kiss my wrist

By obsessedwithonika

18.6K 770 158


kiss my wrist
the text
trust me
no new friends
The party
revenge is a bitch
Not anymore
I need you
Prom part 1
Prom part 2
I missed you
A Coma
Hard To Do
I Lied
The sequel!

New start

810 37 8
By obsessedwithonika

Nicki's POV

we were putting things in the car, getting ready to leave our little weekend getaway. I was going to get in the car but safaree stopped me.

"Wait! I still have one more surprise" he pulled me close to him and kissed me. "here"

He handed me a small black rectangle box. I opened it and my eyes grew wide when I saw what it was a pink heart shaped diamond necklace.

"its a necklace and represents our love for each other"

"aww faree that's so sweet" I smiled at him but he didn't smile back he just put his head down.

"babe whats wrong?" I asked him

"I'm sorry" he said

"for what?"

"for everything that's been going on lately" he grabbed my face so I was looking into his eyes "Onika I promise that I will always be there for you from now on and I'm never going to hurt you again."

He only calls me onika when I he's serious so I believed. I kissed him and he deepened it. I pulled back and looked into his eyes again

"I already forgave you baby" I smiled at him and he smiled back. I took the necklace out of the box and turned around and pulled my hair up so he could help me put it on.

"babe its so beautiful! I love it"

"and I love you" he said pulling me into another kiss "come one lets go home"


today is im going to a new school. I just couldnt take going to the old school anymore with everyone calling me a baby killer so I just needed to transfer but the good thing is that rihanna is coming with me because she got expelled from school for getting into a fight with misty. let me just say damn riri whooped her ass! even took a chunk of her hair out but misty got what was coming to her. safaree decided to stay at our old school because he didint want to leave his friends behind. I told him that because I wanted him to happy.

"im so nervous" I said to safaree and riri as I got out the car

"dont be baby its going to ok" he said

"yeah dont be you have me if anybody tries to mess with you im knock the shit out of them" riri said

I laughed and hugged her "thank you boo I love you"

"I love you too" she said "more then you know" she whispered




"so I guess this is good bye" I said looking towards safaree

"only for now i'll be back to get you after school"

"okay babe"

I kissed him and walked with riri towards the office. they gave us our schedules and we only had two classes together.

"see your around babe" she said hugging me

"bye boo" I said kissing her cheek

"hey dont let anybody mess with you!"

I laiughed "I wont" I said as I walked away.

I had walked around the school at least twice and I still couldnt find my find my class. I was looking down at the school map when I ran into somebody and all my papers fell on the floor.

"oh my bad lil mama" he siad picking up my papers and handing them to me

"thank you" I said he was about to walk away before I could ask him for help "hey wait can you help me find my class?"

"yeah show me your schedule" I handed him my schedule and he looked at it

"we have the same class together so follow me"

we walked together to first period

"my name is aubrey but you can call me drake"

I smile at him because I thought that it was a cute name "my name is onika but you can call me nicki"

"aubrey your late again" our teacher said as drake went to sit down

"sorry mrs.sanchez I was helping this pretty young lady to class" I blushed a little

"you must be our new student. class this our new student ..."

"nicki" I said

"nice to meet you nicki you can take a seat next to aubrey"

"mrs sanchez I told you to call me drake"

"nicki please have a seat next to AUBREY"

"man whatever" he said rolling his eyes. I laughed and took a seat next to drake. Mrs.Sanchez started to teach the class.

"So why did you move here?" drake asked me

"I've always lived her but I had to move schools"

"Why did you move schools"

"Cuz I hated the kids and they all seemed to hate me" I said putting my head down

"I don't see how anyone could hate a pretty girl like you" he said lifting my chin up. I blushed a little

"Thank you" I said smiling at him

"Mr.Graham when your done flirting with Ms.Nicki you can escort yourself to detention" Mrs.Sanchez said

"What?! why?!"

"You know my rule on talking in class it's an automatic in class detention and for you nicki since your new this is your one and only warning"

Drake smaked his lips and rolled his eyes.

"Bye baby girl see you at lunch" he smiled at me at me and I smiled back. he walked out and Mrs.sanchez continued teaching.


"That class was so fucking boring" Rihanna said to me as we walked out of our math class to lunch

"I know right! I'm glad it's lunch" I said I then felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist

"Hey lil mama"

"Drake stahp" I giggled "I have a boyfriend"

"With all this giggling it doesn't seem like you want me to stop"

"I'm serious please stop"

"Okay okay" he said taking his hands off of my waist

"Thank you" I said turning around to look at him

"And who is this pretty thing" he said referring to Rihanna

"This is my best friend Rihanna"

"Hey I'm Aubrey but you can call me drake"

"Hey drake" she said smiling. we all stood there quiet for a second

"Do you guys want to have lunch with my friends?"

"Yeah sure" me and Rihanna said in unison

"Okay come on" we followed him into the cafeteria and we sat In the coner with of three girls and two guys

"guys this nicki and rihanna they're new here so be nice"

"rihanna and nicki this is trey, kim, Dhea, Beyoncé and mark.

we sat down and rihanna started talking to trey while I started talking to drake.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are?"

"Drake stop it your such a flirt"

"Don't act like you don't like it"

I blushed a little "and who says that I did like it"

"Your smile says it all" I just stayed quiet

"mhm that's what I thought"

I laughed a little "shut up drake your gonna get me in trouble I have a boyfriend"

"Whatever nicki" he said getting up from the table "one day you'll be mine"

"Where are you going?"

"I gotta take care of something but I'll see you around bye nic" he hugged me and then left. then Kim gave me a stank face she had been staring at me the whole time and I was tired of it.

"What are you looking at?" I sad giving her a stank face back

"Oh nothing" she said but she continued to stare

"Can I help you?!" I asked getting annoyed

"I would just appreciate if you wouldn't flirt with my man"

"Your man? he wasn't saying that when he was trying to pick me up my waist"

"You know what bitch you have only been here for 5 minutes and I already don't like you"

"You don't gave to like me you don't even know me!" I said getting angry

"Listen bitch I'm only going to say this once come towards my man and I will cut you!" she said getting in my face

"Hey if you don't leave her alone I'm going to have to cut you!"riri said stepping in

"And who the fuck do you think you are you basic looking bitch!" Kim said to riri

"Bitch I will fuck you up!" Riri said stepping in Kim's face

"Kim just stop it! we all know that drake isn't your man anymore" Beyoncé said to Kim

"What kind of friend are you?" dhea Said to Beyoncé

"Whatever guys I'm just tired of being fake you guys need to keep it real" Beyoncé said. both dhea and Kim got up and left the table

"Beyoncé your out of the group" Kim said

We all sat back down after they left "im sorry about all of this mess. every since drake broke up with kim she has been acting extra crazy! more crazy then normal and I can't take that anymore

"I don't blame you I just met her and she already seems like a crazy bitch" riri said and we all started busting out laughing. then the bell rang and we all had the next class together so we all walked together. the rest of the day went by normal.

me and rihanna were waiting for safaree to pick us up. when drake came up to us. he looked all beaten up.

"drake oh my what happened to you?"

"It's nothing nicki I'm okay" just then safaree pulled up

"Look I gotta go but here's my number call me anytime you need to" I gave him my number and me and riri got in the car.

"Hey baby" he said as he kissed my cheek

"Hey babe"

"How was your day?"

"It was okay"

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure"

We pulled into the driveway after dropping off riri and we sat in the car for a second "baby are you okay? you've been quite the whole time"

"Sorry I'm just tired" I lied I was really thinking about drake. I know I just met him and all but I was still worried about him

"Are you sure that's it's?

"Yeah baby I'm just tired" I said to him

"Well I got just the thing for you" he got out of the car and carried me inside and up the stairs.

"Stay here" he said as he laid me on the bed. he went into the bathroom and I heard the water start running about 15 minutes later he came back in the room . "come here baby" he said I got up and followed him to the bathroom and there was candles lit and bubble water in the tub

"Aww thank you babe I needed this"

"You said your were tired so I wanted you to relax"

I kissed him passionately "I love you safaree I mean that"

"I love you too baby"


Hey Guys I'm so sorry it's been a long time since I've updated it's cuz I've been busy with school -.- I hate that place but anyways u liked it! :) sorry for any mistakes

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