Louis Tomlinson Imagines

By kingoflouve

281K 5.6K 1.1K

Looking for one shots and short stories with you and Louis Tomlinson? Here you go. All wrote by yours truly More

Fixed Marriage
Fixed Marriage pt. 2
Fixed Marriage pt. 3
Fixed Marriage pt. 4
Fixed Marriage pt. 5
Divorce pt. 2
Divorce pt. 3
Divorce pt. 4
Long Distance Relationship
Long Distance Relationship pt. 2
Long Distance Relationship pt. 3
Long Distance Relationship pt. 4
A Youtuber and a Popstar
A Youtuber and a Popstar pt. 2
Insecurities pt. 2
High School Love
High School Love pt. 2
Happy Ending?
Happy Ending? pt. 2
Happy Ending? pt. 3
Just A Friend
Just A Friend pt. 2
Just A Friend pt. 4
Heated Arguments
Does He Know?
A Youtuber and a Popstar (Special Chapter)
Back To You
I'm Not The Only One
Cheating With You
Cheating With You pt. 2
PR Stunt
PR Stunt pt. 2
Pregnancy pt. 2
He Leaves
He Leaves pt. 2
Let's Play A Game
Let's Play A Game pt. 2
Let's Play A Game pt. 3
Accident pt. 2
Let's Play A Game pt. 4
Let's Play A Game pt. 5
Just Like You
Mutual Understanding
Crush pt. 2
Mutual Understanding pt. 2
Crush pt. 3
Crush pt. 4
Little Black Dress
Crush pt. 5
Miss You
Christmas Eve
My Vow
Fairy Tale
Fairy Tale pt. 2
Babysitter pt. 2
Laser Tagging
Pretend pt. 2

Just A Friend pt. 3

2.9K 71 4
By kingoflouve

"One more beer please!" You ask as you put your glass aggressively on the counter.

The bartender goes to you and give you another glass of beer, "wow Miss, you just drank too much alcohol now." He says.

"So what," you grabbed the new bottle and open it to drink.

He just shrugged it off and just went to the other costumer, not caring about you anymore.

You just found yourself getting drunk and waisted in a bar. Yes, you ended up in a bar club. You're not an alcoholic, but you just drank alot of beer. You're not quite aware of your surrounding anymore. You just want to forget all the things that happened earlier, or more precisely, completely forget the feelings you've ever had for him.

You feel your phone buzz in your pocket. And as you look who it is calling, it's none other than the cold insensitive jerk.

"Piss off" you huffed to your phone and put it back to your pocket, drinking more of the liquid inside the bottle.

"I have something to tell you." He says, scratching the back of his neck, "well I've been keeping this from you for months now.."

"You see, Eleanor and I... are back together."

The nervousness you're feeling earlier is turned into sadness and depression.

You're completely speechless. You couldn't take it.

You feel your heart tearing apart into tiny pieces.

"(Y/N)?" He asks, "you look pale, are you alright?"

He's about to reach for your shoulder when you flinch away.

"I..." you feel a lump in your throat, "I'm sorry I just feel suddenly nauseous."

"What? Why? You might have eaten something bad in the restaurant earlier.." he says, and he's really concern.

"I think." You simply lie. You tried to hold back the tears that are threatening to go out.

"I'll take you to the nearest ho-" You cut him off.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just gonna go to the nearest toilet." You cover your mouth because your voice is breaking.


"Just stay for me here. I'll be right back" you stand up and walk as fast as you can just to go far away from him.

There, the tears that you were holding back are now spilling out.

And you lied, because you never went back. You took a cab and went to the place where you can drink away all of your emotions.

He makes you insane, you still remember everything he said in the park even if this is the seventh or eighth time, well you couldn't really count anymore how many bottles you just took.

You stand up, and you almost lost your balance but thankfully the bar stool help you to remain your balance.

You slowly go to the dance floor to dance and have some fun.

The whole floor is crowded and you dance to the beat. After for a few minutes, you're now grinding into some random person.

You felt warm hands go to your waist. Let's say, that guy you're grinding with is now dancing with you rhythmically. But, you don't really care and just dance to the loud beat of music.

And then you just realized, someone break you two from each other and a hand gripped your hand to get you away from the dance floor.

"Hey!" You say, as you try to let go of the grip. You don't know who's dragging you out because your vision is a bit blur now.

That person successfully got you out from the bar and brought you to a small alley then turns around to face you.

"What the heck (Y/N)?" A familiar voice said.

Now, you sober up a bit to feel a kind of tipsy.

"What are you doing here?" your voice still sounded drunk.

"I should be the one asking you that? What are you doing in this kind of place?!" You fully see his face now and you can tell he's so mad.

"I don't know, but it's a good place." You giggle.

"This is not the time to fool around! You just made me wait for you at the park, but you never came back. And you didn't answer any of my calls! So I had to track your phone and then I find you here!" He literally shouts at you, "why are you even getting drunk?!"

"Why do you even care?!" This time you shout back at him.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I care, you're my bestfriend!"

That's it.

"Oh right, I'm your bestfriend! Just a friend." You laugh hysterically, like you've gone mad.

"What is happening to you?" He asks.

"I don't know Louis! But yeah, I'm only your friend." You say.

"You're my BEST-friend." He emphasizes the word 'best'.

"And does that even make any difference?" You ask, "should I smile because we're bestfriends? Or should I cry because that's the only thing we can ever be?" This time you want to let it out as long as your drunk and you have the confidence to say it all.

"What are you saying?" He's completely confused now.

"When I first met you, I honestly didn't know you were gonna be this important to me. I realized I was starting to think of you, and I began to wonder how long you'd been on my mind. Then it occurred to me, I've fallen in love with my bestfriend."

He's just looking at you, like he has seen a ghost.

So you continue, "Eversince you had your first relationship with someone, I was so broken. I tried to be happy for you, because I'm your bestfriend. I was just looking from afar, secretly hiding my emotions and faking it infront of you. I didn't wanna ruin our friendship, because I was so afraid to lose you."

"When you got famous, and your relationship didn't work out, I was happy. That maybe that time, we can be more than just friends. But I was wrong. You got into another serious relationship again, and it hurt me more. I decided to give up that time, and accepting the fact that we're only just bestfriends. I tried to move on and date other guys. I thought it worked, that I moved on. But we started to talk again and those feelings that I worked so hard to lose, returned with just one laugh."

Now, your knees feel weak and you just sat on the ground, crying your heart out.

"(Y/N).." he starts to speak. "I-I'm.." he don't know what he'll say.

You sob, "you're so affectionate around me, and I misinterpreted your actions. I expected you were starting to like me back. I was wrong. I was so wrong."

He's silent. You just continue to cry, letting him see what you really feel. You feel so weak and sad.

After a few minutes, you sobered up and just calmed down till' you can finally speak straight.

You wipe your dry tears once more. You stand up and look at him. He's looking at you with apologetic eyes.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes.

You shake your head, "Don't feel sorry. I'm the one who expected too much. I should be the one to apologize to you."

"I didn't know what you felt for me. That's why it's my fault." Louis says.

"No, don't put the blame on yourself. You don't really know anything about it. But don't worry, think of this as just a long-term infatuation. I will get rid of it." You laugh it off but Louis didn't find it funny.

"Can we go home? I'm tired" You say and just lead your own way to the car he brought.

After that scene in the alley, you became a bit distant to him. He did everything to talk to you but you just can't confront him again but you somewhat feel relieved because you finally confessed to him. Even though he didn't turn it back, but at least you successfully let it out.

The day you go home to Doncaster has finally come. All through the car ride, noone is talking. Meaning the whole trip, the car horns, car engines, and the music in the car are the things that you only hear. Louis is the one to drive for the first 2 hours and you exchange seats for your turn to drive home.

As you arrived to your home, you park your car infront of your house.

You both get out and grab your things.

You're about to go to your house's front door when,

"(Y/N) wait." Louis says.

You turn around, "yes?" You simply ask.

"Can we talk later?" He asks.

"I don't know." You say.

"Please." He pleads.

"I really don't know if I can Louis. Maybe for now, can you give me some time?" You say.

He frowns, "I just want to make sure you're alright."

"I'm fine." You smile at him, "Just, give me time to move on, okay?"

He looks at you with full of concern and sigh, "are you sure?"

"I'm alright, really." You reassure him. But as of now, you're really not. You just want to take a break.

He nods, "okay. See you (Y/N)."

You nod back, "see you, Louis."

part 4, or nah? :)

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