Heartglass 🌸Cherry Blossom🌸...

By Crisyaika

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A traveler, Uchiha Sasuke meet the maiden of Haruno, Haruno Sakura. They meet when Sasuke is on his journey t... More

Meet you
Will you be my knight?
The Answer
Welcome to Konoha!
Sakura's Secret is revealed
The arrival of the traitor
Kidnapping the Princess
Rescue you!
Final Boss
The truth about Sakura
Regain an old memories
Heartglass Cherry Blossom
Author's little message!

True power and Miracle light

517 16 0
By Crisyaika

Normal POV

Sakura and the others crying over Sasuke.Ino held Sakura trying to calming her down.

"ahh..."Sakura still crying to Sasuke chest.

"it can't be real..."

"Sakura..." Ino said.

"we have to go..."

"NO!!" Sakura reject to go.

"Sakura! that's was Sasuke want to make you stay alive.Please don't wasted it..."Ino shouted to Sakura.

"i won't leave him behind!" Sakura said stubborn.

"there's must have a way to bring his life back..."


"even it cost my life.."

a voice was ringing inside her head.

"You know,you have a special power now..."

"That can save you and someone that so precious to you..."

Sakura take a deep breath and put her hand to Sasuke's wound.

"i'm sorry,Sasuke.." Sakura apologize.

"What are you doing,Sakura?!"Ino trying to stop her doing.

"Sakura,don't do that! you'll die!" Naruto said grab her hand.

"please,Naruto...i want him to stay alive.Don't stop me.."Sakura begged.


"don't stop me,everyone"Sakura continuing to save Sasuke.

Sakura cast her revival spell to Sasuke.Sakura let out her full power to made it working.

please,let it working smoothly.Please,let him have a chance to alive Sakura praying.

"Come back,Sasuke!!!"Sakura shouted.

a blood come out from Sakura eyes and her mouth.Sakura body can't hold any longer.

"Sakura!"her friends said worriedly.


Sakura can feel his heart beating again but his eyes didn't open.Sakura strengthen her spell more.Blood won't stop pouring from her eyes and mouth.

Please,open your eyes...Sasuke! Sakura praying more for Sasuke to open his eyes.

"his hand just moved a little"Tenten pointing to Sasuke right hand.Everyone said so.

"made it.made it.made it.."Sakura muttering.

"MADE IT!!" Sakura's power was overflowing from her body.Her power was making her friends wound back to normal.

"it's warm..."Shikamaru said.

"our wound!"

"it back to normal!"

"Ino,don't tell me this is..."Sai ask Ino.Ino nodded

"yes,this is Heartglass true power."

"this power was so special and so warm..."a tears rolling Ino's cheek.

"this is the true power of Maiden of Haruno clan,Princess Haruno Sakura.but..."Ino head turn down and sniffled.

"it risking her own life..."Ino sniffled.

Sakura closed her eyes tightly to make revival succeed.Then,she smiled to remembering her time with Sasuke while look to his face.

Sasuke...thank you for always be with me...i will always-

"love you..."Sakura said.

after Sakura saying that,Sasuke eyes open a little.

"Me too...."Sasuke whispered.

Sakura shocked after hear that from Sasuke.Sakura smiled widely at him.

"Sasuke...."Sakura said.

"she did it!"Naruto shouted to his friend.

"Sakura!!"her friends hug Sakura,congratulating her for success to bring Sasuke back alive.

"Thank goodness...."Sakura said tired.

"Sakura,you..."Sasuke didn't finish his talk.

Suddenly,Sakura fall to Sasuke.

"You,what happened?"Sasuke asking her.

"bring you back...."Sakura said tiredly.

"Sakura risking her life to bring you back alive again,Sasuke"Naruto said sad.

"you...risking your life...for me? why?"Sasuke said shocked.

"because i love you"Sakura saying that make her Heartglass a little more shattered.

"i'll do everything to bring you back,Sasuke...even it cost my life..."Sakura touch Sasuke cheek.

"why is it dark here? where are you Sasuke? everyone?"Sakura said trying to find a light.

"Sakura?! your vision..."Ino sniffled.

Sasuke touch her hand for telling her that he was here.

"i'm here,Sakura...don't worry...i'm always be with you"Sasuke held his tears so it won't fall to Sakura face.

"you'll always be with me right Sasuke..."ask Sakura.

"yes,always..."Sasuke answered.

"we here too,Sakura.."her friend touch her hand.Sakura smiled,she felt her friends warmth.

"i'm glad..."Sakura relief.



"kiss me..."

Sasuke closer his face to her,his lips touching her.Sasuke can't hold his tears anymore.His tears make the kiss taste was salty.

"It's salty"Sakura giggled.

"Sakura....don't leave me.."Sasuke begging.


"Sakura..."Sasuke held her and never letting her go from his hug.

"I love...you.."Sakura said it before closed her eyes.

her Heartglass was shattered,that's mean Sakura dead.Leaving her love and her precious friends behind.

a light came from Sakura.That light was a fragment of her Heartglass.Fragment of Heartglass is like her memories when she still alive.

"that light is felt so warm..."Hinata said.

everyone nodded.Sasuke look her face once again.

"Sakura..."Sasuke said sad.

Sasuke noticing her chest is glowing and hear a voice from there.

"Haruno Sakura still can be saved"

Sasuke suprised at what her/his said.

"How?!"ask Sasuke.

"I,a miracle light,that always being protected by Haruno clan,i shall granted your wish or i should say final wish"

"a wish you said?"

so there's a way to save Sakura.

it's your repay for saving me Sakura Sasuke said inside his heart.

"bring Sakura's life back!" Sasuke said.

"as you wish"

"wait!"stopped Sasuke.

"is there any risk for that?"ask Sasuke.

"it's my repay for always protecting me"

The miracle light glowing through Sakura's body.Sasuke and the others just praying that Sakura back alive.

"you name was Uchiha Sasuke is it?"The miracle light asked.


"is that so..."

"well,Uchiha Sasuke..."

"Take care of her"that was the miracle light said last time.

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