A Couple of Merlin Short Stor...

By Sireb_TStrei

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A collection of short stories, oneshots, and slightly wacky uncanon ideas all about our favorite warlock and... More

They're Back Part 1: The Returned
They're Back Part 2: The Remembered
They're Back Part 3: The Forgotten
They're Back Part 4: The Peace of Death
They're Back Fifth and Final Part: The Joy of Life
Law and Order: Merlin
All That I've Seen
Merlin and Harry Potter 1: Who Are You?
Merlin and Harry Potter 2: How Are You?
Merlin and Harry Potter 3: What Are You Doing?
Merlin and Harry Potter 4: When Are You Going?
M v. L: What Does It Mean? Most Valuable Liar
The Noble Secret of a Servant in Blue
Secrets of Servants
A Dangerous Game
The Tale of Beauty, Beast, and Warlock
Prologue to The Woes of Agent E and Grace Morgan
The Woes of Agent E and Grace Morgan
The Angels of Albion
The Angels of Earth
The Angels of the Veiled
The Angels of Hope
The Angels of War
Angels End
Angels of Albion Comic
A Glimpse at an Untold Friendship
Kings and Coins
Kings and Coins 2
Kings and Coins 3
Kings and Coins 4
The Rant (Now a Oneshot!)
Knights, Kings, Servants, and a Hulk
... and a Hulk
Bored 2 (Procrastination)
Joy, Fear, and Anger
The Dream Sequence
Dark Merlin
OMG You're King Arthur! And We're Superheroes!
The Voice
Words of the Loyal Soul
Merlin is . . . an X-Man!?
Of Wheels and Cement Floors
The Fear of Death One: A Creature of Magic

Merlin and Harry Potter 5: Why Were You Here?

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By Sireb_TStrei

Emrys was surprised at his own patience with the obvious prejudice the Malfoy's showed. He became very good at biting his tongue. Of course, his tongue was sore afterward, but that just helped him remain silent, speaking only when spoken to. This seemed to please the elder Malfoy, Lucius. His grey eyes just a little less cold when he decided to glare at either Emrys or Draco.

Still, the days could've been much worse. It seemed Emrys' luck was up over the holiday as when Christmas came he wasn't forgotten. Several gifts made their way to the foot of his bed in one of the guest rooms the Malfoys mansion offered.

Harry and Ron sent him candy of all sorts - he smirked at that, the two Gryffindors had an infamous reputation for their sweet tooths - Hermione sent him a small book that was all about the legends of the Druids. That would be an interesting read. 

He was surprised to find a small firework painted to look like a dragon with a large W on the label. From the twins. Despite his shock, Emrys was extremely touched that they had remembered him. Finally, there was an extremely nice watch engraved with a cursive E. The face showed a spiraling galaxy with stars shooting across it every now and again. The hands were made of a white metal that swirled like a unicorn horn, on the tips of the minute and hour hands, a tiny green gem had embedded itself seamlessly. It seemed to Emrys that the whole contraption shone with an unknown light despite its dark casing. 

   "I hope you like it. Mother allowed me to put in a special order with a Muggle shop, and then bewitched it to work anywhere." Emrys looked up to see his friend standing in the doorway. He grinned and before Draco knew what was happening Emrys was squeezing his chest in a tight hug. Draco huffed a bit before placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. Finally, Emrys drew away.

   "Thank you. It's perfect, it's more than perfect. I love it!"

   "I'm glad." Emrys quickly shoved his own sloppily wrapped present into Draco's hands. He hadn't known what to get the boy until the last minute and now he regretted the poor presentation slightly. Then again it's the thought that counts. Draco sat down and slowly tore the paper from the small parcel. Opening the wooden box the blond found a small, ornately engraved, and gorgeous, twig. He picked it up out of the box and studied it more closely. On one end was a tiny blue jewel and the piece of wood seemed to hum. Draco looked at Emrys in obvious confusion.

   "Imagine it's a walking stick," Emrys said, a large grin on his face. Draco raised an eyebrow but humored the boy. Almost immediately the twig grew until it was the perfect size for a proper walking stick, its beauty was immortally grand. The archaic symbols carved into it felt warm to his touch and Draco's mouth fell open slightly.

   "H-how did you do that?" He asked wonder in his gaze as he looked at Emrys. The dark haired boy smiled slightly.

   "I'm . . . not really sure. But I do know that that stick is more than just a pretty trinket. There's powerful magic within its wood. It will always return to you, it will only recognize yours and my touch, and it will focus your magical energy far better than any wand could possibly hope to. Plus I put a shield charm on it so in emergencies you can hold it up and it'll give you some protection. Is it not good enough?" Emrys asked concerned as he saw Draco's face go slack. The boy stared owlishly at him,

   "Not good enough? Mate this is beyond perfect. Thank you." Though he said it quietly, Draco's voice was filled with sincerity and his eyes alit with awe. Emrys grinned slightly at the reaction. 

Starting from his inspection of the staff Draco focused for a second and the staff shrunk back into a twig, before turning to Emrys, 

   "By the way, we should probably hurry down to breakfast mother and father will be expecting us." Emrys nodded as he quickly packed his gifts away and slipped on more appropriate attire.


All too soon, just as it always is, the break was over and it was time to return to school. Not that Emrys was truly complaining. Anything was better than having to deal with the blood supremacist, pompous, arrogant, git that was Draco Malfoy. The boy couldn't really comprehend how someone's head could be stuck so far up their own a — (let's keep it pg, shall we?). 

Not to mention the man's weird obsession with Harry and Dumbledore. Potter this, Dumbledore that, Emrys had half a mind to poison the elderly Malfoy, just to shut him up. Thankfully Emrys had managed to keep his comments to himself, with a little help from the younger Malfoy. Draco somehow knew exactly what to say to appease both parties before Emrys had done something incredibly stupid. It was a gift the boy had, really. Emrys was very impressed.

That's how he found himself on the Hogwarts Express, sitting on the floor of the overpacked compartment his friends all around him. As he listens to their talk and chatter, Emrys felt the tension from the past few days leave. He found himself grinning and gladly thanked the gods for such good friends.


It was just another meeting of the DA, they were learning patronuses. Or rather it was supposed to be just another meeting. That was until the funny little house elf appeared. Once Harry figured out what he was trying to say, it wasn't so funny anymore. Umbridge was coming. And with those two little words, Emrys swore he could taste the fear and desperation that permeated the air. Harry, being the leader, gave the order for everyone to run. They did. They read as though a pack of demons was chasing them.

As soon as everyone had cleared out Emrys trailed behind Harry as they fled. Draco was ahead of them trying to scout out a bit. It was likely he would be trusted by Umbridge. When Draco suddenly stopped Harry ran into him at almost full speed. Both the wizards went down and that was when the accursed girly voice spoke, 

     "Well done Draco!" Emrys quickly hid against the wall subconsciously making the shadows grow so as to hide him. Draco looked horrified that they'd been caught but he quickly put up his mask and began acting.

     "Of course professor, couldn't have Potter getting away now could we?" Draco spat hoisting Harry up. His acting wasn't as convincing as usual, but Emrys could afford the boy some slack. They'd all been blindsided. Emrys watched as Umbridge practically dragged Harry away ordering Draco to find any other people who looked suspicious. Before Draco could give an affirmative answer Harry and Umbridge were gone.


     "Everyone else seems to have gotten away alright," Emrys said concentrating. He'd found out that if he focused enough he could find the exact placement of other people. Everyone seemed to give off a low signature of magic, always different and unique depending on the person.

     "Good, that's good," Draco said distantly. Emrys broke his concentration and frowned at the boy.

     "Stop sounding like someone just died. They haven't, we're all still alive, it's fine. A little setback but we'll adapt." Draco sighed at Emrys' encouragement. His eyes darkened slightly and Emrys began to pick up on what was really bothering the blond.

     "There was nothing you or I could've done, not really. Not unless you wanted to attack her and that just would've made everything ten times worse. We would've lost our spy, our only advantage."

     "I'm not that big of an advantage you know."

     "You bring us information."

     "I don't actually get that much more information than you or anyone else does, you know."

     "But the stuff you do get helps a lot. We get some advance warning, and you won't believe how much even a few minutes helps." Emrys said matter of factly. Draco raised an eyebrow and said nothing, merely laying down and closing his eyes. Emrys let him, for now. They were both tired and the students at Hogwarts had just been dealt a rather significant blow.


When Fred and George decide to put up a permanent swamp in the middle of a corridor and leave with the record of 'best Hogwarts prank in the history of Hogwarts', Emrys was all for it. He smirked as Draco struggled not to laugh at his 'ally' Professor Umbridge. When Peeves saluted the twins and accepted their order of "give her hell" Emrys felt just that much more respect and awe for the two Weasleys.


When Draco grabbed Emrys shortly after final exams and quickly told him that Umbridge had captured Harry and some of their other friends, Emrys gladly let himself be let to the witch's office. 

They arrived just as professor Snape exited the office. He raised his eyebrow at them slightly but continued to walk, his head dipping slightly as if to give his approval of whatever they were planning. Draco paused before the door and then shoved it open.

     "I found this boy skulking around the corner, Professor. I don't know what he was doing, but ..." Draco's voice faded as he comprehended the scene before him. Emrys felt rage flare up in his chest at the sight of Harry, tied up, and with a wand pointed straight at his face. He didn't even think as he flung his arm at the pink toad. Her wand went flying as her arm snapped, an invisible force breaking it and her grip on the wand. She cried out in pain, which was cut short as a flash of red light hit her.

Emrys turned to find Draco, his wand pointing at the downed professor, poised and ready for action. Before anyone could react Harry was speaking,

     "They've got Sirius! They've got Sirius in the department of mysteries!" Draco's face paled at the mention of the ministry. Emrys watched him curiously as Hermione unbound Harry.

     "Then we should hurry. How should we get to the ministry?" Draco said, voice weak but full of determination. Emrys smiled.


A surprisingly quick thestral ride later, Emrys found himself watching as the walls of the room spun. He felt his magic activate and the doors seemed to slow to an almost standstill. He concentrated on the room Harry described on the flight. A door to his left seemed to vibrate slightly. He let his magic fade as the walls finally stopped moving.

     "It's this one." He said moving to the correct door. Emrys felt everyone stare at him and turned back meeting their quizzical gazes.


     "It's just, well, unexpected," Hermione said, doubtfulness evident on her face. Emrys smiled slightly and then opened the door. As he and the others followed Harry, Emrys stared at the faintly glowing orbs all around him. He wondered what they all were. They obviously held something, he just couldn't seem to figure out what.

When Harry picked up the orb labeled with his name, Emrys felt a minute shift in the magic saturated air. There was someone there with them. Emrys touched Draco's arm in warning just as a horribly familiar voice sounded.

     "Very good Potter, now hand it over to me." Emrys felt Draco tense, but he couldn't say anything. Of course, this would be the moment when Draco was found out. Slowly they both turned and stared straight into the face of Lucius Malfoy. The man's eyes widened comically at his son.

     "Draco! Wh-what are you doing here, with these brats?!" Lucius sneered. Draco stared at his father but couldn't seem to find his voice. Emrys gently touched the boys elbow, a silent show of support, whilst glaring at the elder Malfoy.

     "Ignore your treacherous offspring for now Lucius, or have you forgotten our mission?" A harsh voice called. The woman called Bellatrix Lestrange strode into their sight, slightly cackling.

     "Ickle Pottiekin, he weally thought Bwack was here. Poor little Potter and his poor little fwiends." She cooed at them. Harry shook his head in denial, still clutching the orb. Emrys growled slightly at the woman. He hated when people talked down to him.

     "Hey Harry, I'd recommend ducking," Emrys said his voice cold. Harry glanced at the boy before dropping to the floor along with everyone else. Emrys cracked his knuckles before pushing his palm out flat toward the two death eaters.

     "Acwéle!" A beam of pure fire and energy shot at the two forcing the, to dodge.

     "Now I'd recommend RUNNING!" Emrys shouted already taking off towards the door. He flung his hand at the rows of orbs and one by one they began to fall following the teens as they sprinted towards the door.

Once again in the spinning room, Emrys didn't have time to figure out which door to use and so simply kept on running straight opening the door right across from him. He stopped in his tracks at the sight of tanks with, what he thought, was brains. This ministry was weird. He heard the door slam behind him and realized he was alone. Well, there went the sticking together plan.

Seeing another door ahead of him, Emrys found his way across the room and opened it. This time all he could see was clocks. Again, this ministry was weird. He heard some shouting and ran towards the voices. A death eater with a baby's head stumbled toward him. Emrys didn't really have time to laugh as he continued to run. He exited the room and found himself in another one. Did this place have an end?

In the middle of the floor, an archway stood tall some voices whispering from it. Curious. A flash of light distracted him and he saw the battle playing out around the room. Neville was down the steps on the ground blood running from his nose. Harry and Sirius were dueling near the archway, as were many of the members from the Order. He couldn't see any of his other friends. He hoped they were alright.

He drew his wand and practically flew down the stairs, casting spell after spell at the death eaters in the room. It caused enough chaos on the opposing side for everyone to take advantage. Of course, that was when he felt it. His eyes widened and time slowed.

Emrys quickly jumped onto the dais feeling as death came towards him. A flash of green filled his sight before the cold and dark took him. 


All he could feel was cold. Cold and darkness pressing down. He knew he should open his eyes, but he couldn't. He knew he should think of faces and voices of friends, of times of laughter and warmth but he could not. There was no such thing as warmth here.

However, he felt something. Suddenly he breathed. The dark was gone, replaced with light. The cold was gone, replaced with warmth. He slowly opened his eyes, as he remembered. All of it everything. There was one word in his mind and it drowned out everything else. A word that was more a name. Arthur.


Merlin slowly breathed as he heard shouts and curses around him. He felt the air hum with magic as spells were cast and the people around him fought with all they had. He mentally sighed. He should probably stop the fighting before someone else died, for eternity this time.

Merlin opened his eyes and stood. For a moment took notice of the resurrected boy turned man. Merlin coughed before speaking,

     "So I'm assuming no one saw my cool back from the dead trick, eh?" That was when the attention in the room turned to him. He smirked and focused on the death eaters waving his hand. In a moment they were all at his feet bound and gagged. Except for that Lestrange character, she had already fled, and Merlin didn't exactly feel like tracking her down. He really was lazy at heart. 

     "Well, that was easy." The others in the room gaped at him openly. Harry seemed especially catatonic. Other than that everything seems fine and relatively calm despite there being a battle not even six seconds before.

     "How? You were, you took the killing curse! How are you alive?!" Sirius demanded. Merlin shrugged.

     "Maybe you should ask Harry the same question, he survived a killing curse too."

     "Yeah, but he didn't grow," Moody grunted.

     "Oh, that yeah. That's because I've done what I was sent to do. I helped out, maybe saved some lives, basically gave you all just a better future in general. I did a lot of stuff and I didn't even know who I was. I certainly wasn't up to full strength. Can anyone really be up to full strength when you don't know who you are? I digress. My job is finished so if that'll be all I'm gonna leave now and let all of you deal with this." Merlin gestured to the death eaters before him.

     "You remembered?"

"Yup. And now I really must go. I have some waiting to do. Arthur that prat. Speaking of parts tell Draco sorry, but I really needed to leave." 

     "Wait, please, you say you remember, then tell us who you are. Please." Harry said. Merlin turned to him and stared right into his eyes.

     "You called me Emrys, right? Technically that is my name, and that is who I am. But I suppose just this once ..." Merlin muttered, turning in on himself. He straightened and let his magic fill his being readying himself for transport.

     "If you really want to know who I am, then I suppose only one name will really tell you," Merlin grinned as he paused for effect.

     "My name is Merlin." And with a flash of gold, the legend disappeared.


I know, choppy, not very good. I'm sorry. Maybe someday I'll come back and smooth it up a bit and flesh it out some more. For right now I just wanted to finish it.

That's it, folks, this is the end of the HP and Merlin crossover event. Phew!

(It's also my apology for not updating for so long, so hey, I'm sorry.)

Love Ya!


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