Someone Like You

By Luckyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

2.9K 304 281

"Are you avoiding me?" He says looking straight into my eyes. "Why?" I raised my eyebrow. I tried to look cal... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter Forty-nine

Chapter Five

69 7 7
By Luckyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

If I would push myself to him, would it be enough for him to like me? I am neither pretty nor sexy – I am the exact opposite of him. I am crazy for him but I know my limitations. I know he won't fall for me because nobody ever falls for me! How could he possibly fall for me?

If I would be accepted as the basketball team's new manager, I would have a chance to see him every day, to talk to him more often, and to be closer to him. Should I give it a try?

These are the things that have been going on and on in my mind since yesterday. My head is already aching but I could not stop thinking about it.

I look at my watch. It's already quarter to eleven in the morning.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "I'll give it a try." I say to myself. I open my eyes and the wooden door welcomes my sight. I am standing in front of the basketball team's office for more than thirty minutes already but haven't really decided to go in.

Finally, I decided to touch the door knob. It's cold. The coldness travels its way all over my body. Why am I this nervous? Gather yourself, Mel. Stay calm. I twist the door knob and with all my courage open the door. When the door finally opens, a pair of keen eyes silently watch me get inside the room.

"You must be Miss Melissa Santiago." The owner of those eyes says. He is a middle-aged man maybe in his early forties. He is masculine and fit despite his age. He is sitting on a chair in the corner of the room sitting comfortably like a king.

"Yes that's me, sir." I reply.

This person gives off the don't-talk-to-me-if-you-don't-have-anything-important-to-say aura. He sure does look strict but I have this weird feeling that we would get along just fine.

"Please take a seat." He points at the chair across him.

I sit at the offered chair without saying anything and look around. There is no one else in the room aside from me and him. Where are the other applicants? I was expecting a ton of girls rushing their asses here just to get into the basketball team. But right now, there's only me and this man.

Every time the basketball team is looking for a new manager, the university goes oddly crowded with girls who want to apply for the position. Some skip their classes to attend the interview some are from other schools who just want to try their luck. It's like what Erika said; it's hitting two birds with one stone – getting close to your dream guys and also earning money. Since the team is full of guys qualified to be models which have great talents for basketball, it's like a dream job for most of the girls. Who doesn't want to work in a place full of hot guys who know how to properly handle their balls – er basket balls?

"I am glad you finally decided to come in." he says.

"I'm sorry?"

He points at somewhere behind me. I follow it and see a one way glass window beside the door. My mouth hangs open as I realize that I was standing outside for more than thirty minutes before coming in and he saw it. He saw all the things I've done outside – talking to myself and all sorts of crazy stuff. I hadn't noticed that window when I was outside, maybe because I was just so nervous and I didn't care about anything else at all.

"It's okay." He laughs. I look at the floor to avoid eye contact. I couldn't look at him. "You don't have to be shy. I had fun looking at you."

I raise my head and try to smile. "I would just like to ask sir, where are the other applicants?" I manage to ask. I want to change the topic as soon as possible.

"Actually, Ms. Santiago, you are the only applicant we have."

"Seriously?" I blurt in disbelief. How come those bitches haven't come?

"Yes. This is actually the first time that this has happened, but I'm still happy though." He says while playing the glass of water with his hand. "To be honest, I am empress by your record here, Ms. Santiago. I'm glad you applied."

"Thank you, sir."

"That's great! Now, I need to go somewhere, so please take care of the office. Also, starting today, you will be the one to close this office. The keys are on that drawer." He points at the highest drawer on my right. "I will brief you tomorrow and let's talk about your schedule. Okay?" He stands up and goes straight to the door.

"Sir, wait!" I hurriedly stop him.


"Am I the new manager?"

"Yes. Isn't it obvious? Should I say congratulations?" he says sarcastically and walks towards the door once again.

"Sir, wait!"


"What's your name, sir?" I ask.

"Man! I haven't introduced myself! Dang it!" he laughs. "I am Mark Santos, The Basketball Team's handsome coach." He winks before he leaves me alone in the office.

                                                                               * * *

Tony and Erika are waiting for me in the canteen. They wave their hands as the see me.

"How was it?" Tony asks excitedly.

I plaster the biggest smile I could possibly make and say, "I made it! I'm in! I'm in!"

The three of us scream in joy – caring less to the people around us.

"I knew it!" Erika exclaims.

"But something's weird." I tell them that I was the only applicant and how odd it is. Both of them laugh hilariously after my narration.

"I told you it would work." Erika says after giving tony a high five.

What are they talking? I look at them – I glare at them. These girls have done something fishy.

Erika wipes the tears from her eyes. "Remember Josh?" She says.

I nod. Josh is the guy from the basketball team. He used to hit on Erika before but never got the chance to put his act on her.

"I saw him last week bringing fliers and application forms for the manager interview. I presented myself and volunteered to do the job for him. He was against it at first but with a little booty shake and flirty jokes, he gave in." she stated in a proud voice.

"She was really looking like an idiot smiling sweetly at him. How I wish you saw the whole scene, Mel. You would die laughing." Tony blurts.

Thinking that Erika smiled and even flirted with Josh is funny enough to make me cry. Before, whenever she sees him, she would run off the hill just to avoid him.

My eyes feel hot all of a sudden. My heart feels heavy.

"Hey Melissa, what's wrong?" Tony asks worriedly.

"You got the application forms and fliers from him, so that no one would know about today's interview and you flirted with Josh to make sure that I would get the position, right?" I say while pouting. My tears come pouring down my eyes. They have done so much for my sake.

They both nod.

I stand up and hug them tightly. I also showered them with millions of kisses.

"Thank you so much guys. You are a blessing, I'm so lucky to have you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

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