One Punch Man Boyfriend Scena...

By zombielover8469

780K 13.2K 2.2K

So I love one punch man and the characters damn XD anyway hope you enjoy this check out my Akatsuki scenarios... More

Introduction πŸ’›
First Meeting
His Feelings
Second Meeting
He Asks You Out
First Kiss
When He Walks In On You Showering
How The Two Of You Sleep Together
When You're Clingy
When He Hears You Sing
First Time
When He Slaps Your Butt
When He Has A Nightmare
When He Meets Your Ex
When He Left A Mark On You
When You're On Your Period
Showering Together
Random Scenario: His Phone
When You Hear Him Sing
Random Scenario: When He Gets You A Plushy
When He Uses Pick Up Lines
When He Gives You A Piggy Back Ride
Random Scenario:When He Gets You Flowers
How He Is In Bed
Special/Random Scenario
Random Scenario: Matching T-shirts
When You Can't Sleep
When You're Sick
When The Two Of You Get Walked In On
Special Scenario: Easter
When He Can't Sleep
His Kinks/Fetishes
When He Turns Chibi
What He Thinks When He's Zoned Out
When He Stares At You
When You Turn Chibi
When You Have A Nightmare
How He Kisses You
When He Pranks You
When He Sees You Cry
When You Think Perverted
When You Come Into Contact With One Of Your Fears
Your and His Song
Random Scenario: When He Gets You A Phone Case
When There's A Break In
When The Two Of You Cook Together
When He's Drunk
Special Scenario:The 4th Of July
When You Get Injured
Random Scenario: His Quote For Describing You
When He Accidentally Reads Fifty Shades Of Gray
When He Wears Your Clothes
Random Scenario: The Picture He Relates You To
When You Embarrass Yourself In Front Of Him
Beach Trip
Random Scenario: If He Got You A Pet
Movie Date Night
When You Annoy Him
When You See Him Cry
When He References To A Vine
When He Tries To Be Kinky
His ASMR Addiction
Special Scenario: When You Accept His Kinky Idea
His Favorite Position
Random Scenario: The Picture You Relate To Him
When The Two Of You Embarrassingly Get Interrupted
His Own Way Of Telling You That He Loves You
Random Scenario: When You Draw Him A Picture
When You Relate To A Tiktoc Video
When You're Drunk
Holiday Scenario: His Valentine's Gift To You
When You Reference To A Vine
Your Worst Habit To Him
What About You Frightens Him
Random Scenario: When He Gets You A Hoodie
His Worst Habit To You
When You Make Him Get In Touch With His Feminine Side
When He Takes A Survey You Made Up
When You Want To Try Something Kinky
What He Does To Get Your Attention πŸ’›
Random Scenario: "Happy National Gag-Gift For Him Day!" πŸ’›
How He Lets You Know That He's In The Mood πŸ’›
Author Note
Gif Scenario: His Reaction If He Saw You Doing The WAP πŸ’›

Random Scenario: When You Get Him A Plushy

6.6K 100 21
By zombielover8469

(The tables have turned!! And I don't know why I'm in a randomness mood XD. And that picture is so true to my friends.)
"Saitama! I got pizza!" After the third knock on the door, you figured he was asleep, which he was when Genos opened up the door for you. "My apologies (Y-." You smiled as Genos gave slight widened eyes to the plushy in your hands, you then walked by him only see stand over Saitama, whom was snoring. "Saitama. Wake up." Saitama groaned, he peeked open his eye just for a giant slice of pizza to drop on his face. You sat on the end of his stomach with a smirk, picking up the plushy pillow as he yawned and stretched. "What's with the pizza slice?" "It's a pillow plushy I bought for you jerk. You're welcome." Saitama took the pillow and laid his head on it, then pulled you off of him to where he was spooning you. "You couldn't have gotten a scented one?" You gave a eye roll, kissing his bare shoulder as you tried to free yourself. "No. Why you want pizza now?" "That does sound good. Oh and thanks. Now go back to sleep."

After Genos opened up the door to Saitama's apartment, he placed a bunny plushy on the counter, causing Saitama to give him a confused look when looking up at it. "What's with the toy Genos?" "(Y/n) bought it for me Master." You did, you and Genos were both walking the supermarket before you had to go to work. Saitama picked it up as Genos placed groceries in the fridge. "Where's it's mouth? But didn't seem like you anyways." Genos gave a shoulder shrug, then picked it up and made the bunny face him. "It's rude not to accept a gift from your significant other. Plus her expression when she gave it to me was one I'll probably never receive in public again." Genos kissed the bunny then placed it on the counter, next to his cooking utensils as Saitama stared blankly at him, then gave a shoulder shrug. "If you say so Genos...Are you gonna name it?" "(Y/n) wanted to pick the name Master."

Mumen Rider
Rider suspected coming back to your apartment only to see you asleep since it was so late. But instead, he smiled seeing you laying in bed, holding to cloud plush pillows next to you. "I see you did some shopping after work?" You smiled with your tired eyes and rolled off your side and onto your back. "These are for you actually." You seen Mumen's lips slightly part he smiled. "You didn't have to (Y/-." "Well since you got me a pillow. I thought I could get you one as well, but I didn't know which to get since you like storms and cloudy days." Mumen smirked, taking off his helmet and shades only to place them on the end table before crawling over you. He placed both arms underneath you, causing you to blush. "I like them both. Thank you." When he kissed your cheek, you gave a small laugh, about to speak before he laid his head in the crease of your neck. "But I like using you as my pillow." "I love you. But too bad. Those are your pillows."

"A zombie lama?" "It's an alpaca." Zombieman gave you a head shake and a smirk after seeing you stand in front of him with a plushy after he stepped through the door of your apartment, taking off his shoes as you giggled. "Do you like it?" Zombieman stood up, giving you a call smile as he took the plushy, examined it, then looked back at you just for your lips to press against his. "Have you been waiting all day for you to show me this?" "Yes because it's for you." You walked back to the couch, laying on it after wrapping yourself in a blanket. Zombieman followed you, except he sat on the opposite side of the couch, rubbing your shins that were covered as he held the plushy. "I like it. Do you want to sleep with it?" You gave a yawn and a head shake with a giggle, nudging his arm with you foot. "Spend time with your zombie lama." "Alpaca." "Whatever."

Metal Bat
"Babe I'm. Damn." You gave an eye roll while you dug through your dresser for comfort clothes since you were wrapped in a towel and had forgotten to grab clothes before your bath. "Hello to you too." Metal smirked, about to pull off his shirt to change before you placed a finger up. "Wait, I have you something. I got you a cat bat." Metal Bat gave an eyebrow raise when you walked over to the bed, lifting up your pillow. "A what?" You then tossed him the large plushy, making him chuckle with a smirk as you giggled. "A cat bat! Do you like it?" "Babe, what kind of question is that, huh?" Metal Bat pulled you into a hug, kissing your cheek as you giggled then pushed him off as he held the plush with one arm. "You can thank me later with a nap." "And you'll be thanking me later too."

Blue Fire
"(Y/n) making you hold her luggage?" After stepping into Head Quarters, not only to visit your grandfather since he was out of the hospital. But also to use the restroom since the buildings  surrounding it were either closed or an unnecessary place to use at. Blue Fire smirked as he held a large cat plushy in one arm and on his hip as Bang chuckled. "'s mine." Bang raised an eyebrow, then smirked with a head shake, patting Blue Fire on the back before walking off to the elevator. "Sweet isn't she?" "At times." When you tossed a paper towel into the trash can and opened up the door, you yelped seeing Blue Fire there. "You ready?" You smiled with a nod, holding onto his arm and gave a glance at the cat. "Thank you." "Really? You like it?" "It looks like you." "What? How?" "Tch, it just does."

It was sometime in the afternoon when Stinger woke up only to see that you weren't in bed. He knew you weren't going to bed because you had to help a friend with an tour around the city since she was new there. "I wonder if she checked the mail? Eh..guess I'll do it." Stinger closed the gap after peeking out the window from behind curtains in the living room. He yawned when walking to the mailbox, but after opening it, he smirked at the bee plushy. "Heh, awe. Lovebug." Stinger continued to have his smirk when going into the house, just to lay back on the bed with the plushy in his arm so he could send a picture of him with it to you.

Sweet Mask
"Amai..." You cracked open the door to Amai's study, seeing him at his desk rehearsing over lines for a movie he's going to act in less than a month. You had recently just gotten to his apartment, you would of arrived earlier but you made a pit stop first. "Yes?" Amai glanced at you then back down, making you calmly smile and walk into the room with your hands behind your back. "I have something that with help you practice." When Amai turned to you, he smirked seeing you hold a plushy up to him. "For me?" You gave a nod before he took it, he smirked still then pulled you into his lap, pecking your neck with a chuckle. "Thank you. And you know...we could make our own movie. Action on the kissing scene." You gave an eye roll, getting off his lap as he chuckled and you giving a faint laugh. "I love you Amai but you need to practice...but. I'll be in the shower if you care to join." "Since you gave me a gift. I should give you one in return."

At the time Sonic gave a light sigh and sat on the edge of the bed wrap up his katana blade, you stepped into your house and went straight to the bed room after a day spent with Puri. "Sonic. I got you something. I think you might like it." That last sentence you mumbled was when you sat on Sonic's lap, facing him as his eyes stared into yours in confusion but with a smirk on his face. "Really now?" You smiled, kissing his cheek, then removed your hand from behind your back, showing him a plushy. "You got me a stuff animal?" You gave a nod, he took it with a head shake but a faded smirk as well. You blushed with a small laugh when he kissed the crease of your neck, but just before he could do so again, you removed yourself from him. "Do you like it or no-." "I do. Thanks."

Flashy Flash
"What's with the unicorn?" You glanced up from the keyboard at Tornado, whom was hovering above you with crossed eyes and an eyebrow raised like usual. You glanced down at your lap then back up at her with a small smile. "Oh, it's for Flashy. A couple of school girls were trying to raise money so I bought one." When you looked back at the screen, you scooted back after seeing Tornado's face in front of yours. "Seriously? You think Flash will." "Think I'll what?" You turned only to see Flash walking down towards the to of you, with a serious expression like normal. "What do you think about (Y/n)'s gift for you?" You watched Flash take the plushy when it hovered to him. You seen him smirk with his eyes before he lifted up your chin and pecked your lips. "Thank you. I just came to see if you were still here." When Flash walked away with the plush in his hand, you smiled at Tornado with blushing cheeks. "Don't act surprised." "I am."

"Garou!" Garou stopped in the doorway of the clothing store, seeing you smile at him from behind the counter, which had a confused costumer trying to pay. "Happy to see me? Well I'll see you later the-." "Come here." Garou smirked with an eye roll, he even purposefully bumped into the costumer when walking past. "I got you something." Garou raised an eyebrow to you and took his hand from his pocket just so you could placed a plush in it. "You got me a killer whale with a horn?" You gave an eye roll with a small laugh, taking the plushy back only to flick it's horn. "It's a narwhal." After making Garou kiss the plushy, he gave and eye roll and grabbed your wrist, taking the plush back then kissing your lips with his. "You're insane you know that?" You gave a giggle with a head nod, he then smirked and started to back up out of the store. "Love you!" "Love ya too."

(Soooo sorry for slow updates. Hope you enjoy this more to come soon!)

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