5SOS One Shots

By MichelleLarzazs

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One shots of the 5SOS boys. More

5SOS one shots
Cute photos
Beach Love
Little sister loving
Aquarim, Penguins, and Surprises.
Skipping School.
Sick Day Blues
Note to You
Big Brother Time
Be Yourself, and Love your Family
Best Tired Day Ever PART 1
Im so sorry
Best Tired Day Ever Part 2
Babys first concert
Authors note
Night time hero.
Blossoming Friendships, part 1
Love Hurts.
Birthday Surprise!!

First time gone.

833 10 0
By MichelleLarzazs

Your in the car with your boyfriend bringing him to the airport. This is the first time he's leaving for tour since you started going out. Your nervous how your going to react when he's finally gone, but your more nervous about the fact you think he's going to find a much more beautiful girl while he's gone and leave you. All to quickly your at the airport, taking the depressing walk to the secret terminal for celebrities. Once your standing there waiting for an air-hostess to come fetch the boys. Ashton grabs your waist and leans his forehead into yours. "I'm going to miss you so much." He whispers. You feel the tears starting to well up and sting the back of your your eyes already. "I'm going to miss you too." You say shakily, as a tear rolls down your cheek. "Hey, hey no tears." He says taking his forehead off yours and wiping it away. "I am sorry, just really going to miss you." You tell him trying to cover up the real reason your crying. "Babe, is there something else that's making you upset?" He asks, with a hint of worry in his voice. "No." You lie through your teeth. "Please tell me." He begs leaning down again. "I'm afraid you'll meet someone else while gone, leave me, and forget about me." You finally break. Leaning into his chest letting the tears go. Ashton starts rubbing your back. "Shh, shh, babe look at me." He says soothingly but sternly. You slowly look up until you meet his captivating eyes. "I will never, ever, ever find anyone else that compares to you while away, your to perfect. And How could I forget such a wonderful, beautiful, lovely, amazing girl like you?" He asks. "I am sure there's a better girl out there, that you deserve." You admit looking down, finding interest in your custom teal converse. Ashton lifts your head up, so your looking up at him again. "I will never forget you, I promise." He states then crashes his lips into yours. As he pulls away the hostess says they are ready to board. "Here, don't open it until you get to the flat though." Ashton instructs, giving you one last peck on your lips. "I love you, so much. Good bye. I promise to call, Skype text, FaceTime every second I can." He reassures, then heads towards the door, but then Luke approaches you. "I'll keep an eye on him, as long as you keep and eye on Y/BFF/N." He negotiates. "Deal." You tell him, with a giggle escaping your lips. He smiles hugs you. "Thank you." You whisper, feeling more confident about them leaving. "Thank you too." He says walking over to your best friend kissing her one last time, then going out the door to join the others. "How you holding up?" Y/BFF/N asks once the door closes. "Ok, better than we first got here." You admit. "That's great, we should head out." Y/BFF/N suggests. "Yeah, we have a wedding to start planning, December is just around the corner." You tease leaving. "Yes I know, want to go to lunch and look at wedding magazines?" She asks. "Sure, meet you at Starbucks." You boast getting in your car.

After a long, but nice afternoon of browsing magazines you unlock the door to your flat, and check your phone, and see a text from Ashton. "Hey babe, just landed, going to see the One Direction boys! Don't forget the box. Love you!" You read. You reply, then take out a the box, and open it. With in it is a charm bracelet. You smile so widely, because it's full of charms that remind you of Ashton. That night you go to bed feeling much better than how you started feeling like the most luckiest girl on the planet.

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