Controller -- Exo Spanking St...

Por oreoki

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The time was around 6 am and Luhan had been out partying and jumping from night club to night club, without t... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8:Baekhyun Night Club Punishment
Chapter 9: Tao's Nightclub Punishment
Chapter 10: Luhan's Nightclub Punishment
Chapter 11 : Romantic Day Tao x Kris
Chapter 12 : Luhan's Nightclub Punishment Day 3
Chapter 13: Luhan Tao and Kris

Chapter 7: The Nightclub

1.6K 24 9
Por oreoki

So this chapter kinda took a completely different direction, but tell me if you like it or not. If you are okay with the shippings or not. Also I included other band members if you have favorite ships you want included just tell me below.

Also give me some ideas cause I have a few but not a lot anyway thanks. :p

"Then you still want us to – be this?" Sehun said still unsure.

"Yes, it works for me... a lot. Please no one has ever cared for me this much before." Luhan barely swallowing back tears.

Sehun slowly reached his hand out to touch Luhan, but the entire time his mind was racing. He slowly grabbed and brought Luhan towards him gently before kissing him on his head.

Sehun slowly walked up and caressed Luhan.

"Why don't we go and relax in our room for a little bit." Sehun whispered while Luhan cuddled deeper into Sehun's chest while shaking his head up and down.

A small smile appeared over his face before he slowly lifted Luhan into a bridle hold. As Sehun walked up the stairs all he heard were the small sniffles from Luhan and held him tighter at each one. Once they had reached Sehun's bed. He slowly lowered Luhan down onto the bed as Luhan began to wriggle.

"Luhan, sweetheart can you look at me, please?"

Luhan slowly looked up to Sehun his eyes a slight puffy pink.

"Why don't we relax today? It can be just me and you. I'll even send everyone out so we can have ourselves some private time?" Sehun said as he rubbed Luhan's back.

Luhan bobbed his head up and down before trying to bury it head back into Sehun's chest.

As Sehun got up to go shoo the other members out of the apartment Luhan grabbed his shirt shaking his head back and forth then whispered "don't go".

Before Sehun had a chance to say anything there was a knock at the door.

"Sehun, management just called they want you ,Kai, and me to come in for an emergency meeting" Chanyeol said completely oblivious to what was happening.

Sehun bit his tongue to tell Chanyeol to f-off. He looked down to Luhan before slowly trying to get out of his hold.

"Sehun?" Chanyeol said again when he heard no response.

"I'll be outside in 15 minutes." He yelled just loud enough for Chanyeol to be able to hear it.

"Luhan I need you to let go of me for a little I promise that I'll be back as soon as possible"

Luhan let out an exasperated breath before slowly letting go of Sehun.

"Are.... we okay then?" Luhan looked at Sehun "we can still stay the way we are right?"

"Yes, of course we can I just didn't want to force you into this" Sehun said hugging Luhan once more.

"So............ I won't be punished for what happened earlier right? Since it was before this" Luhan shyly asked Sehun.

F-ck Sehun thought. It was true that it was before, but the rules were still in place then. Maybe he would just make it a lighter punishment, but then again it would not have erupted like this if Luhan had told him what was wrong. On second thought he didn't tell him what was the main cause for his recent misbehaviors.

"Well, it all depends on what your reason is for all the recent behavior" Sehun said seemingly to easily slip into disciplinary mode.

"It's nothing really..." Luhan said trying to bury back into Sehun's chest, before pushed his head back so they were looking at each other. Luhan gulped.

"It was just that you weren't paying attention to me anymore. When I did bad things its seemed like you didn't really care anymore and were just being forced." Luhan said trying to make himself seem smaller.

"Well then that decides it you will be punished --"

"But Seh- daddy I told you why"

"Yes you did which is why it's important that I step up."

Luhan began to scrunch up his face upon hearing this. "Pleeeeease"

"First you are going to stay in this bedroom for time out until I get back" Sehun began to use his authoritative voice.

Luhan whimpered "Okay" before looking at Sehun with his puppy eyes trying to make him rethink this whole scenario.

Sehun tousled Luhan's hair before giving him a small kiss on the top of it. "I'll be back in a little bit."

Sehun then slowly walked out of the room grabbing his wallet before leaving to the meeting.

"Ugh, why did I have to be such a baby I need to keep it together. Stupid Sehun why couldn't you skip one meeting" Luhan said exasperated before grabbing Sehun's pillow and slowly screaming into it.

A light knock suddenly brought Luhan back to reality.

"Hey Luhan" Tao spoke hesitantly. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go with us to eat out? We are pretty sure that the other guys won't be back for a while so we have some free time before they come back. So do you want to come?"

"Umm... sure give me a second to get ready" Luhan attempted saying with some bravado.

"If your scared Baekhyun and I won't tell on you and Zhang left with his girlfriend already, we wouldn't want to get in trouble either so it's more of that we are free from the other 3 nannies and kinda want to have some fun." He said attempting to make it seem less dangerous. As he sees Luhan's face still looks hesitant "But if you are such a baby then you can stay, but we are going out".

Luhan easily bated by Tao's taunting couldn't resist showing him up "Why? I am totally ready to go out. Give me a few to get ready"

"Okey-dokey. I'll go get Baekhyun then we will be downstairs don't keep us waiting." He said as he walked out of Luhan's room and shut the door.

"Shit" Luhan thought "why did I do this, ugh Sehun is going to be so angry if I go I should just stay. I'll go tell them I can't or something."

As Luhan walked out the door he heard Baekhyun and Tao talking downstairs.

"Tao, I don't think we should go ... I mean if they find out it won't be pretty. I mean remember the last time .." Baekhyun began to trail off.

Recalling the time that both of them had been thoroughly spanked, grounded, then forced to write lines on a hard stool about why sneaking out is bad, which was repeated for every other day for 2 week.

Baekhyun could recall the feeling of first the hand, then the brush, then a belt which quickly brought him over the edge of thinking of disobeying twice which had evidently gone over Tao's head at the moment.

"Oh my god Baekhyun calm down. They are going to be gone for at least another 3 hours. They won't notice as long as we don't crack."

"I-I guess" Baekhyun's voice sounded dejected.

"Anyway I'm thinking that Luhan won't be coming. Sehun has him so subservient to him. It's pathetic"

"Sehun is kinda scary though" Baekhyun said in a low whisper.

"God" Tao rolled his eyes "They seem to have you under their thumb"

"No they don't. It's just you never think and we always get in trouble" Baekhyun angrily said.

"Ya but you are petrified like oh my god they are going to ground us. Let's never do anything bad seriously why are you so scared of Chanyeol."

"Well then why are you scared of Kris? You never talk back to him when he is here" The irritation in Baekhyun's voice was clear.

"Duh, cause I have some survival skill, but that doesn't mean that I won't break the rules he has when he's not here."

Luhan's shoes squeaked against the floor as he took another step out of the room.

"Anyway shut the fuck up before Luhan hears" Tao said angrily. Before looking up and seeing Luhan and giving a small smile "Well look who isn't a chicken after all I was worried we would have to start giving you a nickname"

"Ya, I'm here, so where are we planning on going?" Luhan spoke trying to act non-chalant

"Well, Baekhyun here knows a really nice nightclub where we can get some drinks without having to worry about the paparazzi. Isn't that right Baekhyun" Tao said looking at Baekhyun.

"Uhm, yes the place is pretty close like a 20 minute walk. Its really only for VIPs and I made a reservation for us three" Baekhyun's voice sounded highly indecisive.

"Well see Baekhyun is amazing at finding places that people won't look for us, but first you need some glasses and a scarf" Tao grabbed the backup set he had on the couch beside them.

"Thanks" Luhan said feeling more relaxed since it seemed that he had done this many times before.

"No problem, well then lets get going" Tao said as they all walked out of the apartment.

*********************************At the nightclub***************************************

"Chug chug chug come on Luhan you got it" Tao chanted as Luhan had his 7th shot.

"Uhm Tao we really shouldn't be getting drunk they will be able to tell when we get back" Baekhyun tried to tell To and Luhan.

"Don't wor---"Luhan hiccupped at the end of the word "Everything is fine. Hic I- I use to do this all the time I got it"

"Please let's go it already been two hours we still have to get back home and cover up else---" Baekhyun was cut off by Tao.

"Oh my god if you are going to be like that then just go home on your own you are ruining this party" Tao said annoyed, but also slurred some of his words as he spoke

"Please lets go back. Both of you are wasted if I leave you alone when you are like this I'm going to get worst" Baekhyun said resigned that they were going to get found out.

"Baek-Ba- Baekhyun listen the fuck up we are fine, just let us enjoy ourselves. Like seriously when was the last time we got a break" Tao said the best he could while slurring and hiccupping constantly.

"Ya don't be such a party pooper" Luhan said swaying back and forth obviously more than a little tipsy with the number of drinks he has had

"No, we are going to right now. If I have to, I will call them and it won't be pretty" Baekhyun threatened.

"It's cause you won't have a drink its just been damn water for you the whole time. Like seriously drink something or go home or fucking call them for all I could care." Tao said getting more pissed the more he spoke.

Luhan barely able to keep his head up after having consumed even more shots was completely wasted, and Tao was almost to that point. Baekhyun took a deep breath and walked to a quieter area of the bar before making a phone call that he knew would end up being painful for him and his two companions.

"Hey, Baekhyun, what's going on we are almost done with our meeting so we will be home in half an hour" Chanyeol said warmly "Or did you call be because you missed me" his voice said teasingly.

"No, its just that ..." Baekhyun said freaking out on the inside.

"What?" Chanyeol voice was draped in concern.

"It's just you have to promise you won't be mad" Baekhyun said scrunching his eyes.

"Baekhyun, tell me what then I'll decide how mad I will be" Chanyeol's voice was irritated.

He took a deep breath before quickly saying and scrunching his eyes "Luhan, Tao and I snuck out to a nighclub, and now they are drunk and won't come home"

The phone was silent for a minute the entire time Baekhyun was deciding if he could shrivel up into a puddle of water.

"What nightclub?" Chanyeol's voice was ice cold.

"Octagon" Baekhyun said before hearing nothing but silence for another minute.

"We will be there in 10 minutes watch over Luhan and Tao until we get there"

"Okay"was all Baekhyun could get in before hearing the phone hang up.

He slowly got up and walked over to where Tao and Luhan were and saw Luhan throwing up into a bucket, and Tao taking a nap an on one of the couch. He first walked over to Luhan to see how he was and helped him get another bucket, then walked over to Tao to make sure that was okay other than the obvious drunkenness.

After what he assumed was 10 minutes he saw Sehun, Chanyeol and Kris all walk into the club all of them obviously pissed. Baekhyun scrunched up his neck when Chanyeol looked at him.

They were over to them rather quickly and each of them grabbed their perspective person before taking them all out of the club. The entire time, Tao was too drunk to care, Luhan was clinging onto Sehun as if he was his lifeline, and Baekhyun slowly twiddling his hands knowing how much trouble he was going to be in once they got home.

As soon as they did get home, all 3 of the troublemakers were washed, changed and put to bed with a cross warning if anyone dared leave it. Tao passed out as soon as he hit the pillow. Luhan was drunkly apologizing to Sehun, and Baekhyun just kept his mouth shut as he could tell how angry Chanyeol was.

The three caretakers then had to decide how to take care of the 3 troublemakers, to ensure none of them would do something like this again.

Please tell me if you are pro or against having this dynamic. I was trying to come up with something to include the others and this seemed like the best option. But if you have other ideas just tell me. Oh and the next few chapters might not be as long since I'm moving to a new house. So I made this one extra long to kinda tide you over. 

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