Entry 20

182 15 0

Date- Jan. 17

For the next few hours Astra waited for Ethan and Knight to appear, but it was taking a while. She worried that they might have been in trouble.
"Astra? You okay you look dazed." Damian walked up to her, Astra jumped a little and put on a fake smile. Something she's good at.
"Yeah. Just slightly worried about Ethan and Knight. What are you doing down here? Wasn't Nikki and the other leader of the groups in a meeting?" Astra wondered.
"Yeah but you wasn't in the meeting either so." Damian sat in the window seat with Astra. "What are you doing?" He notices her wrist being red.
"Popping it with this hair tie. You should know I do this sometimes." Astra hugs her knees so it would give Damian room to sit.
"Still don't do it, okay?" Damian smiles, like an protective older brother.
"Fine. Guessing Maddy and Lacey are sleeping?" Astra asks, they had to wake up early to get back on time.
"Yeah, hey question." Damian looks out the window.
"Yeah?" Astra looks outside to see Snowy playing with another boy and a rabbit.
"Do you think this is all a dream?" Damian asks.
"A dream? What do you mean?" Astra looks at him, confused.
"Like...these people don't feel real like we do. Like we're stuck in a book or movie?" Damian looks around at the large room.
"If we are then you just broke the forth wall. Which seems to happen a lot around here." Astra giggles.
"I might be just tried or something. Just ignore what I said and go back to drooling over Ethan." Damian stands and sticks his hands in his pants pockets.
"Shut up. Not like your not doing to to Nikki, lover boy." Astra laughs.
"Shut it." Damian smiles. "Let's just hope this ends soon." Damian walks out of the room.
"Yeah." Astra frowns.

Few more hours passes, no sign of Ethan or Knight. It's now noon and if they don't get back in time they would have to do the plan tomorrow.
"Boo! This sucks!" Echo growls.
"Echo." Kasey frowns to her annoying friend.
"Oh shut it Kasey." Echo groans. "This plan is boring and stupid. As if it would work."
"Echo just be quiet. I have faith this plan will work." Kasey smiles which makes Echo groan more.
"Stop being nice." Echo says.
"It's noon. Everyone come downstairs please." Nikki had passed the door saying.

Everyone went to the bottom layer of the house and listened to Nikki.
"We shall wait till tomorrow to do the plan. Please everyone enjoy your lunch." Nikki sighs with a smile. Everyone goes to eat lunch.
"Such a nice thing, Nikki." Damian smiles.
"I want to make everyone happy, that's all." Nikki smiles. "Join me?" Nikki holds out her hand to him, which he happily takes. They walk into the kitchen area, leaving the unnoticed Astra behind in the main hall, she still sat in the window seat. She waited.

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