Hurt...(Jacob Perez love stor...

By serenity_beauty

1.1M 15.7K 4.2K

Roses are red, violets are blue. Let me love you. Let me fight for you. Give me the blade, I'll wipe your tea... More

My so called life
Why does he care?
Dance with me.
I think I love her.
My breaking point
Because I love you, stupid!
Broken promises
All because of me
Come back to me
Awaken to the truth
Our first date? Part 1
Our first date? Part 2
Deja Vu
I don't get it. Part 1
I still don't get it Part 2
When you love somebody
I forgive you.
A night with Jacob
I've had enough
Getting to know each other...again Part 1
Getting to know him...again Part 2
Tell her.
Back to school
I had to do it
Back to old habits
Missing you.
'Cause I'm not like you
Only true loves kiss can break the spell
Love on top
I promise
Open up
Finale: Jacob, you did it.

The talk.

28.3K 386 47
By serenity_beauty

::Jaden POV:: 

She's done it. She's finally lost her mind. I don't blame her one bit. She had each and every right to go off the way she did. But she scared the sh*t out of me though. I thought she was gonna murder each and everyone in that classroom. Everybody in school is still talking about it. Especially guys.  A lot of guys have always found her attractive, but in yet those douch*ags always used to laugh at her when we bothered her. But she put all of them in check. Ha! I know I shouldn't say this but she handled everybody like a boss. Even in the guys locker room, they rave about how sexy she looked when she was mad. Of course i had to agree, but that sh*t still pissed me off. She's f*cking mine! I know she loves me it's just that Jacob that's holding her back from being with me. That fool has another thing coming if he thinks he's just gonna put his hands on me and get away with it. He hasn't been at school, either. He better not be with her. The principal told us she lost her memory. When I first found out I was shocked but I'm starting to get used to it. School has been a lot different. Everyone stays a lot quieter and every time someone passes her locker they just stare. So do I. I feel bad for Brianna now. Everywhere she goes, she's not wanted. Now she knows how Charlene feels. I tried to warn her, but no. So in the words of Charlene... boo-f*cking-hoo b*tch. That girl is hilarious! Anyways, I miss her though. I miss watching her beautiful voluptuous body while she walks to class. Thinking about it already has me having thoughts about her. I can't wait til she's mine so I can have her all to myself. First, I need to get the curly haired mofo out of the way.   

::Charlene POV:: 

He..He just told me. Everything. I couldn't help but feel....angry. I mean I know you would too. I feel as if he was taking advantage of me. He knew I couldn't remember a thing and he acted as if nothing happened. He let me get beat up. He let me suffer. And I'm suppose to believe that he loves me. I'm clueless, honey, not stupid. He slept with another girl? My bully too. Wow. On the day of our first date too? Wow. So now I have to live with all these marks and bruises for the rest of my life because of him? Wow. So I used to cut myself? Wow. My vision began to blur as tears developed into my eyes. I said nothing. "Bonita, please say something. Anything, please." he said as his voice began to crack. I slowly turned to face him. I could see his eyes get shiny. He tried to touch me face but I pushed his hands away. He furrowed his eyebrows. He took my hands and rubbed them with his thumb. "How could you let them do that to me." I asked lowly with gritted teeth. "Bonita, baby please. I-I'm sorry. You promised you wouldn't be mad at me. I hate it when your upset with me. You know it was to protect you. It wasn't intentional. I love know that." he said as he put his hands on my arms, gripping me tight. I now felt like he was lying to me. I pushed him off of me. "You don't love me! If you did you would've at least warned me! Or stood by my side when they beat me!" I yelled. He stood up also. " Charlene! Listen to yourself! Of course I love you! What are you saying?!" he yelled. I hate it when he yells. He has somewhat of a deep voice so it scares me sometimes. I had to keep my ground. "I may have lost my memory, but I know for a fact that when you love somebody you most definitely don't sleep with their worst enemy! Am I right or am I right?!" I yelled once again. He took a frustrated breath. "Look, bonita, let's just talk. Just...calm down" he said trying to hug me. I backed up. "Don't touch me." i snarled. His anger grew in his eyes. "You see?! This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you! But you just had to know, didn't you! I'm not perfect and I get that! I've made some mistakes, but I can only apologize so many damn times, Charlene!" He screamed while tears streamed down his face. "I never asked you to come after me all these times.." I said with my voice shaky. "Yeah, well sadly I did and I regret it ever since. Ever since I met you my life has been hell. Sometimes I wish I just left you in that bathroom to cry." he snarled. My heart stopped beating. I lightly gasped in shocked. He really regrets being with me? Wow. I felt another knot come in my throat as I tried to stop myself from myself from hysterically crying. i took a shaky breathe as I tear skipped down my cheek. "Well...I'm sorry you feel that way. If you want you can leave right now and stay out of my life. Go back to Brianna's bed for all I care." I said softly. I guess he realized what he had said because his eyes immediately expanded as he shook his head. "No, no, no Bonita, I'm sorry, please I-" before he could get in another word, I raced upstairs to my room. "Charlene, please wait!" I heard him yell. I could hear and feel his footsteps come after me. "Stop, please!" he yelled. I felt arms wrap around me and pull me into a wall. "Let me go!" I yelled fighting him. He held both of my hands together so I wouldn't hit him. "Get off me! I hate you!" I cried. "No...please that was what I was afraid of. Please I beg of you. Don't hate me." he pleaded still not letting me go. I pushed him with all my force making him let go. I continued running to my room. I could hear him running after me. I got to my room I close the door as fast as i could and locked it. I knew it slammed in his face. I saw the knob shake as he tried to open it from the other side. "Charlene, open the door please" he pleaded. "No! Go away! Why are you still chasing after me since you regret it some much?! Just leave me be, so you won't have to regret anymore of your life!" I yelled to the door. I felt so angry. What he said really hurt. I never thought he would say something like that. He always made it seem like it was okay. But i guess that not everyone is who they seem. "I didn't mean it. I-I was just upset. Please, bonita I'm begging you. I just wanted us to stay happy like we were this morning." he said. Lies. I could tell he was sell crying by the way his voice sounded. I wanted to believe him but I was being so stubborn with myself. "Whatever, just leave me alone right now, ok?" I asked through the door. "No...I'm staying right here until you open the door so we can talk" he said. He's so stubborn. Ugh! "There's nothing more to talk about, Jacob. You don't wanna be with me anymore. It's ok, I understand." I said softly. "That's not what I said and you know it! You know I wanna be with you and I love you. Like I said I didn't mean it. I was just mad." he said. I could tell that he was starting to get more angry. I said nothing. There was a deadly silence. I could hear him slide his back down the door and breathe heavily. After about 20 minuets of silence I heard my phone ring. "You da one that I dream about all day. You da one that I think about always. You are the one so I make sure I behave, my love is your love, your love is mine" the ringtone played. I slowly got up and made my way to the phone. I picked it up. It was a text from Jacob. 

"If I didn't love you I wouldn't have tingles every time you touch me. If I didn't love you I wouldn't forget about being in the world each time you kiss me. If I didn't love you I wouldn't think about you each and every night and morning. If I didn't love you I wouldn't go crazy each time I don't hear your voice. If I didn't love you I would be thinking about how beautiful you'll be the day we get married. If I didn't love you my heart wouldn't skip a beat each time you smile and If I didn't love you.....I wouldn't be out here in front of this door waiting to see your beautiful face, your beautiful plump lips that I love so much and your sexy body that I want to touch. If I didn't love you I would have....let them kill you first chance I had." It said. 

I just stood there. Reading it over and over again. Tears rolled down my face like no tomorrow. He's so....UGH. It's like when he does bad, I can't help but hate him and when he does good, I just want to kiss him and never stop. I took a soft shallow breathe. I slowly walked over to the door. I slammed my back against the door sliding against it. I slowly turned my head with it against the door. "Why do you do this to me?" i asked softly while putting my hand on the door. I could hear his hair moving against the door. For some reason I had a feeling his head was the exact saw way as mine. I could hear his deep shallow breathing. "Love makes me do these things, bonita" he said in a sniff. He's still crying? Wow. I don't like it when he cries. It hurts my heart not to see him happy. "Why do you love me anyway. Your handsome and you sweet, your perfect. You can have any girl you want. Why me?" I asked. I've always wanted to ask him that for a while. I just never got around to it. " make me feel special. You make me forget about what's happen to me before in my life. The little things that you do and say make my day." he said whimpered with his voice shaky. I feel the same way he does. But I don't understand what he's taking about when he says I make him forget about what's happened in his life. "What do you mean? What happened before in your life?" I asked becoming more intrigued with the conversation. "Before coming to this school. I was bullied just like you were. My bullying wasn't as bad as yours but still. I know how you feel. And while at home my dad was really abusive towards me and my mother. He always told me that I would never amount to anything a-and that he always wanted to abort me." (if you don't remember towards the beginning of the story you see Charlene talking about how her father was abusive as well.) he sobbed against the door. My heart fell to pieces. Out of all people why him? He's so sweet and caring. Of course he'll amount to something. A beautiful and sweet boy like him shouldn't have a past like that. Why kind of parent tells his child something like that? It pissed my off to know that he put his hands on my papi. "Jacob.." was all I could say as I ran my hand down the door. He said nothing. He just continued crying. My papi is hurting. It's my turn to help him. It's my turn to comfort him in his time of need. He's done so much for me, even if he didn't want to anymore. What kind of person would I be if I let him sit all alone and cry like that? I took a deep breathe and brushed my hair back with my fingers. I slowly stood up. Damn my hurts. That's the last time I sit on the floor like that. I slowly but surely opened the door to see a sight that broke my heart. He was curled up in a ball sobbing with his knees clutched to his chest. I slowly walked over to him and down next to him. When he saw me he looked shocked but then continued crying. I made him sit up and sat his arms around him. "Bonita I-" "Hush, it's ok" I whispered as I put his head under my chin and petted his hair as he cried into my chest. His tears trailed down my boobs but I didn't care. It broke my heart to see him break down like this. He doesn't deserve it. "Lo siento, papi. Calmarse. It's ok"(I'm sorry papi. calm down. It's ok) I whispered in spanish to him "P-Please don't h-hate me. I d-didn't mean it. Y-your all I have, bonita. P-please, I love you. I'm sorry" he sobbed as he clenched my shirt. "it's ok, Jacob. I understand that you being with me is hard, and I don't blame you for-" he cut me off. "No! I don't regret b-being w-with you at all. I didn't mean it. It was a mistake. i was just mad. I always want to be with you and be there for you. Please, you h-have to b-believe me. I need you. I can't go on in life knowing that the l-love of m-my life hates me." he continued sobbing as he held me tight as if I was going to leave. He raised his head up and started to plant kisses all over my face. "''m....sorry" he repeated in between each kiss. He was truly sorry. I could feel it in his kisses  "Look at me, Jacob" I said. He did as told. I put both my palms on his drenched cheeks and wiped his tears with his thumb. "I couldn't and never will hate you. Your father doesn't realize the type of son he has and it doesn't matter. I have you now and I thank God each and every day for it. Those kids were only jealous because they knew what you could and will become when you get older and so do I. Everything you did was out of love and i appreciate that." I paused and pressed my forehead against his. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes as i let another round of tears run track down my face. He took my hands and held them while still keepings them on his face. "This is what I mean when i say you make me feel special." he whispered. "I feel the exact same way." I whispered back. He smiled his beautiful smile. I smiled back feeling my dimple get deep. He stared at me as i stared at him back "You're so beautiful" he said. "And you're you handsome" I said back. We both smiled at each other. I blinked slowly before talking. "C'mon let's go in the room." I said softly while jerking my head my head towards my room. He ran his fingers through his hair and nodded his head and wiped his nose with his sleeve. So adorable. I stood up an began walking in. He grabbed my arm, spun me around and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back. I felt tingles rush through my body. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. This time I tugged on his lip asking for an entrance and he excepted right away. I felt butterflies as he deepened the kiss by gliding his tongue in my mouth. He dug his fingers into my hair restricting my head a little. I don't know why but I absolutely loved being controlled like that. This was the most passionate kiss we've ever shared. He pushed me against the wall as we started to get rougher. He bent down and picked my legs up and wrapped them around his waist holding my butt for support still not breaking the kiss. He carried me to my room. He closed the door with his foot still kissing me. I pulled away for air but he didn't stop. His lips traveled down my jaw making it's way down my neck. I moaned as his tongue went up and down on it. He laid me down on the bed. He took off his shirt and slowly crawled on top of me. His hands were planted above my shoulders as he leaned in a kissed me once again.  I dug my nails in his skin as the kissing deepened. After bout 15 more minuets of another intense make out session today,  he slowly pulled away, then went back down and kissed my bottom lips twice. "Wow." We both said with our faces touching. We looked each other deep in the eyes. It's like we were both looking down into the soul. "Te amo, Charlene" he whispered "Je t'aime, Jacob" I whispered back. I know that he said he didn't mean it but still I can't help but feell like... I'm a burden to him now...

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