Idol Situation

By FairySalvatore

47.8K 4.4K 1K

The super popular 5 - member Boy-Band VICTOR is perfect. They top the charts, steal millions of hearts, are g... More

Extended Summary
Idol Solution
Idol in house
Idol Meeting
Idol Schedule
Idol Competiton
Idol Photo Shoot
Idol Manners
Idol Awards
Idol Problems
Idol Sale
Idol Promotions
Idol Substitution
Idol Weekend
Idol Advertisement
Idol Fan Meeting
Idol Outing
Idol Manager
Idol Recording
Idol Mother
Idol Drama
Idol Concert Practice
Idol Family
Idol Brother
Idol Show
Idol Memories
Idol Torture
Idol Home
Idol Scandal
Idol Plan
Idol Dinner
Idol Realisation
Idol Boyfriend
Idol Fairy Tale
Idol Newbie
Idol Situation

Idol Boys

1.1K 129 30
By FairySalvatore

I would have never thought that I would be playing bowling with VICTOR even in my fantasies. Because I was really bad at this. I have totally embarrassed myself before with Maddie when I sent most of the balls down the drain.

It was happening because of Zaidan in a way. 

He came to my room early morning and asked me if I wanted to go for arcade gaming for few hours. Of course, I agreed. But while I got ready rest of the band was up and nagged Zaidan about where he was going in a teasing tone.

And since we booked the whole place for privacy issue here we were sitting in the bowling section.

They started bowling and I just sat there while Zaidan looked sheepish and slightly guilty.

"Come one try Zee." Brent requested.

"I told you I am really bad at this, I will just sit and wait. We have to leave in an hour anyway."

But I guess when boys tweeted a pic of them at bowling to share it with fans others will know as well and those others being Camilla.

She walked in even though it was booked just for us.

"Aw, like old times." She cooed in a sweet voice.

And it hit me, they have been here with Camila before. I tried not to feel offended at this.

"How did you get in?" Ross asked in a harsh tone.

"The man on the reception remembers me being a part of this group." And she sneakily came and sat down next to Zaidan.

Calm down Zenna, calm down. 

"let's bowl Zee." She was suddenly interested in me and I gulped nervously.

Here comes the nightmare.

"I don't like to bowl," I stated as nicely as possible.

"Come on I will be your partner," Skyler said and we all knew he was the best at everything he did.

"Fine, come on Zaidan you can be mine." She said.

"No, I will rather die." He said dryly causing all of us to laugh.

"I can be your partner." Liam and Edmund from TITANS walked in and I felt as if this was getting too crowded for someone like me.

Liam winked at me as soon as he entered and I rolled my eyes.

So the teams were made and Liam was partnered with Camila and I was with Skyler which made me confident.

It was until I saw Camila bowl.

"She can bowl," I whined and saw Skyler smiling at me.

"Don't worry, Liam sucks by the way."

And it was my turn to bowl, Skyler came right behind me.

"Hold it like this." He said and demonstrated holding a ball in his hand.

And suddenly his hands were on my waist and he shifted me in a right direction. I sucked in a breath at the slightest contact. First I lack in having boyfriend department and now I am surrounded by a handsome boy group.

And I threw the ball completely lost in a daze sending the ball down the drain.

I felt utterly embarrassed.

But I turned to find everyone smiling in amusement. I went and sat back down in disappointment. Zaidan came down and sat next to me.

"That was not bad."

I detected a smile in his tone.

"Yeah, that was worse."

"Skyler likes you." He stated casually and I looked up at him with a stunned expression.

"No, he does not." I laughed airily .

"He does. You have not seen him around girls, we have. He is shy and awkward. But around you, he is incredibly comfortable." 

"I am his friend, you know that. I am a friend to you all." I said in a small tone.

"And it is an honour to go from fan to a friend status," I added.

"Why do you think he can't like you or any of us for that matter?"

I roll my eyes at him without answering as Skyler came back scoring a strike.

We high fived and I saw the hard edge to Zaidan's face.

Liam was bad but not as bad as me.

I manage to strike six balls once through pure luck.

But thanks to Skyler we won.

Next up was Brent and Ross, both just bowling like there was no one watching we rolled with laughter seeing them play.

"How are you make-up girl?" Liam came and sat down next to me.

He offered me a soft drink which I accepted gratefully feeling thirsty.

"How are you?"I asked knowing well enough he was suffering because of my sister.

"Why does she hate me?" He answered my question with a question.

"She doesn't hate you." I immediately said and then realised I had no reason behind this.

"Okay let's share trade secrets." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I don't trust you."

"I am not asking nuclear launch code, just minor fun questions."

"Or you are trying to make her jealous while pretending to talk to me," I said and his eyes widened.

"Sorry?" He said looked apologetic.

"Let's share trade secrets." I agreed with a smile.

"Who will you date out of VICTOR?" He asked me an easy and a difficult question.

"That is none of your business," I muttered.

"Fine, don't answer I already know."

"Did Camila got in a relationship with you while she was still with Zaidan?"

He nodded after a while, "I didn't know she was dating one of my best friends."

And just like that, we were talking about favourite songs, favourite movies, funny incidents since we were the worst players around.

"I hope we are not disturbing you," Zaidan said in a rough tone.

And I practically jumped out of the seat.

"Time to go?" I asked and he nodded giving icy glares to Liam in the process who just smiled.

"Let's go." Camila came next to us and interlinked her hands with Zaidan.

Michelle looked amused by all this as he whispered something to Ross.

"Yeah sure." And Liam interlinked his hand with mine.

For a second I was about to pull away but I realised I was helping him make Camila jealous so I just smiled.

I saw an understanding pass between Ross and Liam which I couldn't place and Liam dragged me along with a furious looking Zaidan and Skyler.

I am pretty sure I am going to miss all this with just a few days left.


Two days prior to my departure, we were in the recording studio when I got the call from my dad.

"There is a farewell dinner for you." He sounded awkward and I realised Camila's mom might have planned this.

"Dad, do I have to."

"bring the boys along." He said and then silently waited for me to respond.

"Okay." I will be leaving in two days.

"Thank you." He whispered in relief before he hung up.

I informed the boys and they agreed obviously. For the whole day, my mood was sullen and boys were just working for their concert just around the corner. We have no time to interact much and even when we tried to watch some movie together we all ended up falling asleep while watching it waking up on the carpet and couches in the morning.

On the night of the dinner, there was a knock on my room's door and Brent walked in with a huge box.

"Gifts." He said when I stared at the box with surprise.

I swear I had no intention but my eyes watered.

"Spending time with you guys were gifts enough and I have enough memories to savour lifetime." I pointed at my camera.

"Consider it our love." He handed the box to me and I let my tears fall.

"My parents are coming to meet you and so  is Michelle's mom and Ross' brother."

"It feels like I am someone important." I sniffled.

"You are important to us Zee, we all live away from family and someone found a friend, a sister, a supporter and love in you." I didn't pay much head to his last word in the list since I did have a fan's love for them.

And surprising me he hugged me suddenly, patting my head gently.

"Visit us again." He said and I nodded eagerly.

He doesn't need to request. They are my favourite band after all.

After he left, I opened the box.

From Ross. The first thing I opened was a neatly wrapped box from Ross, I opened it and found a collection of Quebec special chocolates with a Ross plushie. I had to smile at his choice of gift even though he seemed clueless about girls.

Next, I opened From Brent, all signed CD's from VICTOR, a big poster and keychains of every member. I reminded myself not to scream like a maniac at receiving this.

I got a concert tour special merchandise set from Skyler while Michelle gifted me a new camera lens which was overwhelming since it was the most expensive gift and I felt slightly burdened by it.

There was nothing from Zaidan. He had been day slightly cold towards me after the bowling night and I had no clue why. But then again his frequent kind gestures made me feel happy. I kept all that with a heavy as well as happy heart in my packed bag.

Another knock on the door surprised me a little and I wiped off the remaining tears.

"Come in," I said and this time Zaidan came in.

"You are leaving." He said it like a realisation dawned on him now.

I nodded.

"When will you be back?" His question sent my heart racing.

My bias wants to know this?

"Whenever I get a chance."

He nodded looking slightly flustered.

"Will you miss me?" I said in a joking tone.

But he surprised me with a quick nod.

"Can I get a selfie then since I didn't get a present from you." I teased him.

I really didn't need a present from him. I was happy just like this. A fangirl can understand if she gets such a chance to.

"I had another present in mind though." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"What?" I asked curious now.

He stepped forward and before I could comprehend what was happening his lips landed on mine in a soft yet demanding kiss. My chest was hit by my train wrecked heart as the wildest of my dreams played in reality and Zaidan, my bias was kissing me.

The sensation of warmth and deliciousness flooded through me as I let myself enjoy this dream that might not last very long.


Yeah so, it has been high time and she was leaving so :D

I really hope you liked the chapter because lots of drama is going to begin now as we are on the middle of the story. or maybe 3/4... I have no clue xD

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