I Need To Be Loved (Ricky Hor...

By iluvsws_ptv

301K 6.9K 1K

Gabriella Davis AKA Midnight is the drummer for the band Into The Dark. She has always had a hard time lettin... More

Your Pretty Face
Don't Be Scared
Make Friends
Trust You
All The Changes In My Life
Just To Hold You
How Could You Do This To Us?
She Fell In Love
She Forgets
The One Best Part
I'll Always Let You In
All The Friends
What Could Be More Beautiful?
We Gather
I've Fallen In Love
I Sealed It With A Kiss
Romance Is Dead
Promises Left To Mend
Find My Way Back
Till We Disappear...
The Distance Kills Me
This Dream Was Ours
Pure Terror
The Children
Call A Doctor
I'll Tell You
Little Whore
This Place That I Call Home
So Many Friends
Love Is Love
Are You Fucking Jealous?
So Many Friends Have Come
A Product Of Lust
Stripped To The Bone
Confess Here for Your Sins
Crash This Car
Forgive The Unforgivable
Epilogue: Everything That You've Ever Loved

We Need An Ambulance

5.1K 147 22
By iluvsws_ptv

I woke up a week later in out flat with Ricky's hand protectively over my stomach. Everything was perfect until I realized it was three in the morning and a sharp pain was shooting through me. I had no idea what labor pains felt like, but I had a feeling this was it. The last thing I wanted to do was get up, but when the pain happened again, I knew there was no ignoring it.

"Ricky," I murmured, shaking him lightly. He was a pretty heavy sleeper unfortunately and my attempt to get him up was a fail. "Ricky," I repeated a bit louder this time, shaking him with more force.

Thankfully, I heard hi moan and his eyes started to open slowly. "What?" he asked groggily. He looked about as eager to get out of our warm, comfy bed as I felt.

"I think I'm going into labor," I replied. My answer made him spring out of bed. I had never seen him act so quickly before.

"Ok, ok," he murmured under his breath. He grabbed the bag I had packed for my hospital stay and started to head for the door. "Got everything?" he asked apprehensively. He literally looked like he might faint. I was calmer than him and he wasn't even having the baby.

"Ricky, calm down," I order, earning his attention. "Everything's gonna go fine. Just take a deep breath ok, baby?" I added. My comment made his cheeks turn red, but he let out a sigh that I don't think he even knew he was holding in. I had to admit I was a bit nervous. I would soon be pushing a baby out of my body and then we'd be responsible for another human bring. This wasn't something that was going to be simple.

"Ok, sorry. I just want to make sure that goes ok. I'd rather not have our child born right here," he admitted. He ran his fingers through his unbrushed black hair with nervous. Between the gesture and the sheepish look on his face, I couldn't help but smile and think how cute he looked. Unfortunately, my thoughts were interrupted by another blast of pain which caused me to let out a gasp. "Ok, no time for small talk. Let's go have this baby!" Ricky announced, taking me by the hand.

We rushed down to the car and Ricky realized we needed to call the doctor so she could meet at the hospital. He ended up calling while driving. Thankfully, we didn't get stopped by a police officer because I think if we had, I would've had the baby right then and there. Ricky was speeding down the road, but I didn't protest because I knew he just wanted to get to the hospital on time. I was regretting not telling him to slow down when he went through a stop sign, but a new labor pain shot through me. I looked down at my overgrown stomach in hopes it would stop and when I looked back up out the window, all I could see were bright headlights coming at us. All I could hear was the sound of a horn. "Ricky!" I yelled, but before he realized it was too late.

The next thing I knew, pain was shooting through my head as I was jostled around the car. The windshield was coming at us in pieces and I had to shut my eyes to make sure no glass got in them. After what felt like years, the car stopped moving. When I opened my eyes, everything was blurry and my brain felt like it might explode. When I looked over at Ricky, I let out a sigh of relief when I realized he was fine other than a few cuts and bruises.

"Are you ok?" he questioned. His voice seemed far away and when he moved his head to look at me, I saw three of him. He didn't wait for an answer. He pulled out his phone and started to dial. His voice kept going in and out as he talked to whoever he had called. Every time I blinked, the world seemed to get more tipsy. I was trying hard not to close my eyes, but eyelids were getting heavy. I couldn't tell if it was from sleep or because I was about to pass out.

Suddenly, I felt Ricky's hand on my arm. He was saying something, but I couldn't hear him. His mouth was opening, but no sound was coming out. If I hadn't felt light headed, I would've been pretty freaked out. 

Whatever happened next was a blur. All I remember was being hauled onto a gurney and into an ambulance. They were all talking, but no sound was coming out. One of the paramedics kept shining a light in my face and every time he came close, his head would split in three. After awhile, everything went black.


When I opened my eyes, there was a steady beeping sound and my head was pounding. I looked over to the side of the bed to see Ricky. His head was in his hands and he looked so tired and upset. When he saw me move, his head shot up. "How...how do you feel?" he questioned uncertainly. The guilt was written all over his face.

"Like shit. What about the baby?" I responded. I could seriously careless how much my head hurt. Cameron was way more important than I was. She had a whole life ahead of her and mine was already part of the way done.

"She's fine. They had to do a C-section since you were pasted out, but she's healthy," he responded. I let out a sigh of relief when the words left his mouth. I don't know if I could've lived with myself if the baby was harmed. "Babe, I'm sorry. I should've been paying attention," he rambled.

"Ricky, the main thing is that we're all ok," I replied, laying my hand over top of his. I gave him small smile. The only thing I cared about was that our daughter was born and she was fine. "Can I see her?" I asked hopefully. Even though my head was pounding and every inch of my body was aching, I just wanted to see her. I guess I needed reassurance that she was ok.

"Yeah. I'll go get the nurse and I'll see if she can get you some pain killers, too," he replied. I gave him a grateful smile as he exited the room. It was clear he was still feeling bad about this whole thing, but for once I was looking on the bright side. Besides the fact Cameron was fine, being passed out also saved me from excruciating labor pains.

A moment or two later, Ricky came back with a nurse. She was holding some pills in her hand and she looked like she would rather be anywhere, but in that hospital room. "This'll help with your head," she explained, handing me the pulls and some water. "Another nurse went to go get your baby. You're lucky the baby's ok," she added.

After what seemed like forever, another nurse came in wheeling a plastic bin-type thing. When she got close enough, I could see that nestled in the blanket that filled the bin was a baby. Our baby. The baby that had been inside me for the past nine months. The nurse picked up little Cameron carefully and laid her gently in my arms.

As I looked down at my daughter, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. Tears of joy of course. She was beautiful. She looked just like Ricky. Her big blue eyes stared back at me curiously and I could see a bit of brown hair peeking out of the tiny hat on her head. She was perfect and she was ours. “She’s beautiful,” I murmured with a small smile. “She looks just like you,” I added a bit louder. I looked over at Ricky to see him smiling back at me.

“I know. She’s like my little clone,” he replied with loving eyes. It was obvious he was going to be an amazing father. He already seemed to be in love with her. I looked back down t her wrapped in her little blanket. She was still eyeing me curiously, but all I could see was how our little family was complete.

A few moments later, a doctor came into the room. He had a smile on his face. I couldn’t help but wonder how he stayed so upbeat working in a hospital and around sick people all the time. I absolutely despised places like this. “Well, I’m glad to see you’re up, Ms. Davis. I’m Doctor Williams,” he greeted happily. “Doctor Mason and I were a bit worried about the baby after that car accident, but thankfully both of you are ok,” he added, leaning against the door frame. “Besides your head, how are you feeling?” he questioned.

“Well, my whole body kinda hurts, but nothing too bad,” I answered. I was sure that once the pain killers kicked in, the pain would subside.

“I was surprised you didn’t have any broken bones. You’re lucky you got away with just some head trauma,” he told me. The way I had felt during the accident, I was surprised I wasn’t hurt worse, too. “You do look like you have’ he added a slight concussion, but nothing too bad. You can probably go home in a couple days.

“Thank you,” I told him politely before he left. I might not look the part, but I was actually a pretty polite person when I wanted to be.

“Well, I’m glad I didn’t kill you,” Ricky joked when the doctor left. He still looked a bit guilty even though I had told him I just cared if we were all ok now. He would probably feel bad for awhile.

“As long as Cameron’s ok, I don’t care,” I responded, looking down again at my daughter. I swear she got cuter every time I looked at her. As much as I hadn’t wanted her at first, I was so glad she was here and she was healthy. She made us a family and I loved her already.

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