Larry Stylinson One-Shots

By 50ShadesOfZen

21.1K 363 99

Larry Stylinson One-Shots by Julia warnings; really gay More

Truth or Dare
Two Birds
Best Friends
Three O'Clock Confessions
Back To The Start

You Belong With Me

1.5K 30 16
By 50ShadesOfZen

a/n: okay before the "ewe taylor swift" i would just like to say, i dont like her very much either. but you *have* to admit that the song has a pretty good story line

so i took it and made it larry.

besides, it isn't even exactly like the music video, i just took a few basic ideas

so, thanks t-swizzle im stealing your story-line momentarily but theyre GAY its a little different



It takes a bit of effort for Harry to lift the old, squeaky window, but when he does, he squeezes his slim body through the opening. With a sigh, he sits down on the thin roof that was straight across from Louis'.

"Hey, Haz," Louis sighs as Harry settles in, sitting criss-cross.

"Hi, Lou," Harry responds with a grin, pushing the glasses that had fallen a little up the bridge of his nose. Harry stops smiling when he realizes that Louis isn't, he's frowning, even, "What's the matter?"

"Penny." Louis speaks with distaste.

Penny Lane is Louis' demanding girlfriend whose the captain of the cheer-leading squad. Since Louis is the captain of the football (soccer) team, he has an obligation to date her, even though she's a right pain in the arse.

Harry sighs, he strongly dislikes Penny, mostly because she makes Louis upset, but also because Harry has a massive, massive, massive crush on Louis, "What happened this time?"

Louis mocks her high-pitched voice, "I'm sick and tired of you spending time with that loser, Harry! You should spend more time with me!"

Harry drops his gaze. Penny's never liked him-that much he knows-but this still makes him feel bad. Louis shakes his head at the words of his girlfriend, "I just don't understand why she has to be such an utter bitch,"

Harry shrugs, bringing his knees to his chest and resting his chin on his knee, eyes wandering down.

Louis frowns at his best friend, "Haz, I'm sorry she said that. It isn't true, you know? I told her to suck my dick. You're not a loser,"

Harry scoffs at this. "C'mon, Lou. You know I'm a loser."

Louis knits his eyebrows together, "Shut your mouth, you're not a loser, Harry. You're wonderful, and a hell of a lot better than anyone whose ever called you a loser."

Louis is very defensive over Harry. The amount of fights he's gotten into on Harry's behalf is a little ridiculous. He's not even sure why. but anytime someone says anything against Harry, Louis takes it as a personal offense. How dare they speak that way about his Harry.

"Yeah, alright," Harry mumbles.


"What, Louis? I'm a weak, bully magnet and girl repellent. Nobody likes me."

"I like you,"

"That's different.."

"How is it different?" Louis crosses his arms over his chest.

Harry sniffs, "You don't like me like that, Louis. You just like me as a friend,"

Louis begans to speak, but stops himself. What would he say? He doesn't like Harry like that, does he? No, no he doesn't.. They're just mates.. Even if Louis thinks Harry's unruly curls are absolutely adorable, the way they swoop across his forehead... And his lips look really soft, and Louis bets he's a good kisser..

"I'm sure anyone would like you if they gave you a chance,"

Harry shrugs, done speaking of this, "So, are you going to split off with Penny anytime soon? She sounds like she's just dragging you down,"

"Well," Louis sighs, "She's not all bad. I mean, she's pretty.."

Harry stifles a laugh, because that's the only good thing Louis can come up with about his girlfriend. "Alright, Lou. Taking her to the prom?"

"Suppose I have to, don't I?"

"Yeah, I suppose. Maybe I'll try to invite someone," Harry chuckles at his own morbid joke.

"No," Louis snaps immediately, in an odd tone.

Harry flicks his eyes back to Louis, "What?"

"What? Nothing, I was just saying no, you should come in a group with me,"

"Lou, your friends would rip me apart,"

"They aren't really my friends. They're the rest of the lads on my football team. I'd much rather go with you and the other boys,"

"Then why don't you?" Harry presses.

Louis murmurs, "Penny doesn't want me to."

Harry exhales because that girl has Louis on a leash and it isn't fair. Harry wishes he could be the one to have Louis' heart; he knows how to make Louis happy, and he knows everything about Louis. He's always been here for him and it's hardly fair that some preppy knob gets to be with Louis over someone who truly loves him.

"Well.. I'll be with Zayn, Liam, and Nialler.."

"Haz, please come with me," Louis pleaded.

"Lou, you're asking me to go with the people that torment me every day about being small and smart and weird."

Louis sighs, "I just want to be with you,"

Harry wishes Louis meant something more when he says this. Louis does.

"I want to be with you, too.. Why don't you just kind of sneak away and hang out with us?" Harry suggests with a cheeky grin.

Louis smiles, happy to see Harry's cute little smirk, "I just might. You're prettier than Penny anyways,"

Harry laughs at this, "Yeah, right, "

Louis chuckles along, "I mean it, though. Yeah, Penny's pretty but honestly you're like.. you're hot, Harry,"

Harry's cheeks grow rosy at this, and he shakes his head, "No.. Not really,"

"Harry, you're actually the most attractive human being I have ever seen."

"Then I guess you've never looked in the mirror,"

The two boys are giddy and smiley, flattered by one another's comments. This is so much easier than with Penny, Louis thinks.


"My goodness, I cannot stand her," Zayn grumbles as they walk down the pavement, inconspicuously watching Louis and Penny snog.

Harry just sighs, dropping his head. Liam sees this, wrapping an arm round his shoulders. "Hey, you alright, man?"

He nods, "Just.. y'know,"

And he did know. "Lou's just being ignorant. He'll see that you're so much better than Penny soon, I promise you,"

"Honestly, though, look at her. She's beautiful and she has such nice legs and straight blonde hair and blue eyes and she's a cheerleader and I'm the complete opposite, even the opposite gender. Why would he want me if he can have her?"

"Looks don't matter, that's why,"

"Stop feeling bad for yourself, four-eyes, you know you're sexier than her," Niall jokes, elbowing him.

Harry chuckles, "Thanks guys. Just hurts."

"Lou will realize you're the one for him when he gets his head out of his ass and realizes that popularity isn't everything," Liam tells Harry. 

Harry nods in agreement, "Sure,"

But he isn't convinced that the one he loves will ever feel the same about him. 


 "You are going tonight, aren't you?" Louis asks Harry as they walk home together for the first time in ages.

"Nah, I'm just gonna stay home and study." Harry replies, staring down at the pavement. 

"Ah, c'mon, Haz," 

Harry shakes his head, "I really don't wanna go, Lou. Just leave it at that."

Louis sighs, "Alright. Thanks for leaving me alone with all the jocks."

"Stop acting like you have to go with them," Harry grumbles and glances up at the older lad. 

Louis knits his eyebrows together, "Excuse me?"

"You have a choice, Lou, you can go with the people that torment your so-called best friend every day of his miserable life or you can go with the friends that you actually like and that actually like you," Harry speaks sternly, authority coming from no where. "I'm just sick of it, Lou. I'm sick of watching that blonde knob use you as a popularity stunt, and I'm sick of you going along with it then complaining about it to me. You don't love her, so break up with her and be with someone who genuinely makes you happy. I'm done with this rubbish, Lou."

Louis blinks a few times and swallows, "Whatever."

"Yeah, whatever, Louis. You know, there's someone very close to you that loves you more than words could possibly express. He loves every little thing you do, and when you're with him, you're happy. You're okay even though you're wrapped around Penny Lanes' finger. He would do anything for you and he is tired of watching you snog someone you don't love when it could be him."

"Him?" Louis repeats, feeling his heart thump. Him?

"Yes, him. Figure it out," Harry turns away and stomps off. He's so frustrated and angry and sad, and tears began to stream down his face. He makes it to his house and he wipes his eyes. "Mum, I'm going to buy a suit." 

"Uh, alright? Love you, honey," His mother replies. 

Harry grabs his wallet and treks to Zayn's house, where Zayn's sitting on the porch reading. "Zayn, take me to buy a suit. Please."

"I thought you weren't going to prom?" Zayn says, closing his book and standing up. 

"I've changed my mind. C'mon," 

They drive in Zayn's car and drive to a shop that sells suits. Harry quickly gets out when the car parks and he walks straight in the shop. He has no time to lose. 

Zayn helps him pick one out and try it on as fast as humanly possible. Harry pays for it and they're on their way again. Zayn peers over at Harry, "Alright, mate?"

"No, I am not alright. I yelled at Louis and I think I told him that I love him."

"Oh, okay," Zayn nods. "Well, you looked really nice in that suit, man. Knock Lou out," 

Harry smiles, "Thanks."

"Anytime, little dude," 


It's an hour before prom starts. Harry stares at his reflection in the mirror. "How am I going to turn my nerd into hot?"

He sighs and removes his glasses from his face, setting them on his bathroom sink. He runs his fingers through his hair, attempting to make it less messy. When that doesn't exactly work, he takes out hair-styling product and makes a quiff with his hair. When he looks back in the mirror, he looks quite different. 

He walks back into his room and changes into his suit. He takes one last glance at himself in the mirror, feeling satisfied with his appearance for once. Liam, Niall, and Zayn would be here to pick him up soon, so he decides to go downstairs. 

His mum steps into the living room to find her awkward, geeky son looking like a Gucci model. He mouth falls slightly, "Harry, you look adorable!"

Harry grins at her, "Thanks, Mum,"

"Let me take a picture," 

Harry rolls his eyes as his mother takes out her mobile and snaps a picture of him, "So cute,"

Moments later, Niall opens the door and steps in, grinning at Harry, "You clean up nice, kiddo,"


"Everyone else is in the car, c'mon,"

Harry waves goodbye to his Mum then follows Niall to Zayn's car and slides in the back seat with him. It's Liam, Zayn, Niall, Harry, and Sophia, Liam's girlfriend. Harry doens't mind that she's there, though. Sophia's pretty cool.

"So, Haz, what changed your mind?" Liam inquires as Zayn begins driving.

"Louis." Harry answers distastefully.  

"Is Louis' the one that's in love with you?" Sophia asks. 

Harry furrows his eyebrows, "What?"

"Louis, brown hair, blue eyes, right?"

Harry nods in confirmation. "He's obviously head over heels for you, Harry. Everytime that kid looks at you it's like he's staring at the face of Jesus." Sophia continues.

"R-Really?" Harry says, face flushed.

"I wouldn't lie,"

Harry sits back in the car, staring out the window and grinning. He hopes she was right.


Harry stands back behind the various colored spotlights and dancing teenagers, all dressed smartly. He's left alone as the rest of the lads found girls to dance with. He's watching Louis dancing with Penny, but he isn't smiling. Maybe he isn't having fun.

Penny begins to grow impatient with Louis pouting, "What is your problem?"

"I wish Harry was here,"

"For God's sake, why don't you just marry him?" Penny scoffs.

"I wish I could."

She furrows her eyebrows, "Excuse me? I'm your girlfriend! Are you being serious."

Louis continues to stare blankly at Penny, "Yes. I love Harry. He loves me, too, but I've wasted so much time on you that he probably doesn't even like me anymore."

"So you're in love with that weird, ugly, little wanker?"

Louis took his hands off of Penny's waist. "No. I'm in love with Harry. Harry Styles whose perfect and beautiful and sweet. Being popular doesn't matter. All that matters is Harry. I have to go,"

"Louis! Don't you dare just leave me here you complete ass!"

"Go find a weird, ugly, little wanker to dance with, sunshine. Because we are over. Adios," Louis spoke the words he'd been wanting to for a long time. He wasn't with Penny anymore. He was free. Now he just needs to go apologize to Harry.

He quickly pushes through the crowd and makes his way to the door. Just before he opens it, he hears his name being spoken from beside him. He turns to see Harry standing there, looking like some kind of God. His big, emerald eyes shimmered as his plump, heart-shaped lips curled into a small smile. His curly hair was slicked back in a quiff.

Louis nearly chokes, "Holy hell, you look hot,"

Harry chuckles shyly, "You don't look to bad yourself."

Louis scans his eyes up and down Harry's body and wets his lips, "I thought you we're staying home?"

Harry shrugs, "I guess I changed my mind."  

Louis smiles, "Do you change your mind enough to dance with me?"

"I suppose," Harry replies matching Louis' grin. 

Louis takes Harry's hand and leads him out to the dance floor, gaining judgmental glances from those round them. Louis could care less at this point. There's no more fighting the fact that he loves his best friend. He plants his hands on Harry's waist and moves to the music with him. 

"Can you even see without your glasses?" Louis asks, noticed the item missing from Harry's face. 

Harry shakes his head, "Not really. But I look less like a dork without them. They're in my pocket if I desperately need them, though."

Louis peers down at Harry's trousers and slips his hand into the pocket. Harry's eyes widen as Louis searches for the glasses. He finally retrieves them and sets them on Harry's face. Harry stares into Louis' bright, blue eyes much better now that he can actually see properly. "Why'd you do that?"

"You look cute with your glasses." Louis answers. 

"But I look nerdy.."

Louis brushes his thumb against the soft skin of Harry's cheek, "You're perfect the way you are, Harry."

"Thanks.." Harry's cheeks possess a rosy tinge now. 

"There's one more thing you should know," 

Harry cocks an eyebrow, "What's that?"

"I'm a really big idiot."

"Well, I could've told you that,"

Louis chuckles, "I mean it, Haz. I let my need for people to like me get in the way of what was right in front of me. I was stupid."

"It's okay," Harry assures him, "I understand."

"It's not okay with me. And from here on out, I'm going to make it up to you. I love you,"

Harry smiles as his heart melts. Those three simple words are the ones he's been dying to hear from Louis for such a long time. "I love you, too." 

With that, Louis leans in and presses the first of many kisses onto Harry's lips. 

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