Think Again (Camren)

By senseizayn

1M 23K 4.2K

Camila is an all-star hockey player who meets her boyfriend Austin's cousin Lauren. What will happen next? More

Camila's Confusion
I Think I Think I Like Girls
Surprise Coffee
House of Cards
Jauregui Confession Craving Trouble
Oh God She Knows
Walk The Distance
Mr Brightside
Letting Her Breathe
Taking Chances
Silence Speaks Volumes
Musician vs Keeper Of My Heart
Austins Girl Gotta Girlfriend
Teachers Pet
Say My Name
After Practice Wake Up Call
The Way She Feels
Jauregui vs Mahone
We're Barely Past The Starting Line
Definition of 'Camila'
Sofi & The Slamming Lockers
Moment of Weakness or A Simple Mistake
Cabello Pushes Jauregui Snaps
Trying To Erase You
Bleeding Love
Call It
From Yesterday
Yes And I am
Bedroom Date
She's In Love With You
A Moment Revealed
Dirty Little Secrets
Musically Challenged
Backseat Warmers
Just Maybe
You're Sleeping With Her Aren't You?
Please Camila?
And This One's For You
Your Kiss Might Kill Me
Once A Flirt Always A Flirt
Goodbye Peace Hello Reality
When Parents Involve Themselves
Not The Only Guilty One
Counting Down The Minutes
Nerves And Butterflies
Shattered and Broken Worlds
The Truth About Samantha Taylor
Trying To Untangle
Here I Am Dedicated To Kyla
Not In Love Yet It Hurts Just The Same
The Cabellos Don't Do Dresses
The Mendes Punch
Tie Me Up
Cabello Charm
Friends Lovers And Everything In Between
Playing Connect The Dots
An Ace Up Her Sleeve
Moody And Goodbye To You
Chicken Soup For The Hockey Lovers Soul
Did You Have An Urge To Kiss Her?
Living On The Edge Of A Broken Heart
Not Hiding Anymore
Knock 'Em Dead Cabello
Where's Your Head At?
One Or Two Tangles At A Time
Quick Session, Anyone?
Smackdown 'N Spilling The Beans
Realizing The Unthinkable
Budweiser Girl What A Party
It's Only Just Begun
Keep Your Hands To Yourself
And We All Fall Down
Please Don't Say Goodbye
A Moment I'm Passing To You
Innocence Lost
Definition Of Perfection, There Is None
A Little Piece Of Heaven In You
Information Overload
Like, Oh My God!
Pointed Fingers, Pointless Anger
I Can Stand My Own Ground
Pick Your Study Buddy
Good Morning Cabello
Finding A Way Back To Who I Am
All Apologies
Can We Just Skip It?
Who Says It's Not Educational?
Sister Bonding
The Key To Life Is
I Was Lost But Now I Am Found
Let's Just Go With The Moment
If I Could Live Within You Forever
Justice Will Beat You Down Today
Am I Who I Am?
Triple Word Score
I'm Touching You
March BreakDown
Show Me The World With Her Heart
I Was The Girlfriend
You Can Run, But You Can't Hide
Ridin' Dirty
Didn't You Get The Memo?
Wherever You Will Go
Plum Crazy Purple
A Whisper Can Change Everything
Holding My Breath
She Is The Mystery
Slipping Through The Cracks
Friendly Is Your Middle Name
The Curve On Our Road Is Up Ahead
Untouched And Intact
Wake Up
Some Kind of Trouble
Exposing Layer By Layer
Once More With Feeling
Game Over
A Home Within A Choice
Treat It As A Test
Reigniting So Much More
Little Sister, Big Trouble
Stripping The Surface
Remember That Moment? She's Returned
Everyday Birthday
She's So Gay
Decided By An Envelope
Nightmare vs Reality
An Announcement
Here We Go Again
Did That Just Happen?
A Hope To Be Held
Hope You've Enjoyed Your Stay

Language Cabello

5K 125 24
By senseizayn

Camila's PoV

"Cabello, you fucking cunt!" Some girl threw herself on me, knocking me down to the ice.

No, I didn't know who the bitch was.

"Fuck off!" I screamed and got up, shoving her hard against the back of the goalie net. "What the fuck is your problem?!"

"You hooked me!" She screeched and pushed me back, her stick hit my arm hard as my shoulder cracked against the boards. I winced but before I let the pain set in, I threw my stick down on the ice along with my gloves and grabbed the collar of her jersey and shoved her in the spot I was just occupying.

My face was mere inches from hers, "that hurt you bitch."

"Good." She seethed and I shoved her again before I felt someone tug me away from the bitch hard.

"Ow!" I cried as my left shoulder throbbed with pain as the person kept pulling me back. "Fuck off!" I shrugged and turned around to find Kordei looking at me.

"Chill Cabello," she said in a calm voice, "we've got a game to finish here and we can't afford to lose you."

"Whatever." I mumbled and grabbed my shoulder while she grabbed my gloves and stick, making our way back to the team. "The fucking referee never blew his fucking whistle."

"You look like you're in pain." Normani pointed out as I winced again, trying to lift my left arm up.

"I'm fine." I deadpanned. I didn't want to admit that the crack on my shoulder felt like it had been ripped out of its socket.

"Really?" Normani raised an eyebrow as we skated closer to the team. She threw my stick at me and when I lifted my arm up to catch it, I cried out in more pain. The stick went to the ice with a clatter and she picked it up for me while shaking her head. "Yep, you're sure fine, Camila."

I would've popped her one right there but the pain in my arm killed my motivation to hurt her.

"Cabello, I would like to say that I never seen that one coming but it's you and you play rough," Coach Caron carefully touched my left shoulder and I bit my lip from screaming obscenities, "you need to get that checked."

"I'm fucking fine," I cradled my left arm close to me and Normani poked it with her stick before jumping back as I roared at her for hurting me.

I was pulled away from Coach and Brent and down into the locker room. I sat there with the biggest pout on my face as the doctor checked out my arm. He told me to think about happy thoughts.





Lauren on top of the piano nake-

"Ow! You sick son of a bitch! That hurt!" I screamed and felt tears brew at the corners of my eyes. I squeezed them shut when the sickening sound of my shoulder being popped back in place registered in my ears. "Fuck me you son of a fuc-"

A hand was slapped over my mouth as I glared at the doctor. He smiled and patted my head, handing me a tissue. "Just sit and relax, kid, you'll be fine." He left me some Tylenol for the pain and then left me alone.

I was missing my last game of our 'tour'. We were back in our hometown and I was missing the 'Welcome' home game. I was pissed. The fucking girl did not get hooked by me but for some reason she was after me all through the game.

Lauren and I agreed that we wouldn't tell anyone about the engagement until we were both ready. The whole trip back from Kenora was something to really remember. I felt like a different person since she asked me to marry her. I knew that we wouldn't be looking at that for a couple of years still but I still felt like I finally belonged.

That everything was right in the world.

Even if my arm got ripped out of its socket by psycho bitches on the ice.

I ran a hand through my hair, grimacing at the dampness of it. I wanted to take a shower but was told to stay put throughout the end of the game.

"Camila, there's a beautiful brunette wanting to see you," the doctor winked and opened the door.

I smiled widely when I heard someone walk into the locker room. I was expecting to see Lauren. It immediately fell when Kordei's face appeared. "You call that beautiful?" I raised an eyebrow at the man who just shrugged and walked out.

"That was a little uncalled for," Normani huffed and put her helmet down next to me. "How are you anyway?"

"I was doing fine before you got here." I scowled and she rolled her eyes.

"You're a bitch this afternoon Cabello, what, was Jauregui not putting out before the game?" She shook her head and grabbed her helmet again, starting to make her way out.

I deserved that.

I bit my lip knowing that I was a little harsh. I was angry that I wasn't playing the final period and I was even angrier that I let some strange bitch get to me. I was taking out on Normani because she was an easy target.

Didn't mean she deserved it.

"Kordei," I breathed and closed my eyes tightly, "wait," she turned around slowly and I met her grey eyes, "I'm sorry for being a bitch. You didn't deserve that."

"No," she shrugged but smiled, "but I get it."

I sighed heavily and got up to pace a little. "Why aren't you out there?"

Normani smirked. "Got kicked out of the game."

"What?!" I shrieked, "are you stupid?"

"A little," she shrugged and started to take off her pads, grabbing her shower things, "but that bitch had it coming for hurting you – which by the way I'm sorry for poking your shoulder."

"Norm," I shook my head and started to take off my own pads and gear, not caring what Doc would say if I moved a little too early, "you should've just left it alone."

"Whatever," she huffed and slammed her locker shut, "it's done."

For some odd reason, Normani became defensive when it came to her beating someone else up.

Like Mendes for example. Which was still something I was curious about.

* * *

Lauren's PoV

I curled up comfortably on Sofi's bed, hugging a pillow while I waited for the Cabello sisters to stop bitching at each other over something trivial. I raised an eyebrow at Sam, who just shrugged and went back to reading her magazine.

"Do I really have to separate you two?" I asked, sitting up more on the bed and glaring at Camila and Sofi.

"She had no right to use my things while I was away!" Camila squinted at her sister.

"Please Camila, I borrowed your freaking jersey, I didn't rip it did I?" Sofi raised an eyebrow. "God you can be so childish sometimes," she looked at me, "how do you put up with her?"

I smiled and shrugged. "I can't explain it," I looked at Camila, "she's just that perfect."

Sammy chuckled and threw her magazine to the side. "Are we really going to argue all night or are we going to have some sort of fun?" She glanced at Sofi.

Sofi retreated from Camila's grasp and sighed. "I only fight with her because I love her." She pouted and flopped down beside me, head first. "You two left me for three weeks. Three weeks!"

"I'm sure you were in good hands," Camila teased and nudged her sister as she sat in my lap.

"Oh. Yea," Sofi raised an eyebrow and straightened her hair. She looked at me and Camila before glancing at Sammy, "about that," she laughed nervously, "Sam and I broke up."

If I weren't already sitting down, I would've landed flat on my ass. Camila's head whipped around and looked at me.

"Did you see that one coming?" She asked, wide eyed.

"What? Wait," I laughed slightly and looked at Sammy then Baby C, "this is some sort of April Fools joke, right?"

Sofi gently shook her head and shared a look with her ex-girlfriend. "April Fools was four days ago," she smirked and then glanced away quickly, "we agreed we make better friends."

Camila was the first to smack Sofi with a pillow. "You numb nut, you two were the cutest couple at Southwood!"

Alex blushed but shrugged. "Sammy and I have no bad blood, right?"

"Nah," Sammy smirked and stretched, "I'll always be there for her, regardless."

"Well, that's a shock and a half," Camila murmured and mirrored my frown, "you two were like the younger version of us."

Sammy smirked, "I'm your age Mila."

"Again, I'm only eleven months younger than her," Sofi huffed and nudged me, "tell them Lauren!"

I laughed and pressed my forehead against Camila's back as she shifted in my lap to meet Sammy's eyes.

"So, since there's no bad blood and all, what do you guys wanna do?" Camila clasped her hands over mine and I played with the band that was on her left hand. Neither girls noticed; even if they did, we agreed it'd be known as a promise ring.

The last thing we wanted to hear was that we were too young to get married.

We already knew that.

"Kyla and Austin are at Johnny's, we can catch up with them." I suggested and stood up as soon as Camila took my hand.

"I'm in!" Sofi squealed and ran to grab her coat. She came back in her room and hugged Camila, "I really did miss you," she said quickly before grabbing Sam and heading back out the door.

"I cannot believe Kyla never told me about their break up!" Camila said in a mock-hurt voice.

"It wasn't her place to tell," I shrugged and pulled her close, kissing her cheek softly. "At least they're hanging out, right?"

Camila nodded and smiled. "Yea." She pulled me out of her sister's room and we met up with the other two at the bottom of the stairs. "I'm not hungry but I could use a bowl of ice cream."

"Mmm," Sofi licked her lips and patted her stomach. "Ice cream sounds really good."

I smirked as Camila and Sofi walked out of the door together, carrying on conversation. I shut the door behind Sammy and I, then bumped her shoulder. "So, everything's cool?"

Sammy nodded. "Of course Lauren," she inhaled the fresh cool air and turned to look at me while she walked slowly backwards, "I know you two thought the world of us as a couple but we're really okay. We talked about it and we're okay with where we are and who we are to each other," she shrugged and turned to look at Sofi briefly before catching my attention again, "we're still the same two people, we just don't kiss and stuff anymore. Besides," she turned back around to talk with me as she nudged me, "she let me hear her sing in private while you were away, isn't that a bonus?"

I raised my eyebrows and stuffed my hands in my pockets. "That really is a bonus," I smiled. Good for Sofi. As special as I felt when it came to Sofi sharing her music with just me, I knew having someone else hear it would be better for her. Another opinion that didn't include her sister or sister's girlfriend.

"Yo, Cabello," I twirled the keys between my fingers and smiled as she raised her eyebrows while turning around to face me, "catch."

Her eyes widened as my keys landed in the palms of her hand. Sofi squealed as she claimed shot gun and tugged on Camila's arm to get into the driver's seat.

Being able to make the Camila Cabello speechless multiple times in the past week was definitely a rare occasion.

I was certainly going to love making her speechless for the rest of our lives.

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