May I Have This Dance? [Nalu...

By becca4leafclover

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*Modern highschool AU ^^ With their senior year at Fairy Tail High School ending, Natsu and the others are su... More

Day 1: Announcement
Day 2: How Am I Supposed to Do THAT?!
Day 4: Shippers Getting A Little Crazy!
Day 5: Asking Her Out!
The Dance! Part 1
The Dance! Part 2
The Finale! (And Epilogue I guess)

Day 3: Confessions

194 6 0
By becca4leafclover

Sorry it's short, I have to get this posted and then get to bed before my parents bust me X'D


Natsu walked with Lucy (as always) to school. She seemed to be constantly suggesting something, although Natsu wasn't really paying attention as more trying to figure out his love life and get himself under control.

"Soo... you going to the dance on Friday?" she asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah. Heh, funny story actually, Happy kind of forced me to?" Natsu replied, laughing awkwardly.

Lucy silently tried to contain her laughter. "I wonder how he did that... Threaten your food?"

Nastu reeled back in fake shock. "He better not have!" he then grinned his signature grin. "Nah, something else."

"Oh, mind telling me?"

Crap Lucy WHY. Natsu turned red and pressed his lips together.

"I-I'd rather not- at least, not right now." Lucy visibly saddened.

"Oh, okay."

They had gotten to the school grounds, and Natsu was becoming distinctly uncomfortable (in strangely a good way. What is seriously happening in Natsu's brain?)

"Ohheylookthere'sLevyandJuviaandErzawhydon'tyougohangoutwiththemI'llseeyouatlunch." Natsu speedtalked and nudged Lucy in the girls' direction, and was gone before she could protest.

Crap. I swear I'm gonna kill Happy and Mira for this. I have no idea how to freaking be NEAR Luce right now, let alone ask her out! Natsu groaned and slid to the ground against the school wall.

"Wow Flame Brain, I don't think I've ever seen you look this dejected, even when you got an F on that report about magic."

Only one person ever calls me that...

"Seriously Ice Freak? Now's not the time." Natsu complained and scowled at the ground in front of him. Grey crouched down in front of him and started staring at the pinkette intently. "Uh, Grey, what are you doing...?" Natsu questioned cautiously.

"You are madly in love with Lucy, aren't you?" he finally answered.

Natsu pursed his lips and he knew he started turning red again.

"WHY DOES EVERYONE SAY THAT?! IS IT REALLY THAT OBVIOUS?!" he screeched, drawing attention from a few of the random girls that were hanging about nearby.

Grey smirked. "If you know what to look for, yes it is, Coal-for-Brains." Always finds a way to insult me, huh.

"I could say the same for you and Juvia, Stripper."

That caught Grey off guard. "That's different, she's madly in love with me-"

"And you like her too, no matter how much of a jerk you are to her."

The raven haired boy paused for a second. "Yeah well so what? We're talking about you here, Pyro, not me!"

"So? I don't want to talk about this, just like you! So screw off Grey!" Natsu lit his fist on fire, making his point as he glared at the ice wizard.

Grey stepped back a step, before his gaze turned cold and harsh like his ice. "Fine. Sorry for trying to be nice for once. Have fun trying to sort your love life out yourself." With that the ice make mage walked away to go hang out with Gajeel and Lyon, most likely.

Natsu watched him for a moment longer, before extinguishing his hand. "I am Grey, I am..." I'm so screwed.

Natsu was at lunch, eating away from the rest of his friends again. He normally did it whenever he had something serious to think about, which is probably why all his friends were onto him so fast. Sometimes I really wish I didn't have such a big mouth. Then I could at least keep my own secrets without anyone prying.

"Yo Salamander." Natsu looked up to see Gajeel.

"What Gajeel?" Natsu snapped, getting a little miffed at everyone interrupting his thoughts.

"Heard you've got yourself a love predicament." That made Natsu's heart stop for a moment.

He wouldn't have...

Gajeel was smirking his usual sh*t eating smirk. (Excuse my language, I'm sorry but that's the best way to describe what I'm thinking of) "If you're thinking of beating anyone up after school, don't. I heard it from a little bluebird last night, after you nearly roasted him."

Natsu knew who Gajeel was talking about immediately. "I swear I'm gonna kill Happy... Look, I'm not-"

"Don't pull any 'I-don't-like-anyone' crap on me Natsu, I think it's obvious enough you've liked Bunny Girl over there a lot longer than you realize. Heck, half the school says they think you two liked each other since the day she transferred here." Natsu shot up.

"Seriously?! Who do they think they are?! That was like, freshman year! No one falls in love then! Heck, I shouldn't even like anyone right now!" Natsu stopped when he realized what he just yelled out to the entire cafeteria.


Gajeel really had that damn smirk going now. Grey was hunched over, slapping his thigh in laughter, while the girls either had shocked looks on their faces or were also laughing their butts off. Natsu glared at Gajeel, who only held up his hands in defense.

"That was all you, Salamander. Good job to let your fire get the best of you." With that the iron dragon slayer got up from Natsu's booth and sat down on his own seat.

Why you sly son of a- Oh forget it. Natsu sighed and slammed his face into his hands again. Well now you've really done it, haven't you Natsu. Now I've really got to ask Luce out or the entire school will be on my butt for ruining my senior year- or their ship years. He really hated Mirajane for enlightening him on the subject of "romantic pairs of relationships". He was pretty sure the she-devil shipped pretty much everyone in the school, even all the kids with rival pairs. Looking through the gaps in his fingers,

Natsu saw that Levy had gone over to Gajeel and sat down next to him. Why not across from him like a normal person? As he watched, Levy and Gajeel started a chatting easily, and finally Gajeel apparently said something to get Levy to squeal and throw her arms around him. He was surprised at first, and then smiling with a look on his face he had never seen the tough guy wear.

Well even I'm not dense enough to know Gajeel just got a date. WAY TO SHOW ME UP, GAJ.

Something clinked inside Natsu's head, and he frowned thoughtfully to himself. Should I actually ask Luce out? I guess nothing can go wrong, can it? It's not like I haven't done tons of other embarrassing things and she hasn't cared at all. Crap, I can't believe I'm actually thinking about this.

Natsu looked to where his blonde crush was sitting, and was surprised to see her looking his way as well. Natsu immediately averted his eyes.

I guess I'm committed to getting myself a date out of my best friend.  


ThIs FeElS sO cHeEsY i SwEaR >.<

I gtg post this on DevART and then go to bed so auf weidersehen!

-Becca out

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