Prom part 2

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nicki's POV

"You look so beautiful!" Riri said to me

"Thank you boo and so do you" I was wearing a short prom dress. that had a tight corset on top and a short poofy skirt on bottom. and of course it was pink!. Riri was wearing a long black dress that was showed all of her back. she was my sexy mama for the night. "where's safaree?"

"he's at wayne's house they're going to meet us there" wayne didn't go to my school but he wanted to crash our prom.

"oh okay" I grabbed my keys and we walked out the door and got in my car.

Safaree's POV

me and wayne were both puttung on our suits, getting ready for tonight. I really wanted everything to be nice for nicki. I wanted it to be special. so tonight I went all out. I had a casual black suit and I even got a tie. after I helped wayne put on his tie we were ready to go. I grabbed the pink crosage for nicki and a pink rose to go with it and we walked out the door

Kim's POV

I was in charge of the decorations committee. we mad sure everything looked nice and perfect.

"dhea did you do what I asked you to do?"

"yeah I threw out all the ballads and replaced them all with ones that said nicki on it so she is sure to win"

"thanks boo and did you put the thing above the stage like I told you?"

"yes just like you asked"

"thanks" I said I then pulled her in close to me and kissed her. yes, me and dhea are "together". she thinks I love her but Im really just using her to do all my dirty work for me and after that Im going to dump her.

"Come on lets go get ready for tonight" she said she grabbed my hand and we walked out

Nicki's POV

we pulled up to the school and there was so many people and they all looked nice. I dont know why but I was nervous I justed wanted everything to be perfect tonight and even though I knew I wasnt going to win prom queen I really wanted to. me and riri walked in hand in hand. when we walked into the room the whole room got quiet and all eyes were on me and riri. I felt like the whole room quiet as they just stared. people moved out the way as we walked into the middle of the room. I knew we looked good but damn I didn't know we looked that good.

eventually everyone stopped staring and went back to dancing and I looked around for safaree. I didn't find safaree but I did find drake

"Wow you look....uh amazing" he said as I walked up to him.

"Thanks" I said as I hugged him

"Can I have this first dance?"

"Thanks but no thanks I'm still looking for my boyfriend"

"Oh really?" he said "so I'm finally going to meet this boyfriend of yours?"

I laughed a little "yeah I guess if you want to"

"Well nicki I'll see you around" he grabbed my hand and kissed it. then he walked away leaving me alone. A few seconds later it felt a pair of hands wrap around me.

"You look beautiful tonight" safaree whispered in my ear as he kissed my neck. I turned around so I was facing him and smiled at him "who was that?"

"It's nobody babe just a friend"

"Mhhmm what kind of friend kisses your hand"

"Babe stop it" I said sounding irritated

"I'm sorry it's just.."

"Just what? because it sort of sounds like you don't trust me"

"Baby of course I do I just .."

"No save it" I said walking away to go find Rihanna

"Nicki I'm sorry I just want everyone to know that you your mine"

"Babe no one is going to take me from You okay?"

"Yes nic"

"Now let's go dance!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the dance floor. right as we walked on the floor partition by beyonce came on. he put his hands on my waist as my hips swayed from side. I could feel myself getting lost in the music like it was just me and safaree in the room.  he ran his hands down my body sending chills through out me. I wanted him right then and there but I controlled myself. I turned around and kissed him passionately and he put his hands on my ass. before things could get too heated the music stopped and kim came on the stage. 

"good evening el rancho high schoolers it is now time to announce prom king and queen. lets start off with prom kings nominees" she then read the list of nominess "and the winner is drake!" The crowd cheered as drake walked up on the stage and took the plastic crown they hand for him and put it on his head.

"now time for the prom queen nominees. The nominees are Dhea sodano, Nicki maraj, Lauren Martinez and last but definitely not least me!" she gave a fake smile into the crowd "and the winner is Nicki maraj!!"

my heart dropped as I heard me name being called. "congratz baby" I heard safaree say. I kissed his cheek and walked on the stage and took the tiara that they had waiting for me. 

"so nicki how do you feel right now?" kim asked me and for some reason she was smiling at me. 

"I feel great!" 

"not for long you wont" 

"huh" just then I felt something warm and sticky fall on me. I was covered in it. Then a bucket fell on me. I took the bucket off my head to see kim and the whole school laughing at me. I walked off the stage as the laughing continued. I started to run, I ran to my car as I heard safaree call after me but I didnt stop running. I got into my car and quickly drove off. 

when I got home I went straight to the bathroom since I was sticky. I took off my dress and stepped into the shower. The hot water ran down my body as it washed away all my problems from today. I got out the shower and dried off. I threw on some underwear and one of safaree shirts. I walked out the bathroom and safaree was laying on the bed. I didn't say anything I just laid on the bed with him. I scooted closer to him and out my head on his chest.

"baby are you okay?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around me

"yeah im okay" I lied on the outside I was okay while on the inside I was done with everything. I closed my eyes and feel asleep.

Safaree's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and nicki was not in bed anymore. I then heard a loud noise come from down the hall. I quickly got out of the bed and ran down the hall. I saw nicki destroying her room. she pushed her desk on the ground and ripped her posters off the walls. She was going to punch the wall but I stopped her.

"let me go!" she said as she tried to kick her way out of my grip but I wasn't going to let her go. she stop kicking and broke down crying. "faree why don't people like me?" she said looking at me with tear filled eyes.

"because there jealous" a slight smile came across her face "there jealous of that beautiful smile"

she smiled at me for a little bit before crying some more "I don't get it? safaree I'm a nice person"

"I know baby they don't see you for how wonderful you truly are." I picked her up and carried he back to bed as she silently cried "I love you baby" I said to her 

"I love you too safaree"


sorry for any mistakes and sorry this took so long ive been so busy. 

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