
By romayne_lagretha

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"Don't be scared of the dark." "Trust me. I'm not." ------- Spelling errors will occur in this book - my apol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 23

561 37 53
By romayne_lagretha

It was almost 2 am in the morning, I still have not fallen asleep and I felt emotionless, i had wondered to myself if this is what Robbie felt like when he was alone. When he had nobody to comfort him, nobody to tell him that everything was okay and was going to be okay...

The knock on my door is what brought me back to reality.

A knock at my door? At 2 a-fucking-m in the morning?!?! REALLY?!?

I slowly got up and made my way to the kitchen and grabbed one of my steak knives for safety. Rather safe then sorry.

The knock got louder and with every knock i felt the fear pang into me.

I held the knife at my side, not trying to make it to obvious but also to be ready for the worst circumstance.

I slowly opened the door to reveal a very soaked Evan.

"Y/N! We-"

He stared at my knife and cocked his eyebrow at me.


"What Evan?"

I was not in the mood for games.

"We found him."

My eyes went wide, my chest relieved and i could finally breath again.

"We found Kay."

I slammed the door shut, rushed to my room. Got dressed as quick as possible and grabbed my coat.

I should have let Evan in... oh well. Hakuna Matata.

I opened it and lucky for me Evan was still standing there.

"Sorry." I gave a quick reply.

"Yeah yeah. Lets go."

We made our way to the car, i was still so in shock that i hardly realized that i left my phone at home.

When we got in the car and drove off, i started bombarding Evan with questions. I needed to know... i needed to.

"Where did you find him?"

"In the opposite room where Fiona was held. I went to investigate more and take photos and then when i went to the next room. I saw him chained up, beaten and unconscious."

I growled under my breath. Dead man Croft dead man.

"Is he awake now?"

"Hardly. He drifts in and out. Still trying to get use to being awake."

"Has he eaten?"

"No mama bear. He has not. He is too weak. But we have put him on the feeding drip. So he should be fine."

Mama bear? Really Evan?

"Is he gunna be okay?"

There was a moment of silence...

"I can not promise you anything but i can promise that i will make sure he stays protected."

"Thank you Evan. Like really. Thank you."

"What do you mean love?"

"I know you would not really. Care as much if i was not involved. You are doing this for me."

"Well, people do crazy things for the ones they love..."


"Oh and one more thing. You must know something before you go in."

"This doesn't sound good..."

"Kay is severely injured..."

"And? It sounds like there is going to be a 'and' in there."

"And we think he was drugged with something that might have affected him..."

"I do not understand?"

"It is hard to explain. I think it is just best when you see it for yourself."

I gave him a worried look, we got out the car and he escorted me into the building and straight to Robbie's room.

My heart was pounding

My breathing got harder

I started shaking

And i felt emotional

But i had to put that all to one side.

Evan opened the door and nodded to the guards but i didn't even give the smallest glimpse.

My heart broke at the sight.

Severely bruised and injured Robbie who was strapped down to a bed? Really come on give the guy a break!

His straight jacket was also on?

I took a seat on the chair next to his bed and put my hand on his shoulder.

"What happened?"

I whispered mostly to myself. His eyes were shut and his breathing slow.

I layed my head down on the mattress by him while memories came flooding back of when we met...

'I am not here to suck your dick or feel any sympathy towards you - I will snap you like twig.'

'What is it like to be free?'

'Do you love me?'

'You are not the monster'

'I love-'

I felt a stir- that was not me...

I quickly looked up seeing Kay trying to fight against his restraints.

"Hey, hey, hey, relax darling. You're safe. You're safe." I said, taking a seat on the bed.

He stared at me and i lightly touched his cheek.

I felt uneasy, he was giving me the same look that he gave me, when we had first met.

"Love, are you alright-"

He snapped at me like a dog. He didn't bite me but the shock was still there.


A male nurse came rushing in with a strange syringe with him.

Robbie's eyes filled with panic.

"N-n-n-n" he tried, but he could hardly speak. There was obviously some damage by his throat.

"Excuse me, sorry but what is the syringe for?"

"I am instructed to keep him sedated madam."

"N-n-n" Kay tried again

"Thank you, but we won't be needing anymore of it." I gave him a kind smile.


"Did I make this an open conversation? No, no i did not. I need to be able to talk to my patient to find out what happened and i can not do that if he is constantly sedated."

Shit i just shot myself in the foot. He can't speak now anyway... fuck.


"Yes." I snapped.

Getting a bit annoyed.

"I am his physiatrist."

"Mam I-"

"Would you like me to get the guards to escort you out?" I said and tilted my head a bit to the side.

He left without another word. Good.

I looked back at Robbie, who was giving me a half smile.

"Nobody will hurt you again. Not on my watch. I promise."

I wanted to tell him about Fiona but this was not the right time. Not in this state.

"Where are you?" I whispered to myself when i looked into his lost eyes.

"Excuse me?"

I felt my blood boil, but why?

I slowly turned around to reveal a fake blonde girl, with green eyes.


What does that even mean? Why is she a problem? Just shush for once.

"Can i help you?" I said bitterly.


Shut it.

"Hi, I am Lily Addams, I need you to please leave my patient be and not give the nurses other orders then mine."




"Yes, I am Mr Kay's new physiatrist."




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