The Jewelry Box ~ Justin Bieb...

Od JustinsAvenger

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Justin Bieber: a boy who likes jewelry and secrets. Copyright © JustinsAvenger 2015 Více



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Od JustinsAvenger

"Can't let these motherfuckers faze me, never let that money change me"


My feet wander around the office building, not knowing what to do with myself.  I am extremely bored, considering I was not able to give Allison a ride this morning, as my day started at five in the morning.  She did not need to be up so early.

It is nearly eight-thirty now, so she should be arriving fairly soon.  I pace towards the window, watching the parking lot.  Many of my employees scramble inside, many papers and folders in their hands.  It has been a busy last couple of days here, so most of the not as experienced workers were frazzled. 

Not to mention I may have scared the shit out of them in the meeting this morning.  Sales were amazing, as usual, but I didn't tell them that. I need every worker to be on their toes, ready for any issues to arise.  If I was to tell them that sales were great, they would all slack off.  The only people who truly new of our success was employees on my floor, and of course, Mike.

Mike has recently educated each building on his new found love for methamphetamine - more specifically, crystal. We mainly stick with cocaine, heroine, crack, ecstasy, ones that were very easy to ship in. Meth was challenging, very few made actual good quality shit. Usually it was cooked up in a loser's basement, but here, we only sold top of the line, life-ruining substances.

Black money was constantly rolling in, no one becoming aware of Mike's company's ordeal. It was risky, but he's pulled it off for twenty years already, nothing was stopping him.

The large boxes were strapped tight against the black rollers, the workers carrying them into the large black trucks. It was our first sale of meth, hopefully there was more to come, because that shit was fucking expensive, and addictive.

Mike has been surprisingly calm, lately. Usually he always had a stick up his ass, complaining about how no one did any work except him - and me, of course. He loved me, I am his prized pupil. And I deserve to be, I work my ass off for this company, nothing was ever out of line when I had my eye on it.

My mind almost seems to shut off as my eyes trail a pretty white Mercedes turn into the parking lot. The all black rims roll against the hot summer concrete, almost creating a white smoke as she drives in at a fast pace. I smirk.

I stalk away from the window, strolling casually through the corridors. Workers nod in my direction, only to receive nothing in return. There are only three workers I ever greet. Adrian, Alisa, and of course, Allison. The triple A's.

A thought pops into my head, I quickly change my direction, almost forgetting who I want to speak with. I found my breathing already deepen as I reached Logan's office, my face turning emotionless and my hand curling into a fist. The moment I step into his doorway, his head snaps up. He sends me a grin, which I do not return. My teeth grind together, he was already bothering me.

"Justin, what a pleasure to see your happy face so early in the morning."

"Shut up," I grumble, entering the office without an invite. I sulk around the room. I glance at every corner, every document, attempting to find anything out of place.

Logan clears his throat. "What may I do the honour?" He was attempting to get to the point, but I was having too much fun going through his things. My hand reaches forward, grasping the purple stress ball he had laying on top of a few stray papers. I squeeze it a bit too hard, watching the soft plush ooze out of the rubber coating. Whoops.

"My bad," I smirk, tossing the remains onto the floor.

He frowns, but it vanishes once he stares up at me again. "How was your conversation with Jacob, yesterday?" His chocolate brown eyes were taunting, as his tongue darts out to lick his thin lips.

"I should be asking you the same thing." I retaliate.

He simply shakes his head. "He sure was surprised to hear Allison's voice; hasn't heard it in six years."

My short nails dig into my palm, and I already feel blood begin to ooze out of the previous scabs. "I swear to God, Logan, if you tell him that she is still here-"

"And why would I do that?"

"Because both of you fuckheads want to see me defeated." I sneer. Logan has always been on Jacob's side when it came to attempting to dethrone me of next to inherit the company.

He sighs, "Allison is a nice girl, I would hate to see her get hurt."

"So keep her out of it." Anger rises in my throat as my tone is anything but calm.

"That's not my decision to make." He stands from his chair, looking for a certain document. He sifts through the many sheets of crisp, snow white paper before tugging the one he needs out of the pile. "I've got work to do." He dismisses me and exits his office.

I growl lowly to myself, wiping his desk clean of anything and everything. Stupid prick.

Sauntering out of his office, the sound of heels clacking against the marble tile brings a smile to my face. I glance behind me, seeing the one I have been waiting for. "Hey, baby." Once she reaches me, I plant a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey," She grins back. She held her big black purse on her shoulder, a notebook and a leather binder in amongst whatever other shit females kept in their bags. I did not even understand why she bothered to bring a bag, it's not like she ever did anything useful. She was here for me, not to involve herself in a business she did not even know the premise of.

I plant my hand on the back of her neck, curling around the beginning of her clavicle. A few male workers glance at us through the glass walls of the break room, but quickly turn away once they realize they've caught my glance. Allison is the talk of the office lately, although, none would dare say a word to my face. Plus, it is not like they know her name, unless Logan ran his big fucking mouth around to the other employees.

"What are we doing today?" Allison pipes up and I realize we have reached my office. I quickly turn to close the door, annoyance creeping into my system as I thought of my nosey workers.

I glance at Allison's face, instantly becoming more relaxed. "Well, I only have a few things to do here and then I want to take you somewhere, sound good?" I hum, motioning her over as I sat back in my tall chair. I couldn't fathom how I managed to work without Allison here before.

She blushes, but bounds over and I graciously pull her onto my lap. The sweet smell of roses waft into my nose and I feel my mood improve. Her back presses against my chest as I slide the chair closer to the desk, debating what I am able to do in front of Allison. I filter through the papers, trying to read them from their flat position.

She seems to notice, as she releases a hot breath onto my neck. "Justin," She starts, in a condescending tone.

"What, princess?"

"You don't have to be so...hidden." She murmurs.

"What are you talking about?" I play clueless, but I knew where this conversation was heading. I knew she had somehow found out a bit more than just my past hit-man business.

She opens her mouth to speak, but shakes her head. I stare at her incredulously, trying to wring the truth from her. She doesn't give in. "Never mind,"

I allow her to lie to me, knowing that the topic would come up again sooner or later. Now, it is my job to find out who the fuck told her. And I already have one person in my mind.

The black ink sprawls across the paper as I began filling out the new order form for methamphetamine. The forms were a new colour and layout, so although Allison probably already had her thoughts on the company, she wouldn't recognize the up-to-date sheets.

Immediately guilt flushes through me, I am supposed to keep her out of all of this. She shouldn't know about any of it. The last thing I need was yet another person coming after Allison because she knows about my illegal operation. I have my hands full already with Jacob.

My hand trails down Allison's back, rubbing relaxing circles. I slip it under neath her pretty white blouse, feeling her warm skin against the stone cold pads of my fingers. She is the only warmth I have in my life, lately. She has always been the light in my dark world, until I was forced to leave her. Back then, I had never liked her in a romantic way - she was a child, for God's sake. She was simply the only pure thing I had in my fucked up world. But after I was forced to separate myself from her, watching her grow from a far, I couldn't stop myself from pursuing her any longer. When she turned eighteen, I knew that she belonged with me. She was an adult, and that was when I stopped seeing her as the bubbly child I used to hang-out every chance that I got.

"I'm bored." Allison whispers into my ear, giggling softly.

I smile, shushing her jokingly. "Let the adults do their work."

She gasps, hitting me playfully. "I would do work if you actually gave me something to do!"

My lips tried to fight the smile threatening to appear. She could make me smile so easily. "You want something to do?" I hum, glancing around my office to try to think of something stupid she could do. Although, I am completely content having her perched in my lap.

She nods, hopping off my lap. I pout, giving her my best baby face. She smirks, cupping my cheeks in her hands. "You're so cute."

"I'm not cute." I scoff. "I'm sexy." I press a kiss to her lips quickly, grabbing her waist and tugging her to stand in between my legs. Her thin fingers dive into my hair, her long nails scratching against my scalp. I moan as she tugs on the ends, pulling her closer so she straddles my lap. I swipe my tongue along her bottom lip before slipping it into her mouth. She hums, grabbing the back of my neck playing with the short hair. I pull away, giving her a cocky smirk. "Do cute guys do that?"

I feel
invincible when I kiss her. I had never felt this way with kissing any other woman. Allison's kisses were real, with sparks and all.

She leans forward and places her chin on my shoulder. "Give me a job!" She whines.

I sigh, "Do you have ADHD that I don't know about?" I tease her. She was always so energetic, always needing to do something. Maybe I should've given Logan's stress ball to her. I'll invest in one.

She whines again, and find myself giving into her pout. "How about, we go out now?" I offer, patting the back of her thighs.

Allison cheers, knowing she's convinced me. I was already becoming a push-over for her - who am I kidding, I always was.

My knees crack as I stand from my chair. Allison sniffles a laugh, "Old man," she mumbles under her breath.

"What was that?" I reply, causing her lips to curl inside her mouth. A white band forms around her mouth as her teeth restrict the blood flow from being trapped between them.

She simply shines her bright white teeth at me, pretending as if she never said a word. "That's what I thought."

We acquire even more stares than this morning as we leave my office. It nears ten thirty, which is when my floor began slacking off. I tell Allison to wait for me downstairs. I make my way into the break room, a fake annoyed look on my face. I didn't really care what they were doing, but I had to act like I did.

"Why are you all standing around?" I spit, glaring them down.

Adrian points out the window, "We're watching the fight."

"Fight?" I ponder, quickly shoving my way through the bodies and glancing out the window. Two men are barking at each other, shoving their hands in each other's faces. No one throws a punch, but it looks quite heated. "Who is that?" I squint my eyes, trying to make out the faces.

"Logan and someone from building one." Adrian replies, bringing his phone out to film.

Suddenly, it clicks. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," I mutter to myself, beginning to race out of the break room. "everyone back to work!" I yell menacingly, causing everyone to disperse and head back to their office.

Adrian follows behind me, knowing something went wrong. "What is it?"

"It's fucking Darrell, that's what it is." I grind my teeth together, slamming my finger repeatedly over the elevator button. Please, be any slower, I thought to myself as the doors remained shut. I begin to panic, sprinting towards the stairs, taking them down three at a time.

Adrian follows closely behind. "Find Allison, make sure she sees nothing." I tell him as we reached the lobby. Thankfully, Allison's back was turned to the outside world, as she speaks with the receptionist, whatever the fuck her name was.

She catches us in her peripheral vision, and Adrain quickly runs out to intercept her. I sneak out the back, my feet pounding against the concrete as I finally reach the two idiotic men.

"What the fuck are you two thinking?!" I seethe out, both of their hands snap to acknowledge my presence. "Everyone in the fucking building can see you fuckfaces!"

"This man," Logan starts, pointing his finger in my direction. "is the one you need to be having this conversation with. Not me."

"Whatever the fuck it is, it can wait. Do you realize how close Allison was to seeing you, Darrell?" I hiss his name as if it's poison. Both of them are so utterly stupid, it makes my blood boil.

Logan takes a step away from Darrell. "If you want to know about your daughter, ask him." He glares at both of us before retreating inside the building.

I'm left alone with Darrell. "What the fuck were you thinking?" I snap, "Allison could've seen you here, and I know how hard you've worked to keep this shit a secret from her." My blood boils as I think of how horrible it would've been if Allison walked outside and saw Logan and her father having a screaming match in the parking lot at her place of work.

"You've left me no choice!" He yells back. He has never crossed me before, but something seems to snap inside of him as he stares at me with complete rage. "You came back into my daughter's life, not caring that you've put her in danger, again!"

"You sure you want to speak to your boss like that, Darrell?" I taunt him. I hold all the power in the world over his head, or so I thought.

"You may be my boss, but she's my daughter. You don't think she's gonna listen to her father when I tell her she can never see you again? I did it once before, I'll do it again."

"I left on my own account." I grind my teeth together. Allison would've wanted me to say, if she remembered who I was.

Darrell scoffs, "Yeah, after you almost got her killed."

I take a step towards him. "That had nothing to do with me." I lie. It had everything to do with me, but I was selfish. I want Allison and I'm going to have her.

"You bring so many problems into Allison's life, always have, always will." He shakes his head, clenching and unclenching a shitty looking fist at the side of his body.

"Leave, Darrell, before I do something I'll regret." I mumble, feeling my own fist itch to make contact with something. More specifically, his face.

He turns, but looks over his shoulder one last time. "The second she's in any type of danger, I'm taking her out of your world." He threatens me with something that made my heart drop. With that, he goes back over to building 1.

I press my fingers to my temples, trying to relax myself. Allison is not in any danger, and as long as I keep Jacob and all of his henchmen under control, she never will be.

As long as she listens to me, that is.

Once I feel the anger drain from my body - after punching the wall a few times - I slip into the building through the back entrance again. I enter the washroom, leaning my bloodied knuckles up against the sink. The bright red plasma smears onto the white sink, leaving a mess that I sure as hell wasn't going to clean up.

I apply pressure to the wounds as my mother had taught me when I was little before running it under the water to clean them. I let out a low hiss as the cuts were far deeper than I had realized. They will scar.

They have finally stopped bleeding after dabbing at them aggressively with a starchy brown paper towel. When I finally exit the washroom, I spot Adrian and Allison chatting mindlessly with the secretary. I try to give them a smile.

Allison did not realize mine was fake and beams back. "What took you so long?" She goes to grab my hand but I quickly snatch it away, afraid she'll accidentally cause the wounds to bleed again.

"I uh, got my hand caught in the photocopier." I show her the wounds.

She gasps, "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" She examines the cuts while Adrain gives me a 'oh my God, did you punch her dad?' look.

I quickly shake my head. As angry as he makes me, I will never physically attack him. The whole situation is a fucking mess, I haven't seen him this angry with me since the car accident.

Usually, he is quite frightened by my presence. But I suppose his worry for his daughter got the best of him, releasing his anger on the one thing dangerous in her life - me.

"Yes, I'm fine." I hush her, reaching for her with my left, non cut up hand. "Come, we have places to be."

I give Adrian one last grateful look and he smiles lightly. He knew everything about Allison, from the day I truly met her from the day I 'met' her again at the office.

Allison begins to ramble about how her dog tore up her favourite pair of sandals.

"Just get rid of the mutt." I say, opening the black Porsche's door.

She gasps, staring at me as if I just murdered her dad. Ironic, considering I almost did. "How could you say that about an innocent animal."

I laugh, pushing her gently into the car. I jog around to my side, already, my temper has disappeared into thin air. All of my thoughts of Darrell vanish as I stare at the beautiful girl in the passenger seat.

"You're so beautiful." I voice my thoughts, looking at her slightly wavy long hair that framed her face. Her plump lips curl into a gorgeous smile as her green eyes shine with utter happiness. I make her happy.

She blushes, "Stop,"

"Am I not allowed to speak the truth?" I wink at her, causing the red in her cheeks to become a deeper scarlet.

Her eyes roll back playfully and as push the button to start the car, I lean over to plant a kiss on her lips. I am addicted to kissing her.

"Where are we going?" She asks as I reluctantly pull away from her sweet lips.

"Just a park." I smile. It wasn't just any park, however, it was Allison's favourite park as a child. Maybe she still loves it, hopefully. There was a small café in the middle of it she used to always get chicken nuggets. I chuckle at the thought, she has changed so much.

We walk hand in hand through the luscious greens of the park, Allison's cheesy grin never leaving her face. "My dad told me I used to come to this park all the time as a kid. Even after..." She trails off.

My lips curl into my mouth, what did her father tell her about the accident? "After what, princess?"

She looks at me with a sad look. "When I was like, thirteen, I got into a really bad car accident and ever since my memory of my childhood has been awful. I can hardly remember anything about growing up."

"That's terrible baby, were you okay?" No, she wasn't

"I don't know, really. It was just a really bad head trauma. I don't even know what fucking idiot slammed into me. It was a hit and run."

"I'm sorry," I release a breath.

She gives me a confused look, "Why are you sorry?" She laughs.

I shrug.

Allison ignores me and stares out at the water. I follow her gaze, my chest feeling heavy with guilt and anger. I let her get hurt that time, what makes me think I won't do it again?

The water gently splashes against the hollow logs laid out on the muddy sand. I feel my gaze become meaningless, as my mind wanders about something other than the view.

"Justin!" Allison snaps a finger in front of my face. I blink twice before looking up at her. "What's wrong with you? I get the water is pretty, but we've been standing her for like, fifteen minutes."

As I stare into Allison's emerald green eyes, my mind draws a blank again. I can tell by the way she looks at me, she's starting to fall for me. The way she smiles just by looking up at me, the way she blushes when I compliment her, or maybe I'm just delusional.

She gives me a playful weird look, grabbing onto my upper arms, examining my face. "Maybe you just need some food in you."

I press my lips to hers without another thought. I don't care about her father, I don't care about Jacob, I don't care about Logan and the rest of his henchmen.

All I care about is her.

(Yay first present day Justin POV)


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