Attack on Romeo and Juliet

By I-Wont-Grow-Up

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~Part 3 of the Attack on BLANK series~ What do you get when Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Eren, Ymir and Krista p... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Thirteen

107 4 0
By I-Wont-Grow-Up

"Thanks again for letting me spend the night Ymir." Krista said as she hauled her suitcase. "I really appreciate it." 

"No problem, besides, I think Fred missed you." Ymir grinned softly at Krista and reached for the suitcase, "Here let me get that for you."

"Oh, thank you." Krista said as she let Ymir take her suitcase. 

Ymir grabbed the suitcase and took it upstairs. Once they were in her room she placed it on her bed, "You can take my bed tonight. I'll sleep on the floor." She said to the girl as Fred walked in and jumped onto Ymir's bed gently batting Krista with his paw.

Krista looked down and beamed at the cat. "Hello Fred." She cooed as she gently petted the cat's silky fur.  Fred meowed softly at the girl and pressed his head into her palm.

Ymir took a seat in her desk chair and kicked her feet up onto the desk, "I told you that he missed you."

Krista giggled sweetly. Her laugh seemed to warm up the entire room. She turned to Ymir, that smile still there. "So, what do you want to do?" The small blonde asked.

Ymir was quiet for a moment just staring at Krista in admiration, "Oh uhm, up to you really, we could play video games, watch TV, I'm sure we have a board game or two lying around if you're into that stuff," The girl lightly teased.

"Ooh, board games sound fun!" Krista clapped her hands happily.

Ymir nodded and got up from her chair, "Let me see what we've got." She left the room.

 "Okay." Krista said, as she waited patiently for Ymir to return. 

Meanwhile Fred continued to pester Krista for attention. It's not like he didn't get enough, but this girl was Ymir's favorite human so he decided she was his favorite human too.

Ymir soon returned with three boxes in her hands, "We have Life, Monopoly and Sorry. What one do you want to play?"

"Hmmm...I really like all three...but let's start with Monopoly!"

Ymir nodded and set the other boxes down on her desk. She spread the game board on top of her bed and began to divvy out the money, "I wanna be the dog." She claimed reaching for the game piece.

Krista glanced down at the pieces. "Alright, I want to be the thimble." She said, grabbing the small silver metal piece.

Ymir flashed a small smile and handed her the dice, "You can go first."

Krista nodded taking the dice from Ymir politely. She rolled the dice, watching them land on the board. "Ten!" Krista then moved her piece ten spaces. "Okay Ymir, you're turn!"

Ymir grabbed the dice and rolled, 3, she moved her piece and glanced at her money contemplating whether or not to by the property her first turn. She decided against it. "Your go."

Krista once again took the dice and rolled it. It landed on seven. The smaller girl took her piece and moved it. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven." Krista placed her piece on the spot and looked at the property on the board. "Hmmm...I think I'll buy this property this time." She said after some thought.

"Alright," Ymir leaned over to look at the spot, "One hundred twenty to buy it... Are you gonna put a house on it?"

Krista nodded and placed a little red house on it, not before paying for the property of course. "Here you go. One hundred and twenty." She said, handing the money over.

Ymir took the money with a small smile, "Thank you Miss!" She placed the money in the box for now. She then took the dice and rolled, low again, she moved four spots. "I'm buying this one," She took one hundred dollars from her money pile and placed a house on the spot.

Krista took the dice and rolled again. She rolled an eight this time. She moved the piece and bought that property that she landed on, handing over the two hundred dollars and placing another little house on it.


Ymir was on her last twenty dollars and had just landed on one of Krista's properties, "Ugh," She groaned quietly. 

Krista glanced up at Ymir, waiting for what she was going to do. Ymir extended her hand with the play money in it to Krista, "You win."

 "I did?" She gasped, "Oh my goodness! I've never won this game before! Whenever my family and I played together, I would always be the first one out."

Ymir smiled lightly, "Well congratulations on your first win. I usually never lose."

Krista blushed a bit. "Thank you."

Ymir started to clean up the game, "So what's next? Life, Sorry, video game?"

"Let's play Life next! I haven't played that game in a while."

Ymir nodded and tossed the Monopoly box to the side and then set up the Life game board, "What color car do you want?"

"I'll take the green car, if that's okay." Krista said, taking the green car pawn.

Ymir nodded and took the red car placing it on the board. She handed Krista a little pink human piece to go in the car and took one for herself.

Krista thanked her and placed the little pink person in the car. "Since I got to go first during Monopoly, you can go first this time Ymir." 

Ymir spun the spinner in the middle of the game board, "Eight," She said as it landed and moved her piece down the 'Start Work' path then randomly picking a career from the small pile of cards, "Athlete... Not too bad. Your turn."

Krista spun the spinner landing on six. She decided to take 'Start College' path instead of the other path. She placed her car on the final space, glancing back up at Ymir as if to say she finished her turn.

Ymir spun and landed on eight again, but was stopped by the 'Stop Get Married' square. Ymir placed her piece there and reached for another pink person piece to put in the car next to the other one. Krista watched Ymir as she placed the pink piece with her other pink piece when she landed on the married spot. The beauty glanced down at her car and then glanced back up to Ymir. She wasn't surprised by any means. The small blonde gave the other girl a smile. Her blue eyes seemed to sparkle.

Ymir returned the smile slightly, a light blush spread over her face and she looked down, "Alright, your turn."

"O-Oh," Krista glanced down to get her piece, a blush creeping on her face as well. "Right." She once again span the spinner. It landed on one. She moved her car one space.

Ymir looked back up her face still red, but she still attempted to lighten the mood, "It already looks like I'm going to win this one. Bet you wish you didn't go to college."

Krista shook her head with a giggle. "Just you wait!"

"Sure," Ymir grinned, "If you keep getting ones you aren't going to get very far."


Krista spun the spinner again, landing on five. "One....two....three...four...five." She placed her car on the next spot. 

"You know I'm only three spaces away from winning," Ymir teased and spun the spinner once more, "Four! I win!"

Krista smiled at the taller girl. "Congrats Ymir." She said with a giggle.

Ymir grinned and opened her mouth as if she were going to say something, but decided against it, "Well, that was a good game." She packed it up and went to sit on her floor, "I think we can lay off the board games for now." She spoke, mindlessly strumming the acoustic guitar on the stand next to her.

The small blonde's ocean blue eyes widened. "I didn't know you played guitar!" 

Ymir glanced up, "Oh, yeah I do." She removed the guitar from it's stand and strummed a few chords, "I can play something for you." She offered looking back down at the floor once again blushing. She was starting to think having Krista over was a bad idea, for her at least. She got to nervous around her crush, but she wanted to be around her none the less.

"Oh, could you please?" Krista asked happily, clasping her hands together.

Ymir nodded and began to strum the guitar slowly with a melodic tune and then she started to sing:

"If I were the ocean,

I could pull back for you

And I could fill up for you;

Cause you are the moon

And I am but the sea,

The wide blue,

Staring up at you

You're my moon, my moon, my moon

They don't know why I love you like I do

And gravity don't have a thing to do with you or me"

Krista felt goosebumps rolling up and down her arms as Ymir performed for her. A light pink blush once again appeared on her cheeks. She was in awe by the taller girl's talent. She had no idea she could play the guitar. Not to mention she didn't know she could sing either. Ymir was just full of surprises.

Ymir glanced up at the brief music pause and smiled lightly at Krista before continuing,

"My moon, you're my moon, you're my moon

I made a tidal wave just to get close to you

I made a tidal wave just to get close to you

I made a tidal wave just to get close to you

My moon, you're my moon, my moon"

Ymir put her hands over the strings of the guitar softly and began to sing a capella.

"If I were the ocean,

I could pull back for you

I could fill up for you,

Cause you are the moon..."

She sat there silently staring at Krista for a few moments before looking away hastily and putting the guitar back on it's stand. "I-I uh, I'm not that good, but ya know, I'm not that bad."

"Are you kidding? That was incredible Ymir!" Krista said after a few seconds of silence. "I loved it so much."

"... Really?" Ymir rubbed the back of her neck with a blush and a smile, "Thanks Krista..."

"You're welcome. If you don't mind me asking, have you ever thought of pursuing music as a career or anything?" Krista asked.

 Ymir shrugged, "I've thought about it a little, but I don't know. I don't know how far I would actually get if I did."

"Well," Krista began, the blush growing a bit more. "If you want my opinion, I think you'd go far."

 Ymir smiled wider, "T-Thanks Krista..." She chuckled lightly, "Thanks for believing in me..."

"You don't have to thank me...because I always have."

Ymir's blush grew and most of her face was red, "You're so sweet..." She said in an almost whisper, "And amazing..."

Now it was Krista's turn for her face to go all red. She took a strand of her golden locks and twirled it slowly around her finger with a little smile. Ymir leaned slightly forward attempting to make a move, but Fred had other ideas and leapt in front of Ymir's face and onto Krista's lap.

"God dammit Fred." Ymir muttered.

Krista blinked a few times in surprise and then glanced down to see Fred in her lap. She gently stroked his back. Fred meowed and rubbed his head against her chin and purred. The small blonde giggled.

Ymir sighed and stood up, "Do you want anything to eat?" She asked turning her back and trying to hide the blush.

"U-Um," Krista stammered a little bit, clearing her throat gently. "Sure, what do you have?"
"Uhm," Ymir tried to recall what they had, "Pop-tarts, ice cream, cookies, and if you don't want anything we have we can go get something to eat..."

Krista thought for a moment or two. "I know I shouldn't...but can I have some ice cream please?"

"Of course!" Ymir nodded and opened the door to her bedroom, "Pretty sure we've got chocolate, vanilla and mint chocolate chip."

"Oh my gosh! I love Vanilla!" Krista squealed happily. "That's my favorite flavor!"

Ymir smiled mostly relieved they were back to being casual, "My favorite is the mint chocolate chip." She went to the fridge and got out the cartons. "How much do you want?"

"Umm..three scoops will be fine." Krista replied sweetly.

Ymir grabbed a bowl and scooped the ice cream into it. Then handed it to Krista with a grin. Ymir just took a spoon and the entire carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream. She was the only one in the house who ate it anyway.

"Thanks Ymir." Krista said taking the bowl politely from the taller girl. She then began to eat her ice cream. A little audible hum of happiness came after her first bite.

So cute... Ymir thought to herself as she watched Krista, "Well now what?" Ymir asked, "You're the guest. You get to decide what we do."

The small blonde looked up from her ice cream and thought for a moment. "Well, I am getting a little bit tired..." She answered after finishing another bite of her ice cream.

Ymir nodded, "Alright we can finish our ice cream and go to bed then."

Krista nodded back to Ymir as she finished her ice cream. She made sure to savor every bite. 

Ymir ate half of her carton of ice cream and put it back into the fridge, "I'll go get my bed ready for you." she said before dashing up the steps.

"Okay!" Krista called as Ymir went up the stairs.

Ymir pulled the blankets off her bed and switched them out with new ones from her closet. She set up her own place on the floor.

Once Krista finished her ice cream, she walked over to the sink and placed her empty bowl in it. Then she made her way back up the stairs.

 Ymir was already laying on the floor by the time Krista got there. "Bed is ready for you."

"Thank you." Krista smiled.

 "... Good night Krista."

"Good night Ymir. Sweet dreams." Krista said with a yawn as she got into the bed, tucking herself in.


There you got some more Yumikuri be thankful.

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