Harry's twin mates

By Rain_Bow_666

160K 4.4K 1.1K

once Harry goes through his inheritance, and gets two mates out of it. Set in fifth year. Ps. I suck at des... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chaper 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

8.2K 229 62
By Rain_Bow_666

Harry p.o.v
I woke up naked, inbewteen a naked Fred and Gorge. My butt hurts like hell. But I feel much more... Compleat.
I turned over to looked at Fred and ran my hand over his blue Griffin tatoo that is over his heart. Then I turned to Gorge and done the same to his red one. Then I looked down at my green one. Both Fred and Gorge moved and looked at me. "Morning my Harry." They said in unison.
"Morning. I don't feel like getting up " I said and pulled them both down wanting to cuddle.
"I'm sorry my little Harry bit we have to." Gorge said.
"Yah Hermione may get mad at us." Fred added.
"And I am sure Ron is already complaining about how we did not get back last night." Gorge said.
"But. Guys. My butt hurts and im tierd." I complain rolling over to stuff my face in a pillow.
They both laughed and Fred said, "well I had to bottem to. But you don't see me complaing."
"Well I had it twice. So. Ha." I said and stuck my tongue out at him.
"Well we are sorry Harry. But. We have to go. We also have calsses and we don't need another detention with Umbrige." Gorge explained.
"Fine domanate." I said so both me and Fred got up me winsing and limping a bit as we went to take a shower together. Taking turnes washing eachother.
We then went to breakfast. And as I sat down I winsed making Draco smirk at me. "So you guys finally done it. Pay up Ron." Draco said holding his hand out to Ron.
He sighed and said, "why Harry?"
"It needed to be done Ron. Plus why not. It was fun." I said and smiled.
"Well thanks to you I won a bet between me and Ron." Draco said smirking.
"Fuck you draco." Ron mumbled and continued to eat.
Draco smirked more and said, "maybe later." Making Ron choke.
"Good job Draco." I said
"Thank you Harry. So. How did the three of you mate and who is the complet Dom?" Draco asked.
"I'm not explaining that. But Gorge is dom." I said.

Gorge p.o.v
I smiled at Harry and Fred. Hermione rolled her eyes and stood up. "Well it's time for classes. See you later Fred and Gorge." Hermione said.
We all walked out and me and Fred kissed Harry goodbye, then went to our classes.

After classes me and Fred began selling our mernchendice again, we even fixed the quills spelling problem.
Harry Ron Draco and Hermione came over and talked to us. But they did not want to take any of our merchandice. We did not minde though. We then went to dinner and began eating.

That night we went to our room and Fred pushed Harry to a wall and I went behind Fred and began kissing his neck and grinding into him, as i grabbed Harry's groin. They groaned and kissed harder, as Harry began grinding into My hand. But Fred then turned Harry and himself making harry be between Fred and me.
I laughed and tooken off Harry's shirt and mine as Fred took his off.
Then saddly there is a novk at the door. "What we are busy!" I yelled and began kissing Harry's neck as Fred kissed Harry's lips since Harry is facing fred.
"Hermione is in the common room wanting to talk to us!" Ron yelled back.
We fixed ourselves them saying we can finish later. So we went to the common room and say on the couch. Every one that uses the common room is here, Draco, Ron, Blaise, Neville, Luna, and Pansy.
"So I have been thinking-" hermione started.
"Oh no that's never good." Ron interrupted.
"Shup up. Any way. I was thinking that we should make a club to teach us how to use magic." Hermione explained.
"And were would this be at and who would teach?" Pansy asked.
"I was thinking Harry could teach but I was not sure we're." Hermione said.
"How about here?" Ron asked.
"No. Somewhere bigger. I was thinking about inviting everyone. Just not the Slythrens. But Draco Pansy and Blaise can come." Hermione said.
"That sounds good." Draco said Pansy and Blaise agreeing.
"Maybe at the room if reqierment." I said.
"The what?" Ron asked.
"The room of requirement." Fred said.
"You pace in front." I said.
"Then a door appears." Fred said.
"Can be anything." I said.
"You can imagine." Fred finished.
"So we can use this as a training room?" Neville asked.
"Yes. We have been there once. It's cool." I said.
Hermione looked at us as though she is studying for a book then said, "okay. So now we just need peaple. I was thinking that for our first hogsmeed trip we can go to the hogs head and have peaple sighn up."
We nodded and deemed it great.

Fred p.o.v
After talking to Hermione we went to our room and pushed Harry onto the bed. He groned as we grinded into him and kissed him. Both of our tungs in his mouth. Harry seemed to not know what to do as he just held the front of our shirt trying to pull us down. Me and Gorge pulled away and smiled at the flustered looking Harry. We tooled off his and our shirts and began bighting and kissing his neck leaving marks.
Harry wimperd and said, "I want you both inside of me."
"Both of us?" I asked.
"At once?" Gorge asked.
Harry nodded.
We moved ourselves so that Harry is facing me and straddling me, his back to gorge. Gorge prepeard us and we both pushed our dicks into Harry. Who groned and began to move a bit as we both moved in and out of him. Gorge wrapped his arms around harry and began to play with his penis. As I reached out and also began to play with it.
Eventually both me and Gorge came into Harry. Harry coming on my stomach.
We got out of Harry and layed on the bed cuddling. Eventually falling asleep.

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