Brothers by Blood

By MultiFangirl7148

91.6K 3.2K 3.4K

What if the four original ninja were brothers? What if Sensei Wu was their father? The possibilities are endl... More

A Family of Ninja
A Day in the Life
Hide and Seek
Day with Daddy
Double Time
Road Trip
First Born Blues
Youngest in Reverse
School Daze
Mystery Mayhem
Girl in the House
Twin Troubles
Sick x Six
Bye Bye Baby
Christmas Tales
Horrible House Guest
Tales from the Attic
Brotherly Bonds
Forgotten Birthday
Our Favorite Sitters
New Additions
Things Change
A New Normal
Please Don't Tell That Story
Runaway Kid
Jealous Much
Jealous Much (part ii)
First Day
Camp Sweethearts
Trouble Making Twosome
A Lady's Touch
Super Sitters
Little Cryssi's ABC's
Troublesome Threes
Home Alone
Three's a Crowd
Adventure is Power
Destiny Discovery
A Team Completed
The Beginning of The End
The End of The Beginning

Baby on Board

2.8K 100 154
By MultiFangirl7148

Jay laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He was bouncing with excitement.

His cousin Lloyd would be coming over soon and he was going to burst out of happiness. For once he was going to be a bit of a big brother!

Jay glanced over at the clock and saw it was about 3:30 in the morning. He glanced at the other side of his room and saw Zane fast asleep, under several blankets.

Moonlight beamed through the window, making a bit of a path between the beds. Jay pushed off his blue blankets and slid out of bed.

He tiptoed over to his brother's bed and tugged at the blankets.

"Zane.....Zane.." Jay whispered to his big brother as he tugged. "Hmmm?" Zane said sleepily as he rolled over, his eyes still shut. "Do we get to see Lloyd now?" Jay asked eagerly.

"Mom said not till nine." Zane mumbled. "Can't we make time go faster?" Jay whined.

"That isn't possible at this moment, Jay. Go back to sleep." Zane answered as he held onto his grey wolf stuffie.

Jay sighed before reluctantly trudging back to his bed. He climbed back in and went back under his covers, holding tightly to his own stuffie.

"Just a few more hours Mr.Cuddlywump." Jay whispered to his teddy before he ended up drifting back asleep.

Wu woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He rolled over and turned it off. It was 8 o'clock. Misako would be over in about an hour to drop Lloyd off. Wu felt Carolin sit up beside him.

"Do you mind getting the boys up while I get dressed?" Carolin said softly. "Sure, and then you get them dressed." Wu said giving his wife a quick kiss.

He slid out of bed and headed off to the boy's room. Wu started with Jay, who was curled up and holding onto his teddy bear.

"Jay, time to get up." Wu said softly as he crouched down next Jay's bed. Jay quickly woke up. "Is Lloyd here now Daddy?" Jay asked excitedly.

"Almost, but you and your brothers need to get up first." Wu said kindly as he picked up his youngest son. "Yay!" Jay cheered.

The two then moved over to Zane's bed. Zane was sleeping on his stomach peacefully, with his wolf stuffie held tightly in one hand.

"Zane, time to wake up." Wu said softly as he stroked his oldest son's hair. "Just a few more minutes?" Zane mumbled with his eyes still shut.

Before Wu could say anything else, Jay hopped onto Zane's bed and started bouncing up and down.

"! I be!" Jay said in between bounces and pants.

"I'm up. I'm up." Zane grumbled slightly as he sat up. Wu scooped Jay up chuckling a bit at his antics. Zane set his stuffie aside and rubbed his eyes with a yawn.

"Jay, perhaps next time let me wake them up." Wu said with a slight chuckle. "But he didn't wanna wake up Daddy." Jay whined in his father's arms.

"If you gave me a minute, I would have been up." Zane mumbled as he slid out of bed. "Sowwy." Jay said with large eyes towards his big brother. Zane smiled.

"No fair. I can't stay mad at you with that face." Zane said with a grin. "Yay!" Jay squealed.

"Zane, go ahead and make up your bed and I'll get the twins up." Wu said kindly with a slight smile. "Okay, Daddy." Zane said happily before starting to make his bed.

Wu carried Jay and walked into the room on the other side of the separator. Both twins were fast asleep.

Kai was smiling slightly in his sleep while holding his stuffed dragon. Cole was mumbling slightly in his sleep while holding his blankie.

"Cole, it's time to wake up." Wu said kindly. "Cooollllleeeeeee!" Jay whined from Wu's arms. Cole opened one eye and smiled.

"Morning Daddy. Hi Jay." Cole said sleepily. "Morning Cole, time to get up. Can you start making up your bed?" Wu said kindly before taking one hand and brushing Cole's hair to the side slightly.

"Okay Daddy." Cole said with a yawn as he sat up in bed. He slid out of bed and started fixing his blankets.

Finally Wu and Jay headed over to Kai's bed. Kai was the most stubborn one to wake up. "Kai, time for you to get up." Wu said softly as he shook him gently.

Kai mumbled slightly in his sleep but didn't get up. Jay decided to intervened again.

He climbed out of Wu's arms and onto the bed. He made his way up to Kai's face before lifting open one of Kai's eyelids.

"Kaaaaaiiiii wakeeyyyyyyy." Jay moaned from on top of his brother's chest.

That got Kai up instantly!

"Jay!" Kai snapped. "Hi!" Jay said as he bounced around on top of Kai. Wu smiled at the younger twin, before picking Jay up.

"Good morning Kai. Can you start making up your bed?" Wu asked with a slight smile.

"Sure! Bet I can make it up faster than Cole!" Kai said with a grin before he quickly started to make his bed. "Can not!" Cole said back as he pulled up his blankets.

"Can too!"
"Can not!"
"Can too!"
"Can not!"

Wu chuckled softly to himself as he took Jay back over to his side of the room. They found Zane sprawled out upside down on his bed, reading a book.

Jay scrambled from his fathers arms to his oldest brother's bed. Zane slipped a bookmark into his book before sliding on his bed and sitting beside Jay.

Cole and Kai came crashing through the door. "I win!" Kai said with a triumphant grin. "Nuh uh! I did!" Cole retorted.

"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"

"Boys, how about you four go brush your teeth and then come back to get dress." Wu said interrupted their bickering.

"Ok Daddy. I'll help them." Zane said with a grin as he stood up and held little Jay's hand.

He lead the way out to the bathroom, Cole and Kai close behind. Wu shook his head slightly before he left the room himself.

"Sounds like their extra excited today." Carolin said with a playful smile. "You have no idea." Wu replied with a grin.

Carolin smiled lightly at him before she headed out to go get the boys dressed. She was greeted with the sound of the twins arguing.

She saw Zane and Jay both sitting on Zane's bed while they watch the twins argue. Zane looked frustrated. Carolin knew he must have tried to calm the two down but made no progress doing so.

She cleared her throat and the twins immediately stopped bickering.

"Morning Mommy!" The four all said in unison. Carolin smiled softly. "Good morning, ready to see your cousin?"

"Ye-es!" Jay said ecstatically as he slid off of Zane's bed, clutching his teddy bear. The other three quickly nodded in agreement and excitement.

"Alright, let's get you each into some play clothes." Carolin said with a soft laugh.

She helped each of them get dressed then helped them deal with their hair. After several minutes, the boys were all together.

They raced each other downstairs for breakfast. Carolin followed the quad downstairs. Wu came down a while later. Just as they were finishing up breakfast, the doorbell rang.

"Lloyd's here!" The boys yelled excitedly as they bolted from the table and raced to the door; leaving Carolin and Wu to play catch with the falling bowls and utensils.

Soon all the boys were in the playroom with little Lloyd. The baby was happily sucking on his pacifier as he looked up at the four boys.

"How old are you Lloyd?" Jay asked as he sat beside him.

Lloyd gave a gurgly laugh causing his pacifier to fall out.
"Un! Ba da neh. Wa boble." Lloyd cooed. "Huh? What does that mean?" Cole said confused.

"I don't know. Mommy said he's only one. He probably can't talk yet." Zane answered with a slight smile. Lloyd squealed happily and crawled over into Jay's lap who grinned happily.

"Be careful Jay. You have to gentle." Zane told him as he showed Jay how to hold the baby.

"Want to play a game Lloyd?" Kai asked as he pulled out a board game and started to set it up. Lloyd watched, intrigued, as the twins and Zane put it all together.

"Then you moved a piece like this." Jay instructed as he showed Lloyd as he moved his own piece. Lloyd reached forward and picked up his game piece.

"Right! Now move it forward!" Jay said happily. Lloyd then put the game piece in his mouth and sucked on it contently.

"Lloyd no!" Kai cried as he snatched the piece. Lloyd started to whimper and tears filled his eyes. "Eh-heh eh eh-heh. Waaah!"

"No, don't cry Lloyd. It's okay." Zane said, trying to prevent a tantrum. Lloyd sniffed a few times and nodded a little.
He looked around the room for something else to play with.

"I think we're going to have to find something else to do." Cole said as Lloyd started to crawl around.

"What about a puzzle?" Jay suggested as he pulled one out. "Sure, we can do it together. Come on Lloyd." Zane called.

Hearing his name, Lloyd crawled over to the boys.  "Wa at?" Lloyd questioned. He sat off to the side and saw Jay dump out puzzle pieces.

"It's a puzzle. You put the pieces together and make a picture." Cole explained.

Lloyd nodded a little and watched them start to put it together. The baby reached forward, grabbed a puzzle piece and examining it curiously.

"Put it there." Kai said as he point to the spot. Lloyd looked for a moment then started to gnaw on the piece.

"No! You don't eat it!" Cole cried out as he pulled the piece away.

"BAWAAAAH! WAAAAAH! UWAAAAAH!" Lloyd started to cry.
"It's alright Lloyd. Here." Zane said quickly. He sat down beside the baby and gave him his pacifier.

Lloyd smiled a bit and stopped crying, and grew peaceful again. Their little cousin yawned and rubbed his eyes a little.

"What's wrong with him?" Jay asked confused. "He's probably ready for a nap. It has been a few hours." Zane said.

Lloyd quickly shook his head. "O wap." Lloyd said from behind his pacifier.

"He sounds as stubborn as you Kai." Cole said with a grin. "I am not stubborn!" Kai said with a huff.

"Are too!"
"Are not!"

The twins then started arguing again, and Zane tried to stop them. Jay watched his older brothers in amusement until noticing Lloyd had crawled away.

Jay glanced away from them, before seeing Lloyd sitting off to the side, chewing on something. Jay got up and went over there to see what he was doing. Unfortunately the blue clad boy quickly realized what Lloyd was chewing on.

"No! Not Mr.Cuddlywump!" Jay cried out before racing over and pulling his beloved plushy out of Lloyd's mouth. Jay examined the damage, and saw that one paw was completely wet.

Lloyd started to cry, mixing with the noise of others bickering. Jay looked up from his stuffy and saw Lloyd crying.

Feeling a bit guilty he quickly set the stuffie aside and scrambled over to the toy box. "Sorry Lloyd. It's ok. Here, you can have this one instead." Jay said.

Lloyd sniffed and looked up at Jay, to see him offering a green dragon stuffie.
"Dis ine?" Lloyd asked sleepily as he looked at it. Jay sat down beside him.

"Uh huh. It's yours." Jay said with a grin. "Ank ou." Lloyd cooed as he took it from him. Lloyd looked it over before he put a paw in his mouth.

He yawned before he layed down slightly on top of it and fell asleep. Jay grinned a bit, before feeling tired himself. He held onto his teddy, (the part Lloyd didn't try to eat) lay down beside his little cousin and went to sleep himself.

Zane finally managed to get the twins to stop arguing. They saw Jay and Lloyd together and fast asleep.

Wu and Carolin peeked inside the playroom to check on the boys. They sighed when they saw all five of the boys with their stuffed toys, snuggled up against one another, fast asleep.

A/N OM GOSH OVER 1000 READS‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ Thank you guy so much for reading🧡 Couldn't do it without you😊

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