By -UnrealisticDreamer-

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Chapter One: Juno's POV
Chapter 2: Eric's POV
Chapter 3: Juno's POV
Chapter 5: Juno's POV
Announcements Part Two
Chapter 6, Eric's POV
Chapter 7: Juno's POV
Chapter 8: Eric's POV
100 READS!!
Chapter 9: Juno's POV
Chapter 10: Eric's POV
Chapter 11: Juno's POV
Chapter 12: Eric's POV
Chapter 13: Juno's POV
Chapter 14: Eric's POV
Chapter 15: Juno's POV
Chapter 16: Eric's POV
Chapter 17: Juno's POV
Chapter 18: Eric's POV
Chapter 19: Juno's POV
Chapter 20: Eric's POV
Chapter 21: Juno's POV
Chapter 22: Eric's POV
Epilogue: Nineteen Years Later

Chapter 4: Eric's POV

85 22 4
By -UnrealisticDreamer-

I walked out of the room, burning with mixed anger and shame. Shame that I didn't do more for my mother.

But I knew she wouldn't like that. Violence was a form of evil, she said.

I stepped in front of the elevator doors. When I pressed the arrow pointing down, the button started glowing and the elevator door opened.

I walked in and straitened my coffee splattered suit. The elevator dinged as I pressed the lobby button.

I clenched my fists as I walked through the lobby. Only the secretary remained.

I tried not to meet her eyes as I opened the door and stepped onto the sidewalk.

As soon as my shoes hit the sidewalk, I tripped and hit the ground hard. Darn.

Now my expensive suit was both covered in coffee and had a tear. On the knee. I looked at my phone and got the camera on.

I looked terrible. My hair and face were covered in coffee. I wiped it off and finger-combed my hair.

Then I took a napkin and wiped the coffee off my suit the best I could.

I sighed, then headed to the nearest coffee shop. Ironic, isn't it?

Oh well, I needed to wake up. I was exhausted.

I walked through the door and immediately a bell rang and the homely smell of the shop greeted me.

A nice looking girl around my age was singing into a microphone.

Sure, the girl was pretty, but Good night! Her voice sounded like cats walking on a piano.

Maybe it's just me, but she absolutely can not sing Disney. But here she was, warbling something that sounded like, I Won't Say I'm in Love from Hercules.

"🎵No chance, no way, I won't say it, No, No! You swoon, you sigh, why deny it Uh, Oh. It's too cliché, I won't say I'm in love🎶." She winked at me while she belted out the chorus.

I just ignored it, went to the counter, an ordered an iced tea. After I gave the barista the money, I waited by the counter.

I drummed my fingers on the counter as I waited, ignoring the awful guitar music the singer was making.

Then, after a few minutes of waiting, my iced tea was ready. I took it and sipped from the green straw, looking around for a seat.

After I had found one, I pretended to be interested in her singing, but inside I was thinking, No wonder she has no other place to get a job as a singer.

I rolled my eyes and continued to sip my tea. The girl finished her gig and everyone clapped, some more enthusiastic than others.

I was one of the less enthusiastic. After she had packed up her guitar and *cough cough awful* music, she sat down in the seat across from me.

"You look too hot to be here. What's your name? I'm Angela. "The girl with the angel voice" they say. "

I told her my name.

"You look like an Eric," she said, bending over the table and pulling her shirt down so that she exposed a lot of cleavage.

I didn't look. I wasn't that kind of guy.

I said,"Look. I don't want a girlfriend, if I'm what you're after."

She smiled. "No, but you want me."

I rolled my eyes. "No, I really don't," I said.

I got up from the table and threw my iced tea away on the way out the door.

I had walked to the interview, so I had to walk home. I used an alley as a shortcut.

This was the choice that would change my life forever.

I was halfway through the alley, between two tall office buildings, when suddenly, a huge flash of light blinded me.

A girl fell out of the sky, screaming. I sprinted toward her and tried to catch her, but I was too late.

She was unconscious on the ground. I knelt by her.

"No, NO!! Please, Don't die!! I don't know you but... Don't die... Please don't die...." I repeated over and over again.

I felt her pulse and it was slowing down. I was hit by a shocking realization.

She was dead.

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