From Fame To Shame

By ParkShinHee

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I can never be my sister. She can never ever be me. But how can I even say "No." to her when she's my bestfr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight- END :)

Chapter Six

132 12 0
By ParkShinHee

Our lips touched, feather-light. He shifted his body and brought his thighs against mine, but he didn’t deepen the kiss. He just skimmed the surface, gently teasing my mouth until my nerve endings hummed. Seconds stretched and my lungs stilled as I ached for more.

Then, slowly, he withdrew, keeping close enough that I still felt his warm breath against my skin.

A thick haze clouded my brain and I worried he might ask me something, anything, that required a response and I’d slip up. I couldn’t catch my breath. Fear that I’d blow it for Kelly paralyzed me.

Oh, my God! Kelly! If she knew I’d just kissed the guy who dumped her, she’d feel hurt and betrayed and what had we just talked about? Kelly didn’t need this, on top of everything else.

“I…” I had no idea what to say. I only knew that if someone didn’t say something soon and break the trance, I would let Kelly down worse than I already had. Because, more than anything, I wanted this guy, no matter how nice he was.

“Yes?” His gaze locked onto mine.

“You said it was just coffee.”

He blinked.

“Last night, you assured me it was just coffee,” I repeated.

An uncertain expression crossed his face. “I thought that at the time.”

“But it should be. Just coffee, I mean,” I whispered, as if saying it any louder would make the truth more painful and more real. I wanted to be with him, with nothing in our way. That wasn’t going to happen though. “We’ve already been there, right?”

He stared at me, silent, like he couldn’t quite go where I was trying to take him. Maybe he found it incomprehensible that a girl might say no to him.

“That’s what my head keeps telling me,” he said, brows drawn. “But I keep getting this feeling like we’ve just met and it’s all new.”

“You…” You what? You’re right that I’m a liar and a fake?

He frowned and I inwardly cringed. I knew I should tell him right then and save him from the confusion he had to be feeling, but I chickened out. It wasn’t my place to tell Kelly’s secret and I’d made a promise.

“I can read those lines with you later. Sarah will be here soon, so I should probably take off.”

No idea if that was true or not, since I’d totally lost track of time and wasn’t wearing my watch. I sidestepped and backed away.

“You’re leaving?”

“Well, yeah. That appearance, remember?” Maybe he had intended to kiss me again. Maybe not. I wasn’t going to stick around to find out.

He looked disappointed and I didn’t want to come off bitchy. Not after he’d fed me, then laid dessert on me against the kitchen counter. So I slid my hand down his arm as I passed him — an intimate gesture while keeping my lips off him.

In the clear and a few feet away, I picked up my pace. “Thanks for the awesome breakfast,” I threw over my shoulder.

“Sure. See you later.”

Yes, he would. Tomorrow night. I shouldn’t be thrilled at the thought of seeing him again, but I couldn’t stifle it.

When I returned to my own life, I’d miss David. There was something about him, something so not Hollywood. Except for his extreme hotness, he was down to earth, not full of himself or anything. What would it be like to have him as a boyfriend?

That would never happen. I was the kind of girl who guys liked, but never liked quite enough. They thought I looked good on the outside, but they lost interest once they realized I was a nice girl. And I don’t mean the David kind of nice — super hot and sexy. I mean the real kind of nice that didn’t give it up for just anyone. And, idiot that I am, I fell for the wrong type of guy every time.

Sarah would arrive soon, but until then, I wanted to hang out with David — another wrong guy. Instead, I planted myself on Kelly’s couch, flipped on the TV and tried to focus on something besides Kelly’s life and her uber-hot ex.

The doorknob rattled and a moment later, Sarah marched in. “TMZ filled their pages with you and David. Could’ve been worse, I suppose. Everything went okay after you guys left the theater? Does he still think you’re Kelly?” she asked as she hung her purse on the back of the chair.

I flipped the TV off and straightened my shoulders. “Yes, of course, he does.”

“You sure?” She came into the living room for a closer look. “I’ve had a bad feeling since I woke up this morning.”

I hated my life. No, I liked my life. It was Kelly’s life I didn’t want — except for David. “I’m sure. But if something went wrong, Kelly couldn’t blame you for it. Or me. I’m doing her a favor, because she begged.”

“Geez.” Her eyes narrowed as she dropped her purse on the sofa. “You’re awfully defensive. Did something else happen last night?”

"No." Not last night. I avoided her gaze as I went to open the fridge. Not like I was hungry, but it gave me something to do.

Sarah shadowed me to the kitchen and leaned against the doorjamb. “Let’s pretty you up and get this appearance over with.”

I grabbed a soda, popped the top and slapped on a smile. “Yes, so I can hurry up and come back to this condo filled with Kelly’s things.” At least at home I had all my belongings — and my parents.

She sighed. “What’s bothering you?”

I squeezed my eyes shut and pinched the bridge of my nose. “I hate lying to everyone, especially David. It’s hard.”

“Because you like him.” It wasn’t a question. “And you know it won’t go anywhere.”

“Exactly,” I said.

“Would it help if I came over tonight with a movie and popcorn? It might take your mind off him and keep you in the condo.” She gave me a sympathetic smile.

“That definitely sounds better than brooding.” I smiled. “Thanks.”

“Good. We should start getting you ready if we’re going to be there on time.”

Sarah dressed me in a mini skirt, a blouse that fell off one shoulder and, of course, a pair of heels specially designed to torture me. Lucky for Sarah, it was daytime and she wouldn’t be the center of attention, so she got to wear comfortable slacks with shoes that wouldn’t require suicide watch.

* * * *

The wide sidewalk in front of the restaurant left room for pedestrians while still allowing space for media and guests. Sarah and I waited on the sidelines and smiled as cameras flashed and clicked. Cars honked as they passed, probably recognizing a few faces.

“You’re doing great,” Sarah said, never breaking her smile. “Like I said, you’re a natural.”

“Feels phony,” I said, trying not to blink as lights went off in my peripheral vision.

“You remember what to say if you get cornered with a microphone?”

“Yes, you drilled it into me when you were getting me ready. I’m happy to be here. Proud to support my good friend, Steve. Everyone should try the food. It’s phenomenal.”

“Great. Yeah.” Sarah’s eyes narrowed. “But say it with some enthusiasm.”

We took our places closer to the ribbon as Steve positioned the scissors to cut it. A series of flashes and clicks and the ribbon collapsed. Moments later, the crowd dispersed. Some guests went inside to sample the food — it was a restaurant, after all. I decided that was a good idea since I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast with David.

Inside, it looked like a normal restaurant with tables strategically placed to maximize the number of seats while still allowing for safe passage through the large room.

What would’ve been used as the waiting area contained two tables, beautifully decorated with herbs, lilies and little blue flower clusters. And lots of finger foods.

Sarah stuck close to me, which discouraged anyone from interviewing me. “Check out all these cheeses and dips,” she said.

“I just tried the basil and roasted bell pepper. It’s divine on that bread.” I flicked a thumb to my left.

Sarah stepped away from me toward the dip or sauce or whatever they called it. Red hair appeared at my right. I instinctively shrunk back, but Lisa, the reporter from Exposed, closed in before Sarah could return to her spot.

“Eating for two?” She smirked.

After the trash she wrote about me — or Kelly — I was in no mood to listen to her crap. The urge to leave right then rose up and I started to set my plate down to do just that. Wait, why was I giving Lisa any power over me?

“It doesn’t matter what I say. You’re going to make up your own story anyway,” I fired back.

Her gaze faltered. Was that guilt I saw in her eyes? A moment later, she bounced back with a smirk. Guess not.

“Nice try,” she said. “Picture this headline: Kelly Refuses to Deny Baby Rumors.”

Sarah squeezed between us and growled, “She’s not pregnant, Lisa. Go find a real story.”

Lisa’s tone became syrupy sweet. “I guess the extra food is assuaging your grief over not landing that role, huh?”

Nudging Sarah out of the way, I took a step toward Lisa as I looked her up and down. Sarah cleared her throat and I stomped on the words at the tip of my tongue. Instead, I settled for, “No comment.”

“Friends Worry Over Kelly’s Erratic Behavior,” Lisa said as though it were another dramatic news headline. She smirked.

A cold fury filled me. I couldn’t believe how Kelly put up with this badgering. No wonder she’d been ready to crack. More of Lisa’s lies were the last thing Kelly needed right now.

How did Lisa get away with being such a liar? Weren't journalists supposed to report the truth? People who attacked other people, just for fun, deserved what they got. I opened my mouth, ready to let Lisa have it, but Sarah thrust an arm in front of me.

“Okay, you two,” Sarah said. “Lisa, why don’t you go harass someone else? Far away.”

She gave Sarah a tight smile. “No.”

“Good afternoon, ladies.”

My head whipped around to see Luke Holtz, star of Otherworld. He wore a sexy grin and a white button shirt that fell over faded blue jeans. Just as gorgeous as he always looked on the show. “Lisa, nice to see you again,” he said.

Her smile softened and her eyes gleamed. “Luke, what a surprise,” she purred.

“I need to chat with Kelly for a minute. Why don’t I come find you in a bit and we can catch up?”

“I’ll be waiting.” Lisa gave him a sultry smile. Her gaze rested on me a moment and her smile froze. Her eyes flicked over to her left, behind Luke and Sarah. A man aimed a video camera our way, the little red light announcing it was doing its job. No doubt, the camera man got every minute of our heated conversation. After one last sneer, Lisa wandered off.

I blinked. “Uh… thanks for the distraction,” I told Luke. Behind him, the cameraman followed Lisa.

“I’ve seen Lisa go after stories pretty hard, but I’ve never seen her be so bitchy. Probably because she knows she’ll never be as beautiful as you,” he said, his eyes gazing into mine. “No matter how skilled her plastic surgeon is.”

Sarah cleared her throat. “I wasn’t told you’d be here, Luke. Trying to steal Kelly’s thunder?” she said in a teasing voice.

“I make my own thunder. Which is anywhere my publicist sends me,” Luke answered, his unwavering gaze resting on me.

Uh-oh. I knew that flirty look. Mr. I’m-hot-and-you-think-so-too was going in for the kill. But I wasn’t playing. Even if I did have an itch to date one of my favorite stars, I’d choose David and his dreamy gray eyes over Luke’s too-suave green ones any day.

Both guys were blazing hot and both could eventually get any girl right where he wanted her. Luke would do it by flirting, and unspoken promises with his smoldering eyes, and sexy smile. David would earn it the old fashion way by draping his jacket over a girl’s shoulders when she’s cold, or taking too-high shoes off her aching feet, or feeding her when she’s starving.

As tempting as it was to ride Mr. I’m-so-hot’s thunder, I’d always been an old fashioned girl. But all of that was a moot point, since both guys thought I was Kelly. I refused to flirt with a guy who didn’t even know my real name.

“Well, thanks for getting rid of Lisa,” I said, breaking eye contact with him for just a moment to finger a piece of cheese.

“No worries.” He shrugged, then sent a meaningful glance to Sarah. Hinting for her to leave us alone?

Sarah wasn’t playing either. “Kelly, we really should get going.”

He swiveled until he had his back to Sarah. “You said you were a big fan of the show. Thought you might like a guest spot. I can talk to the producers. If nothing else, you should visit the set.”

Oh, that did sound exciting. But Luke’s eyes hinted at strings attached. He seemed more like Kelly’s type anyway. Which was exactly why I didn’t want to blow him off. If I didn’t burn that bridge, when my sister returned, she could date him if she wanted.

“Sounds great.” I flashed him the same smile I’d given to the photographers moments ago. “I’ll check my calendar and get back to you.”

He leaned in and his lips brushed my cheek. “I’ll see you soon,” he whispered.

I shivered.

“Oh, look. Your other date just arrived.” Sarah’s tone held a world of disappointment. I didn’t need to ask who she meant.

I scanned the restaurant. “Where?”

“Three o’clock.”

David was heading our way in jeans and black boots, with a faded black t-shirt exposing his muscular arms. Interviewers were already moving toward him. Others turned and snapped pictures. Moments later, he stood next to me.

“Upstaging or stalking me?” I beamed. When he was around, I didn’t feel so out of place.

He laughed. “Stalking you would’ve been more fun, but no. Just thought I’d stop by and say hi to Steve. I texted you about driving together, but you never answered.”

“Oh. I didn’t see it come in.” Which was the truth, since Kelly’s phone was with Kelly.

“And it would be impossible to upstage Kelly Bloom. No one outshines you.” He grinned, but immediately narrowed his eyes. “Apparently, Luke Holtz agrees.”

So he’d seen Luke kiss my cheek. "You've got nothing to worry about. I hear I'm carrying your child."

His dark hair fell over his forehead and his deep gray eyes sparkled as the corners hinted at something wicked. Not Luke Holtz kind of wicked who swept you off your feet before you realized what happened, but the David kind of wicked that slowly seduced you until you were completely under his spell.

Was he remembering our last kiss? Or maybe that was just me who couldn’t stop thinking about it. I was in way over my head.

“I’m going to give Steve my congratulations,” David said. “Will you be here when I get back?”

“We’re leaving,” Sarah answered.

“I’ll see you at home then.” The way he said home sounded so intimate. He gave my hand a quick squeeze and I watched him stroll toward a makeshift stage where Steve was about to speak.

Sarah cleared her throat and I glanced her way. She gave me a what the hell are you doing? look and I realized how I’d been so obviously lost in his eyes. Whatever. She wasn’t my mother or my boss.

“It’s fine.” I lowered my voice for her ears only. “I can do this.”

She shook her head. “Even Kelly would be challenged if she became the filling in a Luke and David sandwich. Be careful.”

* * * *

Sarah had a family emergency and had to cancel our plans to watch a movie together. She dropped me off at my apartment, promising to pick me up the next morning for the Vanity Fair spread.

I was alone again in Kelly’s condo. After five minutes, I found myself roaming her house aimlessly and tapping my thigh.

Grabbing my cell, I dialed my sister. She needed an update.

“So you’re doing okay?” I asked.

“A bit better. But hold on. Back up to what you said about Luke. He was hitting on me?”



I could almost hear her smile through the phone. “And he’s definitely not married. At least there's that.”

“Yeah,” she sighed. “Luke-freakin’-Holtz. Damn. Too bad I didn’t meet him two months ago. Right now, I can’t imagine dating anyone ever again. I’m going to become a nun.”

I laughed and we chatted about the last episode of Otherworld. After a few more minutes, we hung up, and I was idle again.

Taking pictures always relaxed me. It was therapeutic and might take my mind of my temporary neighbor.

I grabbed my camera and shot out the door.

* * * *

I stayed in the Tesla to take pictures so no one would see me. I’d found a great spot in the hills to get a perfect shot of the Hollywood sign, then I cruised the Boulevard and snapped the Mann’s Chinese theater and the Capital Records building.

Hunger eventually drove me back to the condo. Just as I exited Kelly’s car, my phone beeped.

E/thing ok? Sarah texted. Need a/thing?

I texted back that everything was fine and I’d see her in the morning, then I headed upstairs.

David stood in front of his open door, staring down at a stack of papers in his hands. As I got closer, I realized they were photographs. In my sneakers, I could do what they were meant for — sneak. I paused right behind him and peeked around his shoulder.

“Bad lighting,” I said.

David jumped. “Didn’t know you were there.”

I grinned. “I know.”

He returned my smile. “I just got my new publicity photos. I’m not sure I like them. What do you think?”

“Weird shadows around your eyes.” My index finger waved over his face in the picture. “The background washes you out. And who picked out that shirt?”

“Sounds like you could do better.” He raised one brow.

“Maybe. Depends if there’s a good spot to shoot you.” I went around him and let myself into his place. The days were long in the summer, so it was still light outside. I could probably get some decent pictures if he had a space with plenty of natural light. The living room had canned lighting, but I wasn’t sure if they were bright enough.

He trailed after me. “You’re serious?”

“Can’t do any worse than those pictures, right?” I continued through his condo, scanning the spaces as I went.

He chuckled. “I guess not.”

I passed through the dining room, making a mental note to return if I didn’t find something better, then stopped in front of a door, unsure whether to barge in.

“Go ahead,” he said.

I turned the knob and it opened. Light pushed through white curtains billowing over a breeze from the open window. A very high king size bed was strewn with white sheets and a cream comforter.

Lots of white. Dark furniture. Perfect.

I walked to his closet and pulled out a white button down shirt, then tossed it at him. “Put that on. Do you have a pair of white pants?”

He blinked. “You know what you’re doing?”

I lifted a shoulder. “You have another option?”

“Not anymore.” He grinned and peeled off his t-shirt.

I turned around to avoid the sight of his touchable bare chest, and headed back to his closet. I really didn’t need that six-pack to distract me.

T-shirts and jeans sat neatly folded on shelves. I sifted through the pants section until I found what I wanted. The off-white pair looked like something he’d wear at the beach. I plucked them off the hanger and exited the closet to find David looking scrumptious in the white shirt.

“Your coloring looks good against white.” I threw the pants at him and he caught them. “Put those on. I’ll be back.”

Inside my condo, I closed the door and leaned against it. Damn, he looked hot. I itched to bring out all that sexy and get him some fantastic shots. But I had to keep my mind on business. I’d have to and that was all there was to it.

After a few deep breaths, I headed back into his apartment. The clothes were perfect on him. I turned on my camera and checked the settings. “I want you on the bed,” I said. Realizing how that sounded, I pressed my lips together.

“I was hoping you’d say that.” A smile teased his lips.

“Wait.” The bed hadn’t been made and the sheets were rumpled — only on one side. I liked it. “Lie on that end by the window.”

He obeyed, letting the mattress take his weight, then he leaned against the massive headboard.

I backed up and aimed. “Right arm up on the pillow above your head.”

Click. Click. “That’s great.” Click. Click. Click. “Turn your head toward the window.” Click. Click. Click. Click. “That’s it.”

“Give me a broody look,” I ordered. He did the exact opposite, grinning. Perfect. Click. Click.

Doing this for a living would never feel like work. Maybe I’d reconsider my college plans…

“Show me what you felt like when you landed the lead in Angel from Hell,” I said, as my finger tapped the button. “Now think about the last time you kissed a girl.”

Oops. That last girl was probably me. It had better have been me. A slow smile crept up on his face as he turned toward the camera. Holy hotness. Click. Click. Click. Click. I’d definitely keep the pictures for myself. “Nice.” Click. Click. Click. “Undo a couple of the buttons on your shirt.”

He laughed. “I swear if you’re trying to seduce me, I’m already there.”

I forced myself to keep a straight face and not encourage him. Oh, Lord, but it was hard. I was in big trouble, because when he looked at me that way, my heart rate picked up as I imagined him laying a real kiss on me. “You want the pictures to turn out or not?”

“Can't I have both?” he answered, his fingers reaching for the top buttons.

“Shh!” Click. Click. Click. I set the camera on the foot of the bed, rearranged his legs and backed up again. Click. Click.

“I didn’t know you were such a pro with a camera. Where did you learn?”

“My dad used to be a photographer for the army. When he opened the jewelry store for my mom, he realized he had a head for business and he liked managing. He still does publicity photos and that kind of thing on the side sometimes and I help him.” Click. Click. “I did all the shots for our last catalog.”

“Really? So you take time off from work to visit family and end up working?” David asked.

Crap. Right. Today, I wasn’t Candy. I was Kelly. Kelly. “My dad was in a jam, so I helped out. Now stop talking and strike a pose.” I grinned, hoping that would keep him quiet. “Okay, stand by the window.” I waited while he did as I asked. Click. Click. Click. “Right hand on the window sill.” Click. Click. “Don’t look at me.” Click. Click. Click. “Ooh, that’s sexy.”

He laughed and dropped his hand. I rested the camera on the bed again and closed the distance between us to roll up his sleeves a few inches. I paused a moment, then reached for the buttons of his shirt and set his gorgeous six-pack free. He looked much more relaxed, which fit the scene better. If the shirt caught a breeze, it would be a great shot.

“Perfect.” My knuckles brushed his warm skin and I froze as the urge to kiss him nearly overpowered me. I raised my gaze to meet his.

Mistake. Big mistake.

“That’s what I’m thinking,” he said in a husky voice. His gray eyes darkened and he reached a hand up around the nape of my neck. He gently brought me closer and fastened his mouth to mine. Our tongues tangled, heat scorching my senses and dulling all the reasons why I shouldn’t take more.

My hand raced up his torso and I pushed myself against him. He bumped against the window frame. Startled, he released me and stared, like he was trying to figure me out — which wouldn’t have been necessary if I were behaving like Kelly would.

But I wasn’t her. Maybe I kissed different than Kelly and that’s why he looked confused.

I nudged him away and turned. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do this.”

His hands dropped. “You could a second ago,” David said, tilting his head. “What’s wrong?”

More than anything, I wanted to tell him who I really was. That I wasn’t Kelly and he’d only just met me. “It's just…”

“Is it Pete?” he asked softly. “Is it too soon?”

I burned to lay it all out for David and tell him I didn’t even know what Pete looked like. But how would he react when he found out I’d been lying to him? Even if he didn’t care about the lie, I couldn't divulge Kelly’s secrets to him. This was Kelly’s life, not mine.

“You know…” He leaned on the window sill. “I watched my dad cheat on my mom for years. Doesn’t matter how much that type of guy thinks he loves his wife — people like that care about themselves more or they wouldn’t cross that line. Guys like Pete are only thinking of their own gratification, what they want. He could never have loved you the way you deserve.”

I’d never looked at it that way. Of course, I’d never needed to since I wasn’t the one who’d unknowingly dated a married guy. Regardless, David’s insight moved me. But just because he was a guy I could totally fall for didn’t mean he would fall for me.

“Thanks.” I stared out the window for a moment as I talked myself out of spilling my guts to David. “Let’s get a couple more shots and call it a day. Lean your shoulder on the other side of the window frame and put your left hand on the other side. Good. Face the window, like you’re daydreaming.”

Click. Click. Click. “Now turn only enough to look at me.” Click. Click. “Okay, let’s pack it up.” I turned off my camera and slung its strap over my shoulder. “I can have these developed after my Vanity Fair shoot tomorrow. I’ll come by as soon as I have them.”

“So what’s your fee?” His mouth curled up.

I laughed. “Let’s see if they’re any good first. If nothing else, it might give you an idea of what to go for next time.”

“We’re still on for tomorrow night?”

I bit my lip and dropped my gaze. After he’d just laid that delicious kiss on me, not a good idea to hang out with him. "We shouldn't…"

“If I keep my hands to myself?” he asked.

With those ground rules, it would work. Plus, it’d be fun to see Josh Adams. “We’re on.”

* * * *

The photo shoot the next morning went smoother than I’d expected. Understanding the other side of the lens helped. The photographer, even though he asked for impossible positions too often, made me feel relaxed. He’d get excited if I gave him a pose he felt worked and that positive energy was contagious.

When he wanted a sultry look, I’d remember David’s kiss the night before. When he wanted passion, I’d think of David’s kiss the night before. The photographer got anything he wanted, with David’s image in my head.

At last, the photographer released me and I wandered the huge, high-ceilinged room, looking for Sarah. I found her close to the exit on her cell phone.

Sarah held up an index finger. “I’ll call you back in a few minutes, okay?” She pressed a button on her cell and dropped it in her purse. “My brother got in an accident yesterday. That’s why I canceled our movie.”

“Is he going to be okay?” I asked.

“Yes, but he needs surgery. In a few minutes, actually. It’s nothing serious, but I still need to be there for him. I didn’t know what else to do so I called David to come get you. Could’ve called a cab, but I wanted you with someone you knew and he’s the only one I could think of who you’d feel comfortable with.”

“It’s fine.” I stroked the back of her arm. “You should go be with your brother.”

“David will be here soon, but you have time to get changed.”

Sarah said goodbye and I dashed to the dressing room to throw on my jeans and tank, then headed toward the front door to wait for David. He was already standing near the back door.

I beamed. “Thanks for coming to get me.”

“Purely selfish. I wanted to see those pictures.” He grinned.

“We dropped them off on the way here. They’re probably ready now.”

* * * *

I waited behind the tinted windows of David’s SUV, while he went inside to pick up the photos. A blond girl about my age stopped to gawk at him. He disappeared into the photo lab and she whipped out her cell. Moments later, a brunette girl joined her. They stood near the entrance pointing and whispering.

David came out and the girls called his name. He stopped and the blonde thrust a piece of paper and pen at him. As he scribbled on the paper, her lips moved. I rolled down the window of the SUV to hear them.

“So it is true you’re back together with Kelly?” the blonde asked.

“Please tell us you’re not back together with that skank,” the brunette begged.

“You guys don’t know Kelly at all. She’s a great girl. You should meet her.” He crooked his finger at me and they turned in my direction.

Fans were one thing, but these girls called Kelly, me in this case, a skank. I definitely didn’t want to talk to them. No way.

He raised his brows expectantly. Damn. If I stayed in the car, I’d appear beyond rude. I grabbed the keys from the ignition and jumped out of the SUV.

I took the few steps to stand in front of the girls and held out my hand for the brunette with a smile. “Hi, I’m Kelly.”

“Heather.” She hesitantly shook my hand.

“I’m Katya.” The blonde beamed and grabbed my outstretched hand.

I gave them my red carpet smile. “It’s nice to meet you. Do you guys live around here or just visiting?” I asked them.

“We’re visiting from North Dakota.”

“Must be culture shock,” David said. He looked so comfortable chatting it up with the girls, like talking to regular people was the most natural thing in the world. “Are you staying long?”

“For the summer,” Heather answered.

“Can we get some pictures with you guys with us?” Katya asked, bouncing like she was about to leave her skin.

“Of course,” he said.

“First, I want one of you two together.” Heather whipped out her camera.

If you can’t beat them, join them. I put my cheek next to his and smiled.

A few minutes later, on my way back to his SUV, I glanced over my shoulder to find both the girls aiming their cell phones at us. Video for youtube later, no doubt.

I climbed in and closed the door. “You were so nice to them.”

“I’m getting déjà vu.” He started the engine and studied me with squinty eyes. “Like you don't do this same thing every day. This is getting weird, Kelly. You thought they’d actually serve you alcohol at the premiere, you didn’t know where the restaurant bathroom was after that, and lately you just look lost. It’s as if we’ve never hung out. What’s going on?”

Oops. “It’s just been a long week.”

“Are you feeling okay?” He reached a palm out to feel my forehead.

“I’m not sick or anything.” I turned straight ahead, hoping he’d stop with the questions.

“Hey.” He waited until I faced him again. “It’ll get better.”

Was he referring to Kelly’s affair with Pete or the ridicule she’d received over that movie role? Or the pregnancy scandal I'd started? I shifted in my seat, hoping he’d drop the subject and wishing he’d get back on the road. A moment later, he signaled to merge with traffic. Whew.

I really needed to be more careful with what came out of my mouth, but I was getting so comfortable around him.

“Let’s see the pictures,” he said, glancing at the envelope in my lap. “C’mon. Open it.”

I chuckled. “You can’t give my photos your full attention and drive too. Just a few blocks and we’re home.”

Five minutes later, he waved to the security guard of our building, drove into the parking structure and stopped next to Kelly’s Tesla. Stretching out an arm, he tried to snatch the envelope, but I held it up against the window, and quickly got out.

“No cheating.” I darted into the elevator. Wrestling over the shots seemed fun in my head, but that wasn’t the best way to stay out of trouble. I opened the envelope and pulled out the stack of pictures.

David pushed the number of our floor, then peered over my shoulder. “Wow, that’s not bad. Oh, I like that one.” He snagged the stack out of my hands and held it low so I could see, too. “Much better than the ones I showed you yesterday.”

He was right. The lighting was perfect and so was David. I’d never seen him more gorgeous. And the one with the open shirt was right before he'd kissed me…

The elevator door opened and, as if I didn’t exist, he shuffled to his front door, eyes fixed on the photos in his hand. “These are fantastic.”

“Thanks.” I grinned. “I asked the lab to put them all on a disc, so you could make copies any time you want. Disc should be in there.”

His gaze met mine. “No, thank you.”

“No problem.” I checked my watch. “Still going out tonight?”

“Yeah. I’ll pick you up at five?”

“See you then.” I marched to my own door and went inside.

Oh, hell. Two hours until five o’clock. I liked Kelly’s apartment. It was pretty and had a sweet view of the Hollywood hills. But it didn’t make up for being alone, when all I wanted was to be with David.

* * * *

An hour and a half later, David stood beside me in Kelly’s enormous walk-in closet.

His gaze left Kelly’s rows and rows of shoes for a moment to eye me appreciatively. “You look hot.”

“Thanks.” My cheeks flushed and I averted my gaze. “So what should I wear tonight?”

“That’s why you lured me in here? I thought you wanted seven minutes in heaven.” He gave me a lopsided grin.

I laughed. “Why would we need a closet when your kitchen or bedroom works just as well?”

“I agree,” David said, his fingers grazing my wrist.

I pulled away. “David, maybe we should, you know, ease up.”

His eyes narrowed. “You mean, like not go out tonight?”

“No.” I shook my head. “I like hanging out with you, but maybe we should try harder to remember we’re just friends.”

“Sorry.” He turned toward me, staring intently. “I was asking what was going on with you, but I’m beginning to wonder what’s up with me. Last week I didn’t have this itch to kiss you — and you wouldn’t have let me if I had. It’s weird.”

“Like you said, it’s been a rough week for me. Maybe it’s rubbing off on you.” I shrugged, knowing I needed to steer the conversation away from us. “So what should I wear?”

“Since when does Kelly Bloom ask advice on clothes? You know what you like.”

“I want to know what you like.”

“What I like?” His eyes smoldered as he took a step toward me, then paused.

I stepped back, but my mind flooded with fantasies of him. Damn. “You know what? I can pick out an outfit on my own.”

He just stood there watching me, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

“Why are you here anyway? You weren’t supposed to come over for another half hour.” I carefully maneuvered around him until I’d reached the closet door. Once out, I released a breath.

David shrugged, then grinned. “Bored.”

“I’m so flattered.” I suppressed a grin. “Hang on. I’ll get dressed and we can leave early.”

“Why do you have to change? You can’t go wrong with jeans, especially those. You look spectacular.” His gaze slowly skimmed up my legs and landed on my hips. “Like I said, hot.”

Just nice? David? What planet did Kelly live on? Because in my world, nice was not nearly enough to describe David Cullen. He was like a panther on the hunt, total predator, and he was all man.

“Great.” I forced a smile, pushing away my fantasy of rolling around on the bed with him. “Then we can go any time.” I needed to get him in public where he wouldn’t be such a temptation.

* * * *

“We’ve hung out a lot the last forty-eight hours. The other night at the premiere, breakfast the next morning, the restaurant opening, my photo shoot, your Vanity Fair shoot and now this.” He leaned an elbow on the table. “We’ve crammed weeks of dating into two days.”

I sat right next to him in a circular booth that faced the stage. Twirling my straw in the ice water, I smiled. “These are supposed to be dates?”

“Nah.” He waved a hand. “This kind of raw sexual energy is completely normal with buddies, right?”

Blunt. I had to love that about him. But… “What are we doing, David? We already broke up once. Now, all of a sudden, you want to do a take-back?”

“If my memory serves, it was a mutual decision.”

It was? I’d better not go there, since I had no idea what he and Kelly had talked about.

“But why now?” I asked.

He wagged his finger at me. “It’s as if you’re a totally different person.”

I didn’t want him to analyze the differences between Kelly and me. Actually, I kind of did. Why would he be interested in me and not my sister, the starlet? “Different person? How?” I asked.

“It’s so easy with you now. Reminds me of what it was like with this girl I met one summer. We hung out almost every day talking about things my guy friends would never get into. Religion, politics, books — everything.”

“You liked her,” I said.

“Yeah, but she was just a friend. I think it’d be cool to have that kind of a relationship with a girl I really liked though.” He laughed. “It sounds lame, right?”

He kept throwing me curves. “Not at all,” I said. That kind of connection wasn’t so hard for me to buy, not since I’d gotten to know David. Who would actually expect a guy like David, superstar who was adored by teen girls everywhere, to want that from a relationship? Most guys I knew around my age were only interested in getting laid.

“What does that girl have to do with me being different?”

“I’m getting’ there. Before you and I met, I’d seen Love Rush.”

I gasped. Though it was my favorite of Kelly’s movies, I’d thought it was a little heavy on the romance for most guys. “Of your own free will?”

David chuckled. “Only to make my mom happy. And I kind of fell a little bit in love with you. As an actor, I should’ve known better, but you were so convincing. And despite what you’d been through, it didn’t make you bitter and you didn’t lose your innocence.”

Did he just say in love? “Dude, that wasn’t me. It was the character.”

“Like I said, I should’ve known better.” He shook his head.

“So… what does that have to do with me being different than before?”

He scooted closer to me. “The first time I saw you in our building, I was a little star struck. I expected to feel that connection with you, but I never did, so I suggested we call it quits and you agreed.”

“Yet here you are.”

“Yeah, because now, I feel it every time I look at you. It wasn’t there and now it is. How do you explain that?” he asked.

Yes, how would I explain that, indeed?

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