Entry 22

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Date- Jan. 18

The group leaders was already awake because Nikki woke them to get their teams ready. Astra groaned because she hated mornings but so did Stefan.
"Just got get your teammates up." Nikki giggles from the way they were acting.
"Fine." Astra and Damian went to Ethan's and Knight's room, they shared because their friends but Astra sorta shipped them. Knight was in Damian's group and Ethan was in Astra's. When they got to the door they heard movement on the inside and then.
"SHUT UP KNIGHT!" Ethan yelled then what sounded like someone falling into the floor. Astra opened it to find a shirtless Ethan hitting Knight with a pillow.
"Welp this doesn't help me shipping you two." Astra laughs and Ethan blushes. Knight laughs.
"Morning Astra and Damian." Knight greets.
"Morning." Damian and Astra says back. Ethan quickly puts on a shirt and looks at them.
"Guessing I'm with Astra?" Ethan asks.
"Yup and Knight is in my group." Damian says. Astra started to walk away and so does Damian, they let Ethan and Knight get dressed. They go and find the others and get them up.

By the time they got everyone up, they ate breakfast then started to head out. They headed in different directions to cover more areas...this process lasted two weeks to cover all of their city area.

"Man..." Nikki frowns as they get back to their town. "We can't get to other cities to help."
"We need help from the government?" Astra asks as she walked up, Ethan behind her.
"I think so, they can put it in gas tanks and do what they do, but I don't know where we can find them." Nikki frowns again.
"Right behind us?" Damian asks and points to a tank coving their way.
"Are we in a story book or something?" Keyton asks and everyone ignores him.
"Hello? Do you all need help?" The man in the tank asks.
"Actually yes." Nikki smiles finally.

They told the man their plan and why they needed his help, he thought about it for a moment then agreed to help. He asked for some of the medicine so he can take it back to where he's from.
"And a 21 year old drop out made this?" The man asks. Ethan rubs his neck.
"Yeah." Ethan chuckles nervously.
"Amazing. Thank you for showing me, I'll take some back to my lab and ask if they can help." The man smiles.
"Thank you." Nikki smiles back.
"No problem, this apocalypse only lasted a few days and you young kids already saved your friends." The man leaves.
"Well he was nice." Astra smiles.
"That's good. Right when we said something about them they appeared." Nikki giggles.
"Are you guys sure we're not in a story?" Keyton asks and yet again he is ignored.
"It's sorta funny." Damian says. Nikki stands beside him and kisses his cheek.
"Thank you for helping us." Nikki smiles and Damian starts having a nosebleed.
"Ha! Now that's funny." Astra laughs.
"Shut up!" Damian yells and covers his nose.
Now they just have to wait for the man to come back with the plan, which hopefully they can just use a massive tanks of the medicine to get the whole Earth.

Which is easier said then done.

Hello beautiful people that just read my book! Hoped you like this chapter, this book is coming to an end sadly BUT I have two new stories coming out when this book is done.

One is a story I asked about in my EJ X reader and the other is a fun story, it's just because I wanted to make it. I hope you enjoy them when I start writing them!

Cya later! Bye my friends! =^-^=

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