My Ex Best Friend

By KindaCool_Girl

46.5K 811 432

(UNDER EDITING) Briana Vasquez and Asher King have been best friends since elementary school. She wasn't goin... More

•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 3•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 6•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 9•
•Chapter 10•
•Chapter 11•
•Chapter 12•
•Chapter 13•
•Chapter 14•
•Chapter 15•
•Chapter 16•

•Chapter 2•

3.9K 80 54
By KindaCool_Girl

Briana POV
September 5th, 6 years later

First day of freshman year.

A lot has changed since elementary.

Jasmine changed schools in our first year of middle school.

We talk to her sometimes, but not often.

People grow apart, that's just life.

It's just been Asher and I since.

The new atmosphere intimidated me, so I decided to just stick with Asher.

There were very few familiar faces around.

The majority of the students at our old school went their separate ways into new ones.

Over the years, Asher has developed into more of a player.

He's dated a lot of girls since elementary, always breaking up with them not long after.

Then onto the next.

I never let it phase me, even though I have feelings for him.

It's no secret that I do, Asher is fully aware of it.

His happiness means more to me than my own.

As long as he's happy, I'm happy.

We never let my feelings for him affect our friendship.

Although, there was one time where he was the one broken up with.

He dated this girl named Kelly, their relationship actually lasted for a good amount of time because he actually did like her.

Just like the majority of the students, she was one of my friends, so she told me the reason why she broke up with him.

She apparently just lost interest after a while.

She didn't want to be like the other girls, so she broke up with him before he could break up with her.

She was actually really nice, and I kind of understood where she was coming from.

Asher ended up taking it really hard, but I was always right there by his side when he needed me.

Anyways, that was just a small recap of what's happened since elementary.

The bus finally arrived and I boarded it, sitting right next to Asher, as always.

Him and I actually don't live that far apart from each other.

"Ew, you're here." I scoffed.

"Didn't know they let monsters on this bus." He retorted.

"Ha ha, you're so funny." I rolled my eyes.

"What can I say? I'm hilarious." He chuckled.

"Full of yourself is what you are." I laughed.

I sit down next to him and take one of his earbuds, listening to music with him.

As we pulled up to the high school, I couldn't help but feel nervous.

It's a whole new territory I have yet to explore.

It's like I'm starting all over again.

Eventually, I calmed myself down and took out my schedule.

"Hey Asher, can I take a look at your schedule?"

He nodded and handed me his.

I analyzed the paper to see if we had any classes together.

"Looks like we actually have classes together this year." I smiled.


"Yup, we have the second, fifth, and last period together."

"Awesome, last year we only had one period together."

I smile and nod.

"It's easier this way, so that we can just walk out to the bus together and go."

He nods in agreement.

"Ok I need to head to my first period, cya!" I said



It's the end of the school day and I've already made a good amount of friends.

Making friends is really easy for me so I'm not surprised.

Asher had a good day too.

After we both got off on my spot, we walked and went to get pizza at the nearby pizza place we always go to and then went our separate ways home.


January 18th

It was our lunch period, some of my friends and I were sitting at our table and talking.

This included Asher and his newest girlfriend, Amara.

This has been his fifth girlfriend this year alone.

Amara and I were actually friends back in elementary so I knew her a good amount.

Asher is always coming to me for girl advice since I'm good at helping with that kind of stuff.

We were just talking about random things when the topic of couples came up.

Being the teens we are, we started teasing Asher and Amara and had them sit closer to each other.

"Come on Asher get a little closer to her, she is your girlfriend." One of the girls said.

I nudged him and gave him a wink, gesturing for him to get closer.

He took the hint and put his arm around her, kissing her on the forehead.

I smiled and gave him a nod.

"Hey, Bri, maybe you should move a little bit away from Asher." someone said.

"What? Why?" I asked in confusion.

Him and I weren't even sitting that close to each other, I kept my distance in respect for Amara.

"I mean, everyone knows you have feelings for him, it's just weird how you're kind of smothering him." Another person said.

"Excuse me? What the hell are you talking about? I'm not even near him and I just-"

"Oh come on Bri, you are literally obsessed with me. Always all up on me in the bus, getting mad close to me constantly, flirting with me, I can't ever fucking breathe because you're always there annoying me. You're basically begging for me to screw you when I don't even want you. You're such a pick me girl, it's sad." He spat.

I was shocked at the words that just came out of his mouth.

He has never talked to me that way before.

I felt a pang in my chest, and tears well up.

I didn't know he felt that way.

I put my hands into fist and stood up, slamming them onto the table.

"I have never EVER tried anything like that with you. What the hell made you think that? You are such a goddamn liar, all I have ever done is try to be a good best friend. Now I know how you really feel." I said.

"You literally are always talking to me like I'm the only friend you have, get a life. You're just mad that you can get a boyfriend so you try and get with me. Always trying to touch me and hug me." He replied.

"It's because I was comfortable with you! So I'm sorry if I just really wanted a hug once in a while. I trusted and cared about you. But obviously I shouldn't have. So fuck you Asher King, I thought you were my best friend, but obviously your not. Goodluck finding someone like me."

I look over to the girl, who now has a look of regret and refuses to look into my eyes.

"You know what? I'll do you one better than moving, I'm out." I walk away

I walk over to a group of some of my closest friends that I've had for years.

Adelina, Kayla, and Danny.

They all rush over to me as tears start rolling down my face.

"Hey hey hey, it's ok, we all saw what happened. I'm so sorry Bri, you didn't deserve that." Adelina said while pulling me into a hug.

"That was really messed up of him, none of it was even true. He doesn't deserve you as a friend" Danny sighed.

"I'm gonna kill him!" Kayla says, about to walk over there before Danny grabs her arm and shakes his head.

She sighs and walks over to me, rubbing my back instead.

Amara shyly walks up and taps my shoulder.

"Hey...I'm really sorry about what he said. Just know I didn't believe any of it and I just feel really horrible about not saying anything." She frowned.

"It's's not your fault he's an asshole."

She gave me a sad smile and nodded, walking away.

Soon after, two of Asher's friends who were at the table approached us.

"What!?" I spat.

"Just wanted to tell you that Asher thinks you're an ugly bitch, his words." Alex snickered.

"And that you're a hoe that just wants attention." Jake smirked.

"Go the fuck away! Nobody fucking asked you!" I yelled at them.

They immediately went silent, I never yell.

"Whatever." Alex said, and left with Jake.

Asher walks by and looks at me.

"Just so you know, I'm blocking you, on everything. So don't try and contact me or talk to me." He smugly said.

"I wasn't fucking planning to. I was going to do the same thing. Now leave me the hell alone and stay out of my life." I glared

He scoffed and continued walking.

After he left, I broke down.

All 3 of them gave me a hug.

Then, realization hit me.

I had just lost my best friend of 6 years.


Remember when I said all things come to an end?

Well, this is what I meant.

This is how my friendship with my best friend came to an end.

Just because he thought popularity was more important than friendship.

But, when friendships are ruined, new ones are made.

It's just how it goes, but it isn't as easy as it sounds.

A lot of things are easier said than done.

And life is one huge bitch.
Hey guys! So this is the edited version of the original chapter. I really hope that you enjoyed it, I tried my best to make it seem more realistic and of course upgrade the writing. This is based on something that really did happen to me, but of course there is more of a spin and added drama to make it more interesting and less immature. Anyways, with that being said, I'll see you in the next chapter. Byyyye 😌✨

Word count: 1603

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