Entry 10

325 16 0

Date- Jan. 13

"No one is saying anything" Astra comments. Everyone looks at here. "Wow. No ones gonna say a thing?" She added.
"What are we supposed to talk about?" Taylor asks. Astra frowns.
"Are you serious, Astra?" Summer asks. "We're in a zombie apocalypse. There's nothing to talk about." Summer grunts and looks out the window.
"Jeez way to brighten the mood guys." Tyler says. Astra looks at her insulin, not much left. Astra got out the book she was writing in and start writing.

For the rest of the day they stayed quiet, which was boring.

"You guys are bakas." Astra says and stares at Taylor.
"What do you want to do?" Taylor frowns.
"Something. Jeez. Wasn't you the one that was trying to get everyone to party at school?" Astra crosses her arms.
"Oh just shut up Astra. Go read a book or something that you do." Summer says while throwing rocks at zombies from the window. Astra got angry.
"Wow. I should have left you at your school." Astra says and walks into the next room, which was protected from the outside world.

Sorry it's short! The next page is gonna be better! =^-^=
Cya later! Bye my friends.

The Virus (Zombie Apocalypse Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt