed that they were somehow communicating with each other, without words? What the... Time to break the awkward silence.

''Were you following me?'' I asked, refusing to believe in such coincidences. I vaguely registered the names as familiar. Especially Luke's. Heh wonder if he knew he shared names with that big-shot CEO .... I cringed when I remembered what I did.

''.....dropped this paper which looked kinda important, so we had to fucking give it back y'know'' I tuned back into Gabriel's speech at the end and noticed the familiar paper he was holding out to me.

''Oh. You didn't read this did you?'' I said taking back the confidential sheet which I must've dropped when I bumped into Gabe and Luke.

''Naw Chip, Owe-Mr Blackbourne's business isn't the most interesting; we aren't interested in his numbers, not really... ''

''Jeez Mischief, no thank you? you're a lifesaver Gabe?   ''

I looked around for Rita, where the hell did she go? Why are they standing so close to me; great now I felt self-conscious. I had to escape before I humiliated myself.

''Look pumpkin, I'm expecting someone important, and I don't have time to talk. Ta!'' I muttered walking off to find a secluded spot to wait for Rita.

I saw her walking towards me (finally) and gestured for her to sit in the spot I'd chosen, far away from Adonis and his buddies.

As I was about to start with Rita, Gabe yelled obnoxiously from across the cafè which sent everyone's heads jolting towards him.

''Call us, Mischief!''

Yeah no way buddy. Morons didn't even have my phone number and I didn't have theirs, which is the way it would be.

(Time Skip)

How the bloody hell did they get my number.

I'd finished the interview , giving Rita the right amount of details and selectively releasing facts and half-truths to tide the company over for the next quarter. I was walking aimlessly in the streets passing time, entering stores that held my fancy.

My phone greeted me with 3 messages from unknown people. Usually I'd delete them as most were ads but clearly these 3 were those guys I'd met just now.

Unknown: Hey Mischief, this is Gabriel! When are you going shopping next? 

Unknown: HI Chip, Luke here, thanks for the number :) 

Unknown: Sorry 'bout the other 2, if you want me to get them to delete your number I'll do it. Marc here btw.

I couldn't help the smile that secretly spread across my face. How cute. Give me misogynistic boorish businessmen and snooty upper-class women, that I could handle. Give me an attractive guy who wants to know me on a personal basis, I'm gonna freeze up and get all awkward.

Yikes. Probably a simple reply will satisfy them? I didn't feel right deleting their number. Now that I was free for a few hours before I had to go to my next meeting with Stahl-Korba Securities.

Me: Hi, Gabriel~ Uh, not sure, why?

Me: Gabriel, thanks for the paper earlier, and for not reading it. I was stressed over some issues; sorry if I came off as unfriendly

Me: Pretty sure I didn't give it to you thief ;)

Me: Thanks for the offer Marc, but I'm sure I can handle them. 

There, that seems like a reasonable response. No reason to overreact.

My phone started ringing abruptly.

I jumped and answered ''Hayden Waters speaking''

''Hi, Miss Waters, I'm calling from Henshaw and Taylor Automotives''

My stomach dropped.

''Yes, I can come in to sign the NDA right now. I understand that Mr Taylor would like me to do that-''

''No, Miss Waters'' she drawled '' Mr Taylor has just returned to the office and would like to meet with you as you have been handling the PR for the company in his absence. I understand that I'm to convey a great deal of urgency in this matter so we would appreciate it if you could come in at the soonest?''

''Yes, s-sure uh, I'll be there in 15 minutes.'' Good thing I was within walking distance after all my aimless wanderings. 

''He'll be expecting you Miss.'' With that she hung up.

(Time Skip)

I entered the lobby of the Henshaw & Taylor building and made a beeline for the restrooms.

I washed my face, straightened out my ponytail and adjusted my outfit to look like I was on top of everything, when my nerves were getting the better of me. I reminded myself of the crying woman who I'd risked my job for and I found myself having no regrets. It was who I am as an individual. What kind of person would I be if I stood by and watched the firm ravage people's life savings and betrayed their trust. I vocalized my vowels to get my voice steady and clear before heading up to the the floor where Mr Taylor awaited.

Before I'd fully stepped out of the elevator the nameless secretary was guiding me to a conference room. Conference room? I thought I was just meeting 1 dude!

She knocked thrice and entered, announcing my arrival ''Miss Waters has just arrived sirs, ma'am''

With that she shoved me into the room and made her escape, sealing my doom with the echoing slam of the door behind me.

Stern and wizened familiar faces of the Board met my wandering gaze before it settled on the 2 newcomers. One was blond with a messily styled 'just out of bed' hair and blue eyes that held immense sadness while the other was enough to make me want to yank the door open and run out. He was huge, with an entirely black ensemble. Dark eyes, messy eyebrows and a, you guessed it, gorgeous face.

''Nice of you to join us, Miss Waters.'' The dark knight rumbled. 

Shit, he wasn't happy.

Of course he isn't happy Hayden, you told him that he sucked at running his company... Well I wasn't fired yet, so that must be a good sign...? 

I took a deep breath and straightened my posture.

''Mr Taylor, Mr Henshaw, we have much to discuss.''


Heylo guys this took so long to write so I hope you enjoy it  :) 

Almost 1.8k words which is great let's get the votes/comments going yeah?



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