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Safaree's pov

I left the party cause I saw nicki go upstairs with that guy. it really pissed me off so I decided to leave the party without her. If she likes him so much she can get a ride home from him. I got home, sat on the couch and turned on the tv. I soon realized that I wasn't really watching it. I was to busy thinking about nicki with that guy. how could she do that to me! if she only she knew how much I loved her! she is the best thing that has happened to me in along time. I got so pissed that I got up and punched a hole in the wall. I took a deep breath to try and calm down. I wanted to stay up and wait until nicki got home but I was so mad I just went to bed.

I woke up and the house was completely silent it was too quite. usually nicki would be up by now. She's such a morning person she would be watching tv or blasting her music but today it was quite. I got and went to her room and she wasn't there. I went downstairs to the kitchen she wasn't there. I searched the whole house and she was nowhere to be found. I grabbed my phone and called her but the call went straight to voice mail so I knew her phone was off. I called Rihanna. maybe she had spent the night there.

"Hello?" Rihanna said she sounded like she has just woken up

"Hey Riri it's safaree I was just wondering if you know where nicki is?"

"No I haven't seen her since last night when she left by herself"

"Do you know where she went?" I said as I started to get a little worried

"I assumed she was going home. wait so your telling me you don't where Nicki is?"

"Yeah I woke up this morning and she wasn't here.... I think she's missing"

"Oh my god! just give me a second and i'll come over and help you look for her"

"Okay" I hung up the phone and about 25 minutes later Rihanna showed up and we drove around the town and we couldn't find her anywhere I was getting so worried. were could she be. after spending all day looking for her I dropped riri off at her house and went home and called the police. because of Nicki's age they said that she has to be missing for 24 hours which I don't understand since Nicki is only 17. not knowing what else to do I called Nicki's friends which wasn't many and they all said that they haven't seen Nicki or heard from Nicki. so there is one last place I thought I look her father's house.

I got to her fathers house and knocked  on the door and Nicki's dad open the door. "who the fuck are you?" he breath smelled like alcohol "Hi Mr.Maraj I'm safaree I was just wondering if you seen nicki?"

"I ain't seen that bitch since she left with some guy" he said with a smile "probably out there hoeing" I punched him and he fell on the floor. how dare he talk about nicki that way and then all I could think about was him punching nicki so hit him again "and if you EVER put your talk about nick or put your hands around her again I WILL kill you and that's a promise not a threat! do you understand?" I walked out the door, got in my car, went home and tried to get to go to sleep.

Nicki's Pov

I woke up and I was sitting in a chair. my hands and legs were tied up and there was a blind fold over my eyes. I immediately started to panic and I tried to get up but whatever was holding me down was too strong

"well, well, well, looks who's awake" a voice said then somebody took the blind fold of me. I closed my eyes because the light was too bright. once my eyes adjusted  I saw that there was three guys staring at me. I quickly realized that it was blake, thomas and ryan.

"hey there sleeping beauty" blake said as he tried to touch my face but I moved it away "uh uh be nice" he said grabbing my face

"fuck you!" I said  and he slapped me "your going to pay for that!" ryan came over and started to touch my boobs "dont touch me!" I yelled but he didnt listen. thomas came over and looked at me "your going to be so much fun" he said with a smirk. I spitt in his face and he slapped me so hard that is stung.

"untie her now!" thomas said. ryan and blake came over and untied me and then thomas pushed me on the floor. He kicked me in the stomach. I tried to crawled away but he pulled me back."AND WHERE TO YOU THINK YOUR GOING BITCH" he yelled and he kicked me again. ryan and blake were laughing in the background. he got down on the ground and punched me. "please im sorry" he just looked at me as I started to cry "no its too late for sorry! now take her to the room!" ryan and blake came, one of them grabbed my arms and the others grabbed my legs and they started to carry me out of the current room we were in and into another one. I started screaming and tried to get out of there grasp "thats okay scream and kick all you want but your not going anywhere" thomas said 

they carried me into another room with a bed. they threw me on the bed and tied my arms and legs to the bed post "PLEASE LET ME GO!" I screamed but they didnt to listen to me. ryan ripped my dressed off and ran his hands up and down my body. "why are you doing this to me?"

"cuz we can" blake said ryan climbed off me and thomas climbed on me as he unbutton his pants "please dont do this" I said with tears in my eyes. he looked at me as he shoved himself inside of me. I screamed in pain. he thursted in me deep and hard. blake came over and put a piece of duct tape over my mouth. when thomas was finshed and then ryan took his turn and then blake. when they were done they walked out the room laughing. my throat was dry from all the crying I was doing. I was in a alot of pain. all I wanted was for safaree to hold me and tell me that everything was going to be okay.

I fell asleep and I didnt even realize it until I heard thomas come in with a syringe full of some white substance. he walked around to the side of the bed and helt the syringe to my neck. and put the needle in. I then felt a burning sensation in my neck. then my whole body started to get heavy as I fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the woods with my clothes back on. there was bruises all over my body and there was blood on my legs. it was broad daylight and I didn't know where I was. I got up and tried to walk but it was really hard. my whole body was weak and my cookie was burning. I started to stumble forward and after about what seemed like an hour I finally found my way out of the woods and I had found a road. I walked up the the road. I dont know how I did it but I manged to find riri's house I knocked on the door and she opened the door.

"OMG nicki! what happened to you?" Before I could even answer she pulled me towards her car "come on! we have to get you home safaree has been worried sick about you!" I got in the car and she drove fast as hell to my house she pulled in my drive way and looked me in the eyes "do you want me to come inside?" I nodded my head no and got out the car and went inside. "safaree?" I said but there was no answer so I assumed he wasnt home. I walked into the living room and saw that the place was a mess and that there was a hole in the wall. I looked at the digital clock we have on the wall and it said that it was Wednesday. I started to cry was I really gone that long? It felt like I was only gone for two days. I then heard the front door opened and close. I looked up and saw that safaree was standing there. I ran into his arms crying uncontrollably.

"nicki! what happened to you?" he said as wrapped his arms around me tightly. I let out a slight scream beaucse I was still very sore. "I dont want to talk about it. Just hold me and dont let me go." he rubbed my back as I cried. He picked me up and carried me upstairs and tried to make me lay down "I want to take a shower" he put me down and I walked towards the bathroom.

Safaree's Pov

I layed on the bed and waited for nicki to come out the shower. I swear to god im going to kill who ever did this to nicki! I started to drift of to sleep thinking about what I was going to the person who did this to nicki until I heard nicki crawl into bed. she laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes. "nic what happen?" she stayed quiet as started to cry again. "babe please tell me" she started to cry even more.

"the-they raped me" she completely broke down in tears. I just held her tigther and she flinched a little "babe who?" she looked at my me and said "thomas, ryan and blake"

"I dont want to talk about it" she said in between sobs "its okay we can talk later" she nodded her yes and she put her head right under my chin. not soon after that she was asleep. I grabbed my phone and called wayne. I was going to make sure that thomas, ryan and blake paid for what they did to nicki.

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