Forbidden Love (rourtney stor...

By thvstruly

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Ross and Courtney fall in love but everyone including Ross's family except Courtney's friends doesn't approve... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 16 part 2
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43 : The End

chapter 37

102 3 3
By thvstruly

Gemma: Let's see Ross (Aiden) and Andrea (Becky) in blue, Courtney (Samantha) and Luke (Jesse) in lavender, and Olivia (Charlotte) and Peyton (Kyle) in pink good and action

*setting prom Becky decided to skip since she has no friends or date and her parents got divorced and her brother hates her but Becky and Samantha switched back lives*

Luke/Jesse:*walks into Becky's room* Becky?

Andrea/Becky: go away

Jesse: Becks I'm sorry about the way I've been treating you. I know mom and dad splitting was hard and I didn't make it any easier for you

Becky: you think? Do you think it was easy for me to break up with Drake? I missed my chance to go on a date with Aiden Daniels and I lost my best friends and my brother hates me and my parents split

Jesse: I know I'm sorry *looks down* I'm a horrible brother

Becky:*sighs* nobody could be perfect  *hugs him* but you're my big brother and I love you

Jesse:*hugs back* I love you too little sis now get up, you're going to prom.

Becky: prom's in 3 hours

Jesse: I'll help you get ready, I'm going too

Becky: with who?

Jesse:*mumbles* Samantha

Becky: of course *laughs*

*3 hours later Becky and Jesse go to the prom*

Becky: go have fun with Samantha I'll be fine

Jesse: thanks baby sis *hugs her and goes to Samantha*

Olivia/Charlotte:*sees Becky and walks up to her* Becky

Becky: hey Charlotte

Charlotte: you showed up and you look stunning

Becky: thanks. Who did you come with?

Charlotte: Kyle.

Becky: wow, never pictured you two together but congrats

Charlotte: thanks, how about you?

Becky: I came solo

Charlotte: oh anyways I wanted to apologize for acting like a jerk to you, you're my best friend and I should support you no matter what.

Becky: thanks Charlotte *hugs her* you'll always be my best friend

Charlotte:*hugs back and holds Becky's hand* come on let's go dance

*Becky dances with Charlotte and Kyle until the principal comes on stage and everyone cheers*

Principal: good evening Ashton high I'm here to announce our prom queen since there wasn't any elected prom king *everyone laughs* anyways the moment we've all been waiting for, your prom queen is Becky Martinez

Becky: no way! *hugs Kyle and Charlotte and goes up stage*

Principal:*puts crown on her head and gives her flowers* congratulations

Becky:*to mic* thank you *sighs* wow. I haven't have the best time this week and I didn't expect to win prom queen but one piece of advice. Don't be the person everyone wants you to be because popular is overrated. There's only one of you, and you decide who you will be. I love you guys,  Thank you guys so so much *walks off stage while everyone cheers*

Courtney/Samantha:*bumps into Becky* oh hey Becky , congratulations on prom queen.

Becky: thanks. Look Samantha, I'm sorry for making you feel like nothing but my side kick. You're my best friend and I should have sticked up for you

Samantha: *smiles* so we're still best friends?

Becky:*smiles, nods and hugs her* always

Samantha:*pulls away* yay!

*Charlotte, Kyle, Jesse, Samantha and Becky are dancing*

Charlotte: Becks look *points behind Becky*

Becky: what? *turns to see Aiden walking towards her* oh my gosh! Aiden's coming!

*the girls squeal*

Samantha: good luck Beck! *she leaves with Jesse, Charlotte and Kyle to leave Aiden and Becky alone*

Aiden:*walks up to Becky and smiles* hey Becky

Becky: hey Aiden *smiles*

Aiden: congrats on winning prom queen

Becky: thanks

Aiden: you look beautiful

Becky:*blushes* thanks, you look handsome

*A slow song starts to play*

Aiden:*holds out a hand* may I have this dance?

Becky:*takes his hand* of course

*while dancing they kiss*

Aiden:*leans forehead against Becky's* will you be my girlfriend?

Becky: I would love to *smiles*

*the gang dances for a while*

Gemma: and cut ! That was awesome! You guys looked amazing!

Cast: thanks Gemma!

Gemma: so tomorrow's our last day of filming. Where we film the graduation scene

Courtney: I can't believe we're done filming tomorrow

Gemma: anyways that's a wrap on today

Ross:*holds Andrea's hand* Drea can I talk to you?

Andrea: Sure

Peyton: what?  babe we have our date tonight

Andrea: Ugh right can we raincheck? Ross needs to talk to me

Peyton:*sighs* yea, I guess

Andrea:*Kisses his cheek* thanks

Ross: Let's go Drea *puts his arm around her and walks out*

Peyton:*glares at Ross and walks out*

Andrea: What's up?

Ross: Peyton threatened me to stay away from you

Andrea: really?

Ross: Yea, he did

Andrea:*Sighs* I'll talk to him I promise

Ross: thanks Drea, you know all this fun with you is making me forget about my feeling for Courtney so thank you *hugs her*

Andrea:*Smiles and hugs back* no problem

Hope you guys like it! Comment and vote. I love you guys! ❤❤


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