The Virus (Zombie Apocalypse...

By CreepyAstra

12.9K 629 28

Astra is at school with friends, her friends are having a party of some sorts. Astra being Astra she's sittin... More

Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4
Entry 5
Entry 6
Sub. Entry 6.2
Entry 7
Sub. Entry 7.2
Entry 8
Sub. Entry 8.2
Entry 9
Sub. Entry 9.2
Entry 10
Sub. Entry 10.2
Entry 11
Entry ???
Entry 12
Entry 13
Entry 15
Entry 16
Entry 17
Entry 18
Entry 19
Entry 20
Entry 21
Entry 22
Entry 23
Entry 24
Final Entry

Entry 14

257 17 0
By CreepyAstra

Date- Jan. 16

Keyton and Damian woke up at the same time.
"Still here." Damian sighed and frowned.
"Yup." Keyton looks around. "Well at least we're in a gun shop." They both stop.
"How did we not notice this!?" Damian yells.
"I have no idea!" Keyton jumps up and grabs some guns.

After gathering some guns and other stuff to fight off the zombies, they head out and looked for the hospital Damian went to.
"We're looking for Ethan. Maybe he could help." Damian says.

~~With Ethan and Astra~~

"I need to go back to the town..." Ethan sighs.
"Town? There's a town!?" Astra smiles brightly.
"Yeah. It's a small one ran by my friend...or I guess you could call her my friend..." Ethan smiles.
"What's your friends name?" Astra asks.
"Her name is Nikki. She's nice but she wants the cure quickly." Ethan gathers some stuff up.
"Why do you have to go so quickly?" Astra asks another question.
"To get some more supplies." Ethan smiles. "You can come to."
"I'd be happy to met her." Astra smiles.

They leave the hospital and take the van to the small town near by. Ethan showed Astra were to park and she parked. They got out and headed to the gate to the town.
"Ethan Norman. Let me in." Ethan frowns and the door opens. He let Astra walk in first then followed behind. Closing and locking the door behind. "Follow me, miss Astra." Ethan smiles and holds his hand out for her. Astra hesitates before grabbing his hand.
"Wow..." Astra mummers and looks around, she sees mostly children and teens.
"Their parents went to get food and never came back."Ethan frowns. A white haired boy glares as Ethan walks by but smiles at Astra.

Ethan and Astra walks to the court house, which was now a home to the many children and Nikki.

"Good morning Nik-" Ethan was stopped by a knife stabbing into the door.
"What have I told you? Don't just walk- who is this?" Nikki was shocked to see a new face. Her light purple hair braided and laying on her shoulder and her purple eyes showing happiness.
"My names Astra. I'm here to help Ethan." Astra smiles. Ethan smirks at the happiness in this room.
"Ethan I hope you don't plan on killing her like Blair." Nikki frowns.
"Oh no. No. Astra is my helper." Ethan smiles at Astra and she looks confused.
"Whatever, Ethan. What do you need?" Nikki asks.
"Needles, food, anything medical you can give me." Ethan smiles.
"Okay.. Go see-" Nikki was cut off by a scream outside. Nikki runs to the window to see a zombie attacking a teen girl.
"Astra stay here." Ethan looks beside him to see her missing. "Oh no." Ethan ran outside.

Astra quickly ran outside when she heard the scream, she wasn't thinking and attacked the zombie who was trying to bite the girl.
"Run!" She yells to the girl, which does
what she said. Astra grabbed whatever was in her pocket and stabbed the zombie. It was a needle, full of the cure Ethan created and gave to Damian. Soon the zombie fell and stayed on the ground.
"Thank you!" The girl smiles, her rainbow hair shocked Astra. The white haired boy from before was beside her.
"Thanks." He smiles.
"No problem." Astra smiles back at both.
"ASTRA! Why the heck di- your okay, right?" Ethan came running out of the building.
"I'm fine." Astra says and looks at the zombie laying on the ground.

The zombie was slowly getting a light pick shade back to its skin, almost like it was alive. The bite on its shoulder has started to bleed again. It's eyes opened to show light blue eyes. It screams, but more of a human in pain scream then a zombie.

"Someone help me!" She screams, her pink hair matted in blood. Ethan got close to her.
"We're getting help." Ethan turns to Astra. "Go find Nikki." Astra ran inside the court house and into Nikki's room.

"What did you do?" The first thing Nikki asks when Astra runs in.

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