Twisted Love Affair

By StephyBoo

327K 7.2K 491

Lexi Cortez's life hasn't been an easy one. The girlfriend of a biker gang leader, she lives the double life:... More

Twisted Love Affair
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 28

5.4K 117 4
By StephyBoo

The blood was pumping in my body the anger was right there boiling under my  skin. Jace had been right behind me for the last three blocks keeping up my pace  with ease. He stayed a little behind giving me some space which was much appreciated. After storming out of the clubhouse I went on a walk to cool off.       

Kasey was set to arrive in a little while which means that I needed to head  back. Stopping in front of a small house I hoisted myself up on the brick wall  that was next to the driveway. It was complelty dark now so I would blend in.      

Jace looked up at me, he said nothing but I knew he was basically asking it if  was okay to sit with me. Nodding my head he lifted himself so that he was  sitting next to me. "We have to head back already" he said quietly to me.

Nodding my head "Yeah I'm  aware of that" I said. Jace wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me close  into his side.       

Burying my face into the side of his neck I breathed in his smell. It was  intoxicating a sweet yet woodsy smell that was so strong. This relaxed me to no  end letting my mind drift with only his smell. "We need to get you back already" Jace said.

There was no doubt he had a  smirk on his face due to the fact he enjoyed having me so close. Taking in one  more deep breath of his smell I lifted my head up.       

"Alright let's go" I said. Jace hopped of the wall making a small thud sound. He  opened his arms up which I fell into nicely. Slowly placing me on the ground he traced a finger down my face to my lips.

Putting his hand under my chin he searched my eyes before kissing me gently on  the lips. He pulled away my hand in his as we walked back to club house.       

Arriving at the club house three new escalades were in the parking lot. They  obviously belonged to Kasey and her entourage. We had made arrangements for them  to stay at the club house for this week.       

Entering the room fell into silence with all eyes on me and Jace who was a few  feet behind. Kasey appeared from behind a group not looking pleased at all.  "Havoc so glad for you to join us" she exclaimed sarcastically.    

 Ignoring her complelty I called for Rosie, she came out from the back rooms.  "Gather everyone up, and have them set up in conference room tell Tito to set up  his equipment" I said my tone becoming serious at it pertained to business.      

Abel sat across the room glaring daggers at Jace I rolled my eyes at his  immature antics. Letting out a deep sigh everything was starting to catch up to  me. Turning to look at Kasey a scowl was on my face.   

"Your arrangements have been made your going to stay in the club house" I said  sternly. Kasey had a scowl on her face but gave me a stiff nod of her head.  I was about to turn away from her when she spoke

"Remember Havoc you have a one  week dead line I suggest you use the time I'm giving you wisely" she said  seriously. I gave her a deadpanned look was she seriously threatening me?      

Scoffing "Is that supposed to be a threat? I wouldn't have picked you as the  stupid type. Then again though looks are deceiving" I said shrugging my  shoulders.

"I wouldn't take my threats so lightly Havoc I'm not one to be intimidated let  alone go down without a fight" she said taking a step towards me.

"She's got a death wish" somebody muttered in the background    

"What is she doing?" another voice spoke up.      

A smirk appeared on my face slightly cocking my head to the side as I looked at  her. "I dont doubt that but let me put it to you clearly. Your threats mean  nothing to me. Let's face it we both know you don't stand a chance against me" I  said.      

The room was quiet everyone's eyes were on us the tense was in the air. It  turning into a staring match for about a minute, till Kasey finally shook her  head looking away. Lifting my chin up slightly I looked past her to show I  wasn't to be challenged.       

"I'd be careful Kasey you don't want to get on my bad side. Now get your girls  settled in, and ready we have to start setting up" I said before turning away.       

Walking to the conference room Rosie was inside with Tito setting up the  computer and projector. Tito's head snapped up a smile went on his face "Hey  Lexi, how's it going?" he asked me while plugging in some cable to the laptop.    

A small yawn escaped my lips, giving my shoulders a shrug "Its ehh couldn't be  any worse" I said quietly. Confusion crossed his face before he could ask for  more. Rosie elbowed him in the ribs making him yelp in pain.     

I laughed at Rosies face as she glared at him to shut up. "It's fine how long  should it take to have it up?" I asked. Tito plugged a white cable in pushing a  big blue button. The screen infront of them turned on with a Welcome page.   

He turned to grin at me "It's ready right now" Tito exclaimed excitedly. A small  smile made it was onto my face before turning serious and giving him a quick  nod. I took my seat at the head of the table getting comfortable in my chair.  

"Rosie bring everybody into the room and Tito can you get me some beer. I have a  feeling I'm going to need it" I said. He looked at Rosie then back at me giving  me a nod. Both of them left the room as I began looking through the laptop.  

The Micheal Meyers theme song began playing a sigh escaped my lips. I reached  into my front pocket digging out my phone. My iPhone screen read Matt Calling  answering sliding my finger across the screen. I answered it putting it to my  ear.    


"Hey that guy just finished up I would put him on the phone but he's kind of  creepy and he said its not a secure line" he said laughing slightly awkward.   

"It's fine I'll get in contact with him right now. Dad left to a last minute  trip he won't be back for a couple of days" I said.  

"Wait what when did you find this out?" he asked his voice raising with  excitement. Exaggeratedly I rolled my eyes at his child like antics.   

"Relax, your such a kid. Dad texted me when I was on my way home. Listen I need  to get ahold of Victor" I said.    

"Oh alright then well then don't let me get in your way" he said in a rush.  

"Wait, you have to stay at the house a friend of mine is coming over to fix the  door since you idiots broke it" I said shaking my head at the last part.  

"Aww but-" cutting him off "Nope your not getting out of it. I'm hanging up now  cause I have business to deal with." I said hanging up the phone.

Taking out my burn phone from my back pocket I dialed Victor.  

"It's Havoc" 

"Secure Line?" he asked   

"It's Secure, is the job done?" I asked  

"Yes, my work is done and to complete excellence" he boasted through the phone.     

"Okay I have a meeting to attend to just come to the clubhouse to get your  payment" I said. Quietly people starting to fill the room taking seats around  the table.    

"Very well I shall go in one hour to pick up my payment" he said then the line  went dead. Putting the phone away in my back pocket I repositioned myself on the  chair. My back was straight with my chin tilted up.    

Tito came in with an ice cold beer in hand he placed it down with a shot of  vodka next to it. A smile went on my face and I took the shot with the burning  feeling in my throat.       

He took the shot glass in his hand before walking out of the room. Everyone was  now seated, Rosie closed the door leaving us all in privacy. All cellphones had to be left outside just incase we had some extra listeners.    

It was simple precautions that I was taking, there was no way that I would risk  my chance at taking out Widow. Rosie took her seat next to me on my left side,  we exchanged a nod before I cleared my throat.       

"This meeting was arranged to go over the plans of action we will take against  The Slick Ladies. As you may all know The Red Dragons and Viper Vixens have make a pact just for one reason" taking a deep breath I continued.    

"To take out Widow the main culprit that  attacked both of our gangs and tried pinning us against each other so we could take each other out" I finished and Rosie took the floor.   

"Right we've gone over some possibilities of attack but Widow has never been stupid. She knows that we're going after her so she'll most definitely have some  tricks up her sleeve" Rosie said.    

Me and Kasey locked eyes on the last sentence our gazes turned to look at the rats we had in attendance. There in the back Lisa was nervously looking around  like a paranoid criminal about to caught.    

In the back corner was Courtney looking as relaxed as could be. There was no mistaking the fire that Kasey had in her eyes. "Havoc?" Rosie's voice took me out of my trance I snapped my head towards her.       

"Do you want to discuss the plan now?" she asked me, looking slightly worried at  my spaced out moment. Nodding my head I turned around to face everybody. Taking in a deep breath I began.      

"First we're starting off with close surveillance, we need to find out her  routine. Anything she does we need to know, we also need to know the level of  security. I've decided on having 4 groups for this" I paused to take a breath before continuing.  

"From those groups two will be assigned a warehouse, from the two remaining one  will watch her specific movements. While the other is to watch around the clubhouse and other members of The Slick Ladies" I stopped to look around the  room.  

Everybody was quiet but closely paying attention there were completely focused.  Your probably wondering why I would talk about the plan with Courtney and Lisa in the room. They didn't know it but that was exactly what I wanted.  

Knowing that they would tell Widow would make her paranoid, while upping her  security. The thing was we weren't actually following this scheduale, so while  she thought she was two steps ahead of me.

In reality she was far behind me we would have the advantage. The only ones who  actually knew of this was Kasey and Me. We were going to take them by suprise  tomorrow night. Pulling myself out of thought I focused on the issue at hand. I began were I had  left off.    

"After that well start with a Midnight Raid to the two warehouse's both run by Widow. Well split up into two groups for that so we each hit them at the same  time" I said finishing.    

"Does anybody have any questions they would like to ask?" a few hands went up.     

"Antonia" I said she lowered her hand down then stood up from her chair.     

"When do we actually get our hands on The Slick Ladies and Widow?" she asked.  Murmurs began around the room of.  


"When's that's?"   

Clearing my throat the room began to die down. "We have a deadline of one week,  it all depends how the surveillance and the midnight raid goes. Those are the first steps then well go from there" I said . 

Antonia sat back down in her chair seeming satisfied with the answer she was given.    

"Anymore?" I asked. 

"Selena" addressing her she lowered her hand and stood from her chair.    

"How do we know all this is going to work? What's the risk I hate to admit it but Widows always been a step ahead of us" she voiced her opinion.  

"Those were unexpected attacks, we have the upper hand. There's no way that she  will see us coming" I said sternly.     

"Havoc how will we decide the groups? Its only fair we divide the members evenly  for each job" Kasey said. Looking her straight I nodded my head.  

"I'm well aware that you want your members involved evenly. As for how it will be  decided you and I will go through the list of members. From there will pick which ones to put for what jobs" I said.       

"Very well then that is a fair compromise with me" Kasey agreed. After that we wrapped up the meeting having everyone cleared out. It was arranged that Kasey and I would meet up later that night to go over the last minute details.    

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