Only Fools Fall For You (Sasu...

By ambrosaurus

503K 17.4K 41.9K

Naruto is now attending the best school money can buy... And he hates it. He feels like it's a place where a... More

✨ Part 1✨
✨ Part 2 ✨
✨ Part 3 ✨
✨ Part 4 ✨
• Part 5 •
• Part 6 •
• Part 7 •
• Part 8 •
✨ Part 10 ✨
✨ Part 11 ✨
✨ Part 12 ✨
• Part 13 •
• Part 14 •
• Part 15 •
• Part 16 •
✨ Part 17 ✨
✨ Part 18 ✨
✨ Part 19 ✨
✨ Part 20 ✨
• Part 21 •
• Part 22 •
• Part 23 •
• Part 24 •
✨ Part 25 ✨
✨ Part 26 ✨
✨ Part 27 ✨

✨ Part 9 ✨

19.4K 669 1.5K
By ambrosaurus

The buzzing continued ceaselessly making tired blue eyes open in instantaneous rage. There was going to be no such thing as a pleasant morning for him, was there? He sat up immediately glaring back at the clock that flashed the time 6:50AM.

"AGAIN?!"He shouted as he threw the clock across the room, hearing the satisfying sound of something breaking.

"You were letting it go off for quite a while, but I didn't think you'd get that mad at it." His eyes darted to the kitchen where he saw Sasuke leaning against a counter with an amused expression.

"What are you doing here?" he stumbled over his words in an attempt to force coherent thought upon just waking up. "Shouldn't you be gone?"

Sasuke stared at him, puzzled, as if he should have automatically known the answer to that. "I'm waiting for you to get up."

"Why?" he couldn't keep the blatant disbelief from his voice.

Sasuke recovered his cruel expression with a snarl, "Don't sound so grateful. I let you get more rest and you act as if I shot you."

Naruto couldn't help but chortle cynically. Sasuke raised a brow at the blond in confusion before Naruto was able to regain his self-control. "It's funny. You expect me to believe that you stayed here and missed your first class for me?"

"Your point?"

Oh god he was serious?! Sasuke had missed a class, the cause of their fight in the beginning, to make sure he was okay? Naruto shook his head vigorously, feeling a faint dizzy sensation the more he thought about it. "Oh..."

"You're not good with 'thank you' are you?"

He ran his hand over his forehead feeling only a dull pain as it came in contact with the small abrasion. He closed his eyes trying to recall as much as he could of yesterday.

Classes... Detention... Sasuke... Itachi... Stairs... Neji...

"I just... Need to know I'm not alone right now."

He couldn't suppress a embarrassed gasp as his face became more flushed. He did say that, didn't he? In a moment of weakness where he hadn't even been himself he said something a bit too honest for his liking.

"S-sorry," he stammered clumsily as he stood from the bed. "I'm just a little confused."

"I suppose that's appropriate," Sasuke mused as he walked to him with a glass of orange juice. "Drink it. It's not breakfast, but at least it's something."

He grasped the cup with both hands, looking at it suspiciously. "Thanks," he mumbled before chugging it down.

"You're welcome," Sasuke replied with a sly smile.

Naruto took in a gulp before handing the glass back. "What did you do to it?"


"Then why are you smiling like that?"

"To make you ask questions," he taunted before walking back to the kitchen.

He couldn't stop the redness that crept against his cheeks as he clenched his fists. "Stop using my comebacks against me!"

"I'm simply giving them back to you," the raven said almost mischievously. "Get ready, I won't wait all day."

"Yes, your highness."

It was only his second day of school, but he never imagined that Sasuke would be walking with him to class. He fidgeted uncertainly with the strap of his bag as he tried desperately to think of something to say.

Sasuke seemed much calmer than yesterday when he had dragged Naruto from Neji's room. Maybe it was something that Itachi did to make him so uptight. Thinking it over, he had been completely stunned in the presence of the older brother; he didn't want to imagine what it was like to actually converse with him.

He glanced at Sasuke who was staring down at the ground sullenly. Fallen leaves crunched beneath their feet as they trudged along to offer small breaks in the silence. Clouds began forming in the distant sky and he remained fixated on them as he thought of what he could say.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, ignoring the fact that Sasuke turned to look at him. It was easier to focus that way. "I didn't mean for you to get in trouble."

"Well, I did," he commented with an annoyed sigh. "At least he's gone now."

"Itachi?" this earned a nod, "Why would he trouble himself by coming here over something like detention?"

"I honestly don't think you could understand," he replied with a depressing tone, making Naruto turn to meet his gaze. "When you're head of a corporation your image becomes everything. The people around you become a part of that image as well, whether they like it or not."

Did he say head of a corporation? Itachi? "No way! He couldn't be a day over 25!"

"He's 24," Sasuke corrected, "And he's running it himself."

"Y-yeah, I don't doubt that." His words stuttered into one another as he tried to form another question. Something just didn't sit well with that scenario. "But wouldn't your parents be the ones to handle that kind of responsibility?"

His dark brows twitched as his lips curved into a thin line. There was something so painful and miserable about that look that was, at the same time, recognizable. The silence had become more uncomfortable than any other they had let themselves fall into. He did have parents... Right? Naruto studied the Uchiha's features as they became more grim, losing any kindness he had gained during their walk. Oh god he doesn't, does he?!

"Sasuke..." He croaked uneasily, unable to tear his eyes away from him. Before, he would have never been able to tell, but he could see it so clearly now. There was a pain that stretched beyond his years that tarnished any gentle means of grace and compassion... They had something in common. "I—"

"Naruto!" Sakura's familiar call cut him short as it drew his attention to the gate. She waved to him animatedly before freezing altogether as her eyes rested on Sasuke.

"Good morning, Sakura," Naruto greeted weakly though he managed to force a smile.

"Good morning, Sasuke," she mumbled in battlement as the Uchiha passed her with a brief nod.

Naruto stopped at her side, watching Sasuke disappear into the main building with a frown. It was nice to know that he would be deliberately ignored if the raven was ever in the vicinity.

"Are you two... friends now?" She asked.

"No! What gave you that idea?" he exclaimed defensively. At this point it would have been wrong to call them enemies, but was he really comfortable enough to label it as a friendship?

"You both should have early classes so why are you both late?" she persisted.

"B-because our alarm went off late," he answered agitatedly.

"You two are roommates?!" She gasped with wide eyes. "Naruto! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know that it was your business," he spat, much to his surprise. Something about this conversation was putting off his mood quickly.

"You think you'd mention it after the trouble you guys have been in."

There was an increasingly uncomfortable ache at his chest as she snapped at him more tirelessly. If there was anyone he wanted to feel secure around, it was Sakura, but that would be difficult if she kept asking him things he didn't want to answer. "Can we please talk about something else?" he pleaded as he felt his head begin to throb.


"AHH!" He leaped from his seat as Gai shouted from behind him.

"Thank you for volunteering!" He grinned almost evilly as he gestured towards the small stage at the front of the room. "You will be first in our warm up today!"

"That's not even fair," he hissed to his group members who tried to stifle their laughter. He made his way to the front of the class looking out at his classmates with trembling knees he was sure they could see.

"This game is called One-Liners," Gai announced which made everyone being to grin. Fuck. "You will be given a scenario and act upon that using only one line of dialogue."

"Sounds simple," he lied as Gai pointed to Sakura to start.

"Worst Christmas gift ever," she called out.

He frowned. He would have given anything to even have a Christmas, what would there be to complain about? Stupid brats. He had no experience with this kind of scenario that would help him think of something. But that's when he realized something interesting; he was in a theater class. He didn't have to be himself when it came to stuff like this, did he?

With renewed confidence he fell to his knees and tore away at the invisible wrapping paper with as much excitement as he imagined he'd have if he had a real one. He opened the imaginary box just to freeze up with a revolted frown.

"W-was it... supposed to be a puppy?" he croaked fearfully and the class erupted into a series of snickers and disgusted gasps before they became a collective laughter.

"Wonderful Naruto!" Gai shouted with applause. "Take a seat. Who's next?!"

"Looks like you're better on the stage than you gave yourself credit for," Lee complimented.

"I still don't know if I'm supposed to be horrified, or if I should just laugh. I'm torn," Tenten added with a teasing wink.

"You should do improv at the Konoha Ball," Kiba snickered and Naruto gave him a playful nudge.

When class ended, Naruto was quick to dart for the door, hoping to avoid any more needless questions from Sakura. He had cut her off before but she still looked as if she had many more things to ask him about. Though she didn't directly act like one he was beginning to expect that she was a closet Sasuke fan girl.

"Dude! Wait the hell up!"


The brunette caught up to him at the side exit of the building with a pant. "Why didn't you tell me you were roommates with Sasuke?"

I should sprint next time. What was it with people thinking that it was any of their concern? "I didn't know that it was that big of a deal," he muttered as he turned on his heels to walk to the second building.

"No kidding!" he laughed with a hard slap to his back that sent the world spinning for a moment. "I feel for ya. It must be hard to sit in silence all day."

God I wish. "Yeah," he said dismissively as he quickened his pace as they entered the building, but Kiba remained vigilant.

"So, how do you like the school so far?"

"Honestly," He sighed as he halted on the second step up the staircase, "the bad is kind of outweighing the good."

"Find a girlfriend," Kiba suggested with a shrug. "That'll distract you. Works for me."

"Fine words of wisdom indeed," he said mockingly as he jogged his way up the steps.

"You are a smartass, you know that?"

"And proud of it!" he called back,

"Find me later if you're not too busy dying!" Kiba's shout was clear but still faded.

He turned around to retort but was cut short as someone staggered into him, making them drop their books.

"Hinata?" he gasped as he immediately dropped to his knees to pick up the books. "I'm sorry!"

Her face was already flushed red out of alarm and slight humiliation as she looked like she was fighting for the right words to say. "N-Naruto?"

Although he should have felt more flustered about knocking her things over, he felt a sense of relief and comfort when he saw her that was quick to overtake the feelings of dread from earlier. He gathered all the books in his arms and offered an apologetic smile. "Wanna walk to class together?"

"B-but!" She looked around frantically while twiddling her fingers nervously. "I—You... umm..."

Even when she's having a spaz attack she looks really cute. He couldn't help but chuckle as he beckoned her to follow. "Come on."

"Okay..." she whispered, defeated by her own indecision.

"How are you today?" he asked, feeling re-energized.

"Fine," she squeaked softly. "And you?"

He thought over the discomfort that had happened so far and how hopeful he had felt when he saw her. "Better."

Her face became bright red as they stopped in front of the door. He couldn't hide a pleased smile as he scratched the back of his head. "So, I was wondering," her face seemed to light up as he spoke, "if you'd... like to study together... or whatever."

"With y-you?!" Her voice involuntarily seemed to reach a higher octave before her hands came up to cover her mouth.

"That's the idea," he replied slowly, watching her carefully to ensure that she wasn't about to faint. For some reason he couldn't shake Kiba's suggestion from his ears. "I'd really like to get to know you."

She remained silent for a moment, unable to look away from his honest stare as he waited for her reply. "I... I would really like to get to know you too." He strained to hear her once again but what she said was perfectly clear.

He could not help but beam at her and she gave a small smile of delight as well. "Awesome! I was thinking we could meet—"

"Hinata, so good to see you," a dark voice stated from behind him.

Naruto jumped away, startled, to see Sasuke leaning against the side of the door with a bored stare to the small girl. "Sasuke?"

"How are you doing today?" He asked her, completely ignoring the blond's confusion.

Hinata seemed to choke on her words as her eyes darted anxiously between the two boys and her body began to tremble visibly. "F-fine... Sasuke..." She croaked in panic before she tore her books away from Naruto and ran into the classroom.

What just happened? Naruto stood for a moment in utter confusion as Sasuke shifted his gaze to look at him triumphantly. "You might want to get in here. Class is about to start." He paused as an evident smirk began to play across his lips before he added. "Idiot."

The bell rang loudly but was not enough to snap Naruto out of his moment of shock. He had been making such good progress and even got Hinata to talk to him more before that jackass came in haphazardly and ruined it! He didn't know that the Uchiha knew who Hinata was since he didn't even acknowledge her yesterday so why did he feel the need to butt in?


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