chapter 25

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*Emma and Jade came with a limo to pick them up and the rest of the cast was in there already*

Emma: hey girls! Let the cast introduce themselves to your friends!

Olivia: hi! I'm a Olivia Holt

Sabrina: I'm Sabrina Carpenter!

Peyton: I'm Peyton Meyer!

Leo: Leo Howard!

Shawn: hi! I'm Shawn Mendes!

The gang: hey

Jade: we'll wait for you 2 in the limo say goodbye

Courtney & Andrea: ok

*Courtney finished saying goodbye, cried and went to the limo and was Andrea's turn to say bye*

Laura: well Drea we've only been friends for 4 days and I already know that without I'm going to be lonely. I'm going to miss you so much *hugs her*

Andrea: I'm going to miss you too Laur! *Hugs her back*

Raini: Drea we've been friends for 6 months, best six months of my life and when you come back in 6 months I'll be waiting to give you a hug as a happy 1 year as friends I'm going to miss you *hugs her and cries*

Andrea: aww! Raindrop I'm going to miss you too but it's only 6 months! *Hugs back*

Calum: AV! I'm going to miss your Australian accent you goofball

Andrea: I'm going to miss you too CW! Don't find yourself another goofball while I'm gone ok?

Calum: *dramatic gasp* never! Don't you find yourself a Texas goofball alright? *Hugs her*

Andrea:*dramatic gasp* never! *Hugs back* see you in 6 months goofball CW

Rocky: we may not be really close but are the life of the party! Hopefully we don't lose you to Texas Dallas *hugs her*

Andrea:*hugs back* never I miss you rockster

Ryland: Drea you're like a big sister to me, the best one and not having you here for 6 months will be hard but I'm proud of you and I'll miss you sis *hugs her*

Andrea: aww RyRy! *Hugs back* I'm going to miss you too little bro!

Riker: Andy! Me ying to my yang! I'm miss you but I know you're going to kick Texas butt and rock it! Hopefully you become a common actress but I'm going to miss you *hugs her*

Andrea:*hugs back* I'm going to miss you too Rike

Rydel: I can't believe my best friend is leaving for 6 months! *Starts to cry* I'm going to miss you to death *hugs her and cries*

Andrea: I'm going to miss you too Delly *hugs back and cries* come visit me!

Aussies: we'll miss you

Andrea: my girls!

Alexa: we love you just remember that

Christina: we're proud of you too

Kelly: but missing you for 6 months will be a pain in the butt

Sara: and we're going to visit every chance we get

Aussies: because we love you! *Hugs her and cries*

Andrea:*hugs back* I'm going to miss you guys too *cries*

*Everyone goes inside beside Ross and Andrea's family because they know that her family and Ross will be the biggest effect on Andrea*

AM:*cries* we barely got our family back and not my little girl is going to Dallas Texas for 6 months *hugs her*

Andrea:*cries* don't worry mamma I'll be back! And I will run into your arms like when you use to pick me up from preschool *hugs back*

AD: my baby girl! *Cries* take care of yourself, don't get hurt! I love you darling! *Hugs her*

Andrea: *crying* I love you too daddy! Take care of the family! I'll come back soon! *Hugs back*

Miranda: why are you leaving me again?! Am I that horrible that you leave me?! I'm sorry just please don't go *cries and holds on to Andrea's leg*

Andrea:*crying, kneels down and holds Miranda* listen none of this is your fault I'm going to film a movie for Court and in six months I'll come home and we will have a bloody good sister day! Deal? *Hugs her*

Miranda:*hugs back* deal! I'll miss you Drea *cries*

Andrea:*cries* I'll miss you too M!

Ellington:*cries* I'm not crying! I'm ok it's only 6 months without my baby sister!

Andrea: Ell! *Hugs him* I'll miss you so much! *Cries harder*

Ellington:*hugs back and cries harder* 6 months without my baby sister won't be easy but listen go to Texas Dallas and show what us Vicentes can do and when you come back I will squeeze you to death and we will have a brother sister day and then a sibling day where all three of us hang out and take care of yourself baby sis I'm going to miss you to the moon and back *kisses her forehead*

Andrea:*cries harder* me too!

Ross: hey!

Andrea: why? Why are you the hardest to say goodbye to *cries really hard*

Ross:*hugs her, rocks them back and forth and cries* I'm going to miss you panda bear! I'll call, FaceTime, text and visit as much as I can don't worry 6 months is better than a year

Andrea: it would be better if you went with me tho *cries harder*

Ross: baby girl! I'll be here waiting for you and trust me and will never replace our friendship *hugs her* I'll miss you Ximena

Andrea:*hugs back and laughs a little* my middle name? I'll miss you too Jersey Shor

*Everyone comes out to see Andrea and Courtney leave*

Andrea: bye guys! *Cries gets in the limo*

The gang: bye!

Andrea & Courtney: bye

*The limo leaves*

Andrea: I already miss them

Courtney: me too

Sabrina: I miss my sister Sarah

Olivia: I miss my boyfriend Ray

Peyton: I miss my friend Corey

Shawn: I miss my friend Austin

*Andrea's POV*
I was listening to r5's music on the way to the airport just so I can hear Jersey Shor's voice when my phone received a message

I miss you already! ❤ Text me and Ell when you are in Texas already please, we worry❤

Andrea ❤💧🎤🎹:
Always! Don't worry I'll make sure you and Ell get a text when I get to Texas ♥

Miss you panda bear♥

Andrea ❤💧🎤🎹:
Miss ya too wildcat♥
Hope you like it!


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