A Mob Boss's Territory (Book...

By royal888

379K 20K 6.7K

Please don't read this book unless you have read A Mob Boss's Heirs. There are spoilers in this Book from the... More

Author's Note
1. December 1979 (Viggo)
2. December 1979 (Vincenzo)
3. Terza's Touch
4. Terza's Heart
6. A Jasmin's Call
7. Terza's Fears
8. A Father's Love
9. Born To Be A Don
10. Future Battles
11. Teenage Perceptions
12. Tension At Harlem
13. His Beloved's Battles
14. His Honour
15. Watching Snow
16. Scent of Roses
17. The Church In Harlem
18. His Destiny
19. His Oath
20. Unforgettable Love
21. Battle of Scorpious
22. Invader
23. Icy Times
24. The Love Of A Woman
25. Two Heirs & Their Duties
26. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 1)
27. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 2)
28. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 3)
29. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 4)
30. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 5)
31. The Young Don (Part 1)
32. The Young Don (Part 2)
33. The Young Don (Part 3)
34. The Young Don (Part 4)
35. The Young Don (Part 5)
36. Flying Back To New York
37. The Welcome
38. Nolan At The Mansion
39. Irish Nemesis
40. Show Down
41. 4 Minutes
42. The Past (Part 1)
43. Keys
44. Traitor
45. Adele's Embrace & River of No Return
46. Her Knight
47. Battles Inside
48. Truth
49. Mistakes & Regrets
50. Chambers
51. Allies Always
52. True Meanings
53. Self Discovery
54. One Question
55. True Power
56. New Dawn of Threats
57. His Mother's Words
58. A Hurtful Truth
59. In The City
60. View Of Future
61. Fathers Minds
62. Sweet Dreams
63. Happy Times With Her
64. Early Visit
65. Talking Points
66. Negotiations
67. Cold Wind of Change
68. His Decisions & Choices

5. His Choices

7.8K 372 183
By royal888

Clarisa wondered why he asked that question. He never had to but he did regardless. Vincenzo always asked her to tell him when to stop even though he never needed to simply because Vincenzo always knew when to stop. He could feel it. He could tell when his Terza didn't want to be close to him just by the look in her eyes or by the feel of her lips on his.

Vincenzo's breath brushed on her lips and before she knew it, he attached his lips to hers. She loved this kiss even though she wished she didn't. He was hard to resist. Why did he have to force down her barriers? Why did he have to make her lose control? Truth hurt. She missed him as much as he missed her but nothing changed the fact that his choices had taken her choices away. She was meant to despise him but she didn't. She couldn't. She had tried. He said he loved her but she wanted him to prove it to her. She deserved a proper boyfriend and not a part time one all in secret. This mess was so complicated. He deserved a chance but if he truly loved her, he was going to fight for her harder now that Vitale was turning eighteen.

Vitale was now a force and could take care of his own. If Vincenzo's cousin had backbone then he had to claim his girl now. It was now or never. Clarisa had told herself she was willing to wait until college. If Vincenzo didn't fight back, it was over. If he let her go, then she had to walk away. Love was not enough to conquer all. Determination and persistance mattered too.

Vincenzo slowly pulled away and stared into her eyes as he whispered " Terza... Tell me... What do you want right now? What do you want more than anything?"

Clarisa shook her head as she chuckled. She leaned her head to the wall and looked up the ceiling " I want what I have always wanted... I want you to challenge me Vincenzo... I want you to show me everything about you..." She then looked into his eyes as she glanced back at him " But more than anything I want you to fight for me. Right now you are bound by the covenant to keep Letizia safe and this is your approach. I know you are tied down right now and still I am wary of your possessive side... Right now you have to keep away. So I haven't felt your fill force fighting mode. I think it's a blessing you can't chase me... I am feeling quite free without a man to control me...."

Vincenzo retorted " Terza. I would never do that... I don't intend to control you..."

Terza sighed and looked away " Either way I am not kicking you where you will feel pain because I don't miss you enough Vincenzo. I like my freedom. It's a blessing you can't claim me. I am not ready for you..."

Vincenzo whispered back " You don't need to be ready... We can go slow Terza..."

Clarisa turned to looked at him " Well, for now it doesn't matter... Letizia is by your side...."

Vincenzo argued " Not for long... I promise you..."

Clarisa stated into his gorgeous eyes trying to memorise them. He still looked innocent. She smiled " Don't promise me... There is no need... I want you to fight for me... I want to see it Vincenzo. I want you to fight for me long and hard if you want me... Because be damn sure I will fight back long and hard. I won't be nodding my head to everything you say following your lead. If you want to make me follow you, you have to fight for it... to earn my respect."

Vincenzo raised an eyebrow " Terza... You are challenging me before it's your time to do so... Don't be in a rush. Enjoy your freedom while it lasts."

Clarisa smiled sweetly " You enjoy your pretence with Letizia while it lasts... My father says if you don't fight hard enough for what you want then someone else will." She expected a reaction and wasn't disappointed.

Vincenzo gave out a dark chuckle as he leaned close and spoke in a low tone as his lips were inches from hers. His warm breath was tickling her lips yet she felt cold as a shiver went down her spine as he stared her down " You are playing with fire Terza. You say I am tied down. There are binds holding me back from claiming you. But I will claim you Terza. I won't take any prisoners when I do... That's a promise..."

She could imagine if those binds that had tied him down and had kept him away came off, she was going to feel the full force of his love. Was she meant to look forward to that day? Probably. But she felt nervous. She wasnt yet prepared enough to be his partner on any level. But even if she wasn't ready when he claimed her she had to face him. She breathed " Game on, big wolf."

Vincenzo slowly attached his lips to hers giving her even a more possessive kiss. Vincenzo was so gentle but he was making her lean onto the wall to support herself as he deepened the kiss taking full control. That was their battle for domination. He slowly put his hands on her hips as she put her hands on his chest for support. He was memorising the touch.

Clarisa closed her eyes and allowed him to lead the kiss. She was compromising. She could feel that he was restless. He needed to touch her. He needed this kiss more than anything.

Clarisa just wished he wasnt so dramatic about this relationship that wasnt even a real official relationship. He claimed her while he went out with Letizia. What a mess this was. But he got to act protetcive and dramatic without raising suspicion just like he always did.

The last time Vincenzo had unleashed his wrath was in Rome. She had befriended the son of an American ambassador who happened to be Vincenzo's cousin Austin. Vincenzo's uncle Angelo had an affair with Elize O'Brien or rather had pretended to have done that so they were given permission to get married. Elize was a senator's daughter and Vincenzo's uncle Angelo had married her but they didn't live together. Elize worked for the American embassy in Rome in Italy while her husband Angelo Lombardi was a family doctor to the Rosarios in America. When Clarisa had worked with Austin on a journalism project since they were both interns in the same place, Vincenzo had not been happy. He had made sure Austin knew the rules. That was back in the summer when Vincenzo had showed up with his father on a business trip. Nothing escaped his eye since she was staying at an Agostini hotel. Andreas and Vitale told him everything.

Austin was just lucky he was related to Vincenzo or he was dead. Austin lived at the boarding school in Milan but travelled back and forth to Rome to see his mother st the American embassy and attended her networking events. Austin came to the Agustini mansion quite often and they got along at work. His mistake was he was too friendly with her. Grave mistake. Austin was toasted and roasted by Vincenzo.

Clarisa felt his hot breath on her lips as he pulled away slightly. She had closed her eyes and hadn't put much effort into the kiss. The beast inside her beloved was restless. She could feel it. He wanted more. But she couldn't give him more. She allowed him to have a hello and goodbye kiss. She couldn't deny him that. She had tried to deny him but she couldn't. She did feel sympathy to the beast even though he needed none. He was a master of anything he attempted. At a young age, he was more knowledgable in any topic compared to most adults around him. He was a dangerous criminal in every way. He was a threat. Yet she felt sympathy for him.

Vincenzo asked " Open your eyes Terza."

Clarisa opened her eyes looking up. She tried to not react to his closeness but a shiver ran down her spine. She was unsure what to feel. She was attracted to him but didn't want to get close. How could she when he was calling another his girl. It was not right. She wanted to get away but he had trapped her. He was standing right in front of her, putting his hands on rather side of her. His muscular chest was inches from her. She took a shaky breath " I gave you kisses. I should go now... I can't carry on."

Vincenzo gave her a smile. " Can't you or won't you? There is a difference. Which one is it truly?"

Clarisa replied " What does it matter? You don't fight for me Vincenzo. It makes no difference."

Vincenzo replied sharply " Terza. You are mine. I dare you to deny it."

Clarisa replied " I dare you to prove it."

Just then as Vincenzo was about to reply, the phone rang."

Vincenzo's expression changed to serious " I have to answer this. Excuse me for a minute."

Clarisa took a deep breath and slipped away as Vincenzo turned to walk to the phone. She put her hand on her heart as she was taking deep breaths. She hated how much effect he had on her. But she vowed to never allow him to control her. He denied ever wanting to control her but he was Vincenzo. He always got his way.

As she put her hand on the door knob, he picked the phone up. She quickly turned the knob and slipped out. Vincenzo hadn't locked the door because he didn't want her to feel trapped. He gave her the choice to when to leave. In return she was allowing him to have moments close to her. A compromise.

Vincenzo didn't expect a phone call from him. This was not the best night but since when did he care about Vincenzo's schedule? He was watching him from far and had chosen that night to have a little meeting. He reluctantly nodded as he was instructed to go to see him.

Vincenzo put the phone down and sighed as he looked at the screens showing Terza back in the waiting room. He changed the codes on the circuits and instructed his men to terminate the security lock down. It was time to go. He wasn't in a good mood for his short notice to see him this time but he was like that. He just turned up when he wanted to.

Vincenzo made his way out of his room and to the exit. He went to the staff car park and ordered his men to drive him to the Rosario hotel for dealing with business. It felt strange to see him after so long. Vincenzo made his way inside under watchful eyes of his guards. He instructed his guards to wait around while he walked to the empty boardroom that he used for meetings. He slowly closed the door. He walked around slowly expecting to see him. He was a phantom. He was everywhere. Vincenzo sighed as he walked to the glass tinted windows of the boardroom that showed a view of the entertainment hall of the hotel. People were laughing and joking. They were dancing to the music. They were care free on their holiday in New York.

Then he heard a door open. Vincenzo then heard his voice from behind "Turn around and let me look at you.... my heir."

Vincenzo wasnt his heir. He was his father's heir. But he turned around with a soft expression "Welcome back grandpa..." Vincenzo saw grandpa coming inside from the secret passage. His grandfather had helped build all these hotels in this area. He was an architect. He was an engineer. He was a criminal mastermind. His grandfather could move from one place to another without being traced.

Vincenzo watched his grandpa walk towards him "You have changed so much since I last saw you... You look more and more like your father every day."

Vincenzo replied "You havent changed at all grandpa."

Grandpa embraced his grandson and then pulled away as he kissed Vincenzo's forehead. He pulled slightly away and looked into his eyes as he had his hands on his shoulders "Let's go for a walk tonight. There is so much to do." He then let go of him and walked towards the secret door expecting him to follow.

Vincenzo whispered "Grandpa.. About that. I am to go to the O'Neil mansion tonight. I cant stay for long with you..."

Grandpa sharply turned and stared at his grandson " What did you say? Did I hear correctly? Since when does an Irish dictate your schedule? " He then chuckled darkly "Whats next? You will tell grandpa you want to marry an Irish?" His expression turned cold "Dont question me tonight Vincenzo."

Vincenzo sighed and followed his grandfather into the passage. Knowing his grandfather he was certain he normally made quick work of everything. He took no prisoners. So he knew most likely he could make it late to Terza's welcome party.

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