Chalice of Ice-Harry Potter f...

By KathrynKangawhaleDiakiw

11.6K 178 193

What if Voldemort never existed? Would Harry still be friends with Hermione and Ron? Would Draco's parents be... More

Chalice of Ice-Harry Potter fanfic
Through the midday air
The Zasilia Girl
The Chalice of Ice
The Riddle
The Kitten of Doom?
The Rewind Effect
The Connection
The Realization
The Fight
The Plans
The Hideout
The Date
Revisiting Home
Crushing Bookworm
Following Their Footsteps
Day Before The Break Time
Eastern Beast
Blood and Dresses
Yule Ball - Luna Lovegood and Her Findings
Bliss - For Now
A Harmed Recruit


294 5 7
By KathrynKangawhaleDiakiw

I stared coldly into the face of the new man, watching his eyes fill with ice and hatred.

"Who are you?" I asked boldly, never daring to lose my expression.

"I'm the new healer at Hogwarts." The man replied, his voice ragged and wispy.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "And where is Madame Pomfrey?" I questioned.

"This information is none of your concern." He said. It was then that I saw the red cross tainted into the man's bicep, and then that I sprang into action.

"Bullshit," I murmured before triggering my hidden blade under my robes. His hand shot up and grapped my wrist, blocking me from attack. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the rest of the Red Revolution begin to advance on him, as well, indicating that there was something wrong. Kate stayed back, searching the hospital wing for Pomfrey.

I was flung backwards and had to pull out my wand, putting a full body-bind on the Templar and walking forwards, only to stomp on his ribs, hearing the satisfying crunch of bones being broken. I abandoned the situation and joined Kate in opening a closet door full of potions. Kate screamed and I glanced down to where she was looking.

I regretted it immediately.

Madame Pomfrey lay crumpled on the floor and had slid downwards when I had opened the closet door. Her eyes were cloudy, lifeless, and her neck was coated in blood. I managed to keep a straight face; I had seen tragedies like this, and did not learn how to become weak in situations like these. Orchid, who saw the mangled body, squeaked and hid her face from the devastation. I glanced over at her and spoke in a soft, yet firm voice;

"Don't let them break you, Orchid. They only use it against you." I had spoken from somebody's experience, too. My mother had lost her brother and made the mistake of crying over him. The Templars killed all six of her siblings after. Orchid nodded and took a deep breath in, and seemed to compose herself.

By now, everyone had gathered around the body of our school healer, and I saw some struggling to keep back tears. Especially Harry.

"You're a good kid, Potter." I murmured, nodding to the boy. He glanced up and met my gaze. "Don't let them see it, though, okay?"

It had occurred to me that my behaviour changed strangely and I pushed it to the back of my mind; I couldn't deal with it now.

"What do we do?" Ginny asked, making me jump. Merlin, she was so quiet.

"Isn't it obvious?" I heard Hermione from behind me. "We alert Dumbledore! This is serious!"

Sometimes I was thankful beyond belief for that girl's capability to stay collected during times like these.

Within minutes, we were running across the hallway to Dumbledore's study, when we ran into the man himself.

"Out for a walk?" He asked, the twinkle in his blue eyes brilliant through the half-moon glasses.

"Professor, we have a problem. Madame Pomfrey has been attacked."  This time it was Damon who spoke. "The attacker is in a full body bind in the Hospital Wing."

Dumbledore's expression became gaunt and serious. "Lead the way," He said softly.

When we reached the scene of the bloodbath, Albus Dumbledore had no other words but these.

"It seems as though somebody is trying to get to Miss Auditore. And whoever it is, is in the school grounds."

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