The Virus (Zombie Apocalypse...

By CreepyAstra

12.9K 629 28

Astra is at school with friends, her friends are having a party of some sorts. Astra being Astra she's sittin... More

Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4
Entry 5
Entry 6
Sub. Entry 6.2
Entry 7
Sub. Entry 7.2
Entry 8
Sub. Entry 8.2
Entry 9
Sub. Entry 9.2
Entry 10
Sub. Entry 10.2
Entry 11
Entry ???
Entry 12
Entry 13
Entry 14
Entry 15
Entry 16
Entry 18
Entry 19
Entry 20
Entry 21
Entry 22
Entry 23
Entry 24
Final Entry

Entry 17

205 18 0
By CreepyAstra

Date- Jan. 16

"Let me talk to them, Nikki! Please!" Astra yells to Nikki.
"Astra no. Go back with Ethan." Nikki says, she was getting weapons to kill the humans outside of the wall.
"Nikki their my friends!" Astra yells.
"Astra just stop." Nikki looks at Astra with sad eyes.
"Nikki. I'm not letting you kill them. I've seen too much death the past few days!" Astra screams again.
"Nikki let her try at least." Ethan says.
"Your gonna get another person killed for your stupid plans?" Snowy frowns at Ethan.
"Listen here you little boy!" Ethan's face starts to get red from anger.
"Ethan stop. Astra...can you stop them?" Nikki asks.
"Maybe." Astra rubs her neck. "But hopefully."

Astra walks to the wall and Nikki told her that there's a latter where she can climb to the top to talk to them. Astra climbed to the top and looked down, only to see Damian, Keyton and a lot of other people.
"Yo! How's the weather down there?" Astra smirks. They all look up.
"Astra!" Damian and Keyton yells.
"Where's Ethan!?" Damian then asks angrily.
"Only Damian and Keyton can come in. The others stay outside for a bit so I can talk to them." Astra crosses her arms. "Or you all die from Nikki."
They look at each other then nod to Astra. Astra looks down to the person who opens the door.
Damian and Keyton walks inside and the guy closes the door. Astra climbs down and gets hugged by Damian.
"Your okay right?" Damian asks. Astra pushes Damian away and smiles.
"Of course I'm fine. Now...tell me why the heck y'all are with them." Astra placed her hands on her hips.
"Okay Tsundere...they told us that Nikki's town was testing on humans...then we found Madyon and Lacey as zombies. We thought he was turning you into a zombie." Damian says.
"You may not believe me but Ethan is trying to save them. And he actually did save a human! Well I did...but it was his creation." Astra smiles.
"Wait what?" Keyton looks at Astra.
"The cure Damian went and got for me saved a girl. She was a zombie and I stabbed her with it. They are trying to help." Astra says. Damian and Keyton looks at each other.
"We believe you but the other town won't." Damian says.
"Explain to them." Astra says.
"We heard! We don't believe you!" Echo yells.
"Oh shut it!" Astra yells.
"Can you let us in?" Kasey asks. Nikki walked up.
"Let them in." Nikki says.

After everything, they let the other town in and the head of the other town, Stefan, and Nikki went into the court house to talk, while the other stay outside to talk.

"Ethan we need to go to the lab." Astra says.
"That's right. We need to do that, how much of the cure do you have left?" Ethan asks and stood behind Astra.
"Not much...maybe it could work the the three." Astra says and looks at Ethan. Ethan smiles at her.
"Ethan just to let you know...You let her get hurt I will kill you." Damian says.
"I will not let the beautiful lady get hurt." Ethan bows and smiles. Astra laughs.
"Okay. Damian,Keyton try not to kill anyone." Astra says and grabs Ethan's hand to drag him away.
Ethan and Astra leaves the town to go back to the hospital, leaving the others to deal with the two towns.

What else could go wrong? A lot actually.
Cya later! Bye my friends. =^-^=

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