Mate or Not I still dont want...

By jensen321

2.6K 66 3

A bond is a connection between to people that usually bring pure love and happiness but not for Cade and Skyl... More

Not willing (Cade)
Not wanting (Cade)
Not accepting (Skylin)
Not what you wanted (skylin/cade)
Not my doing (Skylin)
Not gonna happen (Skylin)
Not ready (Skylin)
Not now (Cade)
Not that I needed it (skylin)
Not my calling (skylin)
Not expected (Cade)
Not over it (Skylin)
Not right (Cade)
Not Happening (Skylin)
Not right for her (Cade)
Not Stolen (Skylin)
Not yours (cade)
Not my moment (skylin)

Not all bad (Cade)

115 2 0
By jensen321

**above is who Lacey is based off of which is Laura Samuels

Ch. 7: Not all bad


I pulled on a black v-neck t-shirt and pulled on brown khaki shorts. I checked myself one last time in the mirror. A dark shadow passed my face still pissed I have to go back to school all thanks to Skylin. My revenge is to make her life absolutely miserable at school. It's gonna be so much easier seeing how close she is with that human. I was actually surprised by the way she acted around him it was as if she cared. I was probably surprised because usually you find you mate and only have feelings for them I guess I never thought she'd have feeling for a human. I know I might be pushing it but why should I care I'm not exactly fond of her. Although she did turn me on just a bit when she was goin off on me, that usually that doesn't happen so it was a new experience. It didn't exactly help that she looked smokin hot when she was mad but don't worry all together it just made me more pissed. I heard the doorbell ring that snapped me out of my trance. I opened the door that consisted of all the pizza I ordered followed my many people.

Soon as the party had started the house was filled with tons of people. I had girls coming up to out of nowhere. Soon someone came up behind me," Hey man great turn out."

I smirked,"Thanks Nate, for contacting everyone."

"No problem. Do you know if Skylin's here?"

Hopefully she isn't," I don't know dude."

"Alright see ya later then."

I nodded back to him, then made my way over to a group of girls. Later I was pulled away from the group to find Lacey in a tight purple dress wearing a flower chain thing around her head," Hey baby," her voice slurred.

I rolled my eyes I did not want to deal with anyone drunk out if their minds tonight. I decided I could dance with her for a little bit. As we were dancing I notice she started stumbling around,"Lace, are you ok?"

She looked at me with expressionless black eyes," I feel dizzy."

"Alright I'm gonna take you to the guest bedroom." I considered taking her to Skylins and saying I forgot she lived here but I wasn't in the mood to have to deal with her. I picked Lacey up with her long dirty blonde braid hanging over my arm. I carried her up the stairs to an empty bedroom at the end of the hall. I laid her down gently," If you need the bathroom you know where it is."

She nodded, I was about to leave when I heard her whimper," Cade, is it true?"

I walked over to her bedside," Is what true?"

He eyes shown sadness," Is it true you found your mate?"

I exhaled slowly looking up from her face around the room. I went to reply, but when I looked at her face she was already sleeping.

I walked down the stairs reentering the party when I heard someone come up from behind me," Hmm let me guess coming back for more."

I turned around slowly to fine Meredith stand with one hip popped out and arms crossed over here chest while wearing a strapless crop top and mini skirt," Excuse me."

She snarled," You heard me."

"Woah Meredith take it down a notch. That girl was one of my friends I would never."

She stepped closer to me with a smirk and her eyes dancing with amusement and uncertainty," Hmm should I believe you?"

I smirked taking another step closer so that our body's were touching. I looked down at her, our faces close,"I don't know can you?"

She gave me a coy grin," That's why I'm asking you."

I leaned in a little closer," I suggest you don't."

I leaned in closer as if I were about to kiss her watching her hazel eyes turn to confusion trying to process everything. Just as our lips were about to touch I turned and walked away. Don't get me wrong I know I'm playing a dangerous game it's just for fun.

I ran my hand through my hair walking over to the bar to get a drink when I heard a piercing scream call out. I ran over to where the scream came from right as she reacted. I saw the whole thing unfold as Skylin kneed the guy right in the nuts. Man that had me cringe just by watching. The guy that I couldn't recognize crumbled to the ground in a heap. He looked up at skylin with eyes burning with a kind of hatred I've never seen from anyone before. He got up and went full out at her, Skylin on the other hand didn't seem to notice the effort he was putting into his blow out as she took her right hand and popped him right in the mouth with so much force no one else but me noticed. The guy stumbled back a few then fell to the ground with a crash. I was finally set in reality as Skylin looked around stunned at all the people that had gathered around. She quickly grabbed her left wrist trying to hide it behind her. All my thoughts finally came to me screaming oh sh!t,"Ok guys shows over. Time to leave." Once everyone left I turned around to face Skylin, I held my hand out," Let me see."

After a couple seconds of her just staring at my hand she sighed placing her wrist on my hand. I grimaced, her bone had broke was almost poking through her skin. I ruffed my hair up, "Ok how long will it take you to heal that?"

Her grey eyes relaxed a bit, "At most three days."

I nodded giving her wrist back,"Cade watch out," she blurted.

I swung around so fast elbowing the guy in the ribs with a few cracks sounding. The guy was instantly back on the ground in seconds. I looked up to see Brent shaking his head at the guy,"Brent will you get him out of here?" He nodded yes and I turned back to Skylin, "Hold your wrist against your chest and follow me upstairs."

I started walking away toward the stairs quite surprised she was following without question. I walked into my room making my way to the cabinet that contained the first aid stuff. I grabbed it taking it back out to my room I noticed Skylin still standing in the doorway,"Skylin please just sit on my bed while I wrap your wrist."

She caustionsly came over to my bed sitting down and handing me her wrist. I started wrapping it up,"So who was he?"

She shrugged not saying. I stopped wraping staring intently in her eyes, "Skylin, who was the guy?"

Her voice hostile, "How should I know, you invited him!"

Those words hit me like a slap across the face. I started wrapping again and she flinched with a whimper, "Where was Nate?"

Skylins voiced wavered like she wanted to cry, "He has to work in the morning so he left early."

I tried to hurry and wrap her wrist before she had a meltdown. Once I was finished I gazed in to her eyes and gave a small smile," Done."

She let out a breath she was probably holding the entire time and awkwardly thanked me and left. I put everything away and headed back down to the party straight toward the bar to down a couple shots.


hey guys thank you so much for all reads so far please share vote comment tell me what you think.....Any suggestions criticism im open for anything! Thank you! by the way whose your favorite singer?????????

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