chapter 18

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Ross: Courtney?! You want to talk to me? I thought you were ignoring me?!

Courtney: I was but that's why I want to talk to you

Ross: what's up?

Courtney: well I want to start talking to you again

Ross: really?!?!

Courtney: yea but only as friends! Dylan is a big jealous type

Ross: is he really?!?

Andrea: yup! He's very overprotective over Courtney even me!

Ross: wow! He doesn't seem like the jealous type

Cole: he is trust me, I should know my own twin brother. So don't flirt with Court or else your dead

Courtney: so Ross what do you say? Friends?

Ross: *nods* friends *hugs her*

Courtney: *hugs back* good

Andrea: *hugs them* yay! My best friends are friends!

*They all laugh*

Cole: so what do you say? Should we have a shrimp on the Barbie?

Andrea: yea! Invite your family Ross!

Ross: even my siblings?!

Andrea: *rolls her eyes* even your siblings *rolls her eyes* include your dramatic girlfriend if you want

Ross:*hugs her* your the best Drea

Andrea: *hugs back* I know

*Later that day at Andrea's house, the doorbell rang*

Alexa: I'll get it!

Andrea: no I'll get it it must be the Lynches *walks to the door*

The girl +the Sprouse twins: *come in to greet the Lynches* ok open the door

Andrea: *opens door and is shocked* mom, dad

Andrea's parents: surprise! *Hugs her*

Wow! Let's see what happens next! Do you guys even read my story?! Because I'm feeling a bit ignored.

- Drea ❣

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