Kitten Through The Window (Fi...

By kuniknighte

27.6K 585 76

This is a short story on how a kitten form of Akihito met Asami. Yaoi, don't like dont read. :) More

Bored in Asami's Office
Hide and Seek
Tao's Treat
Japanese Star
Welcome Home!
Tied Together
Author's Note

Kitten Through The Window (Finder Series)

6.6K 103 6
By kuniknighte

The night smelled of dirt and trash as the moon shinned down on the pavement that Akihito sat on. His fur stood on end in preparation for a battle. The city he lived in rarely smelled good and never left one without scars. His fur was matted with mud and blood and he knew that by the end of the night his fur would be even worse. The alleyway where he was being corner into by three dogs was a bricked in dead end with sparse puddles that reflected the moon in its entirety. The dogs took another step toward the kitten, saliva dripping from their open mouths.

Fear laced through the young cat when one of the bigger dogs let loose a huge growl that seemed to shake his world. What Akihito did not realize was that his body was now trembling in fear of what could happen. Normally he could handle one dog and run till the stupid mutt gave up but with three after him and being trapped as a bonus he could almost taste death on the tip of his tongue.

Finally Akihito saw his chance, one of the dogs had shifted and left a slight gap in the line of snarling mutts. Seeing this, he jumped swiftly through the hole and shot off like a bullet. He did not have to turn to assume the black embodiments of evil were following. His claws clicked on the pavement as he flew through the night. Through the winding streets of his town, past houses and other dead ends. He knew the ins and outs of the town, he was born here after all, and he used this as his best weapon to escape death yet again.

After spotting a wired fence in front of him, he had to make a fast decision, up or down. He saw a very small hole in the bottom of the fence, probably made by another cat, and dashed for it. The breathes of the dogs were literally on Akihito's neck when he skidded under the barrier.

Metal scrapped across his back and he felt fur being ripped out violently by the fence above him. After slipping through he turned around on shaky legs to see the dogs could not fit through the tiny hole, in fact Akihito was luck to make it through with his head still attached.

One of the dogs started howling in anger that his pray had alluded him but the mongrels seemed to not be able to follow Akihito. The tiny kitten sat down softly, trying to stop the pain that laced through his back. He licked his paw and rubbed the wet appendage against the fur that now had blood lightly coating it.

After a moment the pain lessened some and Akihito opened the eyes he had not realized he had closed. When he did he finally realized that the ally was far too quiet. The three flea-bitten vermin had disappeared. This unnerved the young stray cat, where had they gone and would they return for him?

He turned and ran to a deserted street. Not a single car was in sight so Akihito made. Mad dash for the other side. Half way across he heard the baying of three hounds that were searching for his blood. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, allowing his legs to pump faster. Within moments two of the dogs seemed to appear on the opposing side of the empty street. Akihito was lucky to skid to stop before running headlong into the snarling mutts. They both barked and started to chase him again.

He turned tail and ran down the middle of the street with what felt like the hounds from hell following. He was quickly approaching an intersection of two streets, his current deserted one and a not so deserted on. Feet away from the newer street he saw a long car, or as the humans called it a limousine, start to drive past. They were driving fairly fast but the rear window was open so Akihito did something he probably should not have done. Without breaking stride the kitten jumped as high as he could and he just managed to soar through the rear open window. He landed with a soft flump on a rich leather seat next to a equally richly dressed man who appeared started to the small kittens appearance.

The man snapped something in his hand closed as he turned to stare at Akihito. The kitten now felt dirty and very insignificant in the presence of this man. He looked up and down at the human as he stared back. The man had kept dark hair and golden eyes that glimmered even in the dim moonlight that shone through the open window.

The tiny intruder continued to stare, almost frozen in fright and curiosity. The mans lips moved and he said, "Kirishima, stop." The mans voice hardly even raised but the vehicle stopped suddenly. In the absence of movement the kitten stilled even farther. Fear flowed from his head like a cold stream and settled in the tip of his tail like a stone. What was this human going to do to him?

The mans large hand began to reach in Akihito's direction. The kitten jumped back and hissed loudly. Haunches raised and fur sticking in every which way and still the hand did not even pause. The man reached past Akihito to the door handle and opened it.

A deafening growl rang out as one of the dogs jumped toward the now open door. The damn mongrels had followed Akihito, those things can be pretty persistent when they wanted to.

Just as the dog was in mid jump Akihito spun and attacked. Normally the kitten would rather run from all trouble and escape but when between a rock (the golden eyed man) and a hard place (three hell hounds) he would take the damn dogs any day. His claws were quickly unsheathed and dug into the dogs back. With a flick of his tail he used his forward momentum to throw himself over the dog and right into the face of another.

Akihito had just enough time to swing his paws and cut the mutts right eye. Blood splattered on The kittens face. As he landed on his paws the two dogs whined loudly and turned tail. The three of them left like the cowards they were.

The kitten huffed and hissed in victory and he did not notice the presence of someone right behind him until he was too late. A large hand grabbed his scruff and lifted him off the ground. Akihito's paws dangled uselessly as his body was turned so he could see the golden eyed man.

He was not alone this time another man this one tall and thin with dark hair and glasses stood next to the one who held Akihito hostage. Glasses turned away from the small kitten in what seemed disgust and bowed slightly to the golden eyed man, "Asami-sama, were there any injuries?"

The man with the gold eyes named Asami quickly shook his head but did not take his eyes off of Akihito. The kittens filth seemed to seep onto the mans hand and Akihito feared angering the human because of it. He began to struggle in the black haired mans grasp but did not manage to get anywhere. He flung his front claws out, trying to scratch him and get released from captivity but to no avail.

The moment his struggling began Asami shifted the kitten into the crook of his arm. The sudden movement frightened the small one and he ceased all movement for a few fur raising seconds. What was this strange human planning and why was he holding me?

The other human, I guess his name is Kirishima, nodded softly and asked in an emotionless voice, "Will we be leaving, Asami-sama?"

Asami looked up at the other man with a blank face that might as well have been made out of stone for all the emotion it held, "Yes, take me back home."

No one looked toward Akihito when these words were exchanged. The older man stepped into the vehicle through the still open door. When the door closed behind him Akihito began to have a strange sense of the walls closing in on him. The back seat, expansive though it was, was much too enclosed for the kittens liking. The prisoning arms that held him kept him in place against the mans chest. Akihito could just see the windows close in a finality. The little, dirty kitten would not be leaving any time soon.

After he came to this conclusion he decided to try and sleep. He had not realized just how much of a strain he had put his body under in order to escape those mutts until he closed his eyes. He nearly fell into the void the moment his eyes shut and he knew no more.

Akihito shuffled in his sleep. For some reason the ground was unnaturally soft today and he wanted to remain asleep. Light shone down on his pelt and made the once mud crust on his pelt. A small smile graced the kittens face as he flipped over. The movement dumped him onto the floor at the base of a huge bed.

Panic surged through his small body as he awakened with a sudden jolt. He stood in a dark human dwelling with a bed that he had been laying on. From his guess he estimated that the Asami man had taken him to his sleeping place for food. Akihito ran around trying to escape the black room. The windows were shut and the door that most of the human nests had was closed. He even tried to pry it open but his tiny paws did little in his quest for freedom.

The little kitten began to mew in fear, would the human at least kill him before he began to eat him, or would he play with him like Akihito did sometime to his own pray? He did not stop mewing at the wooden door until a hand shot seemingly out of no where and grabbed the kitten around the middle. His breath was stolen from him as Asami lifted him into the air.

The man was standing in the middle of the room now holding the struggling kitten to his chest. Asami had nothing on but a towel and Akihito knew that the humans other pelt must have been dirty. The human shifted Akihito so that he could see the kittens face. Akihito tried his best wide eyes to try to get the human to let him go.

Asami turned away from the door and moved to the other side of the room. There, hidden in the shadows, was another door that Akihito had not noticed before.

The older man pulled the door open and turned on the lights. The inside had a big bowl that Akihito could lay and snuggle in and another big bowl that looked as though Asami could lay down and stretch. Fear raked the kittens small form as the older man dropped the kitten into the smaller of the two bowls.

The inside was cold and made Akihito shiver to the bone, even through his fur. He turned to look up at the man but suddenly a hand descended and held Akihito down on his belly. Before the feline could understand what was happening water splashed down his body. The sudden shock made he yowl, pleading with the human to stop. The water made him as though he were drowning and before long the kitten found that he had trouble breathing.

Without the kittens notice the human scrubbed down his back and all around. When the water finally ended and allowed Akihito to breath that was all he could do. He layed on his belly gasping for breath and trembling in fear of the onslaught of water that may come at any moment.

A warm, furry, and white thing encased Akihito suddenly and began to rub his belt dry. When the warm towel was taken away the kitten noticed that he could see his pretty golden pelt. The mud and crusted blood had been washed away and the human Asami stood over him, nodding in approval at his now clean fur.

For a single moment all the kitten could do was look at his own body. It had been so long since he had see the uncrusted color and wonder filled him at its beauty. Asami's huge hand grabbed Akihito gently from the sink and carried him to the other dark room.

Once Akihito was free from the human's clutches he jumped down and hid under the bed. He knew that the man could grab him if he truly wanted but he was counting on him being too tired to bother. A laugh came from somewhere above the cat, "Oh, so yo think you can run from me my little wild cat. Come out from under there or I will bathe you in the sink again."

A shiver ran through Akihito as he weighted his options. He could stay here and probably be caught and nearly drowned again, or he could go out and take his chances with the human. He stepped out cautiously from under the bed. He saw no one in the room and he was horribly confused. He was certain he had not heard Asami leave the room. Where could the human have gone?

A voice came from above the small cat, "There you are. Good boy, you came out. Up on the bed, Akihito."

Confusion raced through his mind, did he just call him by his name? Akihito did not even remember how he got his name but he had called himself that since he could remember. Some how the human knew the kittens name. He jumped up as far as he could and just made it up onto the soft bed.

He turned away from the human, he already could not think properly and the human certainly did not help that fact. He walked to the end of the bed and laid down with a soft flump. Just as he closed his eyes the hand that he had come to know all to well grabbed him and dragged him up to the top of the bed. He was placed on one of the pillows with Asami looking at him, "You will stay right here until morning, understood?"

Without waiting for an answer the older man turned away from Akihito. The kitten was stunned at the human's actions but decided that obaying him was the best course of action for the time being. Akihito closed his eyes softly and allowed sleep to take him away again but his time he knew he would be able to sleep longer.


Author's Note

So I started write this when I got bored and well I am wondering if I should just keep this a one shot or keep going. Comment if you want.

Sorry but you all know me and editting, it just usually doesn't happen.




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