Hot and Cold (Yuri Plisetsky...

By asianricelah

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"Y/N. For next season, you will be partnered with..." "With who?" I don't like where this is going... "With Y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Quick A/N
A/N again, yesh cause I can
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Behind the scenes (1)
Behind the scenes (2)
Chapter 15
so, yeah
The small QnA of only 2 questions (plus a bonus thank you uwu)
Aight, this isn't a chapter, again
Chapter 16
just a quick thank you

Chapter 8

1.8K 63 64
By asianricelah

~Your POV~

Did he really say that? Sweet, Dreams ?! I never knew he knew such words! Well obviously he does but he just doesn't say it to, well technically, anyone. As in literally anyone in the entire universe! Well, I never heard him say so anyways, until now...

~The Next day~

"Hey Yuri. I had *ahem* sweet dreams, last night. Just like you said~"

"Y-Y/N! H-how-?"

"I was awake. I never heard you say such a thing before~"

"Stop it!"

"Fine, fine. But make sure Victor doesn't know about that..."

"I won't know about what?"


"The door. Now what do you not want me to know about?"

"Oh, we didn't want you to know about, wait hold on a second! I'm not supposed to tell you, since I didn't want you to know!"

"Okay, okay, you caught me!"

"Good grief..."

"I heard that~"


"Anyways, Yuri, Y/N, sorry I have been away for awhile. Since I left the two of you alone with Rose, I hope you two weren't giving her a hard time"

"It's going fine, right Yuri?"

"Yeah. It's going fine"

"Are you two still fighting?~"


"Not at all"

"Alright then. Yuri, when are you going to ask Y/N to be your girlfriend?~"



"Soon? Oh my!"

"Y-Y-Yuri? W-what was t-t-that?!"

"I-I...oh crap forget it!"

"Why Yuri? Too shy to admit that you like her?~"



"Fine, fine...Now off to practice! Come on, let's go!"

"I am so sorry Yuri!"

"No, I should be the one apologizing"



"Let's just go and forget what just happened... well at least try to forget"


We made our way to Victor and since Rose wasn't available today, he had to step in for her. The good thing is that Victor doesn't know our routine, the bad thing is that he'll ask us to perform it then he'll let us do it over and over again. I mean, the competition's tomorrow so I see the point there.

"Yuri, Y/N. As you both know, the competition is tomorrow"

"Okay, so...what does that lead to?"

"Both of you will practice the whole day. Don't worry, we'll be taking breaks as well, just shorter breaks this time. Rose isn't here but I know that she'll say the same thing. And I know your routine so...yeah. Now let's get to work!"

Victor made us skate our routine loads of times. And Yuri didn't complain one bit. We've been taking breaks as well but as Victor mentioned, we will be having shorter breaks. I thought he was joking at first but was he? Nope

I got back to Yuri's place and went straight for my room. I fell face first on my bed and went straight to sleep.

~Le next day~

Ugh...what time is it? 7:35?! Not really that late but that's fine. No doubt that *ahem* The Russian Punk is still sleeping. He always wakes up late for some reason, I wonder why... I got my air horn from my bedside table, approached Yuri know what happens next. ~You have an air horn BTW~



"You're so annoying"

"And so are you. Now get up. The competition's today"

"Okay, mom~"

"Oh shush now hurry up!"

"Okay, okay. I'm up"

"Good. Hold up, Victor's calling"

I  answered the phone...

"Hello. Y/N L/N speaking"

"It's Victor"

"I know, it's said so in your caller ID"

"Right, right. Anyways, down to business. Both of you need to get here by 8:30 am. Or else..."

" need for your, what do you call this...Threatening, voice"

"Why thank you"

"You're not welcome"

"Great. Just get here by 8:30 and bring your costume and skates. Byeee"

"Victor don't-"

Ugh! He hung up on me. Greaaat. NOT.

"What did he say?"

"Oh, he said that we should get our costume, skates and leave for the rink at once"



"Okay, can we stop saying okay?"

"Why? You said it first"

"No you did"

"Whatever, let's just go"


As we went to the competition, I couldn't help but wonder, if he likes cats so much, does he even have cats or a cat? Should I ask him or not? Maybe I should or can. I mean, it's not that personal. Right?

"Hey, Yuri?"


"Do you have a cat?"

"Yes, why?"

"How many?"

"About 3"


"Why do you ask?"

"Oh nothing. Just wondering if the only cats you have are the ones printed on your clothes, headphones, phone case and what not"



"If I was a cat lover, I would obviously have cats or a cat. But people crazy for cats would have about 101 cats"

"Why 101?"

"101 dalmatians"

"Oh, okay. I get it"

And once again, silence. Just pure silence.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the competition.

"There you guys are! You're late"


"Just kidding"

"I hate you Nikiforov"

"Love you too! Anyways, you guys should get going. Change, put on skates and wait for your turn"

"Kay, come on Yuri"


As we both changed, Yuri finished first and waited for me. He was wearing a suit and necktie with a rose in his jacket's pocket.

"Y/N! You done?"

"Yep. I'm coming out"

When I came out, he turned beet red. I was wearing a black dress, my hair was curled and it wasn't tied up like in practice.

"How do I look?"

"Huh?! Oh, umm uhh, you're looking g-g-great"

"Thanks! You look gorgeous and beautiful too!"

"Wait, you need a finishing touch"

Yuri took the rose from his pocket and and tucked it behind my right ear.

"There! Perfect!"



As we went outside of the changing rooms, Victor there waiting for us. He said that we're last.

~Time skip to the skater performing 4th~

It's the 4th skater already. Next is us which is last. But Yuri, looks, depressed somehow...

"Yuri...are you...okay?"

"...I'm fine...don't worry..."

"You aren't! Tell me...please..."

"I don't know why but I feel tense. I never felt like this before...I don't know how this is happening...I hated you then I asked you if we can start over...then now, this..."


"I've been mean to you...too mean actually. Sometimes I'd shut you down, be rude to you"


"And I never noticed you much..."



"...I'm sorry..."

"What for?"



"You had no shoulder to cry on for so long..."

"Y/N, stop...please..."



And before I could protest, he pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was very sweet, yet affectionate. It's like an anime where two people kiss under the cherry blossom trees that are in full bloom, a first kiss, perfect for two. It's like time froze and all I could do was melt into it and enjoy it while it lasts. It's like the time when the princess of a fairy tale finds her happily ever after. It's...magical

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