chapter 32

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*obviously Peyton and Andrea won, Shawn and Courtney 2nd and Luke and Olivia last* 

Peyton: oh yea! We won!

Shawn: because you cheated !

Peyton: no! I said go! And I don't want to talk to Andrea's brother he scares me

Ellington:*pops up behind him* good!

Peyton:*back ups and screams* ahh

Andrea:*hops off Peyton's back and hugs Ellington* Ellington! I missed you so much big bro!

Ellington: I missed you too little sis, now move so I can talk to your new boyfriend *walks up to Peyton*

Peyton:*awkward* hey-yyy Ellington

Ellington:*mocks Peyton* hey-yyy Peyton

Andrea: come on Ell go easy on him

Ellington: look I'm fine with you guys dating but if you hurt my baby sis like her ex boyfriend you will not live anymore! Got it?

Peyton:*stutters* ye-ss si-ir

Ellington: good!

Olivia:o-kay anyways the bonfire?

Cast: right! *Guys start the fire*

Peyton: baby girl let's go for a walk? *Holds out his hand*

Andrea: sure! *Takes his hand* Shawny , Court, Liv, L? Join us?

Courtney: is Pey ok with it?

Peyton: it's fine

Shawn: cool! *Stands up and holds out his hand for Courtney* babe?

Courtney:*giggles, blushes and grabs his hand* I'd love to

Luke:*holds his hand out for Olivia* Liv?

Olivia:*takes his hand* It would be my pleasure

*The cast go walk*

Rydel: so anyone feel like Court and Drea are becoming closer to the cast then us?

Gang: yup!

Alexa: we need a plan to keep them from hanging with them

Ellington: like what?

Sara: make it seem like they're cheating on each other

Ross: but look how happy they are

*The girls are running screaming and laughing because they pushed their guy to the sand, now the guys are chasing them, catch them, spin them and kiss them*

Christina: cliche much?

Ryland: Ross don't you still like Courtney? And Andrea's your best friend right? 

Ross: yea, so?

Kelly: his point is if you like Courtney why don't you help with this plan?

Ross: because it seems wrong

Riker: how about when he said if your best friend is Andrea. If you don't go along with this plan you may lose her as a best friend to Shawn 

Ross:what are you talking about Drea would never replace me 

Alexa: really? You are so blind, look at them, they flirt like you guys do as best friends while Courtney and Peyton don't mind at all. You want proof? turn around 

*Ross turns and sees Andrea push Shawn down to the sand while laughing and running, Shawn screaming her name chasing her while Courtney and Peyton just laugh. Shawn grabs Andrea, put her over his shoulder and ran to the water while Andrea screamed punching his back to let her go and he dropped her in the water, Andrea then trips him to where he falls in the water and the cast laughs* 

Ross:*sad* she and I would always do that! I'm in but only to get my best friend back!

Rocky: That's all we need, besides I don't want them to decide to never go back to LA and stay here 

Sara: Please! They love LA, they would never leave it 

The cast: WE LOVE DALLAS!!! 

Rydel: You were saying Sara?

Christina: we need to start thinking now! We only have 2 days here

Gang: yea!

*The cast comes up to the gang*

Ryland: enjoyed yourselves? 

Courtney: yea! It was fun!

Luke: Yo! What time is it?

Peyton: 8:00, wait 8:00 we better change and hurry if we want to make it!

Cast: Move it! *get their clothes, run to the restroom to change when they come out Shawn was wearing a gray tee with black ripped jeans and a leather jacket with the word "Guys", Courtney had a black dress, black wedges, and a black leather jacket with word "Girls" on it. Peyton was wearing white tee, black jeans, and a leather jacket with "guys" on it, Andrea had a black crop top, black leather skirt, red flannel wrapped around her waist, black wedges, and a black leather jacket with "girls" on it. Luke had a navy blue tee, black jeans, and black leather jacket with "guys" on it, lastly Olivia had leather jeans, black tank top, black combat boots, and black leather jacket with "girls" on it and they all had black sunglasses*

Gang: wow! Matching outfits and jackets

Andrea: Time?

Olivia: 8:00

Peyton: ok! let's go! Shawn, Luke let's load up the van!

Ellington: where are you going? 

Courtney: Karaoke Dokie 

Ryland: A karaoke bar?

Shawn: Pretty much! Wanna join?

Gang: Sure!

Cast: ok! let's go!

*When they get to Karaoke Dokie*

Gang: woah!

Cast: right! 

Cast: Hey Carly!

Carly: Hey my favorite guest! Your table is all set! Singing anything tonight?

Cast: of course! 

Carly: I see! *goes to the stage* welcome the group we all admire! Shawn Mendes, Peyton Meyer, Luke Benward, Courtney Eaton, Andrea Vicente, and Olivia Holt. *everyone claps for them*

Cast: Guys first today! 

Shawn: we'll sing an r5 song just since you guys are here 

*guys go to the stage*

Luke: what's up!

Peyton: we are singing all about the girl by r5 for our girls

crowd: awww 

*Song ends and everyone claps especially the girls*

Olivia: Hi!

Andrea: we are singing A Year Without Rain by Selena Gomez 

*Song ends the gang and the cast dance and sing til 11:30, with the gang in the hotel*

Kelly: The plan starts tomorrow 

Everyone: ok 

Hope you guys like it! Sorry I haven't updated! But here you go ❤


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