Chasing family

By gwenfanatic

9.7K 126 31


The begining
Choosing to fight and fighting to stay
Slushies, smiles, and movies
20 questions
Breaking out and staying in
Taking care
Perseverance, patience, and pride
Pushing to hard
Making it official
Meet the parents
Back to the start
Life begins
Not Worth It
Let Me Love You
Planning Ahead
Trusting in Truth

My inspiration

440 4 1
By gwenfanatic

Blake stirs in bed realizing that Gwen isn't there. He rubs his eyes sitting up looking around the room but she is nowhere to be seen. He looks at his phone seeing it's only 3 am. He gets up and goes in search of her. He doesn't have to look very far though. As he makes his way down the hall he sees the door to the studio cracked and the light shining into the hallway. Blake pushes the door open slightly peeking his head around the corner. He sees her sitting at the table with a sketch book.

"Gwen" he says pushing the door the rest of the way open. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah I couldn't sleep thought I would come do some sketches for work."

Blake walks up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist but she flinches. She has never flinched at his touch before. It's then that he pulls back and looks at her sketch. It is a girl wearing clothes that look torn and dirty. She is crying and her arms are wrapped around herself. Blake starts stringing everything together. She flinched at his touch, the girl in the picture is crying, she wasn't in bed with him, and she has always told him how calming his presence was for her. Blake's heart is breaking. He has to make her say it but he doesn't want her to.

"Gwen is everything ok? Last night. You don't regret it do you?"

Gwen whips around a look of surprise maybe even fear on her face. Blake had backed away from her and was leaning up against the wall. She is instantly on her feet dropping the pencil on the table without taking her eyes off Blake. She walks over to him placing her hands on his cheeks and pulling him into a kiss that she quickly tries to escalate by pushing her tongue against his lips. As much as Blake's natural reaction is to give into his desire, he pushes her back.

"You didn't answer me. I need to know. Do you regret what we did last night?"

"Absolutely not. That's what I was trying to show you. Last night was the most amazing, magical thing I have even been apart of. I don't regret one ounce of it. I love you Blake."

Blake releases a breath. He reaches forward pulling her into him. They get as close to one another as possible.

"I love you too Gwen so much. Now why don't you tell me what is bothering you."

She tries to withdraw and pull away but he only holds her tighter.

"Hey Gwen don't pull away, talk to me."

"Blake he is right you could do so much better than me. I mean look at me. I have very little hair, I'm way skinnier than anyone should ever be, and I don't have any stamina. I know you wanted to go again last night." The last part came out quieter than the rest

"Gwen when I look at you I don't see the lack of hair. I see the chocolate eyes that sparkle every time the light hits them just so. I see a smile that when it's directed at me reaches all the way to your eyes, making my heart stop. You are beautiful Gwen and I mean that. As for wanting to go again, I won't lie I would have loved to have gone again. However, I don't think I could ever get enough of you, whether we go for one round or twenty I'm always gonna want more."

"Thank you. I have dreamed of a man like you my whole life. I'm so broken but little by little you're putting me back together. I love you so much."

Gwen pushes up onto her toes pressing her lips to his before laying her head on his chest. They stand there for a minute;Blake rubbing circles on her back. He can feel the tension exiting her body.

"Gwen let's go back to bed ok. You need to sleep."

Gwen hums in agreement and let's Blake guide her back to their bed. Blake stays awake until he is sure Gwen is asleep. He wanted to make sure he was there if she needed him.

"I love you sunshine" he whispers before falling asleep himself
Thankfully the couple got some rest after their 3 AM wake up.  Even though they managed sleep Blake arose with concern on his face.  All he wanted was to make sure that Gwen was happy and healthy.  As he looked over at the beautiful woman beside him he had a renewed passion to make sure that he did whatever he could to make sure she had the best life he could provide for her.

As he rolled to his side he gently rubbed his hand up and down Gwen's arm while placing a soft kiss on her temple.

"Baby wake up..."  Blake said quietly but no response

" is time to get up"

As Gwen turned into his touch she glanced at Blake, still half out of it, and said "Blakey what time is it?"

"It is about 9 o'clock darlin' and I thought maybe we could start the day with a nice, relaxing, warm shower...what do you say?"

"Blakey I am still kind of tired.."  Gwen answered with hesitation in her voice.  It had been a rough middle of the night and she just wanted to relax

"Gwen honey, I know you had a rough night, I just want to take a shower with funny business.  Just let me take care of you please!"  Blake pleaded

"Okay Cowboy sounds like a plan" she replied with affection in her voice and a soft smile on her face realizing just how hard it is to say no to this gorgeous man she calls her boyfriend.

Blake hops out of bed with enthusiasm and starts the shower.  He makes sure it is just the right temperature before he goes to get Gwen from the bedroom.

Gwen is lying in the bed, eyes closed, when Blake goes to her side of the bed.

"Come on gorgeous your shower awaits you!" he says enthusiastically

Gwen starts to get up slowly so Blake scoops her up bridal style and carries her to the bathroom.  He and Gwen remove their pajamas and he opens the door to the shower to let her in.  He holds her hand so she doesn't slip seeing that she is still somewhat asleep.

Blake grabs the loofa and soaps it up with Gwen's favorite body wash.  He takes his time meticulously cleaning every inch or her in a passionate way only he could accomplish.  She is not sure how she is tamping her desires but she manages to do so all the same.

Blake gets her shampoo and says "turn around baby so I can wash your hair."

Gwen turns with her back to him so he can do as requested and he begins massaging the shampoo into her hair.  Gwen is pretty sure she has never done something that is so erotic yet romantic at the same time.

When Blake finishes up Gwen's hair he helps her step out...

"Baby you go get comfortable and I will be right out" Blake says quietly

Gwen looks up and him smiling "Okay about I meet you in the studio...I feel like sketching a bit?"

"Sounds good darling!"

Blake quickly washes up, dries off, and gets dressed.  He makes his way to the studio and finds Gwen there pondering what she will sketch.

"Hey beautiful whatcha doing?" Blake inquires

"Just thinking of what I want to sketch babe...I am not sure what to do."

"It will come to you baby...don't stress...maybe just think of what inspires you" he says

"Okay Cowboy...are you going to join me?" she asks

"If you don't mind yeah" he replies

Gwen smiles at him nodding so he goes to sit in the corner and grabs his guitar.  He thinks to himself...'who knows maybe inspiration will strike'.

Gwen starts to sketch and Blake watches her hoping that she will be able to work through the creative block she seems to be having.  He is just staring at her, lost in her eyes, lost in her beauty when he starts humming a tune that he has never heard before and never sung before.

Gwen looks up at him and asks "hey handsome what's that song you are humming?"

"I don't know just came to me while watching you sketch" he says shyly

"Well it sounds beautiful babe!"

After a few moments Blake finds himself strumming along to the melody he was humming.  Before long he reaches for his notebook and starts writing.  This has never happened to him before...he is literally penning a whole song in a matter of minutes.  He finishes writing and looks up and Gwen who is still sketching.

"Holy crap baby...I did it...I just wrote a whole song thanks to you!" he said as he ran to her picking her up from her chair and spinning her around

"What do you mean because of me Blakey?"

"Baby..I just wrote a whole song in like 15 minutes because of inspire me.  You make the words just flow!"

"Awe babe thank you...can you sing it for me...what's it called?"

"It's called 'God Gave Me You' and I will do my best beautiful."

I've been a walking heartache
I've made a mess of me
The person that I've been lately
Ain't who I wanna be
But you stay here right beside me
Watch as the storm goes through
And I need you
'Cause God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
For when I think I've lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it's true
God gave me you, gave me you
There's more here than what were seeing
A divine conspiracy
That you, an angel lovely
Could somehow fall for me
You'll always be love's great martyr
And I'll be the flattered fool
And I need you, yeah
God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
For when I think I've lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it's true
God gave me you
On my own I'm only
Half of what I could be
I can't do without you
We are stitched together
And what love has tethered
I pray we never undo
'Cause God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
And for when I think I've lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it's true
God gave me you, gave me you
He gave me you

Blake looks up and sees tears in Gwen's eyes...

"Gwen baby don't cry" he says as he moves to dry to her tears

"I am okay babe...I just cannot believe you wrote that because of me...that is beautiful" she says

"Baby you inspire me..God gave me the greatest gift ever when he gave me you!" Blake says seeking out her lips

She look at him and pushes forward touching her lips to his

"Cowboy I am not sure what I did to deserve you...but I can say with all my heart...I am never letting you go!

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when high school is awful and so are her relationships, sometimes Gwen's diary is all she has. {shefani} -cover template belongs to @ICETHEWOLVES