Loved by a Boy (boyxboy)

By YaoiLover801

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[Book Two of the "I Fell for a Boy" Series] Due to his father's work, Hansel Moore has to transfer school and... More

Author's Note
1 - Hansel In Love
2 - Drunken Overnight
3 - Confused
4 - That Day
Author's Note II
5 - Reconciliation
6 - Together?
7 - Nurse Hansel
8 - Jelly Jeremy
10 - Rivalry
11 - Decision
12 - Decision II
13 - Together.
14 - Mommy
Author's Note III
15 - Charlie's Love Story

9 - Drama

1K 43 11
By YaoiLover801

A/N: Okay, so since I'm in the mood to write, here's another chapter! Enjoy~


- saphire

Hansel's POV

As I walked towards home from downtown, because I was dragged by Jeremy, my phone rang. I took it from my back pocket and when I saw who was calling, my eyes widened as I hurriedly answered the call.

"Hey there, my little dolly~ How ya doin'?"


"The one and only!"

"You're not using your roaming number. Does that mean...?"

"Yep, I'm already here. Didn't aunt Ella tell you?"

"I'm not yet home. Plus, she only said you'd be spending your vacation here."

"Yeah. Aren't you glad? You get to spend the whole of my vacation with me."

I rolled my eyes at that, imaging the smirk that flashed on his face, but couldn't stop the grin that appeared on my lips.

"Too bad I still have school."

"Nah, there's always the weekend. Plus you don't have school on Monday, so we have like three days to hang out together. You better tour me around here or I'll do you again."

"Your choice of words are still shitty I see. You don't change." I deadpanned and rolled my eyes again when he said, "only for my porcelain doll."

"Seriously, Eric! Quit it with the teasing already. I haven't even seen you yet and you're already starting." I complained with a pout as I neared my house. Wow, I was too absorbed with talking with this guy that I hadn't noticed riding the bus or even getting off of it.

"What do you mean you haven't seen me yet?" He asked on the other line and I frowned when I thought I heard his voice somewhere near me and when I turned around, there he is, looking so idiotically handsome as ever as he waved at me with a grin on his lips. I hanged the call up and he did the same before walking towards me.

"Stalking me?" I asked, raising a brow at him. He gathered me in his embrace and hugged me tight before pulling away and ruffled my hair, making me groan and swat his hand away.

"Nah, just following you home. I was with aunt Ella before I saw you wandering off the streets with a dazed expression on your face. I'd have went to you earlier if it weren't amusing to see you almost smack into a electric post a couple of times." He replied with a shrug that made me glare at him.

Eric Charles Peñaflor is my stepmother's, Ellaine Grace Peñaflor Moore's, nephew. He is pure Filipino and while Eric is okay with my sexual orientation, Ella is not, though she is trying to understand.

Eric is quite the good looking guy as well. With a height of 5'10", he towers my 5'6. He has that healthy chocolate skin to him that really suits him, together with his chocolate colored eyes and raven dark hair. He has that exotic feel to him that makes him attractive even when he does nothing. And as I stare at this guy in front of me, talking animatedly, I knew now why I held a long time crush on him.

He's just so attractively cool.

"Hey, earth to Hansel." Eric said with a wave of his hand in front of my face that made me snap out of my thoughts. "What?" I asked and he shrugged before putting both his hands on my shoulders.

"Listen, May. You know you can talk to me about almost anything, right? I may be this carefree and outgoing, but you know me well to know that I care about you. So, don't let those thoughts linger in that little ginger head of yours, alright?" I nodded in response as I stared at his serious eyes, making me realize that yeah, he does have a point.

I am not alone to keep my feelings.

It was a nice wake up call. And although it wasn't really one, coming from this guy in front of me here, it's more than enough.

Eric ruffled my hair before he slung his arm over my shoulder with a grin and we both walked the remaining distance towards home. When we entered, the first thing I noticed was the trolley sitting beside the entrance to the living room. It doesn't really take a rocket scientist to know that it belongs to the guy who still has his arms over me. Also because it was obvious and the fact that Eric's name is plastered like a creative way.

Eric must've noticed my staring at his luggage, because he said, "I wanted to put it inside your room, but it was locked when I went up earlier." I only nodded at that as he released me from his hold and went to his bag, lifting it up like it weighed nothing before looking back at me.

We both went up the stairs and Eric placed his trolley back down on the floor so he could just push it forward. I fished my keys from my pocket and twisted the handle of my door after I inserted the key on the lock and heard the click sound. I opened the door wider and stepped inside to let Eric in as he pushed his trolley until it was by the closet on the wall.

"So it's either we sleep together or I'm basically gonna live on the floor." Eric deadpanned when he looked around my room. This wasn't the first time that he spent his time sleeping here, but I change style every year and the last time we ever shared the same room was before my dad married Ella.

And that was some time ago!

I only have a bed that was now situated against the wall on the other side of my window. Yeah, I only have one window. I frowned, remembering the time that Jeremy threw freaking stones on it when he went here drunk. I was really pissed back then because, 1.) He came here drunk; 2.) He almost broke my window; 3.) He disturbed a rather peaceful neighborhood with all his shouting; 4.) Assaulted me in my sleep. And the list went on.

"From the looks of it, we can fit on the bed, so I'ma sleep with you."

I was snapped out of my momentary torturing of a certain person named Jeremy when I heard Eric spoke. I frowned at him when he sat next to me on the bed, bouncing once to see if it's soft.

"What are you? A child trapped inside a grown man's body or you're just childish?" I deadpanned which made him burst out laughing. My brows furrowed together in confusion. What did I say that made him laugh?

Eric must have seen the confusion on me because he stopped laughing, but the grin was still there as if he was amused by something. He let out a sigh and went to place his arm on my shoulder then scooted closer to me. I was watching him the whole time, but his gaze was up ahead. I followed his gaze, but saw nothing that would explain why he laughed.

"You know," he started, making me look back at him. "You remind me of those two." He said and then looked at me.

"Who?" I asked, staring straight at his chocolate brown eyes.

"Louise and Julius. You're like a combination of them both. While Louise is a bit anti-social and intimidating, Julius makes up for it for being friendly to everyone. They are total opposite but became the best of friends that some would envy. And when I see them, I'm reminded of you from the way aunt Ella told stories of you and vice versa."

I honestly don't know where he's going with this as he stared at the wall with a smile so genuine and eyes full of admiration.

"You're saying I'm intimidating?" I demanded, pouting playfully. I wasn't used to seeing Eric being sentimental like this. It's like he's a different person. And while I admit that I like it, I'm also weirded out by it.

Eric chuckled and ruffled my hair, making me frown and pried his hand off my head. Of course, he just slid it back on my shoulder, making me sigh silently. "To be honest, yes. The first time I saw you again back at the hospital, I sensed a big change from you. You aren't the guy you used to be. And while I'm proud to say I know you inside out, at that moment at the hospital, I honestly did not know you.

"While you pretended to be happy to see me--"

"I wasn't pretending!" I had to cut him off because I felt hurt of him accusing me of pretending to be happy when I was ecstatic when I saw him.

"Right. Anyway, even though you were genuinly happy to see me, as you say, a part of me knew that you aren't as happy as you acted out to be. It was cute for you to still call me kuya even though we hadn't seen each other in a long while, plus we aren't real brothers. But I knew that you were exaggerating back then. It's like you were forcing yourself. And I have a pretty good idea why."

I had to lower my head because my cheeks felt warm at being discovered. But I was still confused. How am I intimidating?

"You had or have this wall surrounding you. You have an exterior outside the wall, but your inner self peaks out ever so slowly. And when your inner self finds itself in danger, you immediately double the barrier surrounding you. It was fun to watch at first, but when I saw your inner self peak out when you were stealing glances at that dude, I had to keep myself in check, else I'd have had him mounted on my room.

"You're too hard to read, but at the same time, you're like an open book. The contradiction in you is amusing and annoying as well. You want to have something you always wanted for a very long time, but you decided not to at the last minute. I don't understand, but I'm trying to." I don't know why, but hearing the seriousness in Eric's voice and the same expression on his face made me look down in shame.

I'm not gonna lie and say that what he said was utter bullshit, because it's not. I know myself enough to know that what he said is true.

"Hansel, if you want to tell me something, I'm all ears. I told you that, didn't I? If what you're carrying is already heavy enough that you think you'll fall over, then let me help you carry it. It's the least I could do for you letting me stay here."

And just like that, the tension that suffocated the air dissipated as I cracked a smile at what Eric said, making him smile in return.

"You know," I started, leaning against Eric's chest as he pulled me closer. "I'm not the Hansel May that you used to know." I said and he just chuckled before replying, "I know."

"It's as you pointed out, kuya. I like Jeremy, the guy who I'm sneaking glances at. I'm not even sure how it happened. I mean, as far as I can remember, there's not a day where we do not get at each other's throats. He doesn't like me and I... I just wanted a change. You know what my life was like before we moved here. Maybe that's the reason why you said I changed." I sighed in defeat and we both fell in silence.

We were like that for a few minutes before the front door opened and Ella's voice echoed through the house when she called and I had refrain from groaning out loud, else this guy will just take it as an excuse to make fun of me again.

"We better get down or she'll come up and see something that'll scar her for life." Eric said when he stood up. I looked at him and then raised a brow. "Like what? Your skeletal body that you oh so boast about? Geez, talk about scarring." I teased with a smirk.

Eric glared at me, but then smirked that evil smirk of his, making me scoot a bit back, but then realized that I was still sitting on my bed. And before I could make a move to escape, I was suddenly on my back with Eric hovering above me with that smirk of his and that glint of mischief in his eyes.

Of course, Ella chose that exact moment to open my door and gasped when she saw our position.

My eyes went wide at the sight of her and gave all my strength to shove Eric off of me, but before I could even put my hands on his chest, he suddenly moved away, taking my now outstretched hand in his and pulled me up.

(A/N: The following exchange will be in Tagalog, but written into English, thus the italicized words.)

"Yo, tita--"

"What the hell is going on here?!"

"It's nothing. We were just messing around."

"Messing around? You are above him on a bed and you're telling me you're just playing?? Don't play me for a fool, Eric!"

Err... I may not know what they're saying, but I kinda have a gist of what they're talking about. Yeah, I think what you have in mind is the same as mine. It's because of Eric's childish mischief that we're now in trouble and misunderstood.

"We are not doing anything wrong, tita. We were only just playing. Don't misunderstood the situation."

Eric was calm as he held Ella's glare while I, on the other hand, am internally screaming because of the sick tension that hung in the air.

"What's going on here?" I turned to look who spoke and saw Dad just entering my room, a frown of confusion on his rather handsome face. Ella turned around to face dad and then pointed her finger accusingly at Eric and then myself while relaying what just happened. My dad's brows furrowed even more as he listened to Ella while glancing at both Eric and I.

I held dad's questioning gaze and shook my head, answering his silent question. He discreetly nodded his head at me and I gave my own response.

"...he's turning Eric gay!" I caught when I tuned back in on Ella's ranting about what she saw. I frowned at that and I saw my father's shoulders tensed at what Ella had just said. Ella must have seen it because she had shut up and looked up wide eyed at my dad who was silently staring at her.

"I-I didn't mean it like that." She stuttered in defense but my dad ignored her and went to me, climbing on my bed so he could settle behind me. I was silent the whole time as dad sat behind me with his legs on either side of me and pulled me to his chest, placing his head on top of mine and his hands circled me. I glanced up at him, but it was hard so I returned my gaze back to Ella who was just staring at us.

"You may be my wife, Ella, and I may like you, but my child is far more important than you. I know you're still not comfortable with Hansel's sexuality and I can understand that, but try to refrain yourself from saying things that you'll regret later on. As I had said, I can understand you, but I can only tolerate as much. So if you still want to be a part of this family, I suggest you keep everything about Hansel's sexuality to yourself."

The coldness in my dad's voice sent shiver of fright down my spine as I felt him tighten his hold on me. Eric and I shared gazes before we looked back at Ella. She was also shocked at how my dad looked like right now. To be honest, this isn't the first time I've seen, heard, and felt dad this cold and serious. But everytime he's in this mode, I am still scared, because I'm not really used to this dad's personality.

"Get out," my dad said in a deep and dangerous voice that it made me flinch. Okay, so it's not just me that flinched, it seems, because I saw both Eric and Ella do the same. Eric looked at me, concern and guilt evident in his eyes that he was hesitating to abide what my dad said.

I gave him a nod, reassuring him that I'll be okay. I mean, why would I not be okay? The one holding me is my father and despite the flaws that he has - on purpose or not - I'd never change him for the world. Eric reluctantly went out after giving me one last look.

Ella, on the other hand, tried to reason with dad; saying that she didn't do it on purpose, that it was just a spur of the moment, but my father ignored it all as he just stared at Ella. She balled her hands to fists on her side and took a step backwards to the door. My dad buried his face on my hair at that moment that he didn't see the glare Ella gave me before going out of my room.

This is the reason why I'm not that close with her. Because if things go from worse to worst and my dad has to choose between me and her, we both know that 11 out of 10, my dad would chose me. No matter the circumstances, he would always choose me. And she's envious of it, because she doesn't like me. We're both just tolerating each other for the sake of my dad.

"Daddy?" I called out, placing my hands on top of his and made circling motions with my thumb.

"May, tell me honestly, is what Ella accusing you true?" I was kinda hurt that my dad would ask me this, but I understand where he's coming from. Although he may joke around about my sexuality, love life, and sex life, I know that deep inside, he's ready to kill if someone were to touch me without my consent. He told me that after my coming out to them.

I still remember the exchange between my dad and I that time.

"I don't care if you're gay or straight. I'm not gonna disown you just because you bat for the same team. You are my son; born from me and your mother whom I loved dearly. I can't afford to lose you too, May. I'd kill if anyone tried to do anything to you without your consent. Even if you did consent, I'll be a darn jerk and threaten your future boyfriends. Just so you know, I will lock you away so you wouldn't be able to have sex. Just to be sure."

"Be sure of what?"

"Be sure that you won't get pregnant at a young age. I'm afraid that I would become a hot grandpa to my grandkids. And it'll be a waste."

I smiled at the memory, but then remembered what my dad asked. I sighed and held my dad's hands tightly as he held me tight as well. "No, daddy. We were not doing anything wrong. Ella walked in that moment when Eric pinned me down. It wasn't really what it looked like and Eric was explaining to her what actually happened, but she didn't believe him and then you entered."

Dad sniffed my hair like he did when I was still young. He wasn't convinced yet.

"Daddy?" I called out to him and he hummed in response. I just then realized that I had been calling him 'daddy' instead of 'dad' just like when I was still young. "I made a promise, right? I promised that I won't have boyfriends or have sex with anyone."

"But you're in love. And you have Rafael back again." I frowned at that. Why did he bring Rafe in on our topic? He must have sensed my confusion because he said, "that boy told me he was going to marry you once you grow older. I laughed at that at first, because it came from an eight year old snotty brat before they moved. And then he came back after ten or so years and said the exact same thing as before. I was shocked, because he was really serious about you, but then I remembered that you already have someone you like."

I blushed at what my dad said, thanking that he was behind me and not in front so he couldn't see the redness of my face.

"You really are gay." I blinked at that before glancing up at dad and he smirked down at me. "You blush like a ripe tomato. Even your ears blush." I blushed harder at that and it made my dad laugh.

"Just remember that whatever your decision will be or who you will choose as partner, know that I am always here to back you up. And to embarrass the crap out of you when given a chance."

"Dad!" I whined, making my dad laugh again and then pulled me even closer to him, if that were even possible.

"I love you, son. Daddy loves you more than anything in this world. And I am so proud of you." Dad said and kissed me on the top of my head and then on my forehead.

"I love you too, daddy. You are the bestest dad in the whole wide world and I'm proud that you are my dad." I didn't care if I was being a baby in the presence of my dad, because my dad treats me like a baby when we are alone. And I won't change it for the world as childish as that sounds.

I am my daddy's little gay boy and I'm not ashamed of it, because he will always be the number one man in my entire life. Fuck Jeremy. He will always only be second to my dad.

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