But Too Well

By AmiSpeare

4.1M 174K 56.2K

"His gaze holds mine like a spell, like a dangerous, delirious kind of magic. I swallow, my heart racing, my... More

Introduction/Author's Note
I : Beginning
II : Improv
III : Warning
IV : Sugar
V : Reality
VI : Reassurance
VII : Brother
VIII : Secret
IX : Complicated
X : Court
XI : Breath
XII : Caleb
XIV : Both
XV : Threat
XVI : Tangled
XVII : Again
XVIII : Awkward
XIX : Want
XX : Messy
XXI : Choice
XXII : Allies
XXIII : Crazy
XXIV : Drowning
XXV : Comfort
XXVI : Reprieve
XXVII : Inevitable
XXVIII : Verdict
XXIX : Tainted
XXX : Forward
XXXI : Wrong
XXXII : Recover
XXXIII : Confess
XXXIV : Don't
XXXV : Before
XXXVI : Darkness
XXXVII : After
XXXIX : Clarity
XL : Acceptance
XLI : Recovery
XLII : Forgiveness
XLIII : Finally
XLIV : More
XLV : Slick
XLVI : Words
XLVII : Recompense
XLVIII : Another
XLIX : Morning
L : Family
LI : Love
LII : Glowing
LIII : Memories
LIV : Immunity
LV : Battle
LVI : Fleas
LVII : Cynicism
LVIII : Distraction
LIX : Sharing
LX : Plan
LXI : Control
LXII : Broken
LXIII : Trauma
LXIV : Healing
LXV : Separate
LXVI : Amends
LXVII : Ready
LXVIII : Repair
LXIX : Come
LXX : Together
Bonus Chapter #1 : Nutella
Bonus Chapter #2 : Fidanzata
Bonus Chapter #3 : Famiglia
Bonus Chapter #4: Piccolino
Bonus Chapter #5: Incinta
Bonus Chapter #6: Dear Caleb

XIII : Glitz

65.2K 2.8K 643
By AmiSpeare

Two weeks later

I TOUCH UP my lipstick as I wait in front of Shauna's apartment, knowing that she is never on time. Just like I planned for, it takes her a good ten minutes to make her way out to my car, and of course she looks stunning in her gown, her hair and make-up simple and flawless.

"You look hot." I start the drive to the banquet hall, glad that we're on time at least so far.

"So do you, babe." Her dress is a dark, seductive red, her lips and nails done to match.

Thankfully, around seven at night, the traffic isn't too bad. "Do I look like a talented, professional artist? Would you bid over three and a half grand for my painting?"

Shauna whistles. "Is that how much they're charging for it? Damn, girl, that must be one hell of a landscape."

"I almost feel bad giving it away. It just might be my best work." When I finished it over the weekend and let Daniel pick it up, I was almost sure that it was. "Daniel almost had to tear the canvas from my fingers."

"Mm, I can't wait to see that brother of yours." I groan, knowing that I set myself up for this. "When was the last time I was even in the same room as him?" She makes a small hum. "He is so hot. How do I look?"

I shake my head at her, full of disapproval. "You know he's bringing his girlfriend, right?"

She lets out a histrionic gasp. "Rosalyn! Why didn't you tell me before? I would have worn my really tall heels."


THE NUMBER OF luxury cars outside the building is astounding. The men and women walking into the shining, beautifully decorated hall are definitely from a different part of society than I; I catch glimpses of every single expensive designer brand, every kind of well-cut diamond and string of jewels. Shauna and I try not to show our awe at the sheer amount of money that surrounds us, and I am, somehow, infinitely glad that this long, lacy black gown cost me an arm and a leg.

"How did we end up here?" Shauna whispers to me as we walk inside, making a conscious effort not to stare at any of the gorgeous decor filling the hall or huge chandeliers swinging from the ceiling or the chains of precious gems that hang from the necks of women around us. "Are you sure I look okay?"

I step back and give her a once over, and I am completely honest when I tell her she looks perfect. "How about me?"

"You're stunning, Ros." She gifts me a perfect smile and in that moment I know why we're best friends.

"Now what do we do?" I look around, already lost.

Shauna gifts me a brilliant, mischievous grin. "We have fun, of course." She stands tall, pushing her chin up. "Look like you belong here, okay, Ros? This'll be great."

We walk down the brightly lit corridor towards the banquet room, where hundreds of tables sparkle and glitter with fine China and ornate silverware. The people here tonight must be so incredibly rich—no expenses have been spared.

It all kind of makes me think of the parties from The Great Gatsby. Briefly, I wonder how much our tickets cost, and I can only imagine how much Daniel spent on them.

Just as thoughts of my brother flash through my mind, I catch sight of him across the hall, and he makes his way over to us with Caleb at his side. They both wear dark, well-tailored tuxes and expensive watches, clearly playing the part. They look good, and I know Shauna thinks so too from the way she eyes Daniel appraisingly.

"Hello, ladies." Daniel gives me a small kiss on the cheek, and though he hides it, he's surprised that I brought Shauna. I'm sure he was looking forward to grilling whatever boy I decided to bring with me, and I hide a smile, knowing that I've tricked him. "You both look amazing."

Shauna lets Daniel take her hand formally, looking at him through thick lashes. She's an expert. "You too. Thank you so much for inviting me—everything looks incredible."

"Any time, Shauna." He gives her a friendly grin, and inside I'm laughing at his obliviousness. "This is my friend Caleb, by the way."

They greet each other, and Caleb's attention focuses on me again. I think his eyes take me in, top to bottom, but he's so subtle that I barely catch it. "So Shauna, your friends take you out to fancy parties all the time, huh?" He raises a playful eyebrow, and instantly, a plotting, telepathic wave crosses from my mind to Shauna's. We put on our best acting skills.

She links her arm with mine and I lean against her, our faces serious and sober. "Friend? We've been dating for just over a year now. Don't tell me that Ros hasn't mentioned me."

The look on Caleb's face is priceless, and Daniel plays along, his expression as neutral as possible. Shauna and I maintain straight faces for all of ten seconds before we burst into laughter.

When it dawns on Caleb that he's been tricked, his face flushes. He shakes his head disapprovingly, but his laughter joins ours. He blinks, and his smile is charming, playful. "I was actually worried there for a second."

My face widens into a teasing smirk. "Worried why, Caleb?"

He winks, his expression saying it all. Our interactions have turned into a series of flirtations, and I would be lying if I told you that it wasn't fun.

"Where is this elusive girlfriend of yours, Daniel?" I raise my eyebrow, and he rolls his eyes.

"She's off with some friends right now, but we're all at the same table." He lets out a huge, resigned sigh. "You'll have to meet her soon, I guess." I give him a dirty look, and he just smirks.

"My date has also abandoned me." Caleb pretends to look insulted. I can see a small glitter in his eye, a twitch at the corner of his lips. "Stand closer to me, Ros." A small wink. "Maybe she'll get jealous and come back."

I laugh and shake my head, but when we weave our way through the hall to our seats, I let him stand close behind me, and his warmth is comforting.

"Where are Mom and Dad?" We're the first ones at our table.

"They're around here somewhere. This thing's about to start, anyways."

We take our seats, and I continue to take in everything around me, the people and the decor and the extravagance. There is a large screen and a stage at the front of the room, the kitchen and servers off to one side. The entire back of the hall, where we just came from, is open to the rest of the building, and people still float around, chatting.

On the other side of the room are a large array of long tables, filled with various pieces of expensive merchandise in all shapes and sizes. The silent auction. I scan the display, and I find my painting on an easel, dead centre and clearly visible. It looks even better than I remember.

I point out the auction to Shauna, and she squeals when she sees my painting, giving my hand a squeeze. "Aw, Ros, it's incredible. I can't even." Daniel and Caleb turn to see it too, and I am bombarded with compliments. I flush with all the attention, glad when my parents arrive to change the subject.

There is a huge shuffle as we all get up and give each other hugs. My mom's dress is a kind of satin, the color of pearls, and she looks amazing. She tells Shauna and I how good we look and then they tell me how much they love my painting. I blush. I don't think I'll ever get used to so much praise.

I find myself between Caleb and Shauna, and just the MC tells everyone to please head to their seats, a couple of women, gorgeous and dazzling, make their way to our table wearing friendly smiles. Caleb and Daniel both stand. One of the girls has dark hair that is curled expertly and spills across her bare shoulders, and as she greets Daniel, I know that she is the girlfriend that I have been dying to meet. The other, with short, platinum blond hair, sits beside Caleb. They clearly know each other well from the ease in which they interact, the jokes that they share, teasing and effortless.

Daniel's date greets us from across the table. "I'm Natalia." She gives me a warm smile and Shauna and I introduce ourselves, standing to take her hand.

"This is my friend Isabelle." Caleb introduces us to the gorgeous blonde beside him. Isabelle extends a hand, her expression lively and playful.

She clarifies as she shakes my hand, sending Caleb a dirty look, though all in play. "You can call me Izzy." She winks. "Caleb needed a date, so I agreed to let him bring me." She leans in, whispering conspiratorially. "He just got over a nasty break-up, so he's kinda sworn off of dating for a while." Caleb sighs, giving Izzy a disdainful look, like he would to a sister.

"We're two of a kind, then, Caleb," Shauna says ruefully, and Caleb gives her an understanding grin.

"What are best-friends for, huh Izzy?" We exchange a knowing laugh, and instantly I know I like her. 

The program starts, and soon dinner is served. The lawyers at the table, four out of eight, tell the rest of us about the event, how attorneys from all the big firms are here tonight, not to mention donors and clients.

By the time our main course is served I've learned that the people in this room are set on networking: businesses searching for new lawyers, firms eager to take on rich new clients, etc., etc.

"But of course everyone is mostly here to support a good cause..." Caleb rolls his eues mischievously as he says it.

"Mhm. I'm sure." My voice is wry and teasing. "Is that why you're here?" I chuckle. "I'm here for the food."

Shauna accepts a refill from a waiter, holding her glass up to me. "I'm here for the booze."

Everyone laughs and Caleb holds up his glass, shooting me a mischievous grin. "To our resident Picasso."

I blush as the table echoes Caleb's toast. I give him a small a whack on the arm. "Thanks Caleb."

He shrugs, and his smile is as contagious as always. "If I hadn't pitched in to buy it for the auction, I might've tried bidding on it."

"Too expensive for me," my dad teases dryly, and my mom agrees with him.

As dessert is served, the conversation never ceases, and I focus curiously on Natalia. She hasn't really said much. She looks like she's enjoying herself though, just like the rest of us.

Every now and them, she and Daniel have their own small, private conversations, close and very, very cute. My brother whispers things in her ear, tucking small strands of her dark hair to the side, and she laughs, kissing him on the cheek.

Shauna nudges me, sending me a fake pouty face, and I laugh at her. We can both see that Daniel is clearly smitten.

The room is buzzing with excitement. Also, there is a lot of alcohol. Endless bottles of expensive wine and tall glasses of fancy cocktails float around, and Caleb raises a questioning eyebrow at my drink, same as always, a San Pelligrino.

"You don't drink, do you?" His own glass is filled with white.

I shake my head. "Nope."

He's curious, of course. "Can I ask why?"

I shrug, taking a sip of my boring but very safe drink. "Long story, Caleb." I give him a small, dry smile. "Let's just say that alcohol isn't exactly conducive to wise decision making."

"She's a a prude," Daniel pipes in from the other side of the table, and I shoot him a dirty look.

Caleb laughs. "I refuse to believe that." He shoots me a small, teasing wink, and I suppress a smile.

I explain the long story of a close friend Shauna and I had in high school, who was hit by a drunk driver. The same week, another girl in our grade drank too much at a party. She went of with some stranger, was attacked and left permanently, seriously injured.

I don't mean to bring down the mood, but Caleb is a fantastic listener. He is sympathetic and understanding, and says he completely understands my aversion to alcohol.

The rest of dinner we laugh and joke. Just as I let myself think that I might really like Caleb, images of another, far different man pop into my head, dampening my mood. Of course I have to think of him. His haunting eyes and teasing fingers and smooth, perfect skin and sharp, strong jaw corrupt my thoughts.

Just as my night was going well.


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