A Little Bit Of Normal - Jack...

By Parkpuppy_7

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'Can you accept me as I am? And the burden that comes along with loving a person like me?' ••••••... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 13

698 52 45
By Parkpuppy_7

Riannon's POV

I couldn't really decide on what to wear for the first time in my entire life! I mean I had never really cared about mundane things such as appearances but then somehow I wanted to look good for him today.

I slapped my forehead at the realisation.

My, my, my. Somebody sure was whipped.

I mentally cursed myself. Oh screw it, I decided to just put on a simple white dress my mum got for me before I came to Seoul which ended just above my knees coupled with a pair of white block heeled sandals. I finished it off with a grey coloured sweater because it was kind of chilly in the evenings and I didn't wanna take any chances. I put on a light touch of make up just to cover my dark circles forming due to the lack of sleep and the stress owing to my hectic classes and tests.

And I was all done! I hoped that it wasn't  too much,I thought as I bit on my bottom lip nervously. I looked at my watch and it was already 4:50. I guess he'd be here in a while.

Exactly at 5, I heard a car pull up outside my building. Looking out through my window, I saw him getting out and as if sensing my presence above him, he looked up and grinned. I was afraid to admit it, but he looked so handsome in his well pressed black formal shirt and matching black trousers. I signalled to him with my hands, letting him know that I would come down in a minute. He gave me a thumbs up and a flying kiss making me blush like a stupid idiot.

I grabbed my purse and my phone and was locking the door when I heard a sound coming from the end of the dim hallway. I turned but no one was there. My neighbours who lived in the apartments next to mine were all working in the company a few blocks away and they had night shifts so they come home only till morning. Could have been my imagination probably.

Shaking my head, I went back to turning the key in the lock when I saw a shadow move in the periphery of my vision. I grasped my chest and my heart was thumping erratically as I tried to adjust my vision to the dim hallway and see if anything was there. But yet again, it was empty. My mind must have been playing tricks on me. Whatever it may be, I just wanted to get to Jackson as soon as possible. I took quick rapid steps and felt better when I saw him. He had a smile on his face but it was quickly replaced with worry as he noticed the frightened look on mine. He immediately came forward and hugged me, encasing me in his strong embrace.

'Hey, are you okay? What happened?' He cradled my face into his palms as he looked into my eyes.

'I'm okay,' I replied,trying to smile back. 'I thought I saw something but I guess it was just my mind and probably due to exhaustion.'

'Are you sure?' He asked worriedly.

I pecked his lips to assure him that I was alright. He kissed me back with tenderness and breaks away a minute later.

'Hold on, I wanted to give you something. Close your eyes.' I did as I was told and heard him shuffling around inside the car.

'Okay open!' When I did, I was looking at an adorable puppy sized plushie of one of my favourite pokemon, snorlax! I squealed out of happiness and took the plushie in my arms, completely forgetting what happened just a few minutes ago.

'Oh my god Jackson! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You're the best!' I hugged him tight and placed kisses on his face.

It only made him laugh out loud at my behaviour. 'I can't say I'm not enjoying this, you attacking my face with kisses but come on, we need to go,' He said as he looked at me lovingly.


We headed out god knows where because I wasn't familiar with this part of town. He had one of his hands entwined around my own and the other on the wheel as we enjoyed the drive while music was playing in the background.

'Are we there yet?'

'Almost love.'

I internally screamed when he called me that. Let's just say I wasn't one for showing much affection or receiving it back but he was making me feel and do all sorts of crazies.

'That reminds me, I need you to put this on before we get there.' He took out an eye mask from the glove compartment and handed it over to me.

I look at him with confusion. 'Why?'

'So that you won't see the surprise till we get there silly! It'll make the moment more exciting. And it's more romantic.' I chuckled at his idea but put on the eye mask over my head anyways and leaned back against the seat.

I suspected we reached our destination as he stopped the car after a few minutes and sure enough, I heard him getting out of his seat and a few seconds later,my door opened. He took my hand in his and wrapped the other around my waist, feeling tingles on my skin where his arm was draped. He started walking but I was a bit hesitant to move, not being able to use my eyesight. He stepped closer to me and whispered in my ears, 'Let me be your guide Riannon. Trust me, I won't let you fall.' I didn't know if there was a double meaning behind that but I felt a blush creep on my face at his loving words.

I let him lead me as he kept his arm on my waist secure, hearing our footsteps echo as we entered some building. After a while I heard the ding of an elevator and he moved slightly to press the button I assumed and we were making our way up.

'Are you excited?' He asked and puts his head on my shoulder as he held me from behind.

'Uh huh,' I replied as I felt the nervousness and excitement course through my body.

The elevator finally stopped and we made our exit. After walking a few steps, he released his grip on my waist and he placed his hands on my eye mask.

'Are you ready?'


He took it took off and as I tried to adjust my eyesight to my surroundings, my breath was caught in my throat as I took in everything in front of me.

On the two walls beside me were huge aquariums fitted to accommodate exactly to the height of the ceiling and it was filled with all kinds of beautiful and exotic fishes. I was gaping in awe and shifted my attention to a balcony just beyond. There was a table set just for two, two candles being the only source of light. I approached the balcony and found that it overlooked the entire city. Every speck of light adding to the most breathtaking and spectacular night view. I was so stunned that I couldn't really form any words. It was so beautiful.

'Do you like it?' Jackson asked breaking me out of my trance. He looked at me hopefully.

I ran into his arms and kissed him in response to his question. As my lips caressed his, I poured out every bit of emotion I was feeling, every bit of love I had for him. He kissed me back with just as much passion, wrapping his arms around my waist and the other slipped behind the nape of my neck, pulling me in even deeper. He was just too perfect that I couldn't even believe he'd love someone like me. My thoughts were caught in a whirlwind as he ran his fingers on my arms, his touch leaving a trail of fire. Feeling breathless, I pulled away slowly, our faces still close, our breathing heavy.

'Of course I do Jackson. I absolutely love it. Thank you,' I whispered against his lips.

'I am really glad you do. You deserve the very best of everything.'

'Why would you do so much for me?'

'Because in a short span of time, you already mean the world to me and I would give you all I have to show that to you.'

I choked back a sob as his words embedded deep in my heart. I couldn't wipe the smile on my face as he took my hand in his and we went to take our seats, looking forward to just spending the wonderful evening together.

By the time I reached home, I was in a state of bliss. I felt like I was floating on a cloud and I definitely did not wanna come down. Jackson dropped me off after our date and unfortunately had to take off because of his busy schedule the next day. But I didn't mind,we had a wonderful time, one that I know I'd always cherish forever.

I was still in my happy place when I reached my apartment. But that quickly dissipated as I noticed my door was unlocked.

What the?? Did somebody break in and steal my stuff? But this neighbourhood was pretty safe from such crimes.

I rushed inside and switched on the lights but they didn't come on. Great! Just my luck. I took out my phone and was about to dial the police when I noticed,too late, a shadow move towards me from the darkness.

I couldn't even scream as he lunged towards me and grabbed me, one large hand covering my mouth to prevent me from shouting. I tried kicking and punching him, but he was much bigger and stronger. But I suddenly stilled and cringed with fear as I heard the voice I never thought I'd hear again.

'Hello my dear Riannon. Did you miss me?

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