Attack on Romeo and Juliet

By I-Wont-Grow-Up

3.1K 126 14

~Part 3 of the Attack on BLANK series~ What do you get when Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Eren, Ymir and Krista p... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Three

89 6 1
By I-Wont-Grow-Up

The cast gathered in the cafeteria talking, laughing and getting out of costumes after the show. Parents and friends were with them taking pictures and fawning over them. Ilse was going from person to person asking about the show, and Ymir and Krista's little romance.

Connie was the first of the rest of the friend group to burst through the cafeteria doors. "You guys were amazing!"

Jean was next pushing past Connie acting like he hadn't been crying as he made his way over to Marco, "Yeah guys really amazing."

Marco smiled brightly to Jean and Connie, answering for everyone, since they were with their families and Marco's family wasn't in there yet. "Thanks you guys!"

Ymir's foster parents were busy doting over Ymir and how well she had done. As well as how cute she and Krista were together.

Reiner was posing for pictures with Bertholdt as their parents took pictures, "Wasn't Bert great Ma?!"

Mrs. Braun nodded, "Oh yes! You were incredible Bertholdt sweetie!"

Bertholdt blushed. "A-Ah thank you Mrs. Braun."

Miss Hoover smiled sweetly at her son. "Honey, I am SO proud of you."

"T-Thanks Mom." He smiled.

Just then, Annie walked by. Miss Hoover happened to see her and what happened next nearly made Bertholdt's heart stop.

"Annie sweetie! Are you busy at the moment? Would you like to get a picture with Bertholdt?!"

"M-Mom!" Bertholdt blurted out, sweat began pouring down his face. He was blushing furiously.

"Yeah, come on Bertl." Reiner encouraged nudging his friend. "All three of us can get a picture together."

Annie had agreed to take a photo with the two of them. Mrs. Braun and Miss Hoover took more photos of them. 

"Alright, now just Bertholdt and Annie now." Miss Hoover cooed.

Bertholdt nearly felt like he was going to faint. "I-I um.."

Annie looked up at him. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah! I'm fine!" Bertholdt nervously chuckled towards her. He felt his cheeks burning.

Thankfully, the photo was taken pretty quick and the tall sweaty beanpole took his handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the sweat of his forehead. 

"Hey, Bertholdt." Annie spoke up. "You did really well tonight, just thought I'd let you know."

Bertholdt's blush returned. "O-Oh! Um...thank you Annie....You d-did well too."

Reiner beamed as he watched the exchange. As he usually did when Bertholdt talked to Annie without being a total nervous wreck around Annie.

Just then, Sasha burst open the door with a few baked goods in her hands and a half-eaten cookie in her mouth. She placed the sweets down on the table and finished her cookie, scarfing it down. She then spotted Krista and squealed. "KRISTA!" She exclaimed, sprinting over to the small blonde and hugged her. "Oh my gosh! You were incredible!"

Krista laughed as she hugged the girl back. "Thank you so much Sasha!"

Armin clung to Eren, still crying over the play, "You were so good!" He said to his friend, "Krista and Ymir were so perfect!" He continued to compliment.

Eren patted Armin's back lightly, "Thank you Armin."

Armin wiped his tears, "What did you think of it Mikasa?"

"I thought it was fantastic." She answered with a small smile.

"Alright you three, let's get some pictures!" Carla said, holding up her camera.

Eren nodded and put his arms around his friends as the pictures were being taken. Reiner had since pulled away from his family and friends. Once he noticed the trio taking pictures he began to pull funny faces and poses.

Mrs. Braun and Miss Hoover were chatting when Mrs. Braun noticed her son's behavior. She slowly turned back to face her friend. "Elizabeth, I'm gonna say it..."

Miss Hoover's dark green eyes widened. "K-Karina, please don't."

"I'm going to."

"Karina, think about-"


Reiner cringed and paused as his mother called him by his middle name, "Ma!"

"FERDINAND?!" Came Ymir's voice from across the cafeteria. "I'm sorry Krista but this requires my full attention." She said as she sprinted away leaving Krista with her foster parents and sister. She was beside Mrs. Braun in an instant.

"You're telling me Reiner's middle name is Ferdinand?" Ymir asked.

Mrs. Braun looked at Ymir and nodded, gently smirking. "Yes it is dear."

"Like Ferdinand the Bull right? Please tell me I'm right." The girl practically begged the woman.

"You're correct!" Mrs. Braun winked.

Ymir looked to the ceiling with a satisfied smile, "Thank you God..." She laughed lightly, "Hey! Hey! Reiner Ferdinand Braun!" Ferdy!"

"Ma!" Reiner exclaimed again. "Why'd you have to tell her my whole name?"

Mrs. Braun turned to her son, "I didn't tell her your full name!"

"Oh, thank you God." Reiner gave a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry about it Ferdinand. I'm perfectly fine with just the middle name. Have a nice night Ferdy. I hope my girlfriend and I see you at the pizza party." Ymir teased the boy using the unofficial title of 'girlfriend' to refer to Krista.

"You don't have a girlfriend?" Reiner scoffed lightly.

"Sure I don't." Ymir shrugged heading back to Krista.

Reiner then connected the dots and let out a girlish yelp. "You, bit-"

"Reiner Ferdinand Ludwig Braun! You watch your mouth young man!" Reiner's mother crossed her arms across her chest.

Reiner paused and a pained look crossed his face as he screamed internally.

Ymir spun around with a pleased look on her face. "It must be Christmas!"

"Ma," Reiner whined turning to look at his mother, "B-But she... Krista... Girlfriend... My hopes... My dreams..."

"No buts. That gives you no right to almost call someone that word! Now, say your sorry to Ymir." She said, tapping her foot.

Reiner frowned and groaned, "I'm sorry... Ymir."

"Oh, apology accepted Reiner Ferdinand Ludwig Braun." Ymir patted his shoulder gently. "Now, Ferdy, Ludwig, Braun," She mocked him lightly, "I really hope this hasn't crushed you."

Reiner glared, "Oh yeah, you're so funny. What's your middle name, huh?"

"Dagmar." Ymir shrugged casually.

"What the heck does that mean?" Reiner asked.

"Joyus day." Ymir responded.

"... What?" Reiner stared confused at the girl.

"I'll leave your little brain to think that one over." She gave a sarcastic wave and walked back to Krista, "See ya Ferdy!"

While all of that was going on, Bertholdt and Annie were watching from a few feet away.

"I'm really enjoying this." Annie smirked slightly, mumbling under her breath.

Bertholdt looked down at her. "W-What did you say?"

"Oh nothing Bertholdt. Nothing at all."

Meanwhile as Reiner suffered and Annie watched on in enjoyment, Ymir tried to get a spare second to talk to Krista before they all left to get pizza. Unfortunately, her foster parents would not leave them alone.

"Oh Krista," Helen said, "Those dresses looked just gorgeous on you. You had me in tears for that death scene it was almost like you weren't acting."

Krista smiled. "Thank you Mrs. Langnar! That means alot." A light blush appeared on her cheeks.

"You and Ymir had great chemistry. Your director really knew what she was doing." The woman continued.

"Thank you Helen." Ymir said trying to speed the conversation along. "Can Krista and I have a second."

Mrs. Langnar seemed to ignore Ymir's request. "Ilse loved it too. She kept saying 'I was right' over and over again. She probably just thought it was that good."

"Helen please." Ymir almost whined.

But Mrs. Langnar continued to ramble on about costumes and the cast until Ymir just sighed.

"Krista do you want to go out on a date sometime?" Ymir spit out the words loud and fast. That got her foster mother to be quiet.

Krista blinked in surprise, slowly looking up at Ymir. Her cheeks were bright red. After a few moments of silence, she gave the taller girl a smile. "I'd love too."

Ymir smiled back softly, "Great."

"... Well, we'd better let you two get to your little pizza party. See you at home Ymir. See you soon Krista." Mrs. Langnar pushed her husband and daughter out of the cafeteria doors.

"Goodbye Mr and Mrs. Langnar! Bye Ilse!" Krista waved.

"Goodbye Krista!" Mrs. Langnar waved back.

Connie had made his way to Reiner and Bertholdt. The shorter boy reached up and grabbed Bertholdt by the shoulders, "You were so good dude!"

Bertholdt looked over to see Connie and gave him a gentle smile. " you Connie."

"I never thought I would like this show, but Sasha dragged me along and it. Was. Fantastic. You and Reiner killed it!" Connie continued shaking the boy lightly.

The tall boy chuckled. "I-I'm glad you liked it!"

Connie grinned, "I'm coming to every show from now on. Even Ymir was good. I didn't expect that."

Bertholdt's smile grew wider. "That's great! T-Tell you what...when I find out the show dates for the next show we do, you'll be the first one I tell."

"Awesome!" Connie exclaimed, "Thanks man!"

"N-No problem!"

Reiner finished putting his costume away and interrupted, " Hey Bertl, everyone is getting ready to go to the pizza place. Glad you enjoyed Connie!"

Bertholdt looked over to his best friend. "O-Oh! Okay!"

Reiner put his bag over his shoulder and Connie gave him a congratulatory high-five.

"Ready to go Bertl or do you need a few more minutes?" Reiner asked.

"I-I think I'm ready. Let's go." He said, zipping his garment bag up. He turned to Connie one more time. "S-See you Connie! Thanks again for coming to the show."

"See ya!" Connie smiled, "No problem man! Keep up the good work!"

Bertholdt waved and walked over to Reiner, slinging his garment bag over one shoulder and his satchel over the other one. "A-Alright, let's go."

Reiner nodded and the boys walked out of the cafeteria. 


Reiner Ferdinand Ludwig Braun. <3 


And Bertholdt <3

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