So Cool (Larry)

By If_I_Could_Fly_18

233K 8.5K 7.8K

"You think you're so cool Tomlinson, all you do is talk, why haven't I ever seen you do something. Why haven'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
A New Story
Chapter 14
Please Read
Character Ask???
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

11K 473 661
By If_I_Could_Fly_18

"Eww look it jiggles." Harry nearly threw up while Niall dissected a frog. They were in biology, and the teacher said they'd part take in an experiment. And stupid Harry hoped they'd mix chemicals, or make something cool, like slime. No, they're in biology, they're gonna dissect a frog. With Harry's weak stomach he refused to poke at the frog. The teacher understood, and had him fill out the worksheet, while Niall and Liam had all the fun. "Eww it popped!" Niall cackled as Harry began gagging. 

"Niall, follow the directions." Liam groaned actually doing his work correctly. Once the bell rang, Harry literally ran out of the classroom and exhaled loudly. He turned to his left and noticed Josh leaning against some lockers. 

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked as Josh jumped slightly and blushed. "W-what do you mean?" Josh stuttered as Harry eyed him suspiciously before walking towards him. "You don't think I just magically appear by Niall's side do you." Josh said calmly as Harry nodded. "True, Niall's still inside, see you later." harry said walking away as Josh sighed in relief. 

"You should talk to Louis." Harry chuckled sarcastically before telling Josh. "That's the last thing I'll be doing."

And just when Harry thought he was being so cool, 'Mr. So Cool' himself was standing beside Harry with a smirk. "And why's that, Harold?" Louis asked leaning down to look Harry in the eyes. Harry felt his face flush before he responded. "What do you want?" 

"Relax Curly, I have to speak to my teammates. Not everything revolves around you." Louis said before walking over to Josh, leaving Harry frozen. He could not believe that someone like Louis Tomlinson would say that. And just when he was warming up to him, he does something so arrogant and cocky. Wait, no, Harry was never warming up to him. Louis' a jerk and that's it, he could never see Louis as a friend, he doesn't understand why anyone likes him or puts up with him.

Harry walked to his locker and did what he had to do, exchanging books, and all the great high school stuff. "Seriously Harry, you should talk to Louis." Harry jumped and turned to Zayn who stood right beside him. "Get out of here you asshole, you hurt my friend. Creepy bastard." Harry growled kicking Zayn's leg. Zayn ignored the hit and sulked.

"I know I'm an asshole. I feel horrible, and I want him to forgive me." Zayn said before pouting and widening his eyes. Attempting to do a puppy face. "Zayn you're hot, only me and Liam can truly do the puppy face. But you wouldn't know that because all you want is his dick." 

Zayn glanced around with flushed cheeks and rubbing the back of his neck. "Did you have to put it that way?" Harry rolled his eyes before slamming his locker shut. "Get outta here, and figure out a way to get Liam to forgive you by yourself. And stop telling me to talk to Louis." 

Once Zayn was gone, Harry readjusted himself and went to walk away, but felt a tug on his shut. His cheeks flushed and he huffed when realizing he closed the locker on his jacket. 

He felt himself blush as he heard laughter behind him. He turned around ready to yell at whoever was laughing at him. But they weren't laughing at him.

It looked like Josh was telling a story that had Niall and Louis cackling. "Hey mate." Niall said through fits of laughter. Harry waved slightly, before turning away, but still listening. Louis Tomlinson, acting like an actual person?

"That actually happened?" Louis asked Josh before bursting into a fit of laughter. Ugh, Harry hated how confusing everything was. Sometimes he'll look at Louis, and think 'hey this guy isn't an asshole, he's a regular cool guy. That's also really sweet with his siblings'. But then Louis talks and Harry remembers why he doesn't like him. If Louis wasn't so arrogant, him and Louis could possibly be friends. Possibly.

Once Harry freed himself from the locker, he looked around for his only other friend.

"Ugh, Liam why is life so hard and confusing?" Harry gripping onto Liam. "Because you're a growing boy, Harold."  Liam said as they walked down the hall together, unaware of the people starring at them. Well Liam.

"Yeah but still, people are-" Harry stopped talking when a girl came up to them. She handed Liam a poster with a sweet smile before walking away. Another girl, Gigi actually came up to them. Liam tensed, slightly scared, before she smiled beautifully and handed him a poster.

"Liam, I'm truly and utterly sorry." Liam face flushed and his mouth fell open. Zayn stood at the end of the hall, with a huge banner behind him reading 'I'M SORRY LIAM.'

Harry walked in front of Liam to see his reaction. Zayn had witty and proud smile and Harry began laughing. The posters Liam was handed read 'I FORGIVE YOU'.

Liam looked at the posters and frowned. His eyes became a bit darker as he walked up to Zayn. "Leave me alone! You got what you wanted, so don't talk to me ever again, don't look at me, and don't harass my friends, asking how to deal with me. Leave me alone Zayn!" Liam said  as Zayn starred at him wide eyed. But then he glared back at him.

"You don't appreciate anything I do for you. I go through all this trouble to show you how sorry I am, and you still won't forgive me." Zayn said as Liam's face softened.

"Fine, I forgive you Zayn. Now leave me alone." Liam said harshly before walking off.

"Oh my god." Harry said as Zayn huffed and ran a hand through his hair. "I don't fucking understand, I do all this and he still hates me." Zayn whimpered as Harry walked past him.

"Next time, don't force him to forgive you." Harry said tapping Zayn's shoulder and walking off. He ran to catch up with Liam. "You ok?" He asked placing one hand on Liam's shoulder. "Fine, I forgave him now he won't bother me." Liam said as Harry nodded slowly before slapping Liam's arm. "You made me run after you." Liam smiled softly at Harry who was pouting.


Harry sighed as he starred at his ceiling. He reached a hand up to pet Bella who was sleeping on his chest. He had to think over his life. He wanted to help Zayn, because he's Ziam trash, and they'd be really cute together. But he also had to consider Liam, who now wants nothing to do with Zayn. And what Zayn did was not ok, and he is trying he just doesn't understand. 

Then there was Niall and Josh, obviously Josh has some feelings for Niall. why else would he follow the blonde around like a lost puppy. But Niall is stupidly oblivious and own't notice until Josh says it straight up. But that'd be hard because he's obviously not straight.

'Damn, I'm surrounded by a whole bunch of gay fucks. And I'm gay too, woah that's a lot of gays.' Harry thought to himself.

And we can't forget about Harry's problems. Ugh now him and his friends all of have relationship problems, and it's all Louis' fault. Wait, no, Harry doesn't have relationship issues, he just doesn't know if he should try to befriend Louis. Anyway, off the topic of Louis, he should think about his real friends. 

"You should talk to Louis."

"Oh my fucking god! Get out Niall!" Harry screamed at the blonde who sat on the floor laughing. Harry's screaming caused Bella to freak out and start barking loudly. "Aww you scared, Bella." Niall said grabbing the puppy and cradling her.

"You and all Louis' friends should telling me to talk to him, because I won't." Harry said while crossing his arms. Niall petted Bella before saying. "Well, you were so bothered by that time he kissed you. I thought it'd help if you actually talked to him." 

"Anyway, Josh invited me to hang out at this cool diner, wanna come?" Niall asked putting Bella down and standing up. He stretched a bit as Harry shook his head.

"No, I'm gonna chill with Bella." Harry said reaching down to pick up the puppy. "Suit yourself, here have this." Niall said before handing Harry a piece of paper. "What is it?" Harry asked while unfolding the paper.

"Suicide Hotline." Niall said before walking out. Harry looked at the number and scoffed, of course the blonde was lying. The number had an area code. Harry crumbled the piece of paper and through it to the side of the bed. It'd probably get thrown away when Harry is forced to clean his room.

It wasn't till later, when Harry got a little curious. Who's number was it? He slowly crawled over to the piece of paper, phone in his right hand. He opened up the paper and hesitantly typed the number into his phone. His finger hovered over the call button, before his heart raced when hearing the dial one. What if Niall wasn't joking and he actually called a suicide hotline? Or He just scribbled down a random number? 

"Hello?" Harry's whole face flushed and he slapped himself. He's so stupid sometimes. Who were they talking about before Niall left. Louis. Why didn't Harry think of this before. "Hello?" Should Harry respond?

"Uh sorry wrong number." Harry said in a faux deep voice. He went to press end call but heard a loud laugh. "Harry?" Louis asked and Harry's heart raced. Not because Louis said his name while laughing, definitely not. He's merely scared because Louis found out it was him, obviously.

"H-how'd you know?" Harry asked a hand pressed to his warm blushed face. He should just hang up, why is he still talking? 'Just hang up, Harry. Harry, hang up. Hang up. Don't talk to him. Harry! Hang u-'

"Your voice is already deep, trying to make it sound deeper is a bit idiotic." Harry scoffed, Louis' an asshole even over the phone. "Oh." Harry said as Louis laughed. "It's ok, love." 

"But anyway, I know you hate when I speak, but I need to tell someone, before I explode." Harry wouldn't mind if Louis exploded really. But he just couldn't bring himself to put down the phone, or move in general.

"Ok, so I was watching my siblings right, you saw them at the store that one time. And were watching the telly, then Ernest and Doris, they're 3 year old twins, get up and walk away. I didn't follow after them, until later. I walk into the kitchen, and they're seated on the floor with flour all over them and chocolate chips, saying that they wanted to make biscuits." Louis said before bursting into laughter. It wasn't really funny, more cute, but Harry found himself laughing quietly.

"Do you have any siblings, Harry?" Louis asked after calming down from his laughter. "Just one sister, Gemma, but she's off at college. I do have a puppy named Bella, who was Gemma's but pets weren't allowed at her dormitory." Harry explained without a second thought.

"Really, I have a dog too, a dachshund named Rufus, the cutest dog ever." Louis said as Harry chuckled. "I beg to differ, Bella's a toy poodle, cutest dog on Earth." Harry said as Louis scoffed. "Sure, curly. Sorry for bothering you about that lame story of siblings, I just had to tell someone." Louis said as Harry felt himself pout. Harry didn't think it was lame, it was really cute. "Uh yeah sorry for calling late at night, bye." Harry said quietly. "Bye." Louis said with a light chuckle before hanging up.

Harry laid back on his bed with a sigh. Did he just have a normal conversation with Louis? Did he just talk to Louis without getting angry? Ok, maybe Louis wasn't so bad.

I think this is one of my favorite chapters, just because of that little Larry moment. 

"Wait, does Gigi know that Zayn and Liam fucked? Did they break up? Or is Gigi still completely oblivious and thinks Zayn just wants to apologize?" Harry said to himself while sitting up from his bed. If he wants to help Zayn earn Liam's forgiveness, he has to know if Gigi and Zayn broke up, and Zayn isn't going to cheat on the poor girl, again. But who would know?


"Hi, did Zayn and Gigi break up?" Harry asked ignoring the fact that he was blushing. "Yeah, Zayn told her about him and Liam and apologized. Like the rest of us, she thinks they'd be cute together, so is attempting to help him. But Zayn's an idiot, he needs all the help he can get." Harry sighed in relief and went to talk but was cut off.

"Sorry, Curly, but I gotta go, see you tomorrow."

Ok now its officially over, who do you think Harry called? Yeah, we all know who it was.

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