Think Again (Camren)

נכתב על ידי senseizayn

1M 22.8K 4.2K

Camila is an all-star hockey player who meets her boyfriend Austin's cousin Lauren. What will happen next? עוד

Camila's Confusion
I Think I Think I Like Girls
Surprise Coffee
House of Cards
Jauregui Confession Craving Trouble
Oh God She Knows
Walk The Distance
Mr Brightside
Letting Her Breathe
Taking Chances
Silence Speaks Volumes
Musician vs Keeper Of My Heart
Austins Girl Gotta Girlfriend
Teachers Pet
Say My Name
After Practice Wake Up Call
The Way She Feels
Jauregui vs Mahone
We're Barely Past The Starting Line
Sofi & The Slamming Lockers
Moment of Weakness or A Simple Mistake
Cabello Pushes Jauregui Snaps
Trying To Erase You
Bleeding Love
Call It
From Yesterday
Yes And I am
Bedroom Date
She's In Love With You
A Moment Revealed
Dirty Little Secrets
Musically Challenged
Backseat Warmers
Just Maybe
You're Sleeping With Her Aren't You?
Please Camila?
And This One's For You
Your Kiss Might Kill Me
Once A Flirt Always A Flirt
Goodbye Peace Hello Reality
When Parents Involve Themselves
Not The Only Guilty One
Counting Down The Minutes
Nerves And Butterflies
Shattered and Broken Worlds
The Truth About Samantha Taylor
Trying To Untangle
Here I Am Dedicated To Kyla
Not In Love Yet It Hurts Just The Same
The Cabellos Don't Do Dresses
The Mendes Punch
Tie Me Up
Cabello Charm
Friends Lovers And Everything In Between
Playing Connect The Dots
An Ace Up Her Sleeve
Moody And Goodbye To You
Chicken Soup For The Hockey Lovers Soul
Did You Have An Urge To Kiss Her?
Living On The Edge Of A Broken Heart
Not Hiding Anymore
Knock 'Em Dead Cabello
Where's Your Head At?
One Or Two Tangles At A Time
Quick Session, Anyone?
Smackdown 'N Spilling The Beans
Realizing The Unthinkable
Budweiser Girl What A Party
It's Only Just Begun
Keep Your Hands To Yourself
And We All Fall Down
Please Don't Say Goodbye
A Moment I'm Passing To You
Innocence Lost
Definition Of Perfection, There Is None
A Little Piece Of Heaven In You
Information Overload
Like, Oh My God!
Pointed Fingers, Pointless Anger
I Can Stand My Own Ground
Pick Your Study Buddy
Good Morning Cabello
Finding A Way Back To Who I Am
All Apologies
Can We Just Skip It?
Who Says It's Not Educational?
Sister Bonding
The Key To Life Is
I Was Lost But Now I Am Found
Let's Just Go With The Moment
If I Could Live Within You Forever
Justice Will Beat You Down Today
Am I Who I Am?
Triple Word Score
I'm Touching You
March BreakDown
Show Me The World With Her Heart
I Was The Girlfriend
You Can Run, But You Can't Hide
Ridin' Dirty
Didn't You Get The Memo?
Wherever You Will Go
Plum Crazy Purple
A Whisper Can Change Everything
Holding My Breath
She Is The Mystery
Language Cabello
Slipping Through The Cracks
Friendly Is Your Middle Name
The Curve On Our Road Is Up Ahead
Untouched And Intact
Wake Up
Some Kind of Trouble
Exposing Layer By Layer
Once More With Feeling
Game Over
A Home Within A Choice
Treat It As A Test
Reigniting So Much More
Little Sister, Big Trouble
Stripping The Surface
Remember That Moment? She's Returned
Everyday Birthday
She's So Gay
Decided By An Envelope
Nightmare vs Reality
An Announcement
Here We Go Again
Did That Just Happen?
A Hope To Be Held
Hope You've Enjoyed Your Stay

Definition of 'Camila'

9.5K 201 14
נכתב על ידי senseizayn

Lauren's PoV

I stared out the window, looking past the empty desk that should be occupying one gorgeous brunette. It was our first morning class, Careers and Civics. I sighed and watched as fresh snowflakes started to cover the discoloured snow that was already on the ground.

Camila never missed class, regardless if she liked it or not. Making good grades is what she wanted even though this class was one of her least favourites, she still showed up and did her homework.

Instead, I found myself staring at the empty desk and sighed.

I possibly pushed her so far away; she was probably in the loving arms of her boyfriend.

During locker break I decided to catch a glimpse towards her locker.

She wasn't there.

I sighed and walked down the hall towards my music class. Entering the class I noticed a familiar raven haired girl seating in her normal seating.

Sofi was at school, then where the hell was Camila?

The younger girl looked at me briefly before returning to her doodling in her notebook. I slid in the seat next to her and bumped her shoulder. "Hey."

Sofi acknowledged my existence and nodded her head.

I bit my lip and looked around the room as students starting piling in. "So, where's Cabello?"

"Home." I frowned and she shifted slightly. "Wasn't feeling well or something," she shrugged.


"Is she okay?" My heart sank as Sofi shrugged and avoided eye contact with me. I felt defeated. It was obvious the girl didn't want to talk to me so I sighed and sat back in my chair. I couldn't blame her though.

I spent the class in a daze and realized it was done before I knew it. I gathered my notebook and packed my guitar, placing it in the teacher's office.

Sofi was already gone.

The snow continued to fall and I found myself standing in the large open foyer alone. I watched as students left for a quick lunch in their vehicles, braving the drive. Some just went outside to grab fresh air while most walked back in forth in halls and sat by their lockers.

Then I noticed the familiar CRV pull up and Camila hopped out. She had her hair down with a beanie cap on, carrying her books towards my way. My heart started to beat faster the closer she approached me.

Just as I was about to say her name, someone said mine first. "Lauren!"

I looked over her shoulder and there was Madison, standing with her car keys in her hand, waving me to see her.

Camila spun around at the woman and then locked eyes with me. She quickly shook her head and continued down to where her locker was. I groaned and looked back at the Latina.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as she finally stepped inside the school. I wasn't exactly wearing a coat to be outside in the cold.

"Thought we could grab lunch. I was gonna surprise Trixie but she has to catch up on her homework. Didn't want the trip to be a complete waste." Madison smiled and grabbed my bag. "Go," she nodded towards the hall, "grab your coat and let's go!"

I sighed reluctantly and made my way to my locker, grabbing my coat.

"So is this payback?" I heard a voice behind me and jumped.

"Cabello!" I held my hand over my chest and watched as she tapped her foot lightly, giving me a questioningly look. "Payback for what?"

"I don't know, you tell me," she laughed incredulously, "you're the one avoiding me."

I sighed and closed my locker, putting on my jacket. I didn't want to do this in front of people at school. What was going on between her and I didn't need to be aired out. "I have plans," I said and grabbed my gloves from my pockets, "talk later?"

"Right," she laughed again like she didn't believe me, "talk later? Do you even remember the last thing I said to you? I mean, do you even remember what exactly went on between us two days ago? And you want to talk later?" I could trace a hint of anger in her voice.

"Lauren!" Madison tapped her watch, "lunch isn't going to get any longer!"

I sighed and looked back at Camila. "Look, I'm sorry, I already made plans and I'd hate to piss her off."

Camila looked over at Madison and shook her head. "Yea fine, whatever," she went to turn around and I grabbed her shoulder.

"This isn't exactly easy for the both of us," I whispered, "but right now really isn't the time." I felt Camila shrug her shoulder violently, shaking my hand off of her as she took off in the other direction without saying a word.

I swallowed back the urge to pound my fist into my locker and turned around, walking away from Camila and towards Madison.

"Lovers spat?" Madison asked, raising an eyebrow.


- - - -

Camila's PoV

"Cabello! Focus!" I heard Coach Caron yell as I missed the pass Brent sent to me.

I was off my game. I was thankful that this wasn't a game and just a practice.

Earlier that day in school, Lauren came back from lunch with Madison and sat in her regular seat next to me. I was mad. She was giving me one of those 'stay away from me' vibes and although a part of understood, the other part didn't understand why she couldn't just say what she needed and be over with it already. Was I just a good fuck to her?

"Fuck!" I spat as I missed the third pass during practice. I threw my stick on the ice as watched as it slid across the rink.

"Did I make a mistake Cabello?" Coach hissed in my ear when I dropped to my knees, yanking off my helmet. "Should I pull you off the team?"

I was breathing heavy. Shaking my head I looked up at his old blue eyes, "no, sorry, I won't let it happen again." I stood up and skated over to my stick, picking it up I skated back towards the team.

"I thought you were Miss Hotshot," a guy laughed at me. I sneered and shoved him so hard he flew over the boards and into the box seating.

The team laughed and I felt Coach grab my shoulder. To my surprise he was chuckling with the rest of the team. "Now that's exactly why I wanted you Cabello, you've got spunk, now put that into the game!" He blew the whistle as the team split up in two and played a friendly practice game.

That time I was on a role. I scored more goals than everyone combined and I felt the tension slowly ease away.

"Go home and remember that your next game is tomorrow night. Cabello, you've been excused with your school's team to join us for practice instead in the morning. Be here at 5 sharp." Coach patted my helmet head and I nodded, taking a drink from my water bottle.

The guy that I pushed earlier sneered at me and when I slowly skated towards him, he took off like the little pussy he was.

Fucking spaz.

Don't mess with one pissed off brunette.

I sighed and looked at the clock. It was 6:30pm and I had to be at the school for the basketball game at 7pm. I promised Kyla I'd watch her cheer, it was our ritual. She'd come to my games and I'd watch her cheer.

Pulling up to the school 20 minutes later, I noticed the gym was packed as usual. I'd normally go with Lauren but that night was different. I was alone. I found a spot on the bleachers and wished Sofi hadn't made plans with her best friend, Sammy, she would've have totally kept me company.

That's when I caught wind of that laughter. The one that made my heart beat wildly and calmly all at the same time. I stretched out my neck and spotted Lauren, laughing as she watched our Scorpion mascot dance around the gym. I noticed she was with Madison and felt a twinge of jealousy. I had the tidbit that the cheerleader was a lesbian, it made me slightly nervous. It's not like I wasn't taken right? Maybe it'd be easier for Lauren to be with someone who wasn't already messed up and with someone.

Life sucked then.

It was nothing but dramatic bullshit that pulled us in its twisting hole while karma laughed at us as we drown in our own poor decisions and mistakes.

"Hey!" I jumped at the cheery voice and turned my head. Kyla was out of breath and flushed.

"Hey?" I smirked. "And where were you?"

"Oh," Kyla blushed and waved her hand, "just a uh, nothing so.. you made it!"

I smirked, noticing the brunette from the club a couple months ago standing by the girls change room, and nodded. "Yeah, barely. I was so off in practice today."

She frowned and patted my head. "I'm sorry Mila," she looked around as if she were looking for someone, "well, I knew your mood as been a little off and I thought I'd invite your favourite person, besides me, to the game to keep you company. I know Sofi is busy so I invited Lauren," she stood on her tiptoes and tried to find the brunette. She invited Lauren? Why would she do that?! "I swear I saw her here ea-" she stopped as her mouth hung open, "why the fuck is she with that bitch?!" She hissed in my ear as I followed her gaze to Lauren and Madison.

I shrugged. "Maybe they're on a date?"

Kyla smacked me and told me not to be stupid. Madison was straight.

Clearly she didn't have gaydar and wasn't very observant.

After the game was over, I ran to the washroom quickly. As I was washing my hands I happened to glance through the mirror and noticed Lauren looking back at me. I turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"Kyla said you'd be here," she said in a hush voice, leaning against the hand blower.

"Is that why you came?" I asked in the same voice. For once just be honest Lauren.

"Well," she bit her lip and looked down at her nails, "Kyla invited me and she's my friend too. I figured I'd show her my support."

"So you brought Madison?" I raised an eyebrow. Okay, can you say coming off as a jealous girlfriend much?

Lauren shook her head as she sighed. "She was already here when I walked in. I sat with her, I wasn't sure if you'd be here."

"Well I'm here... just being here," I licked my lips and grabbed some paper towel from the dispenser, wiping my hands nervously.

"Cabello," she stepped forward and I frowned, holding up my hand to stop her. She looked at me questioningly.

"Why is it that you can say Camila in the most intimate moments but you can't say it outside of it all?" I tilted my head.

Lauren visibly swallowed and stepped back. "Why is it a big deal?"

"Because Lauren, it is too me. When you say my first name, I can hear something different in your voice. When you call me by my last name, I don't hear that tone. It's just becoming..." I scrunched my face up in thought for the right word, "bland."

"Bland?" She snorted. "That tone you hear when I say your first name is nothing but pure sexual want." Ouch. That hurt. She sighed and rubbed her forehead. "You know what, I can't do this right now."

"Do what? Talk? I mean, it is later right, you said we'd talk later. Here I am," I stepped forward and stood two feet away from the brunette, "talk."

Lauren clenched her jaw has her eyes finally looked into mine. I could see it there, she wanted to say something. She wasn't good at hiding her emotions with her eyes and I don't think she realized that. "Look Cabello, you're forgetting something here. You're with Austin, so why not go and be girlfriend crazy on him."

Did she just really say that?

I felt my heart clench painfully. After what happened between us, after her telling me that I shouldn't run from what was happening, she has the fucking balls to tell me that I'm going girlfriend crazy on her?

"Did you really just say that?" I frowned, tears threatening to spill. I could tell in her body language that she didn't mean it but it hurt just the same.

"I said I didn't want to do this right now, okay?!" Lauren yelled and exiting the bathroom.

I felt anger rise up in me and slammed my fist on the counter in front of me. Taking one hard look at myself in the mirror, I muttered an 'I hate you' and stormed off.

I didn't bother to find Kyla. I knew Lauren saw me as I left the school gym. I could feel her eyes on me and for the first time I wished she would've just stayed away from me.

I wished I never knew what being in love felt like.

It hurt too damn much.

For the first time since Lauren arrived, I wished that I was in Austin's arms. Not sexually. Just in the arms of my best friend.

Where, even if it didn't feel right, he still kept me safe. A part of me wanted to go to his house but I knew I couldn't. I was angry and that would only spell disaster.

Instead I went home.


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