Think Again (Camren)

By senseizayn

1M 22.8K 4.2K

Camila is an all-star hockey player who meets her boyfriend Austin's cousin Lauren. What will happen next? More

Camila's Confusion
I Think I Think I Like Girls
Surprise Coffee
House of Cards
Jauregui Confession Craving Trouble
Oh God She Knows
Walk The Distance
Mr Brightside
Letting Her Breathe
Taking Chances
Silence Speaks Volumes
Musician vs Keeper Of My Heart
Austins Girl Gotta Girlfriend
Teachers Pet
Say My Name
After Practice Wake Up Call
The Way She Feels
Jauregui vs Mahone
We're Barely Past The Starting Line
Definition of 'Camila'
Sofi & The Slamming Lockers
Moment of Weakness or A Simple Mistake
Cabello Pushes Jauregui Snaps
Trying To Erase You
Bleeding Love
Call It
From Yesterday
Yes And I am
Bedroom Date
She's In Love With You
A Moment Revealed
Dirty Little Secrets
Musically Challenged
Backseat Warmers
Just Maybe
You're Sleeping With Her Aren't You?
Please Camila?
And This One's For You
Your Kiss Might Kill Me
Once A Flirt Always A Flirt
Goodbye Peace Hello Reality
When Parents Involve Themselves
Not The Only Guilty One
Counting Down The Minutes
Nerves And Butterflies
Shattered and Broken Worlds
The Truth About Samantha Taylor
Trying To Untangle
Here I Am Dedicated To Kyla
Not In Love Yet It Hurts Just The Same
The Cabellos Don't Do Dresses
The Mendes Punch
Tie Me Up
Cabello Charm
Friends Lovers And Everything In Between
Playing Connect The Dots
An Ace Up Her Sleeve
Moody And Goodbye To You
Chicken Soup For The Hockey Lovers Soul
Did You Have An Urge To Kiss Her?
Living On The Edge Of A Broken Heart
Not Hiding Anymore
Knock 'Em Dead Cabello
Where's Your Head At?
One Or Two Tangles At A Time
Quick Session, Anyone?
Smackdown 'N Spilling The Beans
Realizing The Unthinkable
Budweiser Girl What A Party
It's Only Just Begun
Keep Your Hands To Yourself
And We All Fall Down
Please Don't Say Goodbye
A Moment I'm Passing To You
Innocence Lost
Definition Of Perfection, There Is None
A Little Piece Of Heaven In You
Information Overload
Like, Oh My God!
Pointed Fingers, Pointless Anger
I Can Stand My Own Ground
Pick Your Study Buddy
Good Morning Cabello
Finding A Way Back To Who I Am
All Apologies
Can We Just Skip It?
Who Says It's Not Educational?
Sister Bonding
The Key To Life Is
I Was Lost But Now I Am Found
Let's Just Go With The Moment
If I Could Live Within You Forever
Justice Will Beat You Down Today
Am I Who I Am?
Triple Word Score
I'm Touching You
March BreakDown
Show Me The World With Her Heart
I Was The Girlfriend
You Can Run, But You Can't Hide
Ridin' Dirty
Didn't You Get The Memo?
Wherever You Will Go
Plum Crazy Purple
A Whisper Can Change Everything
Holding My Breath
She Is The Mystery
Language Cabello
Slipping Through The Cracks
Friendly Is Your Middle Name
The Curve On Our Road Is Up Ahead
Wake Up
Some Kind of Trouble
Exposing Layer By Layer
Once More With Feeling
Game Over
A Home Within A Choice
Treat It As A Test
Reigniting So Much More
Little Sister, Big Trouble
Stripping The Surface
Remember That Moment? She's Returned
Everyday Birthday
She's So Gay
Decided By An Envelope
Nightmare vs Reality
An Announcement
Here We Go Again
Did That Just Happen?
A Hope To Be Held
Hope You've Enjoyed Your Stay

Untouched And Intact

4.6K 128 10
By senseizayn

Camila's PoV

"No Mom, I told you I was fine. Your phone is beeping because it's dying? Yea okay, I'll let Dad know you'll be running a little late. No, I didn't know Austin and Lauren were invited for dinner. Okay, no, I get it, I'll behave at the table this time. It was Sofi's fault! Yea, see you then. Later." I snapped my phone shut and leaned against the arena door, gripping my bag tightly.

"Parental issues?" Kordei smiled and leaned against the door beside me, looking at another team practicing on the rink.

"You know how they are." I sighed and stuffed my phone back in my pocket before shifting my bag back on my shoulder. "I can't believe after the end of the month, we're done hockey for the season."

"Are you joining Rebels again next year?" She asked me.

"Probably not," I sighed but I had to smile, "hopefully I'll be kicking ass for the UBC Thunderbirds."

"Ah," she nodded slowly and I felt her looking at me as if she wanted to ask me a question.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"Nothing, I just," Normani tightened her lips and her hair fell partially in her eyes before she tilted it back and sighing, "it's a shame you and I never got a chance to be friends, Camila."

"Why is that?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"Because we would've been great." She shrugged and opened the door, heading out into the lobby area. I watched her make her exit and looked around before following her out the door. I guess she was a little right. Normani was someone I could've gotten along with – if it weren't for her constant crush on me.

I threw my bag in the back of my CRV and hopped into the driver's seat. I turned the key and nothing happened. I frowned and tried again, the engine barely even sputtered to life. I smacked the wheel and popped the hood before climbing out.

"You're having issues this afternoon, aren't you?" Normani raised an eyebrow as she shut her own car door, making her way towards me.

"What makes you say that?" I asked, ignoring the fact that she was right beside me.

"Well, I don't know?" She shrugged and I smiled, shaking my head.

"This thing has been giving me a few problems since last week. I should've just let Austin take a look at it instead of putting it off." I frowned and slammed the hood shut after realizing I barely knew a thing about vehicles.

Normani laughed and hopped into my driver's seat, trying to start it. Nothing happened. She ran her fingers through her hair and shrugged, "well, can I give you a ride home?"

"Why? So you can stalk me?" I quirked a grin and she smirked.

"Right. That's exactly what I want to do with my free time. Stalk Camila Cabello."

I shrugged. "I'm hot, it could happen." I peeked at her through the glaring sun and she just smiled, not even making a comment. "It's okay," I pulled out my phone and started to dial Lauren's number, "I'll just get Lo to pick me up."

Normani nodded and backed off a bit. "Okay."

The phone rang but I got her voicemail. "Hey Lo, it's me. My vehicle is being a fuck nut so if you get this, can you please come and get me? I'm at the Local Arena. I love you."

"You really do love her, don't you?" Normani asked, eyeing me with curiosity.

I smiled and nodded, looking down at the wet pavement. The snow was finally melting away leaving the streets with streams of water from the melted snow. "I do."

Normani actually smiled sincerely and scratched the back of her neck. "Seriously Cabello, I can give you a ride home. I promise there'll be no stalking." She held a hand over her heart and grinned.

"Give me a sec," I said and turned around, dialing Lauren's number again. "Hey Lo, I found a ride home so no need to worry. I'll see you in a bit. I love you."

I grabbed my stuff from my vehicle and threw it in the trunk of Normani's old Grand Am. She pulled out of the lot and turned on her music. I raised an eyebrow and laughed, "please tell me you're not listening to Kelly Clarkson?" I shook my head and she shrugged. "Oh God Kordei, you really lost some cool points."

"Whatever," she smirked and flipped through a few songs before landing on one, "here, is this good enough for you?"

I listened as Amy Lee's voice drifted through the speakers and smirked. "Kay, you earned your cool points back."

"So, where do you live?" Normani asked as turned down the highway towards the middle of town.

"West side, down Cormack Drive." I watched the scenery go by as we sat in silence with the music filling the air. I was in a vehicle, alone with Kordei and I knew Lauren was going to throw a fit. I could've called Austin to pick me up but I decided not to. Now was my chance to get inside Normani's head and realize what she was all about. "Hey Normani, what happened to Mendes?" I eyed her up as she gripped her hand on the steering wheel. She never looked at me once but kept quiet.

"Nothing." She sighed and bit her lip, staring straight ahead. A deep sigh from her as she mumbled a 'damn it' and looked at me. "I'm the reason he got kicked off the team."

"Well, I figured as much." I nodded slowly and frowned a little. "But why?"

"Look, if I tell you will you just back off with it already?" She snapped slightly and I raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever, you don't need to breathe a word. I'm sorry." I slumped into the seat and then I felt her hand on my knee briefly. Our eyes locked and she chewed on her lip for a little bit before she spoke.

"I'm sorry Mila, I didn't mean to snap," she threw me an apologetic look and continued, "Mendes got a little carried away at a party one night, with me. We were having a good time, dancing and then he thought it was code for 'step into my pants' and started touching me. I told him to back off but he kept up his advances and then he snapped, shoving me into a room."

I swallowed and quietly whispered for her to pull over. I didn't want her driving while getting that upset. "It's okay Normani," I spoke quietly, "you don't have to say anything."

"No, it's okay," she sighed and turned to face me a little, "Isa was there and helped me. I didn't want any drunk confrontations so I just left. Then at the party with you there, when he held you back the way he did, it kind of irked me. He had no right and though I come after you, I'd never force myself on you like that." Normani shrugged and looked out the window. Her face was made of stone, she was hiding her emotions. I licked my lips and put a hand on her shoulder.

"He was at one of our practices a few weeks ago, hanging out with a mutual friend. He was calling you names and told one of the guys that he actually slept with you. I turned around and clocked him a good one, shoving him hard into the boards. You weren't there to defend yourself so I did."

I closed my eyes tightly and then opened them to find her staring back at me. "Thank you." I'd fucking mangle Mendes's face if he ever looked at me again.

"Mendes was confronted by my school team coach and when I told him what had happened with me, he decided to let Coach Caron know and well, here I am. In his spot... they asked if I wanted to press charges against him for that one night."

Charges? I frowned and shook my head, trying to grasp the reality of it all. "Did Mendes really hurt you in anyway?"

"You promised you wouldn't mention another word if I told you." Normani said seriously and I had my answer. There was more to the story then she was letting on but I wasn't going to be the one to push.

"Despite whatever we are, I still care about you in a situation like this." And that was all I said before she pulled back on the road and drove me home. I looked down at my cell and frowned, Lauren hadn't called me back yet.

"So, you and Jauregui are pretty serious, eh?" Normani spoke, trying to break the tension. She pointed to my left ring finger and smiled at me briefly before watching the road again.

"Yeah," I smiled and twirled it around my finger, "we pretty much are."

"Well," she inhaled and then turned up the music a little more, "I'm happy for you."

"She asked me to marry her." I slapped my hand over my mouth, surprised that I so easily revealed such a thing – especially to Normani.

Normani whipped her head to look at me, eyes wide. "Are you serious?"

I nodded and cleared my throat. "That was supposed to be a secret." I partially whispered.

She smirked and shrugged. "And it's safe with me. So, are you serious? She asked you to marry her? When?"

"In Kenora." I sighed happily at the memory. "It was romantic."

Normani shifted in her seat but smiled. "I'm guessing you said yes, then."

"I did, I mean it's not like we're going to go out and get married right away, but I want to," I looked down at the white gold band, "someday."

"God you're disgustingly sweet," she playfully gagged, "never pegged Cabello as the marriage type. Austin always talked about how you'd beat his ass if he mentioned it."

I nodded, she pretty much had that right. "He's Austin. Austin versus Lauren, who would you chose to spend the rest of your life with?"

"I prefer brunettes." Normani threw me a wink and I gave her a warning look. She chuckled and shrugged, "I don't know, I guess Lauren seeing as she is a girl and even if Austin were a girl, I wouldn't choose the doofus."

"Turn left," I instructed politely and she pulled up behind Lauren's mustang, cutting the engine.

"So, should I walk you to the door?" She smiled and popped the trunk lid, helping me out with my bag.

"Nah, I was born with two legs and feet for a reason, I'll be fine." I smiled gratefully. "Thank you for the ride, really."

"Mila?" Normani grabbed my wrist and I tilted my head, looking at her, she was frowning. "Please, don't tell anyone about Mendes, okay? I don't need everyone to know."

I nodded slowly and smiled lightly. "I won't breathe a word."

"What the hell?" Lauren's voice was coming from the doorway and I spun around, my wrist dropping from Normani's grasp.

"Lo," I breathed and adjusted my hockey bag over my shoulder, "I tried calling you."

She frowned and her eyes burned into the girl that stood behind me. "I left my cell in my car. I was just coming out to grab it," she pointed to Normani, "what are you doing here?"

"My car wouldn't start," I said and placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to get those jealous brown eyes to focus on me, "Normani offered me a ride home."

Lauren just snorted and ran a hand through her hair. "Why didn't you try Austin?"

"I don't know Lo," I sighed and dropped my hand from her, "Normani was there, she offered me a ride home. I tried calling you first but look, I'm here now."

"Um," Normani shifted behind me and tapped my bag, "I'm gonna go, I'll see you in the morning at practice, Mila."

I turned around and nodded. "Thanks again."

"Not a problem." She smiled and walked back to her car, not looking once at me as she left the driveway and down the street.

I faced Lauren and whistled a little. "Wow, can you feel the tension just breeze on by with her gone?"

Camila Sarcasm Cabello.

Lauren just shook her head and frowned. "You know, Austin would've picked you up."

"Yea, I know," I walked past her and opened the door, finding a dining room full of people.

"Hey Mila!" Sofi greeted me as I kicked off my shoes and threw my hockey stuff in the closet. The door shut behind me and a hand pulled me towards the kitchen.

Sofi eyed me up suspiciously as Lauren tugged me into the other room. I just shrugged.

"Look, I don't see the big deal that I caught a ride home with her. What was I supposed to do, wait all afternoon? I'm hungry and exhausted." I wrenched the fridge door open and grabbed a cold bottle of water.

"Normani of all people, Mila!" Lauren shrieked and I rolled my eyes.

"This jealousy thing is really getting old, baby," I whispered and looked at her, noticing that she was breaking just a little inside. I knew where my heart stood.

I knew where my loyalty stood.

She obviously didn't.

"Well if you weren't so freakin' blind as to what she really wants from you, I wouldn't have to be this way." She reasoned and it was almost adorable the way she stood, the way her voice broke slightly.

"I'm going to go shower." I placed the water down in front of her. "If you're ready to cool off, feel free to join me."

"That's it? You're not going to say anything else?" Lauren asked.

"What Lo, what do you want me to say?" I turned around, raising an eyebrow.

I was trying really hard to be patient with her.

Really. Fucking. Hard.

"You know how she feels about you!" Lauren placed her hands on her hips and looked at me sternly.

I blinked and gave her an 'how dare you' look.

I was losing my cool fast.

"Do you even know how I feel about you?!" I yelled back, holding up my left hand. I heard Sammy, Sofi, Austin and Kyla rush in, standing there but I was too far to shut up. "You asked me to marry you, Lauren! I said yes! If I didn't love you so fucking much, or if I didn't really care, I wouldn't have even given it a thought."

"Camz," she breathed but I held a hand up to stop her from speaking.

"No," I said quietly, "I get it." I brushed past her and ran upstairs, slamming the bathroom door and locking it behind me. I slid down the door and buried my face in my hands.

I refused to cry.

I refused to acknowledge the tears that streamed down my face.

I refused to believe that my heart was nearly cracking.

Did our life just really start out that way?

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